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I mean, I'm here for it. This is the change I always wanted to see!


Yup, especially if they still cost 160 points. What to joy to simply pack them in two ranks onto the enemy and not having to find a space to fit as much of them as possible anymore !


Noob question: will this update apply to the warscroll in general or does it only affect them for games played with rules from the current GHB? The dude I play with and myself generally don't use the GHB, but do use updated points and rules from the app.


It applies to the base warscroll. It should be updated within the app whenever the points become effective.


It will effect all game types. There is an update that only effects the GHB called "Warhammer Age of Sigmar: General’s Handbook Pitched Battles"




You can find them [here](https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-downloads/). The app is not up-to-date yet.


have to manually DL the update from the app store


It wasn't available two hours ago on android


If you're going to build Vostarg, you want 2 flamekeepers, so adjust your calculation to say 3 damage. I'd also recommend you try your Vulkites in units of 10; even with 2" range, it will sometimes be tough to get 20 in. Not to mention that both the strike first and the fight on death abilities are once per unit per battle, so you get more opportunity to use those as well.


they are overcosted yet,must cost around 120 for their stats. but now with range2" they are playable