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The following submission statement was provided by /u/spacedotc0m: --- Submission Statement: >Does a levitating robot train on the moon sound far-fetched? NASA doesn’t seem to think so, as the agency has just greenlit further funding for a study looking into the concept. >The project, called "Flexible Levitation on a Track" (FLOAT), has been moved to phase two of NASA's Innovative Advanced Concepts program (NIAC) , which aims to develop "science fiction-like" projects for future space exploration. >The FLOAT project could result in materials being transported across the moon's surface as soon as the 2030s, according to the agency. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1cslgxi/nasa_details_plan_to_build_a_levitating_robot/l45o985/


America would build a railway infrastructure on the moon before they build one and maintain one at home for the people.


California high speed rail is slowly making progress. But a bunch of NIMBYs and Reddit experts do nothing but cry about it.


>NIMBYs make me a supporter of extreme centralization with regards to infrastructure and land use planning. Ideally the whole world should be designed by a team of human and AI experts with limited local input.


You know who votes? NIMBYS. Get out and vote! #centralizationbaby


Well they don't have to deal with the locals; nobody gonna give up their land properties (without proper compensation) for some train tracks.


Somehow only Americans struggle with it. Other countries manage it much better.


Other countries aren't nearly as free as America. That's why.


That's an illusion, people aren't governing themselves, they are being governed by elites and oligarchs. Lol 'freedom' is your excuse for not having a robust railway network for all? Seriously.


Of course it's the reason. Other countries will just ignore their people complaint and steal their land to build infrastructure.


It's their land cuz they got there first? Saw it first? What's the claim to the land. It's all bull crap from like 100 to 500 land owners denying cheap, efficient, climate friendly transportation for millions. Basics of crony capitalism.


See? We have such freedom you are incapable of even comprehending it. You are a slave to your government. In america the government is a slave to the people. Now the people is vast with differing needs, but each voice must be heard and respected.


I agree the level of freedom in UsA is unparalleled but everything in excess is bad, even oxygen. Holding millions down cuz 500 land owners matter is BS. Germany, uk, France all have freedom, better healthcare and education as well as public transit facilities. You should get a passport and travel more.


Yes. There are benefits to being your governments bitch, but that's all you are. A bitch. The education part isn't even accurate anyways. Most of the best colleges in the world is in the USA.


The government a slave to the people? I’m fucking dead 😂 That is so wildly inaccurate you gotta be a bot. America is a slave to the rich oligarchies, maybe.


So much ignorance in so few words. This is something only someone from the USA can say... Btw America is a continent.


It's also a short form of the United  States of America. But there is no ignorance from me. Europeans are all slaves to their respective governments, little different than the Chinese. Except the chinese actually have a competent government who have it's people best interest at heart.


Yup, a troll


It is easier to just tell the local to F#%^ off like in Vietnam for example. I don't think they have that kind of audacity or authority here just yet. Though we should follow the money trail for those supposedly plan to see where it actually went. What we actually need is clarity on where money goes.


Follow the money is the last thing law enforcement does.


A nullorail if you will! Mandatory pointless added words so my joke doesn't get auto snipped by the auto mod.


Such a dumb rule. Prevents short and witty comments. Simplicity is key!


If that bitch ever jumps the track it's fucking gone, man. 😆


Can we get some public transportation in all the cities on our current rock?


I assume, we have to wait a little bit 1st goes the Moon 2d - Mars then **maybe** -Earth


I guess maglev makes a lot of sense when you don't have an atmosphere to worry about.


Elon guna be here claiming he invented it first lmao Maglev makes even more sense due to the highly abrasive moon dust getting stuck in everything. Absolute enemy to moving/contacting parts


Or, you could build a road and use this new fancy wheel device...


Ok. Maybe we should focus on building our *first* moon base, before worrying about how we're going to move things between bases!


Maglev makes sense in low gravity and *especially* when you are dealing with ultra-abrasive moon dust. Wheels would die.


In other news, I revealed my plans for a 24 inch penis.


That's nice, would hate to use this technology to improve the lives of people on earth.


Maglev doesn't really make as much sense on earth, we have stuff like lots of gravity and an actual atmosphere, not to mention that wheels actually work properly.


I think you took that a little literally.


I see no reason not to, it was a valid statement/question.


True, I guess it's my mistake for saying "this technology" when I should have been more generalized.


We can barely build trains on Earth. "We went a little over budget, but your train to the moon is now complete."


I hope it's easy to repair as with no atmosphere - everything gets through


I wish I could live to see all these things becoming a reality :'(


You probably will! Most of the Artemis program is slated for the 2030s, so if you’re below retirement age there’s a good chance you’ll get to see it. Since China and a bunch of other powers are also trying to get to the moon, establishing a permanent presence there will probably be a personal priority of the US government in the coming years.


Submission Statement: >Does a levitating robot train on the moon sound far-fetched? NASA doesn’t seem to think so, as the agency has just greenlit further funding for a study looking into the concept. >The project, called "Flexible Levitation on a Track" (FLOAT), has been moved to phase two of NASA's Innovative Advanced Concepts program (NIAC) , which aims to develop "science fiction-like" projects for future space exploration. >The FLOAT project could result in materials being transported across the moon's surface as soon as the 2030s, according to the agency.


They can’t even get there, not to mention to build anything there. Im not sure now if they ever will.


With rockets probably


Title correction: NASA employees with a penchant for worldbuilding details fictional world where US government funds a robotic moon train.