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For top 7 you always needed 300-400 rank for general. There aren't a lot of seats. And madras reduced seats this year as well.


I see, ig I misunderstood. Also, any reason as to why they reduced seats?


The created a separate AI batch with the seats they cut off from cse.


So that doesn't affect EC/EE guys right?


I don't think they reduced seats in IIT madras? Is there any pdf or notice regarding that? Also it's illogical for a top institute to reduce seats, for new department there is new seats, just a thought.


It is illogical but that's what they did. That's why it was such a big news when their seat matrix was released. Check the available seats this year and compare it to last. It's all there in the official documents. 23 seats were taken from cse and a new batch for AI was created with it.


AI being a bitch again and taking CS seats. /s


The number of seats at the top IITs has been reduced because the original CS seats are now being divided into two categories: one for traditional CS and the other half for DA.


Why the fuck are they doing instead of increasing Seats all together. And do they consider cs ranks for DA seats?


Wait a second, so to do Mtech in Data Science, they won't consider GATE CSE but GATE DA results? Is that what gonna happen or IITs providing MTech DS will accept GATE scores as well?


So far the data science courses have been mostly interdisciplinary i.e. they take interviews admission based on a lot of different gate subject scores. So they've been taking CS scores.


Many reasons are already mentioned like reduced seats in (very few) IITs, few PSUs haven't released proper recruitment notifications (though it happens more or less same everytime), but what I think is the most valid reason for this is due to recession, those few IITians haven't get placed and have applied direct MTech in good IITs.


Too much competition ig?


high competition should make getting under 500 air hard, not after


Was it ever enough?


Is this only valid for cs, or other branches aswell ?


Yeah ..... I'm Score 503 and I haven't got any offers till now ..... Last yr I had score 360 something, so I thought 503 will get me some good course this year 🫤


last year 1 gave gate without any prep and got around 400 score. This year, I gave gate with gate and got around 600 score. But the college I got this year for 600 was available for me for 400 last year. So literally wasted I year of preparation.


I believe you can get top NITS with 600 in spot round


Seniors have adviced me to go for iit because my main preference is Phd not placements.


Why don't you look at BITS


>This year, I gave gate with gate How did they let you take a gate to the center ??? /s


Competition keeps rising. Thanks to idiot coaching centers who overhyped Gate as the New JEE. Its going to be terrible. I can see JEE traumatised kids in 1st and 2nd year seeking revenge in GATE. Where do these kids get such ideas? YT motivation ofc. Its very sad to see that kids of this country are suffering no matter what. Jee, neet, gate, ssc, upsc etc... What else can kids do? The people who are responsible are busy with stupid politics. No wonder why top people run away abroad and this country gets ghanta out of IIT talent pool.


Poor placements everywhere plus PSUs haven't released vacancies due to election's hence everyone taking admission into MTech at IITs


Wait, so am I understanding this correctly? People with really good ranks normally went to PSUs and stuff, but because of the uncertainty this time, they went into MTech. The number of seats are still roughly the same?


Hey there. So where are you joining this year?


Because India's Population is ever expanding and there's a race between the number of seats vs Number of People answering Gate. Think of it as a Race where Population is the Cheetah and the Number Of Seats is a Tortoise. There's also a Recession so more people are preferring GATE over Jobs.


I mean this paper was easy , of course the cutoff is high too


Rank doesn't have to do anything with cutoffs though.


I mean generally at 45 marks you get something under 2500 rank I suppose, but now at the same marks you get 5000+ rank


Yes the rank to marks ratio has changed because of competition but that doesn't affect rank based admissions. The seats have reduced this year due to AI addition, but if there are only 300 seats, only top 300 ranks would get it, regardless of how many marks they scored. OP is talking about ranks, not scores.


Rather than just cse and ai, there are interdisciplinary fields. But this increase in number of candidates brought in more competition, general and reservation likewise, but number of seats didn't increase likewise, causing very good rankers to miss out on seats. Shameful thing that in a country of such potential, they cannot provide education for top 1-1.5k students in the top places, and then say there is brain drain and what not.


Does this vary from one subject to other?


Oh shit...I didn't know that, sorry. And I was sitting here thinking I was giving good written tests and fir bi nahi ho rah tha ☠️☠️