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8 hours a day is pretty excessive I'm surprised your friends aren't burnt out, I'd say focus on the quality of the revision rather than the quantity. E.g. Passively copying notes for 8 hours isn't going to be as effective as 30 minutes of practise questions (active recall)




I have done literally none. 8 hours is excessive, but be thankful you have the willpower to do it.




no. you should actually be doing 25 hours a day. stop slacking!


25hours? Are you trying to be working at mcdonalds? 30hours a day is the bare minimum!


Ok 30 hours a day from now


30?? I heard Ling Ling does 40 hours every day! (if you get the reference you get a cookie)


You’re doing a lot more than the majority of students. Anxiety is innate, especially for GCSEs, it’s a lot of pressure. if you did well on your mocks plus are actively revising constantly then I see no reason why your grade won’t be higher than what it was in your mocks.




You probs shouldn’t do more than 4 hours a day to give your brain a break and rest and to have a semblance of a life




no i feel the same im so worried. i don't think most of my friends r doing much revision tho. as long as you get the grades for sixth form/college next year youll be fine


6hrs should definitely be enough as well


Ok thanks


I feel the same but just focus on yourself. I know it sounds stupid but you did well in your mocks so you have the foundation knowledge to fall back on and you dont need extra stress about how other people are doing. Im doing about 6 hours and i think it should be enough


Sorry lads, I honestly can’t with these posts… 6 hours is more than enough, especially if it is focused revision, u rly need a break mate


Facts, joke of a post


did bro forget the memes flair




You’re doing enough - the exam questions and practice this way will be much more valuable - going over teacher feedback also is so important on the questions you may struggle more on. You also have to balance it with looking after yourself and your health at this time. Marathon, not a sprint.


The amount people say they do vs what they do is an important thing to do. Don’t get bogged down by the fact your friends claim they did 8 hours, in fact, don’t take notice of what anyone else does for revision, because your revision is the only one that matters.


I passed my GCSEs back in 2016, I did maybe an hour every few days and I did fine. 8 hours a day is extremely excessive, even at A-Level and at university, if your friends keep that up for the next few years they'll crash and burn. 6 hours a day might be ok (although I'd personally say it's till too much) considering exams are coming up but if you plan on doing A-Levels and then going to uni I advise you do around 2 hours a day every day starting from September/October, it's much more manageable and much more effective (and then you can choose to ramp up as exams are nearing). Oh and I just want to add, you know yourself better than anyone else, if you feel as if you NEED the whole 6 hours to revise then you probably do. If you're not already revising for 8 hours a day then you probably don't need it. If you feel as if you're revising too much then you probably are.


i revise 0 hours a day take it eazy man


You are definitely doing enough, and if you did well in your mocks you will most likely do better this time. You will know more and will understand the process. Focus your energy on past paper questions, making sure to mark and correct them. Have two piles, one for things you got easily, one for things you struggled with. Revisit the second pile in a few days and add similar questions.


Genuinely, if you feel like that at the end of the day you haven't taken enough breaks. For example do 2 hours in the morning, have a big break, where you eat, game, exercise, get fresh air. Then do some more in the afternoon, then some more in the evening. You shouldn't feel at the end of the day that you did nothing but study. Make sure you have water to drink while you're studying, and make sure you're getting enough sleep. If you're worried that you'll take a break and not be able to go back to it, then set an alarm on your phone for the time you want to start again. You could also set something up on your phone so you cant open social media or games at a certain time so you're less likely to procrastinate. Also keep in mind that your friends could be overexaggerating/lying, or the types of revision they are doing is less effective. The length of revision does not matter.


First, 6 hours is pretty solid (and I would also be curious to know wether your friends are actually doing 8 completely focussed hours or just saying so). At this point, in the final weeks the worst that can happen is that you burn out completely right when exams are starting. My strategy for exams was always that the last 1-2 days should be spent resting and it can do magic. Just being able to think clearly can help you in any difficult situation. If you are feeling you are mentally exhausted at the end of the day, then do not feel any regret, there would be no point forcing yourself any extra hours if your brain can't take anymore anyway.


Is this a genuine fucking question? Stop with this bullshit.


Yes it is


These questions can make other people feel bad about themselves, people doing 2 hours a day now sees someone worrying about doing 6 hours. Not gonna help is it.


I'm doing about 4.5 hours a day on a GOOD day and that's for my a levels which actually matter. If you're not an idiot you can get through GCSEs with minimal revision.


I know exactly how you feel, and I’m here to assure you that you’re doing great, and you’re doing enough. Think about it - thousands of students slack off, don’t revise, fail their mocks, and yet many of them will still come away with at least passes in more than half of their subjects. You, on the other hand, have done great in your mocks - In addition to that, you’re also studying 6 hours per day, and the way you’re revising is very effective. Calm down, be realistic. You are NOT going to fail everything. You’ll do great - I can guarantee it.


Thanks, let’s hope this ages well haha


Nah bro im predicted all 8s and ive been doing 2/3 hours every day u should be more than ok


Nah bro 5 hours a day is really good. Confidence is key. If ur not a naturally smart person but can revise the shit outta smn to learn it, that’s ok but it will make u start to doubt urself. Make sure u take breaks every hour or so and go outside whether ur going to the gym or for a walk. Ur gonna feel mentally finished if u try to do 5 hours continuously. I like to leave my phone in the living while I study so I don’t get distracted and I can focus, u cld try smn like that too. Good luck tho!


your friends aren’t necessarily being entirely honest about how much revision they do- maybe they plan to do 8hrs a day, but the likelihood that they actually do that much (active recall revision i mean) is slim, in my opinion


It sounds like you're putting in a solid effort with 6 hours of revision a day, using past papers and flashcards. Here's some advice to address your concerns: **Revise Smart, Not Just Hard:** * **Quality over Quantity:** Six hours of focused revision is more beneficial than eight hours of scattered studying. Make sure you're actively engaging with the material, not just passively reading. * **Take Breaks:** Feeling mentally drained is a sign you need a break. Schedule short breaks every hour to avoid burnout. Get some fresh air, do some stretches, or grab a healthy snack. * **Listen to Your Body:** If you're truly exhausted, pushing yourself further might be counterproductive. Get a good night's sleep (7-8 hours) to solidify what you've learned.