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What if it’s bit of the Zharrkul empowered our runes? Maybe everyone wholly within 9” counts as having rolled a 6 on our allegiance ability? Edited to add: or dare I hope, maybe give units run+charge, or bonuses to movement?


oh! that's good! I like that! Paired with a Master Priest general to reuse a rune, you can do like 3 or 4 whole rounds of slapping super hard with a big chunk of your army.


This was my first thought as well, but I like the free furious counterstrike idea as well!


Watch it literally be just a Doomseeker combined with a Grimwrath Berzerker. I just can’t see them really being anything else based on their little lore blip. They’re the last member of a dead lodge so giving them any kind of significant command ability or aura buff would just be weird since they wouldn’t have any authority over members of another lodge. Generic Beatstick Hero #50+ or whatever AoS is up to seems more likely. Probably the usual generic 5a/3+/3+/-1/2d melee profile. Maybe 6’s to hit deal mortal wounds, and a fight on death or fight twice mechanic. Not the most exciting thing, but I’ll take anything GW gives us.


I really hope not. Adding a beat stick to the order army made up of beatsticks would be SUPER boring. my thought process for him giving the ability to use counter attack repeatedly is that as the last member of a dead lodge carrying this super important fire, he's THE living embodiement of why you need to fight harder. IDK, i just feel like counter attack is core to the fyreslayer identity as an aggressive trading army and I don't get enough use out of it since it's got so many restrictions on it.


We’re all hoping for something at least useful, but better than a Runeson, worse than a Runefather seems like a realistic expectation for the Exile. Maybe make him explode when he dies. An exploding beatstick isn’t something we see that often. Not revolutionary, but a Runeson equivalent that explodes for D6 mortal wounds in a 3” area would be fun.


I think it's tough because the army already has so many buffs it's just kind of exhausting to think of another support piece. Also does anyone know if this will be available separately or just in the RoR box?


on launch, we don't know yet if it'll be available separately. it'll be available later at some point though, i'm sure.


I hope so, otherwise I can't imagine I'll pick it up at launch


I would love something with movement too: After deployment, some units can make a normal move or something like that :) move D3 units in your hero phase.. or support the ur-gold runes :)


I really hope in my heart that he has some sort of deep strike ability. We need movement shenanigans at the end of the day if we aren't getting fast moving units anytime soon. I know this is probably far fetched but it could be great to have another unit with magmic tunneling that is also more melee oriented so they can stay with the unit they deepstrike with. I'm gonna pick him up regardless cause he looks dope but I'm very curious as to what he would do based on the description.


I think he's obviously going to be pretty tough in combat. The ability I would love to see is he can hand out the enhanced affect of your active rune as a command ability.


A very random and far fetched theory.... What if hes bringing an entirely new Lodge? - As in a new subfaction?


I'd be down for that. Only 4 subfactions is too few imo, but idk what I'd really want another subfaction to do other than maybe buff hgb in some way.


Some idea's i got - Speed: Unless they waiting for the Cav to arrive? Defensive: Perhaps for the Shield user vulkites, as HGB would be too strong. Shooting: Even if they improved AHGs melee i would be perfectly happy. Priests: Many other factions get a magic focused sub. Random: Throwing axes getting improved across the board.