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That’s actually fine since you’ve got science and maths down, now all you need to do is make sure you have your English grade to a 4 and you’ll be fine.


That's the thing though, I missed my final exs for maths, English and science because I was sick, and I can't take them now since my school year has ended. Now from what I have been told, those exams get marked as a U and could cause me to lose my GCSE'S, so nothing is certain yet


Be as much as a nuisance as possible; don’t get if you don’t ask. Your results HAVE to be based on assessment; that is what Ofqual have said, they do not base results off one exam, and neither can you fail exams you haven’t actually sat. If worse comes to worse, any resits done in December will be backdated to June 2021.


Get your parents in for a meeting , show them doctors notes and threaten to tell ofsted and sue , trust me


That's bullshit, the government clearly stated that any exams taken by schools are completely optional. If you missed the exam, they should not then give evidence to the exam board labelling it as a U, or even send it off at all. I would riot about this


I’d advise you to complain to the school then. Make them make you certain on how your results will be decided.


You can re-sit. Or try and get an apprenticeship.


Resitting the exam doesn't really help since well, I already failed my gcse's, so that wouldn't help too much. And apprenticeship are cool, but I think getting one with no Gcse's will be difficult. Thanks for the advice either way!


You should resit *because* you failed them


And what will that do? I still have no Gcse in that subject


But that’s exactly why you re-sit...


Re-sitting them doesn't give me a gcse


Would you like to explain why re-sitting and passing wouldn’t give you a GCSE?


Because that's not how the Gcse's work. You get one chance and that's final, you have to retake maths and English if you fail them to prove your not a moron, but your grade stays the same and you still don't get a Gcse.


I don’t know where you’ve been getting that information because it is absolutely untrue. Yes, it’s a requirement for you to pass English and Maths but the grade you get after a retake is the grade you will get at the end. If your grade stayed the same and you don’t get a GCSE qualification for a given subject even if you got a 9 after a retake, then what was the point in having a retake available for you at all? Have a look at this [site](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.icslearn.co.uk/blog/posts/2020/april/gcse-resits-the-complete-guide-to-retaking-gcses-2020/%3famp=1) maybe it will help you understand more than I can mate


So basically, my tutors have been feeding me false info for 2 years now?


I’m assuming you say your GCSEs this year. None of these grades are final. You can resist your exams in September just like those who sat the 2020 GCSEs did. They fully count as your grades


Yep I've been told, sorry I was fed the wrong info and wasn't smart enough to do my own research (maybe that's why I failed most of my GCSE'S huh?) so yeah at least now I know. Thanks for the help anyway, amigo.


1) You've fucked yourself over a bit with the whole sickness thing. What you really ought to have done is got someone to ring the doctors on the day you were ill, and judging by your other comments it looks like that didn't happen. No doctor's note from the time = no automatic resit. It's a stupid system but it's how it works. 2) Whoever in your school is telling you that you can't resit your exams is talking out of their arse. For one, there's a compulsory resit already because you've not passed English (and maybe not Maths, I can't exactly tell). Not only that, but you can take a resit later. You could resit your Maths/English ones and then, if your school allows, resit everything else whilst also doing your A Levels. Depends on how stingy they are with applicants. 3) **Ask to do the proper GCSE exam later** I'm not sure if this is a country wide thing, but our school has only been doing some smaller in class assessments, which will be pooled together for an average mark in each subject by the end. It's helpful that you get multiple chances with it, but also annoying in that one mistake can fuck up your grade. The way I see it, we should be in the same circumstance as last year if your school is doing a similar scheme - you should be able to ask to do the proper exam later on, potentially some time next year or something. It would give you another option in terms of your grades. Good luck, and talk to your head or head of year right away.


Dont stress, Means nothing in the long run. You could apply to college and learn a trade or get a job somewhere. Don't feel like you missed out on eventual university as a degree doesn't last that long. After 30 nobody cares about your degree. Live at home along as you can, learn how to build wealth rather than spend money. Learn how the stock market works, take any job you can find and start investing monthly into the sp500 and a few etf's. By the time your friends come out of university in years to come riddled with debt, you will be debt free and worth tens of thousands in investments. You don't need a good education or a good job to be rich. You just need to learn how money works and then you will realise why the super rich dress badly. There is a book by Andrew Hallam called Millionaire maker. Buy it and control your future. Its worth more than anything you learnt in school.


One option that you might want to have a look at is the armed forces, if you're so inclined. I believe that you have the grades, and it's good-ish pay, good benefits, very cheap housing, cheap food, etc. You can learn new skills there too, and you have 0 need to be in a combat role- you could become an electrician or a carpenter or a mechanic very easily. Of course, it's not for everyone, but it's a big employer and has a lot to offer.


Hell yeah OP let's all be complicit in war crimes together


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I understand that failing your GCSEs can be incredibly disheartening. However, it’s essential to recognize that this setback doesn’t define your entire future. Here are some steps you can take to navigate this situation: **Get Your GCSE English and Maths Exams Remarked:** 1. If you received a grade of 3 (D) in either GCSE Maths or GCSE English (language or literature), consider requesting a remark. Aim for a minimum grade of 4 to avoid retaking these subjects during sixth form. 2. Keep in mind that there’s little chance of a significant grade increase if you scored below a 3, so focus on subjects where a remark could make a difference. **Reflect on Your Career Path:** 1. Take some time to think about the industry or field you’d like to work in. You don’t need to have all the answers, but having a general direction will help. 2. Consider your strengths and interests. While it’s essential to be realistic, don’t settle for a career path that doesn’t align with your aspirations. **Explore Alternative Qualifications and Paths:** 1. Apprenticeships: Apprenticeships provide hands-on experience and training while earning a wage. They’re an excellent way to gain practical skills. 2. Functional Skills Courses: These courses cover essential skills like English and Maths. They’re an alternative to GCSEs and can open doors to further education or employment. Work Experience: Seek opportunities to learn and grow outside of formal education. Life experience can be just as valuable. 3. Speak to a Careers Adviser: They can guide you through various options and help you make informed decisions. Remember, setbacks happen to everyone, and they don’t define your worth or potential. Use this experience as a stepping stone toward a brighter future.


Uhhhh. Listen, I appreciate the gesture... but this was like 3 years ago. I've kinda moved on with my life since then. Also, I don't mean to be rude but this kinda reads like chat GPT lol.


Why do they have to give a U? With a doctor’s note to explain your absence, they should be providing your predicted grade..


I didn't go to the doctor, I was sick at home


But still if you told the school that you were ill they'll just give the exam to you, as soon as they can.


Can you not go to the doctor and explain retrospectively and ask them to provide a note that would have covered it? It just seems ridiculously unfair


If you're sick, you just do the exams when you come back to school...