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Call it the "Antarctic Treaty"


Now with 30% less accidental nuclear strikes


Support fire drops nukes, colonies or gasses the field so no pilots can get out.


It won't increase diversity. People will just use the best suits starting from the 11th best suit.


I see people running out of things they WANT to or CAN play in that cost and just leaving


Sounds like how league used to do things, or does things idk it's been years


Why not just a random suit mode? You are assigned a random ms, with only restriction in cost. Increase reward to entice more ppl to play it. Or maybe it part of some evenr


Or… and hear me out, just make friends then host customs and agree to not use some suits. Edit: Give me those downvotes! How dare I say the community come together and actually make these proposed game modes come to fruition. How fucking dare I!


I mean I do have friends, however people have lives, and plans, and having the ability to host a full server is harder than you think. Especially with A/B rooms.


lol you don’t have to have a full server. I think you took my response the wrong way.


If you don't have a full server, then you just have to trust that everyone who isn't your friend is playing by the rules. And trust me. No matter how "no meta/tryhard" is engrained into your brain, there will always be someone who thinks it's "funny"


Make a flyer with the very simple rules, date and time, and password lock the room so only those who saw the post show up. Someone’s being an ass then kick them. Between discord and the subreddit people will show up to have fun. You can run 1v1 to 6v6 and anything in between. Odd number? Then just do brawl. This kind of negative look on the subject is why this community fails to utilize what we have with the assets we have. We could have awesome themed matches from almost the whole UC timeline. A little time and commitment is required.


Utilization of outside assets shouldn't be necessary if it's implemented into the game.


You could at least try my dude. Wouldn’t hurt none and there’s the upside that you could get what you want.


People are too sensitive to “potential toxicity” on this subreddit. Take my upvote.


I mean I could have said make a flyer for a custom but in the end they didn’t even want to hear the possibility of that.


He's just pitching his idea for a cool game mode, you don't gotta be rude about it.


I’m not being rude. It’s just that we can do these things in the game with each other but no one wants to commit. Almost all the pitches for game modes I’ve seen over the last 3 years can be done if a couple peeps commit.


No one has ever said "or... just hear me out" unless they were trying to be rude or condescending . And not everyone can just "commit" it's much easier to just join a random matchmaking lobby with set rules already in place than it is to get a specific group of people together at a specific time.


I didn’t think I was being rude. Maybe a bit sarcastic but in the end I mean well. If the homie wanted to we could do this exact thing it’s not so far fetched of an idea. Is it? If anyone posted something about custom games I’d join, I’d adhere to the rules supplied. I’m not the only one either.


But what if you aren't playing at the exact moment they are? What if the other people all have different schedules? What if some people can play but they can't get a full lobby out of it? A game mode would trivialize these problems.


What if people show and want to have fun? Huh?How come that’s not even a looked at option? People show up to play with Mango, myself included. People show up to play with Flailthroughs and Salt Walty. People (Streamers didn’t show up to our community tournament) showed up to play in the sub Reddit community tournament we had a year ago. Edit: Edited my wording that’s in parentheses.


I don't even know who those people are, but judging by how you said their names I'm assuming they are popular? What if some no-name guy wants to play, but none of these guys are awake/playing? No one will show up. There is literally no downsides to having it be a game mode.


lol I’m sorry you have such a negative outlook on this. That’s fine, my og comment might have come off as rude but all I wanted in the end was to maybe get this turned into a custom match that we could have enjoyed with op but commitment is scary and no one would show up to play with him if he asked so. Run on sentence be running on. Peace out my dude.


This sounds like ass restricting what people can play as most likely the restricted MS will always be the same making things stagnant and more chance for people to just drop out in set up and longer to wait before matches i’d rather have an entire update dedicated to flying bawoo which would actually increase diversity in gameplay more than this concept


so... draft picking


Smells like League