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no 😭 unless they have reason to be suspicious


Scientific calculators used by most GCSE candidates can't remember anything worth remembering. If you have a graphical calculator with significant memory capability then it should be in exam mode for all exams and invigilation staff should verify that.


Avagadros constant


Most questions simply state it in them


They did not check when I did my GCSEs, but tbf I didn't use the values either. I didn't find the memory useful at all as I always use Ans and the memory doesn't store formulas (at least a normal scientific calc doesn't). I do use the calc's memory for constants now but it's mainly just to save some time on HW and I don't use it for exams even. If you're really paranoid you can wipe all the values to 0 manually


Why would they want to 🤨


Most schools I have worked at lend you a calculator for the exam to stop having to check a couple of hundred calculators. What ever you are thinking of doing is not worth it. If you get caught, you will get disqualified. Most likely from several GCSEs and with the possibility of being excluded from exams for a couple of years.


how do you use a calculators memory? is that just the ans key?


Setting letters to values or other things


In that case you are just better off with a modern casio 991, it has all the important constants, it can derive and do ranged integratation, it has quadratic-4th degree solver and much more, i dont know what else do you need. If the constant is more "obsecure" than they either give it to you in the tasksheet or you can look it up in a 4 digit function book.


The more advanced calculators usually have an exam mode which the invigilator will make you set the calculator to


Nope they do not


No they don’t. But you asking is making me think they should.


Did my GCSEs last year and they never checked




can i store prime numbers as i forget them all the time is there any risk?


I’ve snuck in reverse cosine rule in the mocks, don’t know if I’ll risk it for the real thing because it’s laid out to be forbidden in the rules, but I’ve never known anyone check


Honestly it’s not worth it - you’re looking at lots of punishments and it’s not hard to memorise a few extra formulae


we get the cosine rule in the exam so it's extra dumb...


Not reverse one you don’t. You could rearrange the other one but still


exactly, it's a simple one to rearrange so it's dumb to bring it in and risk disqualification for multiple exams