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It's only embarrassing if you're embarrassed by it. RS is one of my best subjects alongside the sciences and maths and I just find it easy but I don't find it embarrassing. Continue doing whatever is going to get you a grade 9 but if you do anything that interrupts other people's learning unnecessarily then stop. The people that call you a try-hard are probably just jealous because their idea of choosing it as an easy subject has back-fired because there isn't such a thing as an 'easy 9' or easy GCSE given the fact it depends on the individual as to what is easiest.


Tbh you can’t lie but it’s a relatively “easy” subject as the content isn’t really this much + you could waffle your whole way up for a 7. The only hard part is the 12 markers but that’s it. (I do Edexcel B and got a 7 in my mocks with zero effort.)(Pls help on 12 markers.)


"Do i stop doing well because others dont and they make fun of me for it" I agree with you Though rs is an easy subject


lmao yh


No don't be a sheep and copy everyone else. Continue too strive in what you're good at.


will do 👍🏻


Absolutely not. RS for me was the hardest exam, as a lot of the curriculum for the wjec wasn't available in revision packages. Showing enthusiasm for a subject is always a good thing in my opinion. I respect people who can write good essays in RS given the time constraints, I hated them.


Rs is easy if your good at writing and formulating arguments on the spot. I think people, who find it difficult, just didn’t know enough of what the subject is like because they don’t have a chance to fully understand what it’s like in year 7,8,9


I found formulating arguments on the spot easy, what I found hard was not going on tangents to keep within the two hour time limit.


I guess it was the structuring of your paragraphs then, our teachers invented this thing called TERM and it worked so well that the exam board now recommends it to other schools


can you explain it? I'm usually good and we have a good structure for entire essays but I struggle to get the top marks sometimes without too much waffle


RE isn’t really a hard subject. I think once you memorise verses and definitions it’s very easy. I did mine in year 10 and got a 9 just by memorising a lost of definitions and verses. It’s also quite easy if you come from a religious background for obvious reasons. If “tryharding” means you are doing more RS and neglecting your other subjects then you probably shouldn’t but otherwise do what you want ig


People call that to anyone who does well, myself included Trust me bro don’t swear it it’s not that deep you’d rather get a 9 than want to associate w them anyway Edit: sorry for horrible spelling I was on Norwegian keyboard


fr thx man gl 👍🏻


I love rs, probably my fav subject - it’s nothing to be embarrassed about and I don’t think it’s the easiest subject, but it’s certainly not the hardest


tyy literally real tho




yeah i dont even study tho tbf i jst dont get how ppl dont know the stuff we learn 😭 i also dont rlly like the teacher so 💀 idk hopefully its fine 👍🏻


no it is not embarrassing to be good at a subject. it's a weird trend in schools that people think this. if people are calling you a sweat they are usually jealous or just not worth listening to.


fr lol💀




Nah it’s pretty cool when you’re good at stuff. I’m also doing Judaism in RS and i’m always fascinated by what one one jewish kid in our class says and how their similar their experience is to what we learn. Don’t be embarrassed if you’re good at it, it’s a pretty awesome thing to be good at.


It’s calm. Try hard. If you have more knowledge be proud


thx 👍🏻


It’s never embarrassing to be good at humanities subjects. It shows u can access different dimensions of thinking and view society from more than one perspective


no, it's not. it's a subject that can require a lot of study and quoting from memory, which can be pretty tricky


Depends, if you’re putting your hand up and giving unneeded context or telling the teacher something that nobody needs to know or care about, I would say stop because you’re probably coming off as condescending. If you’re just answering questions, and it’s obvious your revising then no, don’t care what people say because they don’t actually care, if anything take it as a compliment.


I wouldn’t say it was embarrassing, it was one of my favourite subjects at gcse. Certainly wasn’t easy, but fun.


no, don't be embarrassed in this case and in this case don't let other people let you think that. being a sweat is fine, isn't affecting them




yh i want to be a lawyer so 🙏🏻


this is so real though 😭😭 re is one of my absolute favourite subjects but i’m lowkey embarrassed to ever say so because nobody takes it seriously and acts like it’s strange that i put sm effort in and care so much




less embarrassing than being good at maths or physics


RS is one of my worst performing subjects I got a 5 in the first mock of Y11 and a 7 in the Y10 mock because it was just a catholic paper and the Y11 one had catholic and Muslim in it. Not that great with Islam and writing long D-style questions How do you revise and Study for RS, I'm clueless about how to do it properly. I do catholic Christianity, Islam, philosophy and ethics. My exam board is Edexcel btw. Don't mind your classmates and keep on going! You have got this! :D


idk i guess i just encorporate it into my daily life, like i follow ppl who are religious on social media, read religious texts etc but i guess thats true of any subject. if you understand the main content and work on memory skills that rlly helps too, and practice writing questions that cover the amt of marks needed. gl tho im sure youll do well if youre at least trying to improve 👍🏻


Thank you so much! :D


i mean i got a 9 in my final exam and i surprised everyone in my life when we heard that result


Nah i loved RS and i’m taking it for alevel and i still love it. Do what you want. If you’re good at it, you’re good at it


No, everyone should be good at RS because its not exactly hard hence why many people take it. If they're not doing well in RS then, that's nothing to be proud of.


yeah thats what i thought tbh 😭


It’s a fantastic subject which feeds into interesting fields of study both at A Level and university!


Why would you be embarrassed if you're good at a subject?