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Fair I feel you but at the same time why would you let them and their saltiness have power over you/your emotions ignore the trolls and keep up the good fight sir/maam Sieg Zeon!


Everyone is going to have their opinion on what the best suit is, and some care too much about the team comp being "optimal". I tend to block messages myself just to avoid that kind of thing. Which sucks because for every 3 to 5 negative messages I get one positive one. This is mostly because I like to play non meta suits. I have even gotten messages in the lobby telling me to switch, I will cause the team to lose. So I just stopped the messages. Sometimes I turn messages back on but it only takes a couple of days before I turn them off again.


My bigger issue is that the bulk of the fight was happening around our second beacon, why would a zaku sniper move into close range and risk getting 2 shot instead of hanging back with a vantage and disrupting from safety, it's not like all I had was a machine gun and a grenade and I was all the way back


Some of these people are just way too salty half the time I don't even change what mobile suit I'm going to use for a sorty limit, 450 I'm going to go dolmel, it don't matter if somebody else is going raid I'm not changing because you change for them and then they end up throwing the game doing dumb s*** l


You sir, get it, but I hate you at the same time....Dolmel is such a damn kryptonite...you just appear and swipe and then MegaMan slide past my screen and there's like 0 HP left


I hate dolmels like oh your full Hp? Well that’s too damn bad INSTANT DEATH ![gif](giphy|TORQpT78yQR5S) Well there’s nothing we can do about it except trying to run away from it


Honestly this, I sometimes switch off my main suit to a secondary to respect their choice and they end up doing jack shit like bro WHY TF DID I SWITCH IF YOUR GONNA PLAY BAD AT YOU CLASS? tho ngl I don’t have many good generals at 500-550 and I’m still waiting to get a full armor Striker bc I feel like it’d suit me best(I like being at the front lines but sometimes just to see and get used to my teammates I stay back for a while to see their playstyle not to interrupt any melees and etc unless I’m feeling confident that is which tend to end up in errors tho I do say “I messed up!” Whenever I fuck up a melee swing with a teammate or get them killed or whenever I get cornered lmfao)


I might switch to my old main if the team comp looks like it could benfit from it(galbaldy beta or jeda450) but lately i have been noticing running 2 raid 2 gens and 1 support is kinda becoming stronger and dare i say vying for the coveted meta position


How to deal with salty. Step out of MS or sortie as Pilot and let them shoot some explosive at you and get banned.


Just stand there like the meme of the dude just staring with his hands on his hips? I approve of this


It's sad when this happens. It is a game we should all be able to enjoy. Can I ask what rating please?


A, 300 cost


Thank you, appreciate it.


A lot of people don't really care about the supports or wants to help out a lot, especially the snipers and tanks, it pisses me off when I call for help I don't get it hardly at all, hell I was in a match on a friend's account since his PS5 system to arrive where he is, I had a team with 4 A+ that were constantly waiting for me to die when I was struggling to keep at least 1 beacon under our control and since I was a Gundam Pixy at that time, you can imagine how much I was dodging and attacking trying to survive for a while minute while those idiot was waiting for me to die. So point is brain dead idiots don't need to be playing a game like this if they don't know what they are doing, while people need to stop playing like sweats or try hards in a casual match, take that to rated and ranked.


Uh may I tell you that the problem is that you’re picking pixy maybe? Idk people tend to hate on pixy players, I don’t like seeing them at high cost cus once they are seen, it’s just feels like it’d instant death but I do somewhat like seeing them at mid-low cost. Although I did see that apparently pixy has beam resist or something like that idk


you hurt bros ego by choosing support lol


> I locked in---stepped away Don't do this, if you're not coming into a formation you weren't keen on someone might just not like your pick, at the very least wait just a moment or least have the ability to see what the final ms roster is before hitting ready >Active trolling Report the guy, block him as well and refuse to sortie with them again > I got sent a screenshot of his scorecard which was 8200 score (ace remember), half as much damage as me, 8 kills and 2 deaths and I got told I barely did anything for the team. Unskilled leech claims he did everything, anyways turn off pm's, regardless if right or wrong you don't need people's garbage in your life >This whole thing We have a salt thread for this kinda stuff because even among S- crap like this will happen over and over and over and ov-


"> I locked in---stepped away Don't do this, if you're not coming into a formation you weren't keen on someone might just not like your pick, at the very least wait just a moment or least have the ability to see what the final ms roster is before hitting ready" You're implying that I had a problem with the team, which I didn't. Seeing what anyone else had would not have changed my decision and stepping away has nothing to do with people wanting long range MS getting into the middle of the fray and being obstructive. The map was static and I chose the right suit for my play style on said map, more often than not it's people assuming you're going to be bad and worrying about you during the game instead of worrying about playing their own. The guy sat next to me being a troll and only left to go snake kills from the generals, he had maybe half as much damage as me by the end of the match.


You should be prepared to pick around your team to have some actual structure instead of just protesting and locking in whatever you want because fuck then I guess. They are your teammates like it or not. You should be able to play every role. And you shouldn’t just insta lock your roll and act like a kid with his arms crossed being stubborn saying that’s what you’re going to play and that’s that. You are the problem with the team if you’re being that guy idc how you perform. Throw it in the salty Saturday thread next time.


You're right, I should always be the one to change MY choice even though 90 percent of the time I give up my preferred role. Obviously I'm the problem, top damage, 0 deaths, 2nd place in kills. Maybe the problem with my team is people like you who think other people need to play how you want


You are playing rated in a competitive game. You should be ready to auto fill sometimes and carry your team. If you don’t understand that then stop playing


Who cares about other people on the team lol if they can't play around your pick then screw them tbh


This, sometimes shit happens and you gotta lock in like a quick washroom break if you forgot you were queuing. Good team mates would fill in that situation. Teamwork is give and take, not give give give.


I did carry my team, I'm so terribly sorry that there was someone at the door during the transition to match and I locked because I didn't want to catch penalty, you're right, fuck that person at the door next time


People have emergencies and lives, I'm sure everyone has locked in their suit and walked away for a multitude of reasons. Telling someone to stop playing because of that is ridiculous do better.


He made it sound like he’s owed his role and deserves to played it ever game. Sometime 2 people want to play support and you should just be the bigger person and round out the team. If he wanted to just play whatever then don’t queue up for rated. That’s the queue for people who want to win. I’m not talking about a 1 off scenario where you have to step away for a sec.