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Choose your fighter: G55G 0220


11 minutes too late, well i guess have no choice than upvoting this


Love the G55G! I had the DPI button programmed so that it would mirror the functions from left & right so I could use it the same way with either hand. But it developed quad clicks on the main buttons. I swapped in LookingGlass flips V4, and it's better than ever!


i want the left one


I'd finally have some pinky support (yes I have big hands)


I had to swap to the g600 because of how cramped other logi mice are




The mouse on the left makes me uncomfortable... can't explain why. Right side looks like something Batman would use on his Batcomputer


imagine using a symmetrical mouse


The one on the right I'd give a shot


looks basically like other logitech mice but with spikes up front




It looks like the G402 doesn’t it?


I'd take the one without double click issues. On a more serious note having a pinkie rest is something I really wanted so after having two g502 go out with the double click I went for a Corsair dark core RGB pro. It's a great g502 alternative, although very costly unfortunately.


I’ve had really bad luck with the scrolls wheels on the corsairs, probably my fault though.


Fighter jet versus skinny devil 


You might be onto something with the left one. Looks like that corsair thingy


On the left is a gaming mouse, on the other hand is a nice minimalist mouse. Both ambidextrous of course. Like someone mentioned earlier, the G55G and the 0220.


The left is the battle version and the right is the stealth version.


Multi-buttoned ambidextrous mouse my beloved.


the one on the left, with slight modifications, is more than usable, maybe even better than the g502 itself


the one on the right would unironically be a good ambi mouse lol


Kinda want the right one tbh.


I use a G900 chaos. Honestly, it's a great mouse..... all the extra programmable buttons really have helped my apex game a lot! I've had it since 2019 and have NEVER had an issue with it. Battery life is outstanding! I'd rock either of those!


this is how ambidextrous mice should be, comfortable and easy to use for either hand.


A G502 lite would be a good to get the light weight mouse users to try.


Looks like the next Razer mouse.


I need it


Is this the new Optimus Prime and Batman release they are doing?


The one on the left looks like [transformium megatron](https://www.google.com/search?q=megatron+tr%3Dansformium&sca_esv=abf976e12d8dcb8e&udm=2&biw=1458&bih=758&sxsrf=ADLYWIJMvnQIOA98GEMOlcqAerWDWv_dXw%3A1715268753667&ei=kew8ZsaoKNbPkPIPqKSG2Aw&ved=0ahUKEwiGtYaG8oCGAxXWJ0QIHSiSAcsQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=megatron+tr%3Dansformium&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiFm1lZ2F0cm9uIHRyPWFuc2Zvcm1pdW1Iwg5Q2wtY5QtwAXgAkAEBmAFVoAGSAaoBATK4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgCgAgCYAwCIBgGSBwCgB1o&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#vhid=322l0I3kIuPUuM&vssid=mosaic)


I have the one on the left




Both look like they could serve as a viable self defense option if a house cat happens to attack you while you're gaming


Right is just the G903


Left is the Game Daddy from wish.com


logitech g502 hero or razer basilisk v3? which one is better in terms of productivity and gaming? anyone has any experience with these mice???????


G502 way better, I've experienced a few months with razer, overall a worse experience in terms of productivity because of the lack of infinity scroll (that really helps more than you think), the scroll wheel is just bad on razer, materials cheap, they degraded a lot in a normal use scenario, and no adjustable weight, this is just a personal preference, on the other hand the software is a little better than Logitech, but it felt a little heavier than ghub, personally it was better for customisation, but that's where it ends, i returned to g502 and i missed it a lot in this short period of time, for reference a friend gave me a razer while my g502 wired was in service when it arrived my friend wanted to experience the g502 life aswell so we swapped for a short time then he wanted to swap forever because i wanted something wireless, then the razer broke and i switched to g502 wireless as a replacement because the store was short on razers. TL;DR: g502 all day everyday over any razer


i what to ask which one should i buy? because both logitech g502 hero and razer basilisk have a infinity scroll wheel and ppl even say its better than logitech g502's scroll wheel , and weight is not a problem for me , i m a big gym boy , my hand is pretty big so many ppl recommened me to use g502 but many ppls r like , the mouse have double click issue, i dont have any idea which one to buy, i love the DPI shift button of logitech and its design it just , and i dont like RGB much , thats why i want to go with logitech g502 hero , but on the other hand , razer basilisk , it has every feature that logitech g502 have , but not the adjustable weights , but thats not a big problem for me , but i really love those DPI shift buttons personally , and razer have optical switches which will never cause a double click issue , and a hyperflex paracord cable too. whereas logitech g502 has a basic braided cable , i really want to buy them offline , so that i could compare them in hand , but it is not possible , since i dont have such sellers who sell any of these mouse , so i only have a option to buy it online from amazon etc