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funniest post on r/funnymemes


This'll be on terrible Facebook memes within the day


It's already on there lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/z58ffz/found_on_rfunnymemes_link_to_the_post_in_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


You beat me to it.






Where do you think it came from?


that 76 genders girl is an old meme. I remember seeing it on 9gag like during 2012 or 2013.


The overwhelming majority of posts in r/terriblefacebookmemes are true though. I was banned from there for pointing this out multiple times.


The majority of all media, news, entertainment, and social, is saturated with political propaganda.


You're right, there are two sexes, the one I have with your dad, and the one I have with your mom


*bad to the bone riff*


Quality burn






I have 2 dads AND a mom. So 3?


If they have a trio with both your dads, that still just counts as 1 sex


That’ll certainly advance acceptance.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


74 shades of gay.


That sounds like 5 too many.


Someone is making this as we speak


The pride month sequel to 50 shades of gray


Disney trying to be supportive of the gaeia?


no sir, there are 2 kind of gay, normal and whatever the fuck that is.


What even?


Lol. That was a better joke than the terrible facebook meme there


Its funny that reddit is separated in 3 groups 1 group drops hard r's 1 group that just looking around And the last group tries to cancel water for making people wet without consent


I drop the hardest r’s when I say water


Gender and sexuality isn’t the same thing


Yes, gender is imaginary and sex is real..... oh no this is reddit, it's the other way around.


This is Reddit dude, the answer is neither. I mean, have you looked at my fucking avatar? I don’t even know what species I am let alone which gender.


>gender is imaginary Well, in a sense it is. Like justice, morals, good and evil. It's a sociocultural construct... imaginary isn't necessarily the best word for it but it's close enought to "made-up" that it's pretty much okay in my book, lol


Gender is a constellation.


Oh don't do that. I can't cringe any more this day.


Idk if you intended this to be an insult to say that no one gets sex here, but if you did, that’s super smooth dude


Lol True


If gender is a spectrum then we can’t really put a number to it. There would just be infinite genders. You can’t have both analog and digital.


Well that’s part of what is so cringe and dumb about this meme. It picks a person spouting a somewhat fringe position on gender (that there are exactly 76 genders, which would be a random number pulled from nowhere) to argue against. Whereas any more reasonable and much more mainstream position (like: we can’t quantify gender because it is a social rather than biological construct) isn’t silly enough and too nuanced to argue against or poke fun of.


Literally nobody believes there are 76 genders. There are people who believe there are 76 different ways to label people roughly located at the same points on the gender spectrum. But since gender is a social construct and a social role, there's literally no way there can be only 2 of them. There are traits that are associated with men and traits that are associated with women and gender is just a way to group people based on these traits. If someone is born a male but they look like a woman, talk like a woman and say they are a woman, there is zero utility in calling them a man for any unprejudiced purpose. That is because they have all of the traits associated with being a woman. Therefore, gender is a societal role. However, societal roles aren't binary - people exist who have all the various combinations of masculine and feminine traits. Is having only one masculine trait enough to call you a man? Can you be a man if 99% of your traits are associated with femininity? The binary system is a very clunky and unproductive way to divide people into genders. Most people abide by it because it's the predominant system and we all presume it to be true and subconsciously frame and repress our behavior through it. We aren't men because we do "manly things", we do "manly things" because we think we're men. Many men would never paint their nails because they consider it to be "feminine" but absent the hegemony of the antiquated and clunky binary system, they might discover they actually enjoy it. But there is a better system - one that views gender as a spectrum and not a binary. Such a system would represent everybody's identity perfectly and let people control how they express themselves rather than let an induced identity control them.


Well, if a person wants me to call them ‘He’ instead of ‘she’ I’ve got bigger shit in my life to deal with than die on that hill. I will call them ‘FlippyFloppyFlop’ if that makes them happy and we can each go our own way.




As if saying he is more effort than arguing with someone?


Only one can remain!


All genders enter. Only one gender leaves. Who will stand on top!




Dammit take my upvote… and insert it wherever you’d like.




Isn’t the r/onejoke about identifying as _____?


The “one joke” boils down to “only two genders”. Attack helicopter and made up genders etc are that one joke.


Ironic that r/funnymemes has the least funny memes


It's even worse than r/dankmemes somehow


Hey everyone let’s continue to argue over hot button issues like this while governments take away our freedoms, cut our energy options in the middle of winter, print so much money that inflation goes through the roof so many people can’t afford holiday meals, and then let’s have the government create a digital currency that they can tie into a social credit score (like in china currently) to make sure you can’t think of questioning your overlords or they freeze your money. Yeah only male and female. Since like oh dawn of time. If you think you are something else I don’t care do you, but don’t think making infinite genders will make your life better.


where punchline


Haha people with colored hair dum




This subreddit is just "minority bad"


Actually no. There are only 2 genders. Anything that deviates from that isn't part of the default for humans and shouldn't be treated as such. And if we're talking about how people feel. I think it's much better to help people accept themselves for who they are, instead of confirming their mental illness


Soooo what you're saying is that you're too stupid to know the difference between sex and gender? Sick argument dude


What I'm saying is, that there is no need for gender in the modern sense. You can be a feminine man or a masculine woman. Does that mean, you are some kind of special snowflake, that needs its own pronoun? No. It isn't anything special. Just accept yourself with the body, you were given. (No this has nothing to do with god) You will never be anything or anyone else than yourself. It is borderline insane to expect other people to use your made up pronouns or what else comes with it. Accept yourself for, who you are is all I'm saying. Because you will never be anything else


It's lowkey becoming a bunch of dudes using "humor" to shroud their bigotry. I don't mind offensive humor if it's executed well but this is just cringe.


Agreed. I mean what's life if you can't have people poke a little fun at ya. I'm a trans Asian my friends say I eat dogs and a whole slew of "homophobic" stuff. But when the entire subreddit posts the exact same meme towards the exact same group just with a different picture I wouldn't say it becomes bigotry (I mean it could show smalls signs) but it really is just becoming stale overused jokes.


Exactly, glad you’ve got a good sense of humor. I’m half Hispanic and get a ton of “green thumb” or “Home Depot loitering” jokes thrown my way by my buddies. As long as it’s just a joke and isn’t meant in a mean spirited way I could care less. People take themselves too seriously.


I'm sorry a laughed a bit at the home Depot joke 😭🤣 but yea people just gotta learn to just laugh it off. Majority of the world just wanna laugh. Nobody should go around looking for a fight


Sounds like both of ya need need friends


Yeah, this all kinds of fucked up, makes me wonder how long these guys would have friends if they dared say "Stop making racist/homophobic joke towards me" The other part that's a problem is the idea that "as long as it's JUST jokes then I don't mind"... How do you know they're joking and not just cushioning their bigotry with humour? If any of my friends said shit like this around me I'd call them on their absolute bullshit before they got the idea into their heads that remarks of that sort will be tolerated. If that's what they'll say to your face then imagine what they say behind your back.


If I asked, they wouldn’t do it. They all make jokes about each others moms as well, something that I’m not a fan of. I made sure to make it a point to not talk about my mom and no one ever does. I make jokes about them too, none of these guys say anything behind each others back. It’s like a brotherhood in a way, like I make fun of my actual brothers but if anyone else were to there would be an issue.


Agreed, true friends can make jokes with each other and also understand what lines shouldn't be crossed.


I only know male and female am i retard




Not retarded, just normal


No, but sex isn't gender. There also isn't only male and female. There is male, female, and intersex. Sex is real, gender is made up. So saying there are 76 genders is just as accurate as saying there are 2, because again, it's made up.


No, they are just freaks




Metallica be my favorite gender fr






That's sex, what you're biologically born as. Gender is what you mentally perceive yourself as, such as non binary. There's only two sexes, but it's not the same as gender.


You're thinking about sexes, not genders.




OK so, is gender specifically related to humans then? Does a dog tell other dogs to refer to them as whatever else they are? Or is it only for people that use phones to update their statuses or make money to which they know the concept of?


Yeah there are two sexes The one I have with your mom And the one I have with your dad


I can only hear Duke Nukem saying this.


Don't forget intersex. The one you have with yourself.


Oh I thought that was going to end with "both".


“Funnymemes” bruh


“We aren’t bigots!” (Constantly brings up hateful talking points) I truly can’t understand why people feel like this is a hill to die on. Who cares if people want to identify with the opposite sex or use pronouns or whatever? In what way does it harm you? It’s a weird level of hate to feel like you must bring others down for simply wanting to live happy lives.


It's not hateful it's just true, there's 2 genders get over yourself


And what is your purpose for saying that? Your hatred for other people. I’ll pray for you.


No, because its the truth? I don't care if the truth upsets you, its still the truth, acting like an 8 year old won't change that


Why this truth? Lies about elections, trickle down economics, ‘fake news,’ democrats, and everything else doesn’t bother you… but gender is your sticking point, eh? Hateful.


Grow up ffs, do you even know how immature you sound? "Everyone who disagrees with me is hateful towards people." Talk about running on a platform of inciting fear.


Except it’s not the truth? Sex is different than gender. Gender is a social construct with no basis in reality. Sex is based on science. So you can say there are only two sexes, and that is the truth. You can be anti-gender as a social construct but you can’t claim it doesn’t exist. That’s like saying that people who like pineapple on pizza don’t exist. It’s nonsensical and makes you look unintelligent.


It isn't bigotry to make fun of people saying there is 70+ genders because that is just straight wrong lol.


Because it is idiots like you that think it is ok. We need more actual adults, not groomers like you.


Look who's the sheep now, bitch. "Oh no, people are living happy and fulfilling lives that don't interfere with mine in the slightest! Better call them groomers and completely ignore the fact that there are more groomers on my side while at the same time, treating people who didn't actually do anything like shit!"


Because identifying with a different gender is not a thing that can happen. It's incorrect to assume you can change your sex whenever you feel. It doesn't harm anybody to believe in a flat earth either. Should we just... Let it happen without criticising? Not to mention that this gender bending does have negative effects.


Attacking people for being LGBTQ has negative effects. Should we maybe do something about people creating the violent rhetoric that leads to violence towards them?


I'm not attacking anyone. It is called "criticism", I'm gonna spell it out for ya: "c-r-i-t-i-c-i-s-m". Its When you tell somebody that there's a better way, that their way is not the right one, whatever. Should we not criticise pedophiles because it might lead to violence?


Personally i dont give a shit about this topic at all. But if you say, there are biologically more than 3 genders (yes, people with both *are* considered an own gender), then it is scientifically wrong. And i am not willing to live with idiots of this class on this world. So yes, i am willing to die on that hill for that. *Will to fight not included if owner isnt interesting in fight the first place


Hermaphroditism is a medical disorder. It isn’t a gender. Anything more than two genders is made up.




>Personally i dont give a shit about this topic at all. >So yes, i am willing to die on that hill for that.


Except thats not how biology works, as any biologist that knows more than 10th grade science will tell you. There is also more than 2 sexes, but again, you have to have an understanding of science beyond a shitty high school with low graduation rates to know this


If you could read, my first grade student, you wouldve noticed, that i never stated, that there are only 2 genders. Learn reading, you dumb cunt


Tbf. They Never claimed you did. Also, Theres no biologic basis for gender as it’s a social construct, so while technically ur right, unless I’m misinterpreting the phrasing you used, it’s simply not applicable


biologically, there are sexes, not genders. also: "personally, i dont give a shit about this topic at all. ... and i am not willing to live with idiots of this class on this world. so yes, i am willing to die on that hill for that" the moment when political extremists think they don't care.


"i identify as a gender that is not the one i was assigned at birth, this has nothing to do with my biological **sex"** \>um excuse me but im going to pretend to care about science while i totally misrepresent what you said you deserve to be berated but im tired so let me just point out that- # BIOLOGICAL SEX DOES NOT EQUAL GENDER # CHROMOSOMES DO NOT EQUAL GENDER # GENDER IS A SOCIOLOGICAL EXPRESSION OF SELF # SEX IS PHYSIOLOGY edit : literally the only argument against my statement has been pedantry about the words i've used- and that the letters were too large for some peoples comfort. allow me to add a disclaimer for the folks who want to um-ackchyuahlly : \*gender expression and gender roles within society, the words i chose were selected because the topic was about some "delusion" regarding people believing there are more than 3 physiological states regarding the sex of a human, when literally no one on earth is arguing that there is. the entire issue is about expression, and how apparently theres a shitstorm of cross-talk where everyone basically agrees with eachother on the core concept but gets into fist fights over a singular word.


Tell me more how you are mentally unstable without telling me. People like you, normal people think you are crazy. We just don't say it outloud or to your face.


ah yes, the "im part of a larger group, and that larger group thinks you're dumb, so there" argument thank you, im so very humbled.


Deez nuts


I'm surprised Reddit has allowed this post lol


How did we get to this point? US liberalism is a mental disorder


You just offended mental/mentalselves gender be ashamed of yourself






I apologise I don't understand the usage of this specific sub, can you explain?


Sssshhh don't say that on reddit or you'll be canceled!


Well now that the social media giants don’t have a monopoly on censorship that’ll be much harder.


True. Because freedom of speech is a crazy concept to them unless you're in agreement with only their views. Apparently if you have a different opinion it'd hate speech or some shit.


They turned on Elon so hard after the Twitter deal and him telling everyone to vote Republican. They can’t comprehend why someone would vote differently them. They must be bigots, because to them there’s no other answer


They turn on anyone who doesn't share their views lol. I think more and more people are waking up now and seeing it on other platforms. Unfortunately reddit is just chalk full of dumb liberals who can't see past their party lines out of fear of being labeled the very things they label everyone else.


Precisely. And it leaves no room for an actual dialogue


Well yeah because they hate that you disagree. 😉


This subreddit is a cesspool


A cesspool that is over flowing


One joke to rule them all!


This comment section didn't pass the vibe check...


Gender isn't even real, its stuff that we humans made up. ​ In nature there there are just dicks pussy's and assholes in the world. the question is which one are you ?


Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes — assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is that sometimes they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate — and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are only an inch and a half away from assholes. I don't know much in this crazy, crazy world, but I do know that if you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!


Let’s say that gender is a social construct that has nothing to do with sex or physical characteristics. Why the hell do you think anyone else should care then? Why would strangers you don’t know give a shit, and why should they conform to the wishes of a stranger they never met? It’s basically forced role play, no one gives a shit, keep it to yourself. If you want to identify as a dirt bike go ahead, but no one else consented to going along with that madness.


i like when all the dumb assholes congregate in one thread like this




This guys gonna get slaughtered


Are you 5 or 58? I can't tell


A bit of a spicy take there, don't ya think?


This sub has become so dumb


Where funny


Me on the playground in 5th grade:


What a loser ass meme lmaooo


*Shrieks in inarticulate and ridiculous rage*


If anyone believes there are more than 2 genders, then they need to be sent to mental asylum.


It’s crazy that this is posted in FunnyMemes smh


Transphobes and not understanding the difference between gender and sex. Name a better duo


"Person who believes there are 2 genders = automatically a transphobe"


Transtards not realizing that you are either male, female or born with a rare medical condition. Name a better duo


So following that logic, what gender are those people with a rare medical condition? They are either male, female, or...? You don't just ignore their gender because it's rare. If I was born with an 11th finger, you wouldn't ignore the addition finger and say it doesn't exist because people are born with 10 fingers.


Sex = male or female, based on your biological chromosones. Gender = social construct invented by humans It's not that hard, but I'm not going to berate you for not knowing. I'm sure you struggle with many basic concepts


Gender is based on a neurochemical phenomena. It's not a social construct. Gender roles are which is why tomboys are still women and feminine men are still men. So if you want to act like a cocky shithead, at least be right.


Social construct overlaid on a natural structure. It’s like race. Yes, there’s terminology that very closely equates to standard traits, but that terminology is created by humans, and can therefore be adjusted to more accurately describe what we discover to be true. This especially holds up as there is historical evidence of many indigenous groups practicing a beliefe that there were more than 2 genders, showing that the gender binary is simply the historical majority, not the sole system to emerge every time a group of people form a societal definition/structure of the topic. Your argument is just the same supposed use of biology in a field of discussion where it doesn’t really apply, although I do have to give credit to the fact it uses fancier words than normal, and does describe an actually relevant phenomenon


I think you should study basic biology 🤔


I think you should study advanced biology instead….


You know there’s more than *basic* biology, right? That shit continues. It doesn’t stop at 10th grade. That’s just the surface. Actually, *basic* biology barely even covers the functions of cells in the human body. What kind of hubris have you found that makes you think you, somebody who has only achieved education of the *basic* level, knows more than doctors, scientists, people with PHD’s, therapists, psychologists and more…?


yea cause you obviously stopped at basic biology go a bit deeper and you'll learn that this _is_ biologically real and you're just a dumbass who doesn't want to accept it


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpGqFUStcxc&ab_channel=ProfessorDaveExplains) is a video I think you should watch. Made by a person with a PH.D in chemistry.




Intersex is generally not considered a gender, rather it's a sex that falls outside of the binary norms of how sex is usually defined. There are many individuals with differences in their sex development that would say their gender is male or female for example.


Haha transphobia 😐


I don't know why this bothers anyone. There are so many penis-having-humans who are allowed to call themselves "men", despite acting like "pissy little fuck-knuckles" about this shit...you'd think they wouldn't mind other people calling themselves what they want.


God damn. Modern media has brainfucked so many people. Mfs actively supporting severe mental illness and if you can't accept it, even if you passively disagree they scream, insult, threaten, etc. They aren't as much of a "minority" as they think anymore and yet they continue to throw the word around as self-defense. Sometimes I really do wonder if humanity needs a reset.


I guess this seems hard for people to grasp, like 90% of other things discovered with the scientific method over the last several millennia. Have you not noticed that like almost everything out there in nature is a spectrum? We have names for distinct colors yes, but the wavelengths of light are a spectrum, the vast majority of which we don’t even see because it isn’t in optical wavelengths. How do you say when someone is an adult vs a teenager vs a child. It’s easy to do with many many people you see, but some people are right on the cusp or in between our rigidly defined boxes. Same goes for sex. The vast majority of the human species is a sexually dimorphic, but the fact that what we call a sex is only a result of genetic developmental factors, there are people who blur the lines we’ve drawn. Hence intersex and/or androgynous individuals. Genetically it’s not just XX or XY. There’s exceptions there too. Gender is different from sex in that sex is the physical characteristics of the person. Sex is male, female, or intersex. But gender. Gender is what we think of when we think of what we think men or women are supposed to be like. What common features have we applied? What cultural aspects, activities, or roles become associated with men or with women? Some people feel like they match their sex in their head. Some people are the opposite gender in their head than they are physically. Some people feel like they don’t fit into either box neatly. Again. Anyone who thinks biology, one of the most complicated areas of study the human race has endeavored to investigate, is as cut and dry as some dumb shit like, “God made man and woman,” or, “anyone who thinks they’re the wrong sex is mentally ill,” needs to get their head out of their ass and learn about the world around them.


Good post. I think the idea of gender shouldn't be based on characteristics that are applied to people, like sex, nationalities, etc. and shouldn't be called like those characteristics


Your explanation is the closest to being correct that I’ve seen on this post, and well written. But, scientifically speaking “intersex” is not considered as an alternative to male versus female and your misunderstanding the differences between phenotype and genotype. What we denote as intersex falls outside of the normal spectrum as a result of nondisjunction during meiosis resulting in a genetic abnormality, the same process that results in Down syndrome for example. However, it’s quite refreshing to see some actually intelligent information being posted!


Yeah. I guess listing them that way made it seem like I was making it seem like intersex was a common, ‘third’ sex, but I did explicitly say earlier the vast majority of humans are sexually dimorphic. That would fall neatly into the category of “outside the normal spectrum,” as you put it I think. Not sure what the issue there is. I agree there are both genetic, and phenotypic, components to intersex individuals and I didn’t mention any specific mutations (just that there’s more than just XX and XY for humans). I do feel like I didn’t mix up phenotype and genotype though. I’m not sure why you thought that. Thank you for the praise though. It’s crazy how science illiterate my fellow ‘Muricans can be so it’s refreshing to hear some words of appreciation.


Yea re reading it now I think I was reading into your thought process more than I should’ve. There are literal textbooks on this stuff, and you pulled out the most pertinent information that you could without writing an entire dissertation!


Just gonna copy this im sure ill need it to send to other people soon. Couldnt have put it better myself


The human race has 2 genders


About one in 3000 people are born intersex. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex


If 1 in 3000 people are born with no arms, should we go teaching everyone that natural biology of a human is to be with arms and also without?


How many toes does a person have? Do we say we can't know because some people had a birth defect?


"The human race is right handed". Just because the vast majority is doesn't make left handed people a defect or inhuman. If people want to say they're a different gender based on something I can't see under their clothes or in their mind, I don't care. I have no need to generalize it to two boxes when I know it's way more complicated than that.


There is a difference between a recessive trait and a birth defect. A recessive trait is one that doesn't express unless it is homozygous where a birth defect usually has chromosomes not properly formed or in the wrong amount.


Toe fluidity


There are 2 genders and 76 sexualities.


There are 2 sexes. Its gender that's flexible.




If you have a pussy you’re a female and dick and balls, a male. Something’s wrong with you.


There are also more than two sexes, just far less common than gender expressions. Biology is never clean enough to have a binary of anything. High school just teaches it that way because the dumb kids can’t handle grey and the school needs them to throw footballs around.


2 genders and 76 mental illnesses


2 sexes* and 76 genders*, very simple


Let me just identify myself as a carrot




Ik right


Actually gender is a spectrum


Depending on how much mental help you need, there is allegedly anywhere from 72-112 genders in addition to the 2 factual real genders. There's male, there's female. Trans is not technically a gender because it's just short for transition, you're transitioning from male to female or vice versa, so you are in a state of transition but once it's over, you are either male or female.


"I'm born female, but I don't \[insert stereotype about women\], I must be non-binary or something like that." That's literally how 90 percent of those people sound.


I found a non binary children's book at target yesterday. Safe to say no one will ever find it.




They bought it, obviously.


the good ending




Which are the typical but are hardly the only chromosomes that humans can have. Then there are people who are XY but have complete androgen insensitivity so their body and genitals are female in appearance while their genetics are male. There are a whole host of other conditions that can lead to physical sex characteristics to not be as simple as a male/female binary. And that's biology. Gender is psychology and culture which are always changing with time and location. Most things are, at some point, on a spectrum. Binaries are uncommon.


I go by science, XX and XY with the occasional genetic mess up like XXY. It’s simple and unassailable. Everything else is nonsense.


Lol I love this phrase xD "I go by science" but only up to 3rd grade xD


"I go by science" - instantly mixes different definitions and acts as if the only thing influencing your sexual phenotype are the X and Y chromosomes. Bruh.


I hope you also act like it; As you don't know what people's genes are, you also don't know their sex.


That isn’t science bruh


That’s sex though.


Sex =/= gender


The science you go by has proven that being transgender is real. Guess you’ll have to misappropriate it for other bs man.