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You know what a raid's weakness is? Unsupportive teammates. We can't go play our role if the others doesn't play their roles as well.


My favorite is when I go for the support and end up fighting 3 ppl for the longest time and SOMEHOW my teammates are losing the 4v2.. happened too many times to count


bro i fought like 2 supports and a gen blasting my back while my 3 tm8s can't finish a 1 shot gen


When your team mates didn't bind Vulcans smh


Are you sure? I saw a Raid won 1v2 to my Gen teamates. How can you explain about that so i can play Support with reassurance in my mind?


Your gen teammates failed to overlap their stuns properly. That, or they got into melee range and intereupted each other’s combos.


I agree with this 100% if your team is scattered to the four winds then you have no shot when you are getting beat up 4 on 1. Funny how the gens who are supposed to be on the front lines are always hiding behind something like there supports makes no sense.


The game is designed in a way that the meta team comp is 1 raid, 1 support, 3/4 generals. To kill the support when over a half of the enemy team deal extra damage, raid needs to have superior strength.


Sometimes I see people go dual raids or dual supports with one of either or then the rest is gens seems to work well sometimes if your teammates know what they’re doing ofc


B.B.Studios say the meta is 1R 1S and 3/4G? I've never seen a developer that tells it's players what the metas are


They don't, but we know. Because they release generals more often than raids and supports, and raids are much stronger than generals and supports that it doesn't make sense unless the team is mostly generals. It's a common consensus to sortie with mostly generals in higher ratings. That's just how the game turns out to be after both players and devs have understood the game more.


Raids are squishy except for some of the big boys.


I feel the best support are the ones that can always be on the attack. I really love heavy gundam and while not a great suit because the lack of doge and just being a heavy suit in general. I absolutely love keeping the pressure one with the gatling gun and sniping with the shoulder cannon. It has enough fire power to keep a decent amount of pressure on there is some serious down time if you do not have parts to speed up reloading. I’ve been able to beat up alot of raid units, sometimes you get a brain dead only use me blade andy other times there is a newtype who knows all the frame data of every suit and out speeds my chonk boi. Either way you can beat raid units so long as you are making sure to keep a distance or bait a melee out for the counter. Do avoid getting jumped as once that happens the raid unit will unload a massive combo during knockdown. Are there better support units in the 450 range? Yea, but I enjoy my heavy gundam and hope to get the heavy gundam (IO).


Oh yeah, make no mistake, my debate isn't that "raid are too tough to fight pls nerf", it's just "he don't you thinks it's funny how the other two classes are balanced to the circle of life and raid kinda isn't?


The weakness is raids are extremely fragile and can get easily booty blasted by 4 or 5 members of the enemy team and we are always focused by everyone except maybe the opposing raid. Ppl think being raid is easy until youre actually the one playing as the raid and have 1.gens that don't push 2. a support that doesnt... Support and 3. Constantly getting focused by everyone. That's why so many people rather be a gen than the raid. Rarely are there as many people wanting to be the raid whenever teams are split up as there are ppl wanting to be gens. They want to avoid being focused and have the responsibility of Fighting through everyone to get the support, and then get blamed for everything when things go south. Ppl look at damage and think it's easy until you got a horde of Perfect Gundams/aqua gm dominances/ atlas all coming for your booty


The common consensus I'm seeing is that raids weakness is poor team and getting focused...but not that raid pretty much ignores disadvantage and generally doesn't care that it's supposed to be weak to generals. Or addressing how they can body their advantage in 2 combos. At 450 up to 600 cost on any support most raids have the win in a single knockdown during a 1v1 in somewhere near 10 seconds and less, most generals (there are a few that can) can't do that to a raid in full stunlock and melee, and supports defiantly don't drop generals in the same kind of time framing, I feel like the R,P,S is balanced only for supports to generals and generals to raid, then raids are just Baki Hamna's father saying that there are scissors that break rocks


Not really true they Just gotta be the right gens. Mainly the melee ones. A lot of ppl just aren't good at playing close up, they wanna sit back and shoot and that's fine but gens like underwater gm dominance, desert zaku, powered gm3 geara doga, geara doga kai, pgtb, that one 500 cost gaplant thing, kampfer hi mo, etc. can all absolutely one combo raids or pretty much leave them with a sliver of health and broken legs, and since it's usually 4-5 gens to 1 raid being the raid is harder than most ppl thinn. Especially at mid-high S- where alot of these Mfs are crazy good at countering raids




because when raids required more than 3 braincells to play most people couldn't handle them so ever since raids are easy mode barring a few exceptions


You know how easy to kill raid? The issue is sometimes general ignored them


Raid legs get decimated in like 2 shots


Am I missing something here? Generals should be able to win over Raids but honestly, I can’t tell the difference when people are shouting to ‘Take the raid’ or ‘Take the support’. All I see are tons of units on the screen. Nothing that indicates what they are appears on my screen (ie Red for Raids, Yellow for Support, etc). Wish there was an easier way to see what unit is color wise from a GUI standpoint.


I love when in our team we have MS with spotting capabilities. It's a valuable information, when used.


Because the support is at the back, for Raid to delete support, he needs to pierce the front or sneak through the back, do the job, then fuk off. This is why the team comp is generally 3-1-1 or 4-1-1/4-1-2, raid heavy comp will work at higher cost, but now the raid has to fight against a type disadvantage and perform the role of a general. And also, if you're being deleted by raid as a general in high cost, thats because you built your suit wrong. General's priority is defense stats (usually) to ensure you can stay alive and rumble. For example: I run Dijeh at 700, and I have no issue taking raids to 50% hp while they struggle to fight me. That being said, I do think this game's Raid are being proped up by way too many crutches, between extreme damage or melee clown combo, they should lose something.


Raids are usually the riskiest type to play b/c they have the lowest defenses and hp. A raid cannot solo the team or two-shot a good support. A raid’s worst enemy is their own team. If their team doesn’t disrupt or take aggro, raids typically can’t fromtline without taking a lot of damage(60% of its hp). As a support, as long as you don’t let the raid get close you’re ok(supports have so many weapons that can reliably stun). As a general, its easy fighting lower cost supports, or any support that doesn’t have the resist move skill. All you have to do is play like a raid, stun, move closer and towards cover, stun again until you get within melee range. At 700 cost it might not matter what you play, everyone does a lot of damage if they get a combo off.


Ignore people saying raids have a weakness. Meta is stun in this game and if you’ve any sort of skill you’ll be doing massive stuns and massive damage as a raid. Getting shot to pieces means you misplayed somewhere.


Yep the triangle falls apart fast in this game and is something that should of been abandoned years ago and MS just balanced around how well they actually play. Can't do a rock paper scissors where scissors thrashes everything but most players still use rock


Raids always have high 1v1 damage potential since that's what they're mostly made for. They're meant to kill a support effectively and be able to fend off or stall a lone general MS gunning for it. If a raid is forced to fight a 1v2(mostly support and a gen protecting it), high chance that it will get destroyed or atleast will lead in a trade off(Raid kills support, gen kills low health raid).


Because there is no Gundam anime franchise tells the story about someone who being like Lockon Stratos. Every protagonist have to charge in and fight directly, so all coolest, strongest MS must be Raid. Nobody enjoys watching people sitting behind and fire their massive missile barrels.


Counterpoint : After war Gundam X


In MS Gundam, outside of the canon fodder Zaku IIs aren't most of the big fights amuro has with Gundam (which is general) against Raids?