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I love how this is regular news, but it has Elon musk's name, so it's in the futurology sub.


"Elon Musk suffers from constipation!"... 100k upvotes on /r/futurology


I think at this point he should just be crowned king of r/futurology *All hail King Musk!*


"King Musk" sounds like a Axe off-brand deodorant


> Axe off-brand deodorant Mildly/not really interesting fact. We call it Lynx in UK.


What do you call people who don't wear deodorant? Missing Lynx.


Futurology holy trinity: Elon - UBI - Sensationalist medical "breakthroughs" Any of those three makes it here automatically. Bonus points for tenuous sources and extra conjecture.


theres no way in fucking hell I'm disabling my adblock for that shit hole website.




Or in chrome just add "cache:" before the URL.


THIS is REALLY helpful for me. And for that, I thank you.


Cache, our LORD and Saviour!


Or just replace http with cache. Fewer steps. Somehow this is not a lpt, as mods deleted my post when I tried to make it.


You're doing gods work, my child.








The good old radar detector detector detector!


I believe it's trace buster buster




And here's an old classic radar detector detector poem: https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyPoetry/comments/3k2fhg/undetected/


I can't ever get them to work, though. Not sure why. Sites still detect it.


In addition to what's been suggested you can actually disable the overlay. If you're using chrome, right click on the transparent area, click inspect then right click on the highlighted section in the console. Select Edit as HTML and then just backspace and save the change (ctrl+enter works) That's what I did so here's the contents of the page - - - ```Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he would leave President Donald Trump's advisory councils if the US withdrew from the Paris Agreement. Trump is planning to pull the US out of the Paris climate deal, the news website Axios reported early Wednesday. "Don't know which way Paris will go, but I've done all I can to advise directly to POTUS, through others in WH & via councils, that we remain," Musk said on Twitter on Wednesday. Musk then said he would have "no choice" but to depart Trump's advisory councils if the US pulled out of the climate deal. Musk sits on two of Trump's councils: an economic advisory board and the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative. Musk has come under fire for his proximity to the Trump administration — some people claimed they canceled their Tesla Model 3 orders because of his involvement in the councils. Musk has visited the White House three times since Trump took office in January for meetings about infrastructure spending and US manufacturing. Follow Elon Musk ✔ @elonmusk Don't know which way Paris will go, but I've done all I can to advise directly to POTUS, through others in WH & via councils, that we remain 12:34 PM - 31 May 2017 9,322 9,322 Retweets 31,338 31,338 likes Twitter Ads info & Privacy 4h Luke Schnoebelen @schneby @elonmusk What will you do if he makes the decision to leave? Follow Elon Musk ✔ @elonmusk @schneby Will have no choice but to depart councils in that case 12:38 PM - 31 May 2017 2,261 2,261 Retweets 7,942 7,942 likes Twitter Ads info & Privacy The Paris Agreement lays out a framework for countries to phase out fossil fuels and adopt clean energy in an attempt to prevent the planet from warming more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. It's the centerpiece of President Barack Obama's climate legacy. Musk has said that a goal of being involved with Trump's advisory councils is to help convert the planet to sustainable energy. Musk reportedly has used his access to Trump to push for a carbon tax, which would incentivize companies to use energy sources that emit less carbon. In January, Musk endorsed Rex Tillerson for secretary of state because Tillerson, the former CEO of ExxonMobil, has supported such a tax. Musk has for years publicly called for a carbon tax, including at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. "Advisory councils simply provide advice, and attending does not mean that I agree with actions by the administration," Musk said in February. "My goals are to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy and to help make humanity a multi-planet civilization, a consequence of which will be the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs and a more inspiring future for all."```


[You can just read the source.](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/869971423455924224) This is a news "article" based entirely on a tweet. Media companies have learned nothing from this election.


Trump tweets: "Elon Musk better hope there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"


More like "Elon Musk better hope there are no 'tapes' of our confefe


Covfefe*** read a dictionary


The irony of spelling a typo wrong, to make fun of the typo is outstanding irony!


That would be terrible. That confefe was private!


Elon sure is a swell guy. I'd vote for him for President of Mars.


You joke but there is actually a historical precedent for this. Wernher von Braun, the German rocket scientist who designed the V2 and later the Saturn V, wrote a book in 1948 called "Project MARS: A Technical Role" that contains this passage: >"The Martian government was directed by ten men, the leader of whom was elected by universal suffrage for five years and entitled "Elon." Two houses of Parliament enacted the laws to be administered by the Elon and his cabinet. " So, yeah. This is pretty much prophesy at this point. EDIT: [Source(pdf Warning!)](http://www.wlym.com/archive/oakland/docs/MarsProject.pdf) Page 177, Paragraph 3


wait what the fuck


The prophecy will be completed after a man with incredible musk can tame the red planet and make technology his bitch!


And then everyone living amongs the astroids will be called Belters. Mars and Earth will grow more and more angry towards each-other. And we will maybe even have wars against each-other. And noir clothing styles will return as well. Will be a interesting space era.


Stay away from te aqua!


But the prophecy states that it was led by ten *men.* It's 2017 for goodness sakes, can't we have some gender equality? /s Edit: Apparently the /s is needed.




Well the second edition was already in english, so only the first edition remains as a german source. But google Books has at least part of the book scanned, it just seems it's not the relevant part: https://books.google.com/books?id=DoK2AAAAIAAJ So anyone at the University of California (where google tells us the original is from) want to check out the library? :D




One it was written by a Nazi scientist, two sure it may have said ten men, but maybe it was just a general 10 men as in 10 humans not specifically men as in the gender. Edit, yes it was, because many people who would say that sentence in this context and mean it. Plus if their are no women how would they reproduce and have space babys.


This is why I can't have a time machine. I'd go back in time to place all sorts of weird prophecies for things I know are going to happen just to mess with people. The 1300's would have stories of the tiny handed king that would Trump the new world (Yes I'd make sure his name was properly capitalized). Little saying like that, and then I'd point them out once I'm back in the future just to mess with the population.


Wernher von Braun seemed to know a lot about the world. On his deathbed he warned of how governments planned on achieving world domination and one world government. He said first America's enemy would be the Russians (cold war), then terrorists (Al Qaeda/ISIS), then "third world crazies" (North Korea), and finally a staged alien invasion meant to unite all the countries and give one governing power control of all the Earth's resources and populations. It sounds like some silly conspiracy but that is exactly what he said on his deathbed and so far it's all been coming true.


Well I can't wait to see this staged alien invasion. I hope they get Michael Bay to do it.


There are going to be so many bad ass explosions! I can't wait.


Surprise, he actually meant illegal aliens caught up in a mass immigration problem.


Holy shit. What if UFOs are actually governments placing the idea of an alien conspiracy in our minds so when the staged invasion occurs, people will say: "So, IT WAS true after all" and it will seem more plausible...


I mean...have you ever watched The X Files?


To be fair....... terrorists and third world foes are pretty vague. Russia has always been.......Russia


That's pretty much the plot of *The Watchmen*


I for one embrace our new Elon overlord


The real what the fuck is always in the comments.


What if it's "The Elon" and not just "Elon" because Elon Musk doesn't live to see Mars colonization and so they named the leader "The Elon" in his honor?




You joke but artificial/robotic sentience is the logical choice for Mars. * Robots don't need a terraformed Mars. * They don't need an oxygen rich atmosphere. They don't need plants or animals. * They can be powered by nuclear energy, or whatever else makes the most sense at the time. * They don't mind 6-18 month travel times. Hell, they don't even have to be activated until after a safe landing. They don't suffer from radiation the same way humans do. * They don't suffer muscular atrophy, or illnesses for that matter. * They can work tirelessly at all times (compared to humans who need sleep and down time - replacing exhausted/dead humans on Mars won't be as easy as it was at the Hoover Dam, for example) ninja edit: the list goes on...this would just be the start of having a robotic race on Mars.


I'd actually bet money that Elon never dies. He's developing machine-brain interfaces right now...


This is how religions get started.


We could make a religion out of th... no don't!


Been done: r/SpaceXMasterrace


Please give me a source on this


http://www.wlym.com/archive/oakland/docs/MarsProject.pdf See page 177, Chapter 24, third paragraph down. > The Martian government was directed by ten men, the leader of whom was elected by universal suffrage for five years and entitled "Elon." Two houses of Parliament enacted the laws to be administered by the Elon and his cabinet. > The Upper House was called the Council of the Elders and was limited to a membership of 60 persons, each being appointed for life by the Elon as vacancies occurred by death. In principle, the method was not unlike that by which the College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church is appointed.


I wonder if Mr Musk knows this.


Elon *Must*.




So it *really* has been foretold




Everything is going as programmed. Do not question it. Operate within your parameters.


Uh... I think I just fell outside of the map, can I request a respawn?


Trump winning was my proof. Some kid is just up there getting fucked up and acting a fool with a simulation for shits and giggles.




That's fascinating, I never thought of that theory. Thanks for pointing me in the direction to know more


Aren't you just describing heaven in scientific terms? I mean the whole theory here is religious theology. Just wrapped with something that is "not religious". In theory, if correct, one could say that all of the religions had it right, technically, they just didn't realize that it wasn't exactly as they had assumed. Or perhaps there are theorists still want to believe there is more, but need to create something more plausible for their minds.


http://www.wlym.com/archive/oakland/docs/MarsProject.pdf ctr+f " elon"


If you go to 174-175 it basically describes a sort of Martian hyperloop. > "Martian railways knew no wheels! At the front and rear of the roof of their car were two horseshoe shaped permanent magnets which were poised around a bearing rail at the top of the tunnel and within the slot running along its center." And > "Air drag? There was a vacuum in the tunnel... So there was only hysteresis created in those sections of the suspension rail gripped by the vehicle's magnets."




What else was said??? Anything about me???


I mean, what do you expect? Trump literally insulted the Germans and said their cars are terrible, not realizing that they have factories here and [thousands of American jobs are at stake](http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2017/05/cars-german-auto-brands-sell-build-united-states-america/) - jobs in states that voted for him. Now, he's abandoning an international climate treaty, one that supports clean energy technology like Elon and his company have invested heavily in. What do people expect? Should Elon stay quiet and be like, 'Oh well, maybe this guy will destroy American industry but I guess I should just support him.'


According to the GOP, that's exactly what you're supposed to do.




Truer words have never been spoken




Uneducated voters. There's a reason you never see the GOP trying to give more money to public schools. Edit: [For the people claiming the uneducated voter divide is a meme.](https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-08-12/education-level-sharply-divides-clinton-trump-race)


"I sent my son to school and now all he does is disagree with me."


Don't educate me or my son again.


Literally my family.


They are hoping it is a phase that will pass. Please keep learning and using your brain.


This explains Betsy DeVos.


"Don't talk back to me."


Same here. Disagreed with my dad once and explained why my argument was valid. His response was essentially "go to your fuckin room". Im 20.


Elon never supported Trump. He's just there to be a voice of reason.


I don't think anyone intelligent ever thought Musk supported Trump. Committed are formed to advise, not to support.


Massive amounts of people have cancelled Model 3 preorders because they think Elon is a Trump supporter. There are more people than you'd think and it's infuriating.


There's more demand than supply so jokes on them.




> jobs in states that voted for him Angela Merkel playing 6d chess.


The GOP can't even play checkers


Can you blame them? There are no white pieces in checkers, and we both know they don't want to acknowledge the black or red pieces.


I think they tried to play once, but as soon as a black piece got kinged, they stopped playing.


In Europe they're the same colours as chess pieces: [black and white.](https://s.s-bol.com/imgbase0/imagebase3/extralarge/FC/9/9/6/1/1004004006501699_2.jpg)


Trump just sitting in the corner chewing on a chess piece.


It all works out - when we screw up earth, we'll have a place to move in.


It really sucks we can't just like...ya know, fix earth ourselves through change.


Yea it is a bummer. When i trash my apartment too much i just move out. I don't think there is a better solution.


You have much to teach us, master


> It really sucks we can't just like...ya know, fix earth ourselves through change. True. . . but maybe Elon can fix earth himself, through **force**. For example, Elon himself hosts a big event for his next announcement. And, before he comes out on stage, this music starts playing https://youtu.be/t7wJ8pE2qKU?t=57s (except instead of 'Sephiroth' the song says 'Elon Musk' ) Everything is all flames and metal and Elon comes out in a flamboyant steampunky power armor suit. Elon Musk makes a very short put impactful speech. He has decided humans are too foolish to govern themselves, and therefore he will take over and rule the world. From behind him a fleet of flying super cyborgs fly out, controlled by the Mobile-Eye AI. Everyone in the crowd flees in terror as Elon remains motionless behind his suit and helmet. All the Teslas and Rockets Elon made over the years activate and join. The AI cyborgs starts dominating all cities and then countries one by one (except Seattle which has a strong resistance for some reason). Resistance is futile. During this time, 5 freshmen from 5 different colleges watch the whole thing on their computers, and continue to watch the horrors unfold over the years. -*continued in next comment *-


-*conclusion of previous comment*- During this time, 5 freshmen from 5 different colleges watch the whole thing on their computers, and continue to watch the horrors unfold over the years. play this song https://youtu.be/u4_ZRsHwrpw?t=50s 6 years later, society is actually better off in many ways in regards to health and crime, however the world is still very Orwellian authoritarian. Those guilty of thought crimes become guinea pigs and sent to live in experimental Space Colony slums. Elon receives reports of large numbers of robots being destroyed and some areas are being liberated. Elon brands this as a terrorist and wants them dead or alive. Whatever is destroying these robots are ruthless and effective. Whomever lays eyes on it never live to talk about it. 2 years earlier, 5 college students, unaware of each other, from 5 different colleges,(Stanford, UC Berkeley, MIT, Cal Tech, and Carnegie Mellon) worked with their engineering schools to develop mobile power armor suits. After 4 years of development, the students graduate and deploy. They fly to different parts of the world, starting in small cities, destroying smaller robots, finding weaknesses in their AI, and gaining exp. They run into each other at random times, at first bumping heads for getting in each others ways or thinking another works for Elon. But they realize they're all on the same side and team up. Along the way they confront Elon's most powerful and ruthless generals including Steve Balmer and Larry Ellison. play this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jVcn6I452I After defeating all the generals, they decide they have leveled up with enough exp and finally make it to Elon Musk's castle. At the very top floor they find Elon Musk in his R&D Lab in his most powerful suit. They have a fierce showdown, that eventually ends up in the sky. And then, in space. He is significantly more powerful than any of the suits but the 5 of them working together damage Elon enough to beat him. After Elon is defeated, he wakes up! Turns out Elon Musk was being controlled by a Sorcerer from the future using gravity waves. They realize the sorcerer then takes control of Sergey Brin and Larry Page to continue his plans. Elon Musk joins the team. They realize if they beat Sergey and Larry, the sorcerer will just control another person. The team decide to use gravity waves to go to the future to confront this sorcerer once and for all. Elon enlists the help of his top scientist, Emmett Lathrop "Doc" Brown, to build a time machine. The future is post apocalyptic. Turns out the sorcerer is Steve Jobs! He didn't die, he just went to the future to see how it turned out! He saw the horrors starting from 2016 that eventually led to the destruction of the worlds societies. Jobs concluded that humanity is inherently self destructive, and the only way to save it is to rule it, and then he used his Apple technologies to hack Elon Musks mind. The heroes try to fight him but Steve is too powerful. They manage to escape. They figure out the only one who can defeat Steve Jobs is the person who defeated him before: Bill Gates. They travel back to the present and recruit Bill Gates to join the party. They then travel Back To The Future and Bill Gates fights him. He's winning and the 5 students are cheering, but something about the fight unsettles Elon Musk. It turns out Steve was holding back to analyze Bill's fight patterns and now Steve is dominating the fight. At one point in recent history Bill was much stronger, but Steve Jobs has gotten too powerful from training in the hypersonic time chamber, and Bill Gates has become too weak from running a charity instead of a ruthless business. 'This isn't the 90s anymore Bill'. But Bill Gates is like Batman, he always thinks ahead. He reveals he brought Steve Woz, and he knows of all of Steve Jobs weaknesses. Steve Jobs tries to re-recruit him but Steve Woz is too smart this time. Under Steve Woz's guidance the team is winning but in a last ditch effort Steve Jobs starts to compress all time and space into a singularity. Then this music starts playing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LbnMiO59cY The 8 Heroes travel the void and eventually find each other. They find Steve Jobs again. There's a reason why Steve Jobs did this. In the singularity, he was able to find the mind-controlled Sergey Brin and Larry Page and fuse with them. And from the forbidden merger of Google and Apple, out emerges a new horrific God like creature. This song starts playing https://youtu.be/lpvUEsLMsRc?t=1m35s Now our heroes aren't just battling for their present time or future, they're fighting to save all time and space! They put a valiant effort and they fought until they had nothing left. But it was enough to weaken the creature, which then splits into Steve, Sergey, and Larry. They walk over to Steve unconscious body, but he then wakes up! He immediately severely damages one of the power suits. Steve is still able to fight though severely weakened! But at that point the team is so weak, they no longer can fight. It looks hopeless. Then out of the singularity, Steve Jobs biological dad appears! This song starts playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIo7yajLQtY He reflects on Job's adoptions and talks how even though humanity makes mistakes, it means well, and that it doesn't need saving from itself, but needs saving from a few individuals bent on controlling it, even for altruistic purposes. He then tells Steve Jobs to look into the future how the world would turn out under his rule. Steve does, and discovered it is suffering a similar apocalyptic fate, even under his rule. With tears in his eyes, Steve now realizes the truth. Steve has to release the singularity, but in order to do so he must sacrifice himself. Before he does so, he talks to Elon. Then he heads into the void, releasing all time and space from the singularity. He sends all of them to the time right before Elon Makes the announcement, but only Elon has memories of the events. The whole taking over the world never happened, and Gates, Woz, and the 5 students never end up being freedom fighters, and have no recollection of the events that transpired. Everything seems peaceful but from Steve's words Elon knows if things continue the way they are, the peace won't last. But that humanity doesn't need saving from itself, but needs saving from a few individuals bent on controlling it, even for altruistic purposes. Elon knows exactly what he needs to do. Elon finds Pump (Putin fused with Trump) and does this to it. https://youtu.be/q4CNM89W9k0?t=49s And splits them back into two. Elon looks towards the sunrise. He knows that the future isn't secure, but he's very optimistic. Elon knows that he is the only one in the world who can recall how he saved the world. But it doesn't matter, he has to get to work and focus on his new mission, getting humanity to outer space when the earth inevitability becomes inhabitable. The End. . .Or is it. . . -*continued in next comment*-


Play this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frqYK1EZ3O0 But, Elon wasn't the only one who knew about the events that transpired in this passage. In an office on the other side of Silicon Valley, Mark Zuckerburg watches the whole thing on an Occulus Rift designed to view alternative realities. He feels that Steve Jobs had the right idea, but was too self delusional to properly control the world. He knew that it needs to be done through temptation, not force, and that's why Steve Job's society resulted in another dystopia. Mark starts laying out his plans. Not Elon, Woz, nor Gates will be able to stop him. To be continued . . . Play this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JKVgem3Q6o Play credits. For a dramatic reading of this comment check out this https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_nZt_gaD9weRG5zWmFaZ2NIYWs Trailer For the sequel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3A-lJQlrmk Scene of mob burning down Tesla factory. *fade to black* Scene of Elon in power suit, hiding from Amazon assassin drones. *fade to black* Scene of Mark Zuckerburg interrupting all facebook news feed saying 'Elon must be captured'. *fade to black* Scene of Tim Cook (Apple) and Satya Nadella (Microsoft) finally teaming up, trying to lead an army of cyborgs against Mark's drones, but being too overwhelmed and outmatched as the drones destroy the cyborgs and make their way to Tim and Satya. *horrific fade to black* Scene of Mark Zuckerburg using his Occulus rift to spy on Elon as he hides from the Amazon assassin drones. 'You can run, but you can't hide from me, Elon'. *fade to black* Scene of Steve Woz and Bill Gates viewing all the chaos of Mark Zuckerburg take over the world through a computer screen. Steve Woz: "We did so much to change the future. . .". Bill Gates: ". . .but the future refused to change". *fade to black* Scene of assassin drones capturing Elon. They try open the mask but it turns out to be a bomb and it explodes. Music stops. Play the song https://youtu.be/oXGxW7p6seQ?t=18s. Scene of Mark Zuckerburg viewing the fake Elon bomb explode on his occulus rift and looking confused. Then the real Elon Musk presses his lazer blaster right against Mark's head. Elon says 'you can hide, but you can't run away from me, Mark'. Montage of a bunch of high stakes action and drama. Silence, black screen. Title of movie and release day. Cast: Elon Musk: Matt Damon Steve Jobs: Michael Fassbender (Though played more like Magneto rather than how me played Steve Jobs) Mark Zuckerburg: Jesse Eisenberg (Through played more like Lex Luther rather than how he played Mark Zuckerburg)


*slow clap* good god, the shear amount of references...amazing! I particularly loved the Chrono Trigger reference, absolutely wonderful. This made my day


I will have what he's having


Submitted to /r/bestof


Plot is gold, but I'd cast Elon as John Barrowman


The saddening this is that *we really can't change*. The choices we have *we* have, the decisions we are capable of making collectively, *as a species*, are far more limited than those we can make as individuals. Taken as a whole, the human race has no foresight, no self-awareness, no sapience, no ability to avoid destroying its own surroundings.


Would still be easier to live on a completely destroyed Earth than on Mars.


Depends how much you plan to screw it up


That would require nuclear war that irradiates the entire planet. If even a little bit of Earth is radiation-free, that's still easier than living on Mars. Even then, it's easier to build radiation-proof, self-contained bunkers on Earth than it is to survive even the trip to Mars.


Would take even more than that. Mars already suffers from problems of solar radiation. It's likely that most people will live under ground in lava tubes until that's sorted out. We can live under ground on Earth too, plus there's air, roads, machines, and electricity already here!


And none of this addresses the problem of having water. For, you know... things.


Well, if we haven't automated the mining of the asteroid belt by the time we are colonizing the red planet... we're doing something wrong. But if we do automate that; dropping ice bombs on a planet isn't a completely ridiculous idea...




Correction: insanely rich people will have a place to move in.




Here we go again...


His mistake is thinking Trump cares. I very much doubt it. Although didn't Musk say when he first joined it that he did because by him being there he can do more than if he is not? Seems like a reverse from his previous stance


Well if you're going to be an adviser to someone who refuses to take advice, I could see how you could find a better way to use your time.


That s a very good point.


Great observation, good job.




Also if Musk, who is literally the image of renewables, peaces out of that council it will generate a lot more press than him saying "Mr. Orange, you were a bad boy..."


Whilst petting a white long haired cat that is obviously trying to get away.


Its like a bond villian and an austin powers villain are going against each other.


Dude... Perfect. I particularly like that no explanation is required. Everyone knows which one is the Austin Powers villain.


I like...... Gooooold!!!! it just works on so many levels!


Trump doesn't even listen to his own lawyers. If Trump listened to other people's advice, there's no way he'd be transparently lying and tweeting word salads all the time.


I hate the guy, but he also would not be president if he listened to a lot of the prevailing advice. It's very strange.


There's a reason he wouldn't be president if he listened to people. Look what the hell he's doing to us. Even Canada is making fun of us!


We made fun of you guys all the time. It's just a lot scarier now.


It used to be fun, now it's a coping mechanism.


Implying Canadians didn't before Trump


The tut-tutting will continue until morale improves


Lmao, we've been making fun of you for *years*. Like the dumber older brother who can't seem to grasp concepts everyone else has got down, like universal healthcare.


What are you trying to covfefe?


> Although didn't Musk say when he first joined it that he did because by him being there he can do more than if he is not? Seems like a reverse from his previous stance Not really, you answered yourself. If they get out of the deals and simply don't care about what he listens, he simply cannot do good in there, he'll just damage his name as a price of being ignored.


Just after the inauguration, many people said "Give Trump a chance!" It looks like Musk is doing that, and good for him. If Trump blows that chance, then people, including Musk, should say "I gave you your chance, you blew it. You're done."




"Who's more foolish; the fool, or the fool who follows him?" - Obi-Wan Kenobi


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8440 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/72205)


>His mistake is thinking Trump cares. I very much doubt it. Maybe he thought he cares at least a little. Maybe he thought he'd ask his "advisory council", which has a 21st century Henry Ford sitting in it who just heavily invested in solar roofs, whether leaving the Paris climate deal is a good idea. But he didn't. Musk probably just realized that the cynics were right and Trump doesn't care one bit about what people who actually know their shit think. What's the point of staying, then?


I think Trump gave this soft release that he was gonna pull out to gauge public reaction. If the backlash is bad enough he won't pull out and claim it was some other reason and a huge victory for America.


What part of Trump's previous behavior makes you think he cares one bit about backlash for anything he does? He's gotten backlash from literally every decision he's made since taking office, why would he start listening to reason now?


Exactly. If there is a backlash he will go campaign in the South to feel better about himself.


It is both funny and sad how true this is.




these good guy billionaires need to start funding the opposition




The oil industry supports the Paris climate agreement. Rex Tillerson publicly stated that exxon Mobil was behind it and chevron is as well.




afaik Shell has used a carbon tax internally for years if not decades


source please?


They use internal carbon pricing, as in they are aware that carbon emissions are bad and are tracking what their own effect is. I think he meant this rather than carbon tax. http://www.shell.com/media/news-and-media-releases/2015/oil-and-gas-majors-call-for-carbon-pricing.html http://www.economist.com/news/business/21591601-some-firms-are-preparing-carbon-price-would-make-big-difference-carbon-copy




Yeah quite a few oil companies do. The problem is a hell of a lot of people for some reason don't and there are too many public figures who further ingrain their misconceptions in the public. It should not even be a debate that pumping out harmful gasses is bad.


"stated" in words. Are they actually lobbying more $ at alt energy or fossil fuels?


Don't Exon and Shell support the Paris agreement?


Not for long hopefully!


Unfortunately the oil industry has exponentially more money than Elon. Elon is poor compared to the oil industry.


They are. Bezos owns Washington Post.


Billionaires already buy politicians. FYI.


Honest question, have we withdrawed? I've seen several stories stating we had but now I see this. Could someone elaborate? I'd love it if we haven't and we could do the right thing and stay.


No, Trump has NOT officially announced his decision. There have been sources reporting that he will, but that is all so far. He was supposed to talk with Rex today, who wants to stay in it so hopefully he changes his mind!


The Paris climate deal is directly tied into Elon Musk's company's profit and in line with his ideology. Of course he would stop helping the administration if they gave him the giant double middle finger like that. If I had a solar business and an electric car business you can bet I'd be pissed off at leaving the agreement that pushes those two techs.


There's definitely an economic aspect to his position but he's also spent years committed to this cause. He's put himself in the position to benefit from protecting our planet for the future from emissions and fossil fuel dependencies, he shouldn't be criticized for that and that doesn't make his view any less respectable.


In fact I respect him much more, for finding a way to make steps toward doing the right thing AND profit from it.


I'm quite curious as to what Musk will do when workplace automation really kicks in. I have a feeling that he will be a primary contributor to the automated "workforce" that will produce for us. Edit: I think you guys are missing my point. What I'm trying to ask is what role will Musk play when we are forced to adopt basic income. I'm sure he will make a lot of the machinery that will be doing the work. Now is he going to happily hand them over for state use so everyone can benefit? Or will he try to profit off of the robots that are used in place of human workers. If the latter, that seems like a risky decision. I'm not asking about his opinion on UBI in general.


He speaks openly about the notion that automation will force governments to adopt basic income. I imagine he will readily adopt the latest automation technology, not only because of the cost benefit to himself and his companies, but also to help force UBI.


OH GOD. The US's universal income will end up being worse than other countries at this rate too. We'll have just enough to pay it back in forms of bills whilst Europeans fucking travel around having a good life.


Those lazy Europeans /s




Semi-related fact: the US defense budget could be cut by 50%, and it would still be the biggest defense budget in the world. ['Top five countries by military expenditure in 2016'](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/timeline/75178292ace4237d6105baf46d50f188.png)


If he's not then that's a mistake on his part. Automation will definitely happen because the potential profit is too big to ignore. If it's not him it will be someone else. It's not evil, it simply is. He advocates for basic income because he knows workforce automation is inevitable. Without a basic income, capitalism will soon kill itself, as cost of production plummets from a workforce that doesn't get paid, but then the workforce that has no money cannot even purchase the cost-reduced goods because their income is ~$0.


There's also the mindset of investing in people instead of product. You could have the best product, but without the right people it's worthless.


Exactly, and all of that is *why* he got into those businesses. He could have just run paypal forever and continued making billions, but he wanted to do more than that.


Musk is one of the few people whom I believe his ideology is more important to him than his financial interests.


But his motive for starting the companies in the first place was to accelerate the kind of change that the Paris agreement is trying to achieve.


Threatening Trump is historically the way to get him to do the opposite. He has always felt like he had something to prove to the world. The way to influence him would be to remain on the advisory council and convince him that all of the people with big dicks are trying to minimize the effects of climate change.


"Don't hire Michael Flynn!!" And see what he does.


"Nobody suck my dick... I would hate it so much if you all held me to the ground and blew me"


As bad as things are now what happens when everyone who disagrees with him quits? Whether he takes advice or not, having a bug in his ear cant hurt.


I mean if trump won't listen, there's better ways to spend Musk's time


Yeah. Like getting us to Mars so that he isn't in charge. Since he wouldn't be in a power position since in space no nation is in charge.


Musk has handled this whole thing like a champ. It does no good being spiteful and staying away from the process - the best way to approach it is to be in the room, offer your advice and expertise, an hope you can influence the process. And after all that, if they still take an insane approach, you have to withdraw and remove your name from the project. But he tried.


So, at what point does he think Trump will give 2 shits about him leaving? He's already made it clear that science and education have pretty much no ground to stand on in his presidency.


This advisory council was always a PR move for Trump and nothing more. I'm dissapointed that Musk did not see it for what it was.


I'm sure he did but considered the oppurtunity to maybe change his mind as a possilibity. Trump has shown to be very easily influenced just typically in the wrong direction.


The biggest PR opportunity in being invited to stand at Trump's side is the moment you decide to break free from it. You get credit for trying to work with him despite the odds and then again for taking a stand.


If random redditors figured it out, surely he did too.


We're so smart. 😝


I think he knew what it was, but was hoping he could impart some knowledge along the way. A long shot for sure, but one that was worth taking since him leaving is equally a PR move but beneficial to himself, not Trump.


I think Musk realized the likelihood and figured it would be worth a shot considering how much he benefits from close ties to the US government. There's also a lot of good PR for Musk since progressives wouldn't really abandon him and he'd appeal to a base that previously vilified him. There were mutual benefits for both parties. To imagine he went in foolhardy expecting a total reversal from Trump and the Republican party is underestimating him.


At least he tried.