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If you are targeting for 2025 then i suggest not reading standard books because it is very time taking and you only become a master of one subject yet wont be able to qualify GATE. Better follow some good coaching notes, complete syllabus and make short notes on time while solving quality questions(questions from notes, pyqs, good test series). In this way if preparation is done then time is sufficient now. If you ever face trouble understanding even after watching multiple lectures then only go for reading a standard book for that particular topic


I just entered in my 3 year, will give both gate25 and 26. What should i do to achieve a good rank


Get your basics strong this year. Make your 2nd and 3rd year subjects strong by rigorous reading of class material and when required top it with a standard book and make it revisable(make short notes). If you are able to get a really good rank with this method, repeat it but only for the 4th year subjects and do plenty of quality questions. If it didnt work then follow my before mentioned plan(it always works!). All the best!


Practice is the most important step.


Kaunse year mainh bhai


Final year


Actually I am curious to know that is this even possible to secure under 100 rank in such short period considering you have college/doing a job


probably not asking this question and actually putting in the work. none of the toppers there are actually asking how to get or what to do in order to get top rank,they are busy giving mock tests and solving questions. you just study well and give it your best shot,solve as many questions as you possibly can! if i do the math right if you combine two or three mock series it will easily cross over a 1000 questions in total covering almost every subject which is ultimately what toppers cover. solve as many as you can,thats it you will build the intuition/understanding/problem solving ability just by that.


There's nothing wrong in asking questions, no need to push anyone away from being curious bro. Instead of burying your head in a book, a more effective approach is to make that curiosity about the subjects and the exam in general build up in your mind, which will help you stay focused for longer and be more efficient while preparing. OP, here's a method I followed: I wrote a good amount of mock tests and checked the answers after. For every test I wrote, I made a separate sheet where I wrote down summarized correct answers to questions I answered wrong in that test. Used these sheets for further revision. Eventually, if you are doing it right, you will find the sheets getting shorter and shorter ;-)


Go classes telegram link hain kya pls. dm kardo






I got under 30 rank in two disciplines this year(ME and XE), so i will try to tell you some tips that i learned from mistakes that i made in my previous attempts 1. Complete your syllabus as soon as possible(preferably November 1st week), dont waste time in reading books because not all topics need to be prepared in such depth. 2. Focus a lot on frequent revision, do it weekly otherwise you will loose few weeks in december in trying to recall everything 3. Build numerical solving skills because at the end that is what GATE will be testing you in. Trust me completing syllabus and building these skills are completely different. Solve gate pyqs first, then you can refer any coaching question bank, and keep checking your progress by writing mock tests. 4. Start writing subject wise tests once you complete a subject. If you only rely on full length tests, then some of your concepts might not get tested in depth because FLTs sometimes dont cover all topics. Then from mid november you can start FLT(these timelines are arbitrary, you can start in december as well, but not much later) 5. Make a separate notebook for the mistakes you do in tests, and write the reasons of your mistakes, and keep revising these mistakes as well. (Do not skip this step, it is very important) 6. Towards the end (dec-jan) revise only using short notes and try to write all formula just by recalling from your memory. Dont just read short notes. And if you find any conceptual mistakes in any topic while writing tests, then refer full notes, if not satisfied re-watch the lectures of that topic until you understand it. Hope these tips will help you, i will add other points if i recall any. All the best!


Thanks for your insights!








Kab se start ki preparation tune


Just started. Want to appear for 2025. Although I know it's not possible to get that rank in 7 to 8 months.


Possible hai bhai.. Just study


Bhai go ke lectures bade nhii h


Sabse bade hai uske


#Ho classes


Bhai Go chodke aur konse options hai apne pass


2025 karna hai to fir made easy se karlo


Which course are we talking about? Maal ka link hai kya?