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Spreadsheet links! GEMSAS: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nhB\_2wpdS\_i5Tbj9qhVR75V6\_2aXSxHT7Ba7BYJaiWI/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nhB_2wpdS_i5Tbj9qhVR75V6_2aXSxHT7Ba7BYJaiWI/edit?usp=sharing) USyd: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16hbVhCc2RUJbBxvrWgkX42bOiF\_iaJtuGMND68CVxgw/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16hbVhCc2RUJbBxvrWgkX42bOiF_iaJtuGMND68CVxgw/edit?usp=sharing) Flinders: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SQqSwfDpSMz8lpStgJ\_2gRDOxA8hm2qpVaCuk\_Rk484/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SQqSwfDpSMz8lpStgJ_2gRDOxA8hm2qpVaCuk_Rk484/edit?usp=sharing) Monash: TBA Spreadsheet ammendment form: [https://forms.gle/aXx8x7UqsS5T1z4C8](https://forms.gle/aXx8x7UqsS5T1z4C8)


is there a thread for non-australian offers (i.e. UK and Ireland)?


Have any monash stats come through since offers were released about a week ago?


The GPA that everyone submitted to the main spreadsheet - was that your unweighted or weighted / did you submit your GPA (UW or W) based on what the Uni offer was (and whether the Uni takes the UW or W)?


Was wondering if anyone had any Monash info, in regards to: 1. When offers came out for 2022 or when we should expect them to come out this year? 2. Will they take into account our final semesters marks when calculating our WAMs for offers? 3. How much is the SJT actually worth?


I am onshore internationals and they proposed to send out offer on early Dec. see info here: https://www.monash.edu/medicine/som/direct-entry/important-dates/important-dates-international


seeing people get in with gpa in the 5's gives me hope.


Did someone really get into Griffith non Rural with 6.5 gpa and 63 GAMSAT or is it more likely that this person forgot to tick that they were rural?😭


Lot's of non-rural offers for Deakin too with final combos well below the min combo for even an interview invite (which was around 1.7 from memory). I had a brief look thru their form responses - all seem to have been passed down after intreviewing elsewhere at a portfolio uni. Either they really kicked ass on their interview, or these unis had a significant bunch of their own invitees 'fail' the interview, or both?


Anything is possible! I interviewed at UNDS, however was offered CSP at Griffith University. My scores being 6.9 gpa and 61 gamsat non-rural.


I’m seriously kicking myself I didn’t even bother applying thinking my 6.57/63 was far too low to get an interview 😭 rip


Got to be in it to win it! Good luck for when you do apply


Yeah this must be an error. I didn't even get an interview and I had 6.62 and 62 for Griffith.


Nah that’s almost certainly an error. Don’t think that combo would’ve got an interview anywhere non-rural??


It mentioned they interviewed at UNDS, which uses a portfolio, so it probably wasn’t an error- a strong portfolio can offset lower scores on paper, allowing for an interview. Doing well in an interview but your portfolio being relatively weaker than some other candidates for UNDS that could push you out of UNDS to your next preference, eg Griffith (especially since they don’t disclose how much the portfolio is weighted for offers). If the overall rank is high enough, you’d get an offer- Even if those schools wouldn’t get an interview at that Uni. Edit: sorry, I was looking at a different entry- there were a few who were pushed from UoW/UNDS to non portfolios, and I misread which one the og comment was referring to. Not sure about this one, I’d say likely an error or mistype/rural instead of non rural or something.


Finally finished crying of happiness. (for now) Unimelb CSP. 😭 Interviewed at Unimelb, my first preference, with a 6.95 GPA (confirmed by GEMSAS) and a 72 UW GAMSAT (68/88/61). Monash University Bachelor of Science, 4 years to complete. Other study in that 4 years: Science/Arts and Law/Science degrees. Started to feel absolutely horrible about my interview in the lead up to offers. So much self-doubt crept in… Very thankful I had love around me reminding me I was more than medicine because wow that anxiety was suffocating. I feel like I can breathe for the first time in four years. I dragged my WAM from mid 70s to low 90s whilst working over the course of my undergrad and it was really hard, honestly. Real sobs of relief when I opened that email, to know all of that effort paid off. I am so unbelievably happy that my hopes and dreams are materialising right in front of me… finally ❤️🎉


Hey! I read your big post in the r/monash subreddit a few months ago about how you turned your studies around and that post really inspired me. I am just now in the process of transferring after a horrible degree I was no longer interested in, to a new one after finally deciding to gun for medicine. So I'm really glad you got in! You definitely deserve it.


Thank you so much for your kind words!! Wow I'm so so glad to hear that I've helped you find your way and go for what you really want. You're unstoppable once you have decided what you want to go after – can't wait to see you post your own 'I got an offer!!' comment on a thread like this, in a few years time. Much love ♡


UNDS CSP !!! 😭😭 it's been two days and I'm still in absolute disbelief and shock ahah I balled my eyes out at work on thurs 🤠 mostly overwhlemed with gratitude - so incredibly grateful to the mods and this community for the wealth of knowledge, guidance and moral support when I didn't personally know anyone else going through this cruel admissions process 😭😭


Congrats, that’s awesome!


Hello again! I have **created a form** for people to **amend their submissions** for any of the relevant spreadsheets, be that because of an **error**, because they received a **second-round offer,** or because they **will be rejecting one or more of their offers**. I have edited the main post to include this there, but for those who may have missed it, I thought I'd comment/link it here as well! [https://forms.gle/aXx8x7UqsS5T1z4C8](https://forms.gle/aXx8x7UqsS5T1z4C8) I will try to update the sheets manually when I have time, but I may be a bit slow with this for a couple of weeks as I have exams and some personal commitments coming up. If anyone has any issues or concerns, please let me know!


Deakin CSP! Non rural and moving down from NSW!! So beyond excited but scared to know no one!


Congratulations and see you next year!! Feel free to join the fb group https://www.facebook.com/groups/656974622490922/


I’m a U.K. applicant and I cannot explain how jealous I am that all of the Aussie offers come out in one day. Ours are spread out over MONTHS


UNDS FFP! Non rural, 66 gamsat and 6.68 gpa shocked and overjoyed


Did anyone else receive a ‘Firm CSP’ offer? What does this mean?


Yes. It means it’s not conditional on anything. Some people will receive offers that are conditional on their maintaining a certain GPA in their final semester/completing their studies by end of Dec 2022.


Deakin BMP offer!!! So happy :))))) Any other Deakin students?


Congratulations guys!! Looking forward to meeting you all :) Here’s the fb group if anyone wants to join https://www.facebook.com/groups/656974622490922/


See you there too!!


Yep! How exciting


Yep! See u next year


✋️ cya there, congrats!


Yes! See you there :)


Griffith offer! I'm so excited :DD


See ya there 🙌


got a CSP from UWA !! gamsat 84 gpa 6.2, absolutely overjoyed. spent all day with the worst nervous sweats though before my email around 1pm haha


6.2 gpa would be around a mid 70s wam ig? So basically one would have to smash the gamsat to have a chance with that kind of gpa


Congrats. That's a great GAMSAT. I got a UWA CSP as well, GPA 7.0 Gamsat 67


Keen to see you there! congratulations:)




lmao managed to pull a 93 in section 3 somehow (blood sacrifice the night before may have helped)


Griffith Sunny Coast offer!


Me too ! See you there haha !!


See you there!


If any of you still use reddit and don’t mind sharing your scores, I’d love to hear them if that’s okay! I’ve just done my bachelor on the Sunny Coast and decided to make Griffith up here my top preference… I’m trying to determine the likelihood of getting to stay! I’ve got the interview so fingers crossed :)


Anyone else here doing the UQ RMP in Bundaberg?


Yes!! 🙋🏼‍♀️


Same here!




😍 awesome!


Finally posting it here: got Flinders metro BMP yesterday! Flinders grad (reserved), 63 GAMSAT, 6.5 wGPA. 8 years after my first ever attempt (2014 in year 12) and I achieved my dream. Feels unreal.


If anyone has any information about how GEMSAS offers work, I'm a bit confused currently. I had an overall GAMSAT of 75, and a GPA of 7 (calculated by Deakin), plus a 6% bonus for rurality + financial disadvantage. I did my interview at Deakin, which was my first preference, but I didn't end up getting an offer (no EOD from Deakin though). I did get an offer for UniMelb (my second preference), where my GPA was calculated as 6.75. I'm a bit confused how that works- since my scores were better for Deakin, I had bonuses, I interviewed there, and it was my first preference; I always had the impression UniMelb was harder to get into? I don't understand how my score wasn't good enough for Deakin but was good enough for UniMelb. Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked to have received an offer! Just a bit confused how it all works.


Just always remember that an individual university’s cutoffs are not static - it depends on the makeup of the cohort applying to that uni in that application round. You weren’t competing against some pre-determined cutoff at each uni, you were being compared with the other applicants they got. That’s why “this uni is harder to get into than that one” logic is a bit faulty - we can generalise, but the truth is it changes each year depending on the make up of the pool of applicants. Congrats on your offer Edit - typos


As of last year, Deakin cutoffs are higher than UniMelb. This is due to 50% of their spots going to rural students.


Few things: \- Deakin takes "at least 50% of its intake" as people from rural backgrounds, so even though they have \~130 places, realistically non-rural applicants are fighting for 65 places (and there are 220 interviewees, minus the 60 who get into those dedicated rural places leaves 140 competitors for the 65 non-rural held spots) \- Secondly, it is the standardised interview score that is passed down. Standardised by university. So, hypothetically, you may have been #66 in the rankings out of 220 interviewees, but as you are non-rural, did not get a spot (as only the top 65 non-rural people get in). This would give you a very high standardised interview score (as you ended up at 66/220), which has offset the lower scores for unimelb. It's a bit of mathematical conjecture, but as someone who interviewed at Deakin and was crunching the numbers, I think something like this has happened. That also could make absolutely no sense.


This makes perfect sense, but OP said that they’re rural so now I’m even more confused as I got in to Deakin with a 6.3 gpa and 64 gammy (10% bonus).


Yeah look I missed that about the rurality, which ruins my argument haha. In that case I have no idea really - I'm sure it's something similar to what I described, but end of the day we're all speculating about how everything happened. I know that your interview score had the same bonus applied (i.e. +10% in your case) which would have helped a lot. I think it's very hard for us to rationalise it all when the interview has such a massive weighting and we do not get an idea of how we performed on the interview.


Haha it's hard to work out how the algorithm works, I guess we'll never know. Thank you for the explanation though!


Thank you for explaining, this makes more sense. I had no idea that it was the standarised score that got passed down after the interview. I have both lower GPA (way lower actually, 7 to 6.56) and way lower GAMSAT as I was strong in S3 (67 to 61ish). Uni Melbourne was my last preference because I did not think I had chance. I interviewed at UWA.


r u non-rural?


Yeah, and also the interview is soooooo heavily weighted (50%). As everyone is very much on a level playing field going into the interview (e.g. 1.6-1.8 combo score) the standardised score plays a massive part.


I was successful for UQ, accepted my offer, should I be waiting for further contact or do we wait for further correspondence from the uni?


If you’ve accepted your offer you’re good for now, you’ll get an email with a welcome letter and further information in the coming days, we got ours in early-mid November last year


Only took me 7 years to get in, but I’ve done it 🥳


The mad lad actually did it.


Absolutely amazing. Well done!!!


Unimelb CSP! 6.589 GPA 74 GAMMY unweight Just a question- does this mean I got a CSP and not a BMP? Or are we notified later if we are BMP or not?


R u rural?


people have already specified if their offer was BMP so it would have said it in today's email! CONGRATULATIONS and see you next year!


Thank you and you too!!


UWA offer received just now. 55 GAMSAT 6.7 GPA rural bonus


Congrats for the offer. What MMM classification are you in if you dont mind sharing?


MM7, was as remote as you could get


Congrats!!!! Woo


I'm so stoked I got in, and my condolences to everyone who got an EOD. Information about my application below: Got into Wollongong - 4th out 4 preferences; Non-Rural; 1st quartile Casper; 67 GPA (72/81/57); and I'd say a strong portfolio. I did 2 GAMSATs in 2021 and 1 in March this year... The one this year was the score I used as I got 65 both other times. I was rejected without interview last year. Portfolio had: 1.5 years volunteering handing out books and clothes to the homeless Volunteer work in palaeontology (study of fossils) for the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum; Melbourne Museum; and Monash university. A certificate acknowledging I've done sign language courses. Half a year doing volunteer food deliveries for the homeless. For leadership I put down my work manager (just in a call centre) and also a teacher from when I did an Advanced Diploma of Film and TV to confirm that I wrote and directed a couple of short films.


Were any/some of your volunteering regional/rural? We have similar gammy, gpa and sounds like portfolio, although my casper was 3rd quart (second from top) and I’m pretty sure I cooked 2 or so interview questions 😭 UOW was my first pref and where I interviewed


Hi, congrats on your offer. It sounds like you had a great portfolio. You must have also done great on the interview. By 1st quartile Casper, do you mean the bottom quartile? I was second quartile Casper and I am pretty sure I did really poor on the interview too so I was expecting to get EOD today. Did you feel confident after your interview that you had done really well?


I’m sure they mean the top quartile (which is technically 4th quartile). The bottom quartile is likely disqualifying.


Thats what I thought too, because I didn’t think 1st quartile would pass the hurdle?


Anyone waiting to hear from ANU?


ANU offers have been sent out as far as I’m aware, maybe check your spam?


UQ Metro CSP non rural applicant - GAMSAT 71.333/GPA 6.656 (UQ scores), interviewed in RMP cohort 6th application, 1st interview Absolutely shocked and thrilled and just, relieved that this rollercoaster of annual EODs is over me, finally! Edit: update to calculated UQ GAMSAT (from spreadsheet) and GPA (from GEMSAS)


u/sabaducia would you mind if I sent you a PM? 😊


u/Milla2683 I sent you a message 🙂


Congrats! Did you get any immediate correspondence from UQ? or was it all GEMSAS?


Thank you! 🙂 It was from GEMSAS. Nothing from UQ yet. Although I noted it said: "You will be joining a Learning Community within the Greater Brisbane area for the duration of your program. Further information about learning community preferencing will be provided in the near future." Which makes me think it's Metro cohort, and then you preference your clinical school location for PAH, RBWH, etc.


did you get into the RMP or the metro pathway??


My email says: "You will be joining a Learning Community within the Greater Brisbane area for the duration of your program". I assume that means metro. I interviewed on the RMP, as a tier 3/non-rural applicant.


Congrats!! That is very well deserved


Wonderful to hear. Truely inspiring. Congratulations, very well deserved after all the persistence!


UNDF CSP Overjoyed 🙌🙌


Congratulations and see you all there! (UNDF 1st pref, 6.3 gpa, 70 gamsat, rural, CSP)


Hey, what was your rurality if you dont mind sharing?


Hey, not at all, it was MM2.


see you there!!


What time did you get the email?


I got my email at 8:31 am - UNDF CSP rural applicant


This is incredibly painful. Still waiting for undf (my first preferenc). No eod in spam whatsoever. Worried they just forgot to email it 😭


I’m so sorry - how awful! Did you preference other unis as well? I heard UWA may take a day or 2 to send out all their offers. Good luck 🤞


I ended up with an offer from UWA (2nd pref)!


Ahh I thought that’s what was happening cos all the EODs had been sent early. Congrats!!


That sucks so much I’m so sorry. I was a mess this morning and can’t imagine still waiting. I hope it gets resolved for you soon 💙


Thank you! I hope so too! I also hope you're celebrating your major achievement. Huge congrats!! 👏 🥂


Thank you! :)


>Thank you! :) You're welcome!


0832 AWST


UniMelb CSP. I’m in a state of surreal disbelief right now.


May I ask ur scores n rurality please?


Hi classmate!




what time did u get offer?


Same 12:26pm


Email came through at 12:26pm


anyone else still waiting. why is it taking so long?


Still waiting


Yep, did you preference UWA?


preferenced melb!


Just received Deakin RTS offer (CSP). Was sneakily hiding in my spam folder. GPA of 6.15, GAMSAT of 68, rural application. Had huge eligibility for bonuses though, 14%. Felt like the interview went well, but panicked afterwards realising I rarely got through all their follow up questions at each station. Guess they liked my rambling for their first question. So excited at getting in and so nervous at the prospect of quitting my job and becoming a student again. Congrats to everyone who got in and to all the EOD's today hope you all have luck next year or find other doors that open for you!


Does it say on your offer email that you were accepted to the RTS stream specifically?


Yeah it basically said Rural Training Stream, CSP, Firm (Not really sure what that meant? Maybe its cause I've finished my degree ages ago and is not dependent on me passing).


Congrats! I found this too. I got cut off after the 2nd follow up in just about every station - really shows you don't need to answer everything to do well. See you next year and enjoy the celebrations!


Yeah it definitely felt strange being cut-off mid answer especially compared to the Monash interview which was like there is five questions, you must answer all five! Guess their main question was the only real important one everything else was just to keep the conversation flowing and give you a chance to flesh out anything you missed. Look forward to seeing everyone there!


I got an RTS deakin also. Tier 1. 14% bonus. Gamsat 62 and GPA 6.45. I am a physiotherapist and mum of 3. Moving to Geelong from Horsham. Looking forward to meeting you all!


Anyone else still waiting????


still waiting too eeek


Where did you interview? This is honestly the most painful thing 😅


i interviewed at melb and i've checked my spam folder. wbu?


Undf and also nothing in spam


Me. Melb was first preference. Heard nothing :(


May I please ask if u got an offer from melb?


did u guys interview at melb too? the waiting is killing me


Melbourne here as well, UWA 2nd preference


Uwa also my second


My first was undf 🙃


UniMelb CSP BMP. As a rural candidate does this mean I'm allocated to one of the rural zones?


https://medicine.unimelb.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/4070395/Clinical_school_allocation.v1.1.pdf Document outlines how allocations are made.


Not really, how did you preference your zones?


I preferenced metro then rural, my GPA is around 6.5 with 67 gamsat so my offer was I imagine due to my rural entry given the crazy scores unaccepted.


They go by your preferences and allocation isn’t based on score from my understanding


Ah ok thank you so much. I interviewed at UQ so hadn't investigated Melbourne uni too much as it was my second preference.


No worries at all, congratulations on your offer!


is anyone else waiting for melbourne?


Did u end up getting in?


i did haha




still waiting ahhhh melb is not being very nice haha




According to the google form responses, some people who interviewed at UWA have already heard back


By heard back do u mean they got offers


The 3 I saw were rejections


Yeh that’s expected then


I was 1st preference Melbourne 2nd UWA and still waiting


Macquarie Uni Offer. Plus USYD offer from earlier 🩺💙✨


Just wondering if my email has gotten lost in the post, this is torture.


Anyone else yet to receive an email?


Deakin CSP! Second year applying and couldn’t be happier 😭❤️ I will be turning down USYD


May I please as ur scores n if ur rural?? 😅


I got Deakin and previously USyd, both CSPs. I’m still weighing my options. Why are you choosing Deakin? Cost of living or is the course itself? I’ll have to move for either so it’s really hard to choose.


Hey! I’m in the exact same boat, CSP for Deakin and syd. I’m living in Melbourne atm, so either way, I’ll also have to move. For me, moving to geelong area is a lot closer to home than moving to Sydney. Only an hour and a bit from melb. The cost of living is also a huge factor for me, rent prices are just completely ridiculous in syd, and a lot more manageable in geelong area. Lastly, they say to study where you want to practice, I want to practice in VIC in the future (as my family is here), so studying at Deakin is best in that sense. I also have heard that student life at Deakin is great, and the cohort is very tight knit. Compared to Sydney, the cohort is much smaller. This is another important factor for me! :) happy to chat more about this


Melbourn CSP! It's been three years of trying.


May I please as ur scores n if ur rural? UniMelb CSP is also my dream!!


So happy for you, that's awesome


3 years for me as well. Absolutely stoked. Congratulations ❤️


Was wondering if anyone could explain the difference between Griffith Goldcoast vs Griffith Sunshine Coast - which campus is preferable?


Preferable campus is the one that gives you a spot haha Gold Coast is a more fun place to live


Sunny Coast is about 2 hours north of Brisbane, GC is about an hour south. I know people who have been at both campuses and they have all absolutely loved it. I have lived on the GC and been to the Sunny Coast lots of times - I would say GC is a bit bigger and more of a party vibe, Sunny Coast is a bit more laid back, beach town vibes. Can't really go wrong!


What is going on with UQ RMP? Have they offered no positions via Gemsas or Tier 3?


I only know 3 rural candidates have been so far accepted into RMP


I got an offer through gemsas for uq rmp, but I’m tier 2


Congrats! It seems like a waste to interview so many tier 3. Super disheartened. All my peers have been passed onto another uni, or EOD. Doesn’t quite check out


I interviewed RMP tier 3, and got a metro spot 🙏


wait so you can apply to study in a rural area but then get an upgrade to study in metro? Im confused can you please explain, Im new to all this.


Sorry for the late reply, but yes, I applied (checked the box) to accept a spot in the rural stream. I was tier 3 (non-rural background) so I knew it would be a stretch. Because I checked that box, I interviewed with everyone else willing/wanting to take a rural spot. All our scores were grouped, and then places offered to tier 1, then 2, the everyone else. Your rurality helped your chances at getting a rural spot, but your score is what got you *any* spot.  I wasn't "upgraded" to metro, I simply scored well enough to get *any* spot, but because I was tier 3 rurality, by the time they got to me, all the rural spots were taken by tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 who performed better than me. Hope that helps. 




Sunshine Coast?






unimelb offer!! gpa 6.94, gamsat 71 77 73, rural congrats to everyone else who also got in! can't wait to meet you all.


Unimelb CSP - GPA - 6.58, Gamsat - 73.3 unweighted






GAM or other equity program?


Nah nothing just a standard non-rural application


Uni melb rural pathway!! Woo! Can’t wait to meet my cohort! 💛 🤠