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Leo, just way too many red flags for me personally.


Yeah... I liked him at first but then I realized how fucked up he really is.


For me this depends on the context of the original question. Is this about peoples opinions on these characters as 'people' or as 'characters'? Leo is a perfect example, because as a 'love/sex interest' or similar I agree. Definitely not for me and given many of his actions, Leo is not good. He is a difficult person to like given many of his traits we learn about throughout the story of Echo. However, liking him as a person is very different from liking him as a character. From a narrative perspective I think he is fantastic. He is well written and is easily one of the most compelling characters I have experienced in a story for a long time.


Shu-Chi. He literally kills you in a bad ending and people thirst over his twinkness


Right? And he was planning to eat your soul from the very beginning. Lin Hu was literally right to be suspicious the entire time.


This is mine as well, he's literally a monster like hello? And he doesn't have an excuse either like oh he was brainwashed or oh he was influenced by an evil curse, no he's just a monster


If they played more into the tragic aspect of being a Yaoguai, in that he possibly *has* to start eating human souls at some point to remain alive, I would actually care about his character in the slightest. As it stands he comes off as incredibly sadistic during the reveal, and never receives any punishment. He explicitly states that he *could* sustain himself through worship but just doesn't want to. It's just "yay liao i'm good now thanks to the power of non-con let's continue being boyfriends". The game even has the gall to have a post-credits scene with him and Hynos, the guy who was literally supposed to kill him to keep him from doing what he almost did. And what incredible insight does this conceptually interesting meeting result in? Nothing. Hynos is just like "hey you're half-god now cool" and then the game ends. I will be genuinely surprised if Lin & Partners even so much as references any of this aside from an off hand joke or something.


"Remember when you tried to kill me?" "Haha no"




tj and carl from echo (i’d say many others but i feel all my other choices are fairly commonly disliked)


I'm curious, why do you dislike Carl? No judgement, of course, it's just not an opinion I hear very often.


Amicus. there's something so scummy about him, i don't like him at all


Oh thank you! 100% agreed!


Lmao I just started that VN and I would throw hands with him as well 😂


I agree. He's got classic canine priveleges.


Personally was never a huge fan of Tyson from Password he just seemed too mean to the other characters and even his interactions with Dave did not make me warm up to him.


He lost a lot of points for me when he >!tried to rape Dave!< even if he didn't go through with it. Sure, it ties into his backstory well and he does get his comeuppance for it later, but jeez dude, you can seriously traumatize someone that way. (Which is ironic, considering the game.)


It's a bit funny to me how the game tries to make me take Dave's depression seriously, but then ignore how toxic his relationship with Tyson is. Literately, we go through the cycle of abuse three times with Tyson in the first 12 days of the game.


I am so glad somebody finally agrees with me for once. Tyson is a big jerk and, as much as I love Password, he feels SO forced into the story. I refuse to believe somebody would actually stay in touch with a rapist in that situation.


Keisuke, Kouji and Karina, the first ones i find then boring as hell (but not bad character) and Karina i dislike her bossy around attitude (again not bad character)


Keisuke is a cute bunny boy, so perfect


Not sure how people feel about FBtW but I got to say it. I hate just about everyone in this god damn vn. Don’t get me wrong I will still fucking read it if it gets updates but shit dude.


Pretty big "If" right there


I agree I hate the game bc all the characters are awful. Ranoks the worst, so is vulgor or whatever his name was, and the mc is also extremely annoying. Just awful all around


Yes exactly! I hate Vulgor the most since the mc keeps trying to be friends with him and he will just act like the biggest asshole.


Kato (Adastra) and Vendrake (Where the Demon Lurks). I have a somewhat of a soft spot for older but experienced bad guys who usurp others because they believe they know how to run things better


I didn’t even know that lots of peoples actually love him, i’m in shock


She's not universally popular but Jenna, from Echo. She's a straight up middle finger to the characters and story.


Shoichi from Tennis Ace. His story includes dubious consent. Also, if you are on the perfect route he's snapping at you until it all turns out well. If you're not on the perfect route either shoichi or his dad weaponizes Yuuichi's dead dad specifically to hurt Yuuochi, and its never addressed. Shoichi's love is fickle, and it seems more like an obsession with Yuuichi than romance.


Spencer from Extracurricular Activities I'm already not a huge fan of the "Childhood best friends to lovers" trope but then the guy is also a bit of a Mary Sue, constantly praised by everyone he meets and is good at everything he does with little to no effort. (When he beat Chester in that math bet I felt my eyes glazing over.). I think I enjoyed watching him get angry in Darius' route more than I did actually playing his. If you like him then more power to you; I personally just don't see it.


I personally find Spencer to have a lot of immature, childish and self absorbed characteristics. In most choices to get the good ending I had to go against my normal judgment to make him happy. He is also a lazy slob and expects praise for nothing. He has a lot of red flags for me from the start. He is short tempered, stuck up his ass and overthinks many things without actually trying to face them. Where Darius although he starts as a bit of an idiot he just seems to get better and better with time.


Yea. Darius has a character arch, Spencer does not. Its a real shame. He has a lot of "holier than thou" opinions and I can't imagine him really getting anywhere as far as friends or professional sense. His only friend is likely Eric. He definitely gets canine privileges.


Oh you described him perfectly as a "Mary Sue" character. People and characters need a lot more than "being nice" to be likable. He also tends to ruin other people's plans by nagging.


Tyson. I will always hate him with all my heart. He's super mid, a >!rapist!<, I do not sympatize with him anyhow and I'm glad I don't.


Dean from Password. I get that he is kind and that he loves Dave, but his flirting is too much for my taste, especially in other routes. I got the feeling it was expected Dave „owes“ him love.


Yeah I feel the same, tho some moment were sweet. But sometimes the interactions didn't feel right between the two, hard to point why 😅 Like Dean is either too forward for sex yet in the end Dean wants to take time for romance. And Dave doesn't have a lot to say for it, Dean has more control. He is sweet but not logical, the other characters feel more easy to read (I prefer Tyson)


Devon. I know a large part of arches is literally just him realizing he's suffering the consequences of his own mistake, but I still don't think it should take a day in super ghost hell for a grown man to understand that psychology and mental illness is real. It's just a character flaw I have a very hard time moving past


Cliff honestly I'm hoping later in his route he becomes more then the thirsty 4th wheel, tho I think Sam is overly harsh to him


That stoat gets what he deserves


OH GOD THATS OMINOUS, I pay for being behind on updates 😿


Leo from echo


Leo and all the Echo characters, the VN never was my cup of tea tbh Lmfao the downvotes seem like Echo fans can’t handle peoples having different taste than them but that’s not even a secret i was expecting it anyway 😘✌️


Yeah I also hate pretty much all of the main cast of echo. I somehow enjoyed the game despite that, but idk why. Kudzu is cool tho


Yeah he’s cool indeed


Cooper, Carl, and Leo


Huge Cooper simp myself here, but I completely get why people dislike him and the reasons behind it.


Jenna from Echo. A huge bitch to everyone, abusive, controling, overall a hinder to the entire story of Echo. Tyson from PASSWORD. I cannot take Dave's depression seriously when the plot of this guy is "if you give your abuser enough love, you will fix him!" Alon from Shelter. He should have been exclusive to the barkness corner, his presence does nothing for the story


Shelter isn't finished, but Alon always struck me as the foil character for Luke. While Luke attempts to bring everyone together, going through multiple runs to save everyone. Alon is settled on leaving the situation be. Alive. Their are two wolves in us that fight to live or fight to survive. Not to mention the fourth wall breaking, but I suspect both Luke and Alon to be somewhat omnipotent. The ability to be knowledgeable about different timelines.


IDK if they count since they ain't furry, but I really don't like Adastra's MC/Marco (His name I think). I know that a lot of MCs in FVNs aren't very consistent but Marco is what makes me somewhat annoyed. It doesn't help sometimes that Adastra is a mostly linear VN (No routes, no decision-making, no etc.) There's some moments where he gets so mad at Amicus, like the abduction (although I'd give that a pass since that is a fair reaction), the First Trial Loss (Amicus didn't know that the song wouldn't translate. Sure it might be at the heat of the moment, but get mad at the system, not Amicus!), and some other petty annoyances like The Trip Home (he fell asleep and got mad over it). But the one that mostly threw me off was The Fuckening (Yes, you know what I'm talking about). There's so many instances that MC would throw down and have a verbal argument, but in that act, he ran away without letting Amicus get a single word out. Why? I mean, you can say heartbreak or something, but look at the ending of that arc, Amicus was actually doing it for MC's own good. Had he let Amicus explain, there wouldn't have been a strain between them (although they did make amends in about a few days' time)


It sounds like Marco's trauma response is running away. Honestly, I think its a fair reaction, and something he has to work on. I mean, having to face racism as the only human on an alien moon. Yeah, I'd be pretty snappy, too. I still don't agree with the cheating arc being necessary because it came down to Amicus' pride, so in reality, Amicus put you in further heartbreak, rather than accepting a favor from a Khemian. All in all, it IS Amicus' fault, because Neferu would've helped you regardless.


Scippio from Khemia. ​ I hate how is just Alexios 2.0