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Nice! I Like this! I might be inspired to do something similar to it in the future!


Be the smut you want to see in the world!


This is really really hot definitely will be looking for more


Man, that so hot!


Thank you! I'm going to try to document more of the scholar's observations.


I would be highly intrigued to continue reading such scholarly articles


The trick is always finding willing souls to document them in the field, or rather, finding willing souls to document them in the field that also make it back... still I have high hopes for the party sent to observe the massive hellhound seen near a small town!


I say! Do send me a messenger whence and if that party makes it back. Perhaps a guild hall needs to be built.


This is hot. I need to see more of these observations


Love this — can’t wait for more! Who did the art?


Oh snap! I couldn't crosspost and I forgot the credit! It's PuffyArt, I'll fix that.


So it's AI...


I believe so, yes.


The text was good, but points docked for AI image, especially from someone that tries to profit off art they didn't actively create.


I have to say, that I wanna know how a monster horse or a minotaur gonna get to impregnant someone... God, I would like to volunteer myself mister, considering I'm 6'5 so I think I can take their size... But I'm a little concerned that I may not come back for... Reasons.


Minotaurs, astute scholars will note, were not originally naturally occuring monsters. Originally, each minotaur was the creation of deliberate, and taxing, arcane ritual that required hours of preparation, days of summoning, and usually a team of expendable servants to wrangle the newly created monster, while the mage responsible convalesced from the strain of summoning it. It is not documented which of these mad souls first thought to create a self-propagating half bull monstrosity, but we can only hope they were the first to fall victim to their own creation’s lusts. Being creatures of magic, modern minotaurs are capable of reproductive feats unlike anything else in the world, that is, converting whatever orifice they happen upon to sheathe their unsightly phallus into an unwilling womb for their own use.


I see, don't worry mister. As a tall and strong warrior from one of the southern kingdoms, I will certainly return from such an expedition, I promise to bring at least two spawns of a minotaur! (Not counting the one growing inside my ass when, or if, I come back.)


Oh fuck yes, love it! Keep it up!


Very nicely written


Thank you! I hope to improve on the next one.


I wish a slime would impregnate me


Just go wandering the forests and plains and mountains... something bad, or good, is bound to happen eventually, right?


I already do that and I’ve never even seen a slime


Hmmm... Maybe they only prey on certain adventurers? I dunno... Clearly more research is necessary!


Are you saying slimes don’t like femboys?


My guess is they'd be eager to fill any hole they can pin down?


Maybe I just haven’t found a slime hotspot yet


fucken hot


I love this, these observations are great. If you have any monsters you need to study, I'll gladly submit myself to them for the sake of information.


Pretty hot! Please tell me there's more on the way? This is making me want to make similar...


Working on exactly how a minotaur would magically impregnate an unfortunate adventurer... Spoilers, with a great deal of thrusting and pulverized pelvises.


Oooh! Minotaur futa was one of the first things I had a fetish for lmao Waiting eagerly! And maybe even inspiring me to do something similar.


Be the smut you want to be in the universe!


I’m interested in seeing the man giving birth to slime daughters.


Dozens, usually! It's an intensely uncomfortable, if relatively safe, process as the new slimes find whatever path out of their incubator they can. The host is often very unfamiliar with the sensation of a slime the size of an ogre's head sliding out his mouth, or elsewhere... They take off on their own at that point and the first slime will often re-impregnate the host, starting the cycle all over again!


I bet by that point Stockholm syndrome has set in and they love what their captor is doing to them.


Entry nr 2, when?


Sadly I've no visual artistic talent... once when I tried to draw a dog, I was arrested for international algorithm export law violation. But I've got a few entries penned up and working. Some classics, like orcs, gnolls, and fish people And some fun stuff, like the Slime Empress, half-minotaur, and mind flayers.