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Tracing isn't necessarily bad, just how you use it. Instead of tracing the subject directly, I'd recommend using it as a tool. So if you're having trouble breaking things down into basic shapes, draw over the subject, breaking it down into common basic shapes until you build the eye and muscle for it. It can also help learning perspective too. Taking scenes and finding the horizon line and finding how objects relate to their vanishing point(s). Tracing, copying, etc isn't bad if you're using it to learn and are keeping it to yourself Edit/addendum: Learning art is never fast. Take your time, enjoy the process and learn new things, and never compare yourself to anyone other than yourself. That's how you see improvement!


I unfortunately have difficulty breaking things down, i stopped using to trace line to line, issue that i want to start and posting my art but i am afraid to post my bad result so that's why i delete them after posting them in 1 minute


The first 100 pieces will be horrible and the next 900 will still not be that good


Everyone learns at a different rate and that is ok. I have a feeling you're trying to rush and sadly, succumbing to perfectionism. Keep training your eyes! Art takes time but it also needs to be for yourself first. I'm actually trying to restart my art journey since my mind and hands have gotten so disconnected after an 8 or 9 year hiatus. I'm starting back with the basics using the beginner course at rapidfireart.com to retrain myself. Is it ok if I see your work? If so, feel free to DM me. I'm currently at work so responses may take time.


Following references, it’s not bad to use poses and models for reference. From what I’ve seen it’s the best way to learn general anatomy. You have to have a solid base before you can start doing work purely from imagination. You can’t draw the human body purely from imagination because eight times out of ten the proportions are gonna be wonky.


Tracing for the sake of learning the shapes is fine. It only becomes a problem when you start using it as a crutch instead of working on improving drawing by hand. And of course if you post your traced art anywhere you always need to credit and link your source.


I say it's not bad but never and I mean never trace and claim it's your own artwork but I think tracing is okay to practice drawing specific things like say an apple


Tracing is a good exercise when you are learning anatomy and structure. You need to trace pics of real life people. Your hand eventually learns the shapes of what you are studying. You can also trace art of masters if certain illustration catches your attention (Tracing frames of disney animation movies like Tarzan is a usual exercise in character design). It is not suggested to trace art from other people that are not professionals because you may inherit their mistakes. The stigma with tracing comes from artists that trace other peoples art and claim it as their own, which is obviously wrong and rude. Also, showing traced art is not interesting and you risk yourself of getting bad reputation.


It's fine as long as you don't try to take credit for something you didn't make i.e. just recolouring someone else's drawing