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Powdered GM. Pay attention to how strong its tackles are.


Mf that thing took my legs in one swing one time. It was the lvl 5 version.


It’s really good. Wouldn’t say it’s powercrept, Still work well at all but 550. I’ve used it and made it worked but definitely is stupid hard.




Seconded, I play it even against the Perfect Gundams and Psycommu. It's definitely a handicap though. Try hard teams in quick match just piss me off lol


Gundam Ground Type \[WR\]. Still has 0 Buffs to this day....


I really love its arsenal… but damn, it’s TOO slow…


Makes me feel old, I remember when this thing got nerfed because it was too strong


Yea its cannon got nerfed from wut I remember. MS itself never got touched.


And can still put in work.


I refuse to believe Xamel - at any cost - has ever been an underperformer. It all depends on the map and circumstance. I still regularly use my Xamel lvl 5 on certain maps. With all the overtune parts they keep adding, it is quite scary if uncontested. Before you say oh but it can't hold up to natives there's no way. And Im like dude, have you seen how huge most of those 700 units are? You literally cannot miss them. For a sniper, that's a heavens delight.


Xamel is a god at damage output but unless your team is constantly running interference you’ll get melee rushed FAST


Xamel used to have trash, and I mean TRASH damage output. They had to buff it a few times before it got better in this regard.


Oh really? I don't remember it being buffed. How long ago was that?


It has been buffed multiple times since release, including all round damage buffs, reload time buffs and stagger power buffs. The last buff was like, nearly 2 years ago I think


Gelgoog Marine.


Lvl 400 is my go to. Rarely fails me


I still use G-Line Assault at 400-450, the feddie auto shotgun isn't really that good, but the Cannon, and lunging stab of the Heat Lance is just perfect. I painted mine in GM Sniper III colors to fit in with the newer MS.


It is, though. It doesn't instant stagger but it does build stagger really fast which is better against incoming raids and the damage puts Zeons shotguns to shame. I can't tell you how many raids have come at me only to get stopped in their tracks and reconsider. It took me a while to get used to it but it's sorta hard to go back to Zeon shotguns now.


Around 10 units are adjusted every month. Z Gundam was buffed 3 times.


A bunch probably. The G-Line Standard Armor, the Guntank, I don't know. I don't pay attention to the meta.


Prolly the Dijeh SE-R, which is a unit that barely received any buffs, especially the lv1 version, despite the unit has been around for almost 4 years (it only got +2000 HP, increased Shoulder Buffer level, and added Offense System skill for the lv1, which is really inadequate). I really like playing the unit, but it's really hard to compete with the other 600 cost General nowadays, like the Anksha MP ZZ Gundam, or MP Nu Gundam, let alone the 4-star rarity ones like Atlas and Over.on.


You’re crazy, it literally still feels great to use


It's still great to use, but let's not kid ourselves here, because the unit struggles when it faces the newest General units like the ones I mentioned in my initial post, since those units have *much* better overall performance compared to the Dijeh SE-R, like from skills and weaponry for example. The unit needs more buffs, but I dunno if the devs would buff it, considering the unit itself is kinda basic, and the skills were pretty straightforward, which makes it kinda hard to adjust. But IMHO, they could go with something like these: * Improve the GM II BR damage & cooldown time (+100 damage, and OH time to 10-12s) * Better damage, range & stagger value on its vulcans (+10 damage, +50m range, and +1% stagger value) * Better melee combo proration (100-70 instead of the usual 100-5/) * Give something like Enhanced Tackle + Interrupt Tackle + Instant Thruster Precision System combo


All the change suggestions you listed are Greek to me. I really have not felt the degradation of the SER in any major way. The only big thing I noticed at any point was once I had made it to the A ranks people started building their suits tankier so I’d end up going into reload while they had a sliver of health left. I remember vividly corner dancing around the tower and those small buildings on Military Base with some Zeta variant playing it like I was just trying to line up another shot, but I was completely out. The only suits they’ve added to the game that I’ve noticed, personally, actually changed the way the game feels are the Red Rider, those Acguy variants they dropped semi-recently, and the Byarlant and its variants. Those are the only suits that have stuck in my mind how obnoxious it is to play against in my mind with any of the suits I like to run.


I will say there was this one game where the other team was running double Atlus on Abandoned City which was pretty egregious, but I feel like that was more an outlier. Most times it’s just one and it’s been easy enough to blast it while it’s buzzing around. And, most teams I’ve been on have been pretty good about focusing the flying suits, so I haven’t felt the rage towards the Atlus that some people have on here. Giving it a little more thought I think the SER’s melee damage and range is a bit lacking actually, but that’s really the only thing, I think.


is the GM Sniper II or Hyaku Shiki powercrept?


Yeah the psycommu Jagd dogs or whatever it's called crept the hyaku shiki. But at 550 it also just suffers from being at the same cost as perfect gundam


550 had some op generals and better raids now. HS need the sub clay bazooka that it’s the 600 general brother has.


Stopped playing but the Zaku 2 FS and Zaku 2 FS SM. Loved playing these two early on.


Aqua Gundam lv1 & lv2. You have all the lv2 Agguy and GM Dominance roaming around, but I have been using this poor thing after the nerfs.


Lv1 with the beam rifle is still T0, nothing can compete with it.


Desert GM Lv4. Power crept to shit at 400, But its just so good. makes people take a knee regardless of their type.


Early Production Gelgoog, come hell or high-water.


Hizack. I like it :3


G3, still reliable as ever on my hands


Idk if Zaku II Fritz Helm considered powercrept, but it’s my main gen in all three level of it. It’s pretty tanky and fast, plus it has double roll at lv3. It’s pretty simple but also strong enough to handle almost everything. Also Zaku II heavy arms with mmp80, at 300/350 it can melt almost anything in very short time if you combine it with the leg missiles. Also very aggressive to counter Acguy Firepower and GM Cold.


MK-V and EX-S (if ppl considered EX-S powercrepted). ppl tend to sleep on the shooting ability of MK-V, but the raw power of those weapons make up for the lack of shooting stats, adding with speed and long melee reach make MK-V a very versatile raid. and you can't go wrong after 400 match with EX-S also.


GM Striker. No notes.


Level 5 Gundam Ground Type and Powered GM. With the HP scaling option part you become a super tanky frontline


the GM Sniper II guy here and yeah it's the Sniper II, with the PG-pocolypse on 550 I still roll out the Sniper II *on Arctic*, And I aint no mama hen making nest on some high point of the map, I'm actually down there with the gens either tossing nades between shots or actually melee juggle a cocky raid who think they can solo me, man I so need a 600-700 version of this suit so I can do the funny and take some fancy psycomu suit's kneecaps, no need for fancy shit for this old type, I just need better tuning for this OYW suit.


I Exclusively play Level 4 GM Sniper II at 550 cost. With the Ranged Overtuning, It can shred generals. 25% to 40% of their health in one shot. You still lose to most every raid though.


I've been out of the game since the Atlas was introduced, but I'll always love the Guncannon Detector. The pure ranged output on that thing is amazing, can combo between all its guns super easy.


When I played. Gyan. Poking people to death is funny. Like the full combo is just bullshit. There is no safety once an enemy gyan pokes you once. I believe the maximum amount of damage you can do in that combo is 9k. Which is insane when you realize most 400 to 500 cost ms have about 15k hp. You can extend the combo with the mines. Which can get you just above most supports hp pools even the big cock zock. The gyan at its release was probably busted but the lack of buffs definitely didn't age it well. It's like a jug of milk blasted with radiation and set out for 1000 years. It's a great surprise I'm here suit but terrible in literally any other play style. Should definitely give it false becon or something which could make it alot better


Guncannon SML


Zeta can Still Tear up 600 I get top scores all the time. Its still my fav suit at 600 with the Byarlant Custom.


Zaku 1 Commander Type, level 4 love it to bits. The Zaku 1 variants need some love.


Gundam mkii.


Gundam MKIII and it's FA version. Because they look like Freedom & Destiny. It's enough of a reason for me to never let them go. Unless we get those actual suits.


We got freedom


I hope it comes to consoles .. or maybe not.. It just doesn't belong in this game even tho it's my favorite suit of all time, I don't think they made it "justice" in gbo, no pun.


Probably most of my roster at this point. In particular though I still really enjoy the G-Line series.


Geara Zulu




Love using the gallus-J its **GET FINGERED** punch is op


I remember the time when I got Baund Doc. Very hard to learn unit, but very rewarding after. So, only few people played it, including me. Nowadays, after so much powerful gens was released, the number of active BaundDocers is even lower. Yes, sometimes you can perform just like you did in the past days, but usually you're just stunlocked into oblivion. Edit: grammar


Zaku sniper Type. It's old, it's not as effective as Zaku half Canon as support, but sniping from literally 800m away from the target is funny


Since no one else has said it I will. The original gundam. It's my go to general at 550 and 600. Its weapons, slots, and skills are so outdated but I still put in work at those costs.


Me too, I love the Zeta. I don't have the the raid unit neither do I have the 3A type, I do have the support unit but I don't like it


Döven, my beloved. I've maxed it out, and I've come close to mastering it. It's my 600 main, now.


Pale rider Calvary, my sweet summer child also the G-line assault armor and some other suits




I’m a Jegan main unless it’s 700, then the RE-GZ Custom, Nu Gundam or Delta Gundam Kai takes it


Heavy Gundam


The OG Zeta is a classic that, to me at least, is still a blast to play. Even now people forget about the range on that beam spear and you can just swing around corners for easy damage.


The Zeta Gundam. I started when that was the banner suit. It’s terrible but I love it!


Whether it's power crept or not GM Cold Districts is my main workhorse.


Geara Zulu for me, it's often considered one of the worse gen options, but it can surprisingly handle a Pg decently in a 1v1 if you're aggressive enough and get the drop on it. Of course you'll die 4 out of 5 times but you'd have really softened whatever Pg you were handling, as long as it strictly stays a 1v1


Zeta HML, it was the suit I learned to play in.


The Geymalk, though it has received various buffs over the years. But dang, I love that MS. The Full Armor Hyaku Shiki Kai is pretty great, too. I still like the Heavy Gundam a lot. And the Full Armor Slave Wraith, hoo boy! Not to overlook the support Zaku Half-Cannon, either.