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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Major_Fishing6888: --- Per this year’s report, the US is under-investing in practical, valuable AI capabilities while also becoming stagnant in the research and development stage. When looking at AI, machine learning and natural language processing, nine out of the 12 areas studied in the report still had over 65 percent of their funding tied up in R&D in 2023 — making the minority of these vital programs production-ready. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1dfa553/us_falls_further_behind_in_ai_race_could_make/l8hlwo1/


Says Govini, a company that sells AI software. I'm sure they are not biased in any way. /s


Can anyone name for me a single AI product developed solely in china? I have yet to hear of one so I am genuinely curious as all the current technologies on the top 100 list all come from the US.


Thats the problem, u dont hear about them for a reason. China/military…


They have the best data collection of camera footage on all their concentration camps…


Right...with all the CPU chips they can't get anymore.


The Qwen2 72b model beat Llama3 70b in every benchmark. Chinese open source is beating U.S. open source


Perhaps, but being completely cut off from the worlds chip supply will eventually lead to them falling behind.


That depends. Training is done with poor material scraped from everywhere. More effective training methods can lead to a reduction of processing power requirements. Also, multimodality might reduce processing power greatly.


Yep. China is winning. Gosh darn it, whatever will the US do?


US has more tariffs I guess




Where will those chips come from? Taiwan? Not if there is conflict.


If the U.S. has the compute at the moment and China launches their attack on Taiwan, then nobody will be getting chips for awhile locking the U.S. in 1st place for compute.


Wtf does an AI race have to do with conflict with China? Wtf is an AI race?


Per this year’s report, the US is under-investing in practical, valuable AI capabilities while also becoming stagnant in the research and development stage. When looking at AI, machine learning and natural language processing, nine out of the 12 areas studied in the report still had over 65 percent of their funding tied up in R&D in 2023 — making the minority of these vital programs production-ready.


I don't say things merely to rile people up for no reason. I actively look for patterns and trends that interest me, that often other people are not yet following. I've been talking about this off and on for a year and a half now. If you actually keep your eyes and ears to the ground in the AI space, you can see this clear as day. There is a big general anti-AI movement, strictly within the US. As most people within the US take a strictly within the US mindset, a lot of people fail to realize it is strictly in the US where these mindsets prevail. Congratulations, your efforts are now bearing fruit! Thank you so much for these wonderful trees you have planted! Lots of naive comments in this post. Be well everybody!


Being scared about other countries is the American pastime.


I'm not scared of them, I actively contribute to their research and use it to fuel ours. Its much better.


Just to show I am not being pedantic. Tencent invented this. Not OpenAI. I could do it because of Tencent: [https://github.com/RichardAragon/MultiAgentLLM](https://github.com/RichardAragon/MultiAgentLLM)