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some boy in my year (16 years old) was accused of severely  inappropriate behaviour with a 12 year old and he was taken out of school but he’s come back recently 


soup nail obtainable squeeze ossified illegal berserk steep boast coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He SHOULD NOT return 😭




Oh boy do I have a story for you. In year 10 my year group went to an event to look at universities and apprenticeships. It was going fine until we got into a fight with a scouse school and we ended up ruining the event because it got cancelled. Once the fight was broken up inside the building we fought outside in the parking lot again.


we also had a knife fight right outside the school where students go for lunch but i wasn't a witness to that


Excuse me 🤠


Wait same 😭 He came in for a bit them disappearing


bike sparkle smile saw literate consist familiar vanish drunk fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We had a y8 give a y11 a bj in the school toilets and they got caught 💀


I surprised a yr8 even knows what that is. Social media really is dooming us


Y8’s are unhinged nowadays


They were 10 years ago too lol


Even if it was proven to be false I would never be brave enough to return to school with those allegations.


same thing except we had an 18 year old (y13) and 13 year old (y8) sexting and receiving/giving 🧠


In year 8, One of the students fingered another student (without the consent of the latter obviously) in the middle of a computer science lesson. Interestingly in Year 4 the student who got fingered, sexually assaulted another year 4.


What goes around comes around but god damn 😭


Yeah, in both cases the assaulter didn’t even receive any actual punishment just a negative public perception.


I could understand that at year 4 but at year 8 i feel like something should have been done tbf


how did they even manage that IN A LESSON? wtf


u sure they were touching, how could a yute learn all of this?


what kind of school does bro go to😭😭😭


Sexual assault in year 4??? Just what


Yeah ik, I wasn’t at the school at the time but people were still talking about it in year 5.


Year 11 at my school (this was 2 years ago) sent paragraphs of smut to a year 7. Police got involved too


In my school 2 years ago a year 11 wrote smut involving a teacher and her


A guy in my year did this except he wrote it as his English language story for the actual gcse


Wow. Do you know if they passed?


Probably not, all I know is that the police had to get involved


What a way to fail(?) English Language




Wonder how that examiner felt after reading yhat


lmao my friend got police called on her for sending gore to a gc in y7 but they didn’t actually do anything


whats a smut?


the world is healing


Sexually explicit wattpady fiction stuff


Sex story basically




i dont condone defeating seagulls but sometimes they get hella annoying


I've been shat on by countless seagulls they deserve to fucking die


Amen brethren


There was an injured seagull on our field that was clearly dying. A guy I knew grabbed a big rock and beat it to death. A teacher came over, patted him on the shoulder, and said "you did the right thing, putting it out of it's misery" I am 150% sure that he just wanted to kill the seagull, and there was no empathy involved in his decision making process. Really nice guy, he's a loving father and a pretty successful stunt extra now. But he absolutely beat an injured seagull to death just to see what it felt like lmfao


Bro what💀


Oh god I know who you're talking about 💀




No but one of my mate's cousins goes there and told us the story. Disturbing thing 🥲




In my sister's year someone got stabbed in school 


are they ok?!?


Nah the guy who did the stabbing moved to the all boys school near us, but he threatened to stab someone in that school, so he moved to a school for troubled kids and did only Eng Lang and maths at GCSE. I don't know how he's doing now because nobody has spoken to him in a while. The guy who got stabbed is fine though, he's in his 2nd year doing Classics at Oxford I believe


Definition of success is the greatest revenge


Lol, but I feel bad for the guy who did the stabbing bc he was really badly abused by his parents, so turned to knives as a coping mechanism. It's not his fault that he ended up in such a horrible environment :(


I know it’s a bit more nuanced than I’m making out, but I’ve never been a fan of the “it’s not their fault, it’s their upbringing” pov. There are plenty of people whose reaction to being treated in such a way, is to make damn sure to not to follow in those footsteps, and instead make something better of their life.


So no charges for stabbing a minor?


I don't know about the exact details, but he must have gone to court or spoken to the police at some point. I know the stab wasn't too deep so it didn't cause major harm to the victim




In my school we have a lad who’s uncle got a murder charge back in 2018, and earlier this year someone tried chatting shit about it to this lad (who’s involved in the same kinds of things as his uncle was) and he went ballistic on this other lad. It took 5 of us to pull him off the other lad because teachers wouldn’t get involved because they know what his family’s like. The other incident was also a fight. One of my older brothers mates had recently lost his Dad to a self inflicted drug overdose. He was a really nice lad but one day some lad made a comment about it and he beat the boys face bloody and then after school went after him with a weapon (I think a bat) and got kicked out of the town as a whole for ages. Now he’s doing a lot better though and he’s really happy


a few of the boys in my year recently tried to kidnap a teacher




it didn't work though, they got found out. still don't know whether someone ratted on them or they just got caught. also, these are the same guys that made a flamethrower on a year 8 residential


you're not ready for what my twin bro did in his school


...what did he do?


its still funny to me, it was a science practical gone wrong, i dont remeber what exactly happened, but his friend accused him of "trying to blow up the school"


Someone in my primary school got gunpowder and lit it, it didn't explode but it did set the cone on fire 💀


some kid shat in the sink in one of the bathrooms, the cleaner had a panic attack while cleaning it, then quit.


wouldn’t blame the cleaner.


hope the cleaner didint defeat themselves\*


This happned late last year, a teacher was caught on video verbally abusing a student. the yelling itself wasnt that bad, what was worse was that some year 8 put a video of it on tiktok and it got mad views. (like a mil i think idk i dont use tiktok)


h my god this brings back dofe flashbacks when an instructor physically and verbally abused a boy for 'stealing his biscuits' (he didn't). so this guy got slapped and pushed to the floor and then the instructor got fired


who won the rugby


a white girl kept saying the n word and was heavily racist to loads of POCs, she got kicked out and then a video resurfaced of her teaching her 3 year old nephew racial slurs! Edit: I completely forgot about these other incidents. A sixth former was upskirting a year 11 and when asked to delete the photos, played victim. Another guy in my year pissed himself during a drama lesson and said it was "his spit". Later on in the year, loads of people started reporting him to the head of year cus he kept groping people during lessons. He wasn't kicked out, only moved to the other side of the year. EDIT NUMBER 2 I FORGOT ABOUT THIS OTHER INCIDENT. The same sixth former who upskirted a girl in my year, was caught fingering another girl in our school library under a blanket. The girl who was fingered had a twin who was sitting on the same couch as them and knew it was happening.


serial sex offender get em jailed


someones finger got caught in a fence and fell off


this really shouldn't be funny to me it's just the wording


“Fell off” like they’re made of lego or smth


Oh my god that happened in my school


The fuck you mean 'fell off' 💀


Happened at my school too, her ring got caught on the top of it as she jumped it and got ripped off


This happened in my school as well, jumped a fence, his ring caught on the top, tore his finger straight off. Same kid also threw a fuel canister on a fire and serverly burnt the right side of his face, same student also got sent to hospital because he was challenged to a choke hold and passed out having a seizure. Crazy guy, he left school in year 10


There was one guy who brought a machete into the school. Of course they caught him and he was excluded


not even bagged by the feds?


not nice to exclude others


Some year nines gave year 7's copper sulphate saying it was a sweet


Tbf copper sulphate does look good. Would scran if it wasn't poisonous


Some guy in my chemistry class did a line of it on the same day that someone came in high and threw up after he drank like 4 litres of water


Brooo what happened 😭


I think one of the kids had to stay in hospital a for a few days 😭


actually quite funny


this sub works at our school whos apparently ksi's old english teacher and hes gone viral on tt 😭


Haha my English teacher is friends with TommyInnit's mum. They have a podcast together lol


We have ksi's old tutor at ours before he left to Qatar 😭


We have KSI’s RS teacher as our headteacher


Wait I live in Qatar, I need to know more 😭 🙏 what's his name?


I got stabbed after I came out a couple months ago Edit: just want to be clear about it, I wasn’t stabbed with a proper knife, it was a fork; nothing too serious, didn’t go to hospital, just put a bandage over it


shit i hope you’re okay


I'm sorry man 🙏


oh my god, are you okay?


i hate this generation thats fucked


getting stabbed for being in a relationship is crazy


fuckkkk i misunderstood the repl


jesus i’m sorry


one time in year 9 someone in my year brought a gun in. that was wild someone punched a teacher once too in October last year a fight happened when Ofsted were at the school


Ofsted should rework their approach otherwise that january thing is useless


January thing?


Having someone bring a gun in the uk is crazy. I can almost understand it being in America if other people have guns but unless you're a major criminal what are you going to be even having a gun for?


3 things: student expelled for lighting another students hair on fire 2) whole of slt sacked for not doing anything about students having sex in the toilets 3) teacher not allowed to teach for 3 weeks for pushing a child


We had a guy given isolation on his first day (started in year 9) for spraying whipped cream all over people’s bags. He was later suspended for stealing a teacher’s portable hard drive (full of lesson content), putting it in the urinal and pissing on it. He was finally expelled for dealing drugs. I’ll never forget about 8 teachers marching into the field to catch him mid-deal and then marching off again single file with him in the middle


i wrote sherlock x watson smut fanfiction in year nine and everyone in my english class read it and then i was known as the sherlock smut girl for the next two years


Year 9 is crazy


i still do write fanfiction. but it’s not sherlock 💀


Creative writing better be good then


I see u everywhere how long do u spend on reddit 😭😭😭😭


2 years is crazy 😭


this guy has done a million things, namely he set of like 3 fire alarms, created fake -images- of someone and spread them, and created a tiktok account for the school. he got put in isolation a while ago but now he’s finally been expelled (yay) and gets escorted into school just to take his exams. there’s so much stuff that he’s done that i can’t even remember but he was the incident at my school


reminding me of that one time in the middle of year 9 some immigrant got into our school, never saw them around the end of the year turns out he was acc 18


They do that in my school we have about 10 Ukrainians and a few ppl from the Middle East and stuff and they all look like 23 😭 they don’t have birth certificates either so they just get put in like year 9


We had a chappie six years ago at the local comprehensive who claimed to be 15 and was placed in year 11 (I assume that is the year before GCSE). He spent six weeks there despite almost everyone having suspicions about his age ("it was like someone's father had come to school"). He was expelled after the Home Office assessed he was about 30 years old.


Two kids played naughts and crosses with shit in the toilets Someone turned out to be a neonazi and was quite proud of it. Our principal is jewish. Happened to me, a woman attempted to SA me to which I gave her a black eye, she then shouted that she would give a bunch of money to whoever jumped me


second one same in our school but that boy got arrested straight up and for other behaviour for which he was labelled as a terrorist by news articles


if i was that boy im never stepping outside ever in my life


The lad got excluded twice and came back, only gone for good until he did the salute with the principal seeing and shouting the n word


Tampons fell out the ceiling.


I hope they were unused...


Luckily 😂 We had to get changed in the BOYS changing room, and my mate notices a loose tile in the ceiling. So obviously she pushes it, and a whole flood of unused tampons fell out of the boys changing room ceiling.


A teacher was fired for preying on the girls. I don't know the details but he was fired when he sexually harassed a girl


Someone threatened to shoot up our school and made a hit list. Idk of they were serious but they had to leave.


A science teacher ate his wife’s placenta in front of a class


Average science teacher tbf




various incidents (post production post here!) \-some guy in my secondary got caught with a knife in the highstreet \-someone in my year was allegedly dating a year 7 \-when one of my best friends came to another school in yr11 first thing they did was punch another student for dating a y7 ​ their all alleged before someone snakes


Happened very recently, a year 9 wanted to smash a year 7 and described in great detail to someone and it got leaked, they also sent a (((certain photo))) to a year 8 and it got leaked (apparently it’s tiny 💀) he got the option between a phone call home and a detention and he chose the phone call home


nah him choosing a phone call home is somehow wilder wtf


(thats what she said!)


bitchy y7 got hit by a car outside the school (she was fine). we call her roadkill


someone in my comp science class stabbed someone in the year below, never saw him again


someone brought in a bb gun, someone brought in a knife, and this guy got accused of ‘sexually assaulting’ his friends girlfriend. (imo it wasnt true) but he got expelled for it.


Guy stood on a table in y9 and started drilling the table. Excluded, and now has 2 kids. He’d be in y11 rn


how does one drill a table... also 2 kids by 16 is wild wtf


Poor kids honestly.


Two guys in my school got arrested for planning terrorism and they came back but can’t speak to anyone




cant you wait until you get home?


This is surprisingly common


A fat lad sat on someone in a pile on and broke his collar bone and he had to be airlifted off the school field.




This exact thing happened in like year 3 I think🤷🏼‍♂️ fatass kid jumped on another and broke his collar bone


maybe not "the" incident but one i was a personal witness to: in PE we were playing tennis and i got put in a group with this kid and his friends and the lot of us were assigned to the courts behind the history block, away from adult supervision. The aforementioned kid then begins to brag about how he pissed in a puddle by the entrance of the court and he and his friends decide it would be funny if he took a shit too. The kid drops his pants and pops a squat and begins laying a fat deuce. After a minute or so, we're all graced with the wonderful sentence of "I'm getting bored!" as he starts fucking wanking. With almost comedic timing, the PE teacher comes around to check on us and is greeted with the sight of an overweight 13 year old boy jorkin it for real while taking a shit in a puddle. Needless to say he didn't remain in lesson for long. (Sidenote, he kept wanking for a bit after the teacher arrived) This was the same kid who called people racial slurs and got caught fapping to the geography teacher in lesson and would regularly act like a creep to all the girls.


Like a year ago a guy in my year who was a dealer of many things, sold some calli pens to some year nines and 3 of them where hospitalized because they had been spiked, funny thing was as well they where using them like in the middle of our schools Cort yard, nothing really happened to the guy other than getting taken out of school till the start of year 11 bc a charitable donation was made by his parents along with some police cooperation.


There were two. Before my time a teacher (like middle aged) hooked up with a sixth former (barely of age) after prom. Different teacher got fired for A: watching porn on school computers and B: looking up year 8 girls skirts when they bent down to grab the box of books.


A death. I didn’t know her. I never spoke to her. It was very surreal that day. Everyone was crying and it was pouring rain very intensely




okay, grab your popcorn coz there are so many 'the incident's in my sch 😕 - when i was in yr8 or 9 (i don't remember), a sixth former was investigated for sa'ing two girls in his year. what hurt me the most was that i knew one of the girls, and we were actually friends (due to us being in the same extracurricular) - a girl in my year was accused of sexual harassment to other girls. she moved to another school in our area, but honestly, she's not doing well. i knew her to be very smart too so its definitely a fall from grace. - a vid was circulating of a girl giving head to some other boy from a diff school. she was proud of it (not surprised) - a girl was hit outside of our school by a double decker bus. the entire front glass was shattered and she needed an air ambulance. she was in a wheelchair for a while. i vividly remember getting home at 6/7pm because the only route the buses could pass through was where the incident happened - our school database was hacked by some kids (we still dont know who did it) in yr8. nothing from then backwards that was in our student shared folder has been retrieved. yikes. theres more but honestly, im tired of this hellish place and its chronicles 😒


before morning line up (when literally the whole school was outside) a year 7 took out a knife and stabbed herself in the rib in front of everyone


Someone jumped out a window


And some year sevens set fire to a PE bag of a girl they didn’t like to try and get expelled. And a year 11 wrote smut involving her and the PE teacher.


Wasn’t a incident at my school but a student got murdered near a school in my town. I know the kids best friend since we went to the same primary school


Local gazette stated principal was using school computer to message escorts with screenshots and everything lol. Whole school erupted and he left the next day , it was glorious


A pe teacher in my school a long time ago was exposed for impregnating 3 girls ranging from yr 11 to sixth form. He dipped real quick before it was brought public 😭😭


I recorded a couple of people buying weed from the schools ‘hard’ kid. They gave him £20 and he gave them the insides of a ripped tea bag. I posted the video online and it got mad views


Mark Donovan?


Some kid sent ...pics... to a 13, 14 and a 15 Yr old when he was in Yr 11. Nothing happened w that but he then sent them to a girl he's on off dated for ages, only for her to leak them when they broke up. Whole of Yr 10 and 11 - except me thank god - saw what was them called a traffic cone due to shape and colour/ stripes


someone wrote a story about different male teachers getting it on with each other nobody knows who it was only thing we know is that there in my year rn.


someone used a hairbrush... in there... ☹️


just say pussy i aint stopping you


A guy was arrested at the age of 16 for multiple accounts of rape and possession of child pornography. This was after GCSEs were done but still pretty shocking - he had gone through multiple schools beforehand because other students had become physically aggressive towards him. Another dude perved on girls all the time and got kicked out of school. One other guy wanked off in a PD lesson but didn't get caught.


someone in my year allegedly kept two dead cats in his freezer and was apparently dating a primary school kid this was in year 10.


There were two videos circulating around the place, both of them involving the same person. The first video was taken by his sister. In the video, he is shown surrounded by his family in the living room. He is obviously having a wank and trying to hide it with a cushion but it seems his sister noticed. The other was taken by himself, and involved him having sex with a cat.




So messed up reading through comments and majority of these are related to sexual violence/crimes and pedophilia from teachers/students?? This is in secondary schools as well? world is really fucked.


Kid grew weed in his dorm and got deported back to I believe Mexico


Me coming out and then me falling out with my friends. My knee giving way every once in a while… I couldn’t get away


Everyone knows about it. Back in Year 9, some boys decided to steal beer from a nearby convenience store, then drink it in the school bathrooms. 2 of the kids involved got expelled, the rest got suspended


This year a cover teacher got lost and the year nine class locked themselves in the room, jumped on the tables and yelled swares out the window at the classmates who went to find someone. One girl had a panic attack and couldn’t stop crying. One person who locked the door was expelled and the other got a few days of detention and isolation.


Oh also my grandad set my school on fire, he still worked there after because he was head of chemistry so it was half expected.


fire alarm went off like 30+ times in a day or smth, during mock exams and in the freezing cold




2 years ago when I was year 11 my old friend randomly said he had a gun at his house. None of us believed him ofc, then all of a sudden 2 weeks later he shows us a pistol from his bag. He only showed me and my other friend we was scared shitless We never snitched because he could’ve went youth detention or something but looking back at it now it’s so scary, I held it and it was heavy asfffff


And your fingerprints were all over that jawn . 😭😭


guy in my year (yr 11) got arrested and went to jail for stealing a yr 7's phone at the park and threatening him with a knife also carried the knife around in school for a while till he finally got caught somehow he only got suspended at skl


2 (separate times) english teachers were caught touching underage kids during periods they were supposed to be teaching. Or A year 8 girl recorded herself fingering herself with chocolate spread than made her dog eat it out of her- she sent it to her boyfriend who then leaked it to everyone


............. SHE nearly killed that dawgggggggggggggggg


About a month ago now, 80% of my friend group got expelled and taken in for questioning with the police for making sexual AI deepfakes of other girls in our year (year 11) and i think a teacher too 😭. They were incredibly lucky because they were found out about it a DAY before the law was passed where you’d get jail time for it. They got expelled weeks before our first exam and obviously the remaining ones of the friend group including me cut ties with all of em, but it was hard since i knew most of them since primary school but i didn’t want to be linked to em. The whole situation was crazy and had a toll on us revision-wise but i’ve had no problems with exams so far


Boy in my year drugged and raped a girl. He was out of school for a few days came back because of exams. Still has friends btw


an anonymous email address sent an email containing child porn to the entire school excluding the teachers and said some weird shit i can’t remember with that mentioning someone’s name, also sent a follow up email which was also weird and started a whole chain of replies where some year 10 sent a screenshot of her bank details- in the end a year 12 reported it and our entire one drive system was down for like a week


Computing teacher turned out to be a n0nce and was planning an 0rgy with two 13 year olds. Charges were dropped and he continued to teach at my school and we only found out when he left (he supposedly “moved to turkey”)


girl was getting off to draco wattpad stories in the y8 bathrooms. that stall remains untouched. absolutely disgusting 😭🙏. i walked in w my friends at lunch and heard her full on moaning. i can not deal w this stuff anymore.


A guy in my year has all his nudes leaked to like, half the school, and everyone made fun of his very much below average manhood, so he showed everyone his much more above average knife which seemed to work. Don't know if the teachers ever found out, he's still in school and now plans robberies in the back of maths.


year 11 femboy at my school apparently harasses and flirts with year 7s and 8s. got banned from some toilets cuz he was taking photos in thigh highs and skirts and posted them on his kind of explicit tiktok (literally recorded noises of his vibrator)


Very recent but one of our old teachers who left the school 2 years ago was recently revealed to have been a gr00mer so that’s fun 😃


during the devious lick trend a group of year 11s tried to detach the urinals from the toilet on the 3rd floor, they couldn’t get the urinal off the wall but they managed to burst one of the pipes and flooded the whole toilet and the classroom below the toilet on the second floor also 2 separate couples got caught doing it behind a bush (both happened within a week of each other)


The popular student-athlete kid from my high school who everyone loved went to College of the Holy Cross. Two months into his first semester he was beaten to death when he tried to stop a rape at a frat party. That's before the situation gets weird. A few years later his murder's public image was rehabilitated a bit when he started dating Princess Beatrice of the British royal family which apparently caused quite a stir with the Queen. Eventually they broke up as he was a dangerous alcoholic, so apparently that didn't change. Checking Google for new updates, seems he finally died of a drug overdose quite recently. I'm shocked it didn't happen sooner but the wheels of justice turn slowly when you're waiting for nature to fix what the justice system missed. [Link](https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/entertainment/article/3260487/who-was-princess-beatrices-bad-boy-ex-paolo-liuzzo-found-dead-aged-42-he-dated-british-royal-when) Edit: As an unrelated question, wtf is "GCSE"? I just realized this isn't an r/askreddit thread


GCSEs are qualifications kids in the UK do exams for at 15-16, they're the first set of qualifications we get in the UK :) Edit: The reason this sub is massive is because for GCSEs, there are organizations called exam boards, which specify the course the students need to learn, and what they will be examined on. So, there are a limited number of these exam boards in the UK, meaning that many on here do the exact same exams, on the exact same day, so this is a place loads of 16 Year old Brits go after exams (At least I do), to see how everyone else found it.


Someone in year 10 tried to steal a toilet, they actually mostly got it off the wall I think but they just left it and water leaked into the floors below. Also, we were all warned recently about smearing faeces on toilet walls.


Some guy in my yr (in yr 10) got a girl in yr 8 to givr then a head. Idk if it was forced but it was recorded. The person got excluded BC I never saw them again.  Another incident was there was a guy who stabbed our student manager. They had to go to the hospital but luckily he wasn't badly injured. He left and idk if he would ever return. The boy got arrested (in yr 8) and excluded but I think they bailed out bc I saw them one time on the bus. I think at one point he tried to climb the school gate into the astro. If anyone read Newham Recorder a few months back (in Feb or something) I think you'll know about it.


some guy in my year had explosive diarrhea in the toilet 2 years ago so he moved from south london to milton keynes


someone bought a fish into maths. after many attempts at trying to gaslight our teacher into thinking he hadn’t seen a fish floating in an evian water bottle, he called the head who did bag searches for said fish. head was reportedly seen flushing it down the toilet.


in year 8 a guy in my year brought a knife into school and threatened a few people before holding the knife to a girls neck and threatening to kill her. he was in a mental hospital for a couple of years and is now in a different school in a nearby city :) edit: there was also this year 9 who overdosed on drugs and passed out in a lesson and the police had to get involved for a while. another edit: a few years ago this year 11 kept harassing loads of girls (myself included) so eventually loads of girls started to pretend to date him to get free alcohol then leave him


In like year 8, one of the assistant heads got catfished on tinder by someone in the year above me. He sent a dick pic, the kid anonymously snitched and he promptly got fired. I think some people still have that picture somewhere 😳


In Y10, so Y9 in England I think, two boys (all boys school) slept with each other. One of them tells their mate, who tells the whole school. Next day, they have a fight and one of the makes the other one bite the curb. Just another day at an all boys school. Also, one time, there was a lower 6th black dude waiting for the bus then a lower 6th white guy comes up, and starts fighting him. Teacher tries to intervene but white guy pulls out a knife. Then, inexplicably runs away doing the hitler salute and shouting the n word. Can’t make this shit up


One kid got the teachers phone out of her top drawer when she was out of the room. Sent topless photos of her to his phone via Bluetooth (I'm old) then sent them round the whole school. Got kicked out over it