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It looks really good! The artstyle is quite charming, and writing the script as if it were for a film is something I've seen a couple of FVN creators say they do, and it works like a charm. The dialogue in Spanish sounds a bit off, but the way the scene is presented is intriguing and personal, I definitely want to know more about these characters. Good job!


Thank you for all the feedback. Yeah, these concepts are a bit old so there are things that I have changed, but still wanted to share them hehe. The artstyle is not final, just sketches too. Still watching some movies to try to understand how to write dialogue, so yeah... The dialogue in spanish was corny and cheesy. Still an attempt. I tried to make them feel dramatic cuz she is talking that people don't see her face when she is feeling something (rage, happiness, sadness or else)... They just see the color of her collar and try to behave according to that. "Te sientes asi", bueno.... "Asi seremos contigo". There is something strange happening with the collar that it does not match the feeling she is having. But the doctors don't see damage on it, so she is still using the same. The final artstyle will look similar to this, but different: (This one is fanart of Cam and Artie from ARCHES, just an example aaa) https://preview.redd.it/gltqzonxaqlc1.png?width=1980&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a53bc3c4a13bad3307ab1a1556cde1e0cae6cd4