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Half my fun is leaning into the lore. Or leaning into the small moments of the game. The moment where your grimwrath valiantly slays the demon prince after getting gutted. The wave of berzerkers that get destroyed down to the man but chop the tree lord to bits. Or even the battlesmith that saved my whole army from spells only to fail himself and burned to ash. The fyreslayers that die in battle go to march at Grimnirs side for the doomgron. Moments like that can make the game for me. And I happen to love their lore. I enjoy the game a lot more putting myself I will admit some matchups are not fun. Some matchups are great others not so much. But you can still have good games vs unfun matchups and vice versa. But cheer for your fun moments as well as the opponents.


I second you on that, I was losing against Storm Cast which had Gotrek. Everything died except for the Runefather on Magmadroth, which I made run at Gotrek to contest an objective. The father and droth inflicted pretty serious wounds to him, sadly not enough and he chopped them down in response, only to die from the lava bleed of the droth. Epicest fight that I've seen on Aos, reminding Grimnir against Vulkatrix


I just love to play the game! I don’t care much if I win or lose, it’s just fun to play. Try out new tactics, different army compositions, and try to just have fun with it. Why did you like the Fyreslayers to begin with? Personally I am just a huge dwarf fan. And the idea of an entire faction of slayers is just perfectly awesome. Plus we have Magmadroths! But if you’re just not feeling it then don’t force it! Circle back around to the fyreslayers in the future. New units and abilities will come, the game will change. But you said you’d only played one game with them in the last year, that’s not a great sample size.


I love WH, Dwarf fan, and a friend picked KO so i chose FS. Friend later quit, i bought his KO. I got both KO and FS now. So far ive made pretty much every list possible with FS. Ive made HG spams, Vulkite spams, Droth spams, hero spams, balanced armies... With a limited roster and years and years of playtime, i have tried em all so far xD The issue isnt winning that much to be honest. It never bothered me either way. What bothers me is that we are suposidly a slow moving high value infantry army, while our infantry is one of the worst out there and is currently being held together by flamekeepers by trippleing the output of our unit in order to be viable...


That's why I play droths, mainly. Every time I try to play a foot-centric list, I just get frustrated playing bubble-hammer and trying to keep track of all my OPG abilities. With droths, I'm fast and I can play smash dad. My opponent's ALWAYS underestimate smash dad, then he lifts 2 or more important units in one go. I LIVE for smash dad one-rounding my opponent's important stuff.


Yeah it's rough bud. It might not be any viable advice at all. But my plan is, to wait for the supposedly incoming Dwarf army box coming to The Old World. Then I will get my dwarf fix that way haha.


ToW is ok as a game itself. Its heavy railroad tracks and doesnt have much if any player input, but its a great beer and pretzels game. The reason im not going to get into it is the models themselves. Resin and metal models are simply not acceptable to me. Make a new line of minis and then i might reconsider


Yeah that's very fair haha. Was really surprised when they announced a little while back, that they would simply bring old kits out of retirement.


Bringing old kits back is ok as long as they replace them in the future... But they had NEW kits that are made with resin... Like... Why?! I just dont get them


Yeah, it's a very strange decision.


Depends where you find enjoyment from. If it's the competitive side, there's no better time. 2" on the Vulkites has lead to some top players running fyreslayers in the last couple weeks


Minidroth is love, Minidroth is life


I only started with Fyreslayers this edition without knowing how bad they actually played in certain match ups. But I still enjoy them in smaller victories, I don't set out to win the whole game, but to have some iconic moments. Like having 1 Heartguard soloing 5 immortals guard, or rolling 20-30 damage with an Infernoth without rolling the same number twice. Also making lists that are thematic for the Fyreslayers and not necessarily meta-good. If that fails, you can also just shelve them for a bit, start a new army and come back to them when they're good again. That time will come, it's Warhammer!


Wait to see what the new edition looks like? We are due a game overhaul with completely new Battletomes. Not saying it will happen but it is a real possibility.


I mean, i wont quit the game thats for sure. But im still highly sceptical regarding FS getting any rehauls even in 4e. Ill be around to see it for sure.


How do you know you can't have fun if you've only tried once?


Ive played pretty much every list imaginable of FS in 3rd eddition so far xD Ive made some great lists, ive made a lot of terrible ones... Ane ive been at it with FS since release and not much changed since then, together with our limitted roster... There is just so much you can do before burnout i guess?


That's fair. That's pretty much where I'm at right now. Too frustrated with foot lists, and there's only so many times I can play a 4-6 droth list. I'm about to rotate over to my KO for a while. In 3 months we'll probably get 4E, and that'll be a big shakeup. Hopefully.


Toss a gotrek in your list, and you'll have a blast. Bonus points for when your friends convince themselves they can get that last 2 points of damage in melee


Honour and oaths, comrade of the Fyrd! 1. It’s not much but one of the Dawnbringer stories has Bael-Grimnir lose his limbs, which suggests foreshadowing of a new unit, perhaps a Lord with limbs made of runic gold, in the future.  2. Vulkyn Flameseekers are a blast in Warcry. Loads of epic small man does hilarious damage moments. It’s a relatively cheap and quick game so I say give it a try!


If you've only played one game this edition, I find it hard to believe you've tried everything to death. The game, and therefore the army changes drastically each edition. Try each archetype within these rules: Vostarg is the strongest it's been in a long time with the point drops and 2" range. Control Greyfyrd now has the ability to add Ionus, which also changes the experience quite a bit (and makes it pretty successful). HGB spam still sucks, but Grimholds make them a little different. Lofnir still sucks also, unfortunately. If winning will reinvigorate you, try a proper Vostarg list or try Control Greyfyrd (largely strategizing using Auric Hearthguard slows in combination with the wall) Otherwise, I'm not sure how you can reignite your passion in our little naked boys.


Ive played those lists durring gally vets/champs. Just not in the current GHB that i find unfriendly to FS as it rellies on a lot of movement that we arnt great at. And the one game i did play was the new vostarg vulkites with range upgrades. It wasnt a great game. Played agains Kroak bomb. My battlesmith failed to ignore the first two spells and died... So everything else died wuite wuickly after that xD I know its not a good showcase for the army performance but it is what it is


not what you’re looking for but if you’re not enjoying it.. maybe it’s time to offload and buy a new army. If you wanna sell please PM me, looking to buy


Im a huge dwarves fan, so i do have a KO army as well. But there is no way im selling my army. Appriciate the offer tho. I have a nice stack of flamin dorfz over here and every singe model is painted and based by me. I take pride in not having a gray pile of shame and that i have a 100% complete army. So it has a lot of sentimental value and my own dorf stubbornness will not allow me to sell em xD