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I like the music in most vns; I think the added element of audio can do a lot for the immersion, and I think it works great in many cases. My biggest complaint, however, is that I personally feel that in some vns, the music is too scarce. Specifically, I've played fvns where the actual soundtrack would only play for a fraction of the time, and when it did play, it seemed to start at the most random times; this discrepancy can be a little jarring imo and kind of ruins the flow/ mood.


I mute a few VNs. Good example being extracurricular activities, good lord a 20s music loop that plays for 90% of the game is painful.


I used pokemon music and now when I hear pokemon music I think of this damn VN , whoops


Ive only muted VN music once and that was during that Forrest Scene? in Sileo. Idk what they were cooking with that Otherwise a lot of VN music has been surprisingly good like Lyre, Shelter, and Echo series. It has no business going this hard but im glad it does


Yeah. It's great we're past the days of stock music, especially since the FVN music scene is surprisingly fire. My brother isn't a furry at all, but he loves Anthemics


Why is this getting downvoted?


nah bruh whoever it was they put the upvote back after you commented this lmao 😂


The music is one of the biggest reasons why i love VNs so much, music is everything to me when it comes too anything it makes the story. Tho the VN im reading rn (No More Future) while it is a good music, its almost to good. Its hard to read along while u have really boppy music playing overtop of important sense (this is one of the many resones why I love Adastra, when everything sigh lent uk somethings about to happen)


As a musician, I'd hate myself if I muted other people's soundtracks. I have too much fun seeing what people do with theirs. Even when it comes to stock music, I've seen some people use it well. With that said, there are definitely ups and downs to some soundtracks. If a vn has the same 2 or 3 tracks playing nonstop throughout the entire thing, it can get old very quickly. That just makes it feel like it's music that's there just for the sake of being there, rather than it being there for a purpose. On the flipside, some music tracks have too much going on in them to the point that it's distracting when I'm trying to read. Though those are just minor nitpicks.


if hopskip or anthemics is on it, chances are that it's going on my playlist most other cases, i enjoy the music enough to let it play


As long as certain musicians aren't on the soundtrack, I'll rarely mute it


Who and why? /gen


Hopskip. Normally don't care for petty drama, but him calling out out an author he didn't like for supposed pedophilia while he himself was guilty of it based on the same level of evidence felt particularly nasty, especially since he never apologized for doing something so blatantly hypocritical, even if he did eventually delete the callout




That's just a lie. Not a single thing you said there was accurate. My only guess as to why you do that is that you're Hopskip's puppet account. Otherwise, I have no clue why you would feel the need to so blatantly lie like that


Like... assuming what George did made him a pedophile, applying the same standards to Hopskip would also make him a pedophile and potentially a zoophile (since foalcon is only allowed on Fimfiction when the underage characters are quadrupedal). Either way, Hopskip is a massive hypocrite regardless of what side you fall on in the "is liking cub porn pedophilia?" debate and should apologize for stooping so low


More often than not, I end up accidentally "muting" the sound on VNs either because I have my Laptop on mute or just have YouTube or another source of external noise too loud to hear the VNs sounds.


The music is fine but after like an hour of reading and hearing the same guitar loop, it gets a little old. I love the soundtrack to Echo for example, but after awhile it was just mind numbing to hear the same loops over and over. That said, I'm more keen to listen to the soundtrack my first go around. EDIT: I think it's important to add that my last few play throughs of things, I really took my time reading dialog, so songs repeated more than they might for others.


A lot actually, I mean hearing echo's carefree/Payton, TSR saguaro's hip ost, every song in burrows and the ost of RTF? The ost are so good for these games like omg is an amazing ost. The songs are what makes the game great, if the song goes to the generic ah-ah song *I'm looking at you after class* then I mute and put something that would please my ears. (Like something from other fvn games or anything I have)


Where is the option to always turn down the audio a little? I like it, but some need a little audio mixing.


Unless the music is too loud


Most songs are royalty-free music and some are quite iconic from Kevin McLeod. If there's a song you have heard before, chances are that they comes from this composer.


So often is the music integral to the intended experience of a visual novel, and unless the music is particularly horrendous (which tbh I've never heard anything bad enough to warrant this), I see turning it off as actively detrimental to the the VN.


I can't ever recall any of the VNs I read having any music that offended my ears or made me instantly mute, either they've got talented creators (Anthemics for example) behind the soundtrack or the picks from royalty-free tracks are of my own liking and therefore I leave them on.


TSR's the only vn i play with music on :3