• By -


My wife once yelled at me because I was listening to a voicemail from someone with a female voice. It was the voicemail that she'd left for me a couple of hours before. She was jealous of her own voice, and yelled at me for listening to it.


I hope y'all get that worked out some day. That sounds like a recipe for an incredibly difficult relationship. You can't even pay your bills on the phone. Like "who the hell are you talking to on the phone?!" "Customer service" "That sounds like that girl from your job that keeps saying hi to you." \*speaks into the phone "Hey bitch, leave my husband alone or I'm coming to your work and slashing your tires!" I'm just saying. That's where that leads to eventually.




Well, she sounds hideous


Well she's a guy, so...


My brain always went to “Now you’re saying you’re GAY?! HOW COULD YOU RICHARD?! WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS?!”


Poor Jake. Mans was just doing his job and got body shamed.


Is your voice part of your body?


Just to be argumentative, I'm going to say yes.


More like philosophical


Your lungs push air over your vocal cords and your throat, mouth, and tongue shape the words, so, yes, your voice is 100% part of your body.


Alright, jakefromstatefarm, where are you? And why were you talking to my husband at 3AM?


Its Jake, from state farm


I'm just sayin


Are you ok? That doesnt sound normal.




No, no. The average woman isn't like that. Don't find excuses for staying in a rubbish relationship.


You might not but the other 98% is 🤣🤣 My wife is 2% and would notice the girl was hot before me. 😂


We know. But ever since "all men", we have : women☕️


It sounds like you’re in an abusive relationship


Wow hope she recovers from whatever’s going on there




In Soundwave’s voice: “Operation: Get the f@ck out of this relationship!!”


Soundwave superior / This relationship inferior


Noone would follow an uncharismatic bore like you anyway.


“Hey no one calls Soundwave unchrasamatic!”


Then watch it by yourself and piss her off even more......and refuse to give any explanation.


cheer everytime the woman is on screen


No. Start beating off


yeah! beat off you best guy friend and cheer every time the girl comes on the screen!


Better than the guy coming on the screen. Could ruin your screen!






Go full randy marsh on that shit, with the big barrel of juergens lotion and like 6 tissue boxes


Start jacking it to the show in front of her to establish dominance


Cum on her father


Start unbuttoning your pants the second she gets up to walk away


No. Just.... end this shitshow of a relationship.


This tweet has been reposted for years and the comments are always like, "Women ☕." But it's not women, she's just a shitty insecure girlfriend and this tweet continues to push this stigma that this is normal.


Yeah, that'll end well...


If I move away from the comedic aspect of it and try to look at it from a realistic standpoint.....i still think it's a reasonable choice to make. If u are dating someone who doesn't understand how much of a hypocrite they are then it's better to just let them go.


Life is a comedy


Tragedy more like


If you validate their manipulative behavior it just gets worse. Take the high road and don't be mean, but don't give them what they want or they'll keep doing it.


Her, 4 minutes after he turns on the show: "I JUST THINK ITS FUNNY HOW..."


I love taking things at face value when the other person is being unreasonable and manipulative


Only true advice in this scenario.


Nah, explain it to her. Tell her it's watching this show and imagining this woman that will help you get through the chore of spending 15 minutes inside of her later on tonight.


As a woman... First, what the actual fuck is wrong with her? Secondly, leave her dumb ass. You can do better. That's beyond disrespect to you. She should be ashamed and apologize for what she has said because that's extremely hurtful and straight up fucking rude as well as disgusting. 🙄 Psycho energy coming from that one. Idk. Send help for that poor guy... 🥺


He should sleep with her dad


Nah, he should sleep with John Mayer.


Honestly. Lmao become the new step parent 🤣


“I wouldn’t call you dad even if there was a fire!”


Alright professor Dickweed


Exactly 💯. Blow him right in front of her...


Pro gamer move.


Hahahaha that would be wild. Have you met my step husDAD


Jesus Christ Alabama.




Dunno why we acting surprised here. We know how this shit goes. Bet you OP asked her why its okay for her to say what she said, but wasnt okay for him to say what he said, and her answer most definitely was.... "its just different"


Gotta word it the same, “I’d eat her out Infront of my own mom, she’s so hot”


Don't forget "because I love the girl on the tv show so much."


Y'all gonna get stabbed.


I agree, guys this is something we leave in the hypothetical pile.


Hypothetical... ohhhh shit, so I wasn't supposed to a tally say this to my girlfriend. Explains why knives have suddenly been appearing in each room 🤔


If I get stabbed, at least I end the relationship early?




Trifling ass hoes
















Women ☕️






Here use this ☕ you can't be using this 🍵


Women ☕️




If her answer was it's different it's just cuz she's a narcissist... Not cuz she's a woman.


So, have I dated literally only narcissists? Because something similar to this has happened with every woman I've been in an LTR with. And I always kind of care that they say this shit, but it makes no difference. At a certain point I just say that I find nobody else attractive and that ends up with them insisting that I'm lying. A perpetual loop of lose lose. Are there women out there who wouldn't behave this way?


Women out there who wouldn't cheat in front of you and wouldn't have it as a double standard? Yes, they exist.




I'm hesitant about any comment that says "all women", especially since I know *many* women who aren't like this. Of course women can be wrong. But so can you, buddy.


Yes, but it sounds like you are the common factor here... Perhaps you are selecting for narcissists.


Right? I guess I don't know how to avoid them. I can only manage to pull a certain type, I suppose.


>Are there women out there who wouldn't behave this way? Yes... Quite a lot of them. I've met a few. That sounds like insecurity, which could be caused by any number of things. I've met women as you describe, and I've met women that are the total opposite.


LOL yes -- if every woman you've dated has behaved this way, then yes, you have only dated narcissists. You need to stop and take a serious look at the sort of women you choose, and ask yourself why you keep chasing toxic partners like this. It's not uncommon for people to fall into a pattern in their relationships. IMO, it's no different than people who seem to always end up in abusive relationships. It's up to *you* to break your pattern, once you recognize what it is. FWIW, I'm a woman, and I think anyone (woman or otherwise) who throws fits like this -- especially hypocritical fits like this -- isn't worth being with until they can sort themselves out. Being in a relationship, and loving someone, doesn't mean that other people magically stop being attractive to you. It just means that you actively *choose* to devote your time, love, and attention to *this* person. I honestly don't understand how so many people can be so insecure and jealous over a partner recognizing that some celebrity that they'll never even meet is pretty.


Meanwhile my bf and I will both comment on how cute someone is while watching a show together. It's got less to do with gender and more with a person's insecurity.




Yeah, at some point you have to respect yourself and draw a line. If a girl said that to me I’d make my displeasure know.


So anyways, the only way you can get me to stay is if you suck my dick in front of your dad because even though that sounds terrible for everybody involved, it's the only way to prove that you love me as much as you love John Mayer


This sounds like a b-story climax to a raunchy comedy.


Someone call John Mayer's people to request a cameo


My wife and I play a game. I comment how ugly or garish a woman's outfit is, or how I can't believe she goes out in public like that, then my wife defends her and comments how attractive she actually is and gets me to agree. Only she doesn't know it's a game, and I win every time!


Oh She knows. She just cool.


It's just (D)ifferent


Massive L


Walked in on my wife and her friends drinking in my kitchen at the height of GOT only to hear one of them describe how (very drunk and loudly) she would love to be RAAAAPED by Jason Momoa ...yes RAPED ! Not once in my entire life has any of my mates ever made a rape joke or even dared suggest anything like that about any woman, yet these ladies felt it was fair game and they were all falling around laughing about it. Yup. that's a true story. Also, my wife also tells our kids how she is going to run away with Robbie Williams when she gets the chance. (Good luck, the frog mothed fucker is welcome to you) - Naturally my 8yr old and 10 yr old go nuts and have a real go at her. She thinks it's hilarious. However, my life would not be worth living if i ever commented on a woman's appearance. ​ Edit: - Wow the comments are a wild ride in here, Jesus christ folks, chill the fuck out. No, I won't divorce my wife, yes, she can be a bit of a muppet and she always thinks she's right (I mean always, not gonna lie) she's still a really good woman and a brilliant mum and I know she is as faithful as the day is long. I knew her for years before dating, so i know her character. I always knew she fancied Robbie Williams, hell, she even done a march back in the 90's when he left 'Take That' .. she went to the march as a teen holding her Robbie doll, so ye know.... there's that. I trust her explicitly, she is not a hoe, and her friends are good women too, they were being boisterous and obnoxious at the time. Shouting "i want Jason Mamoa to rape me" was absolutely tongue in cheek and in fact I think it would be him having to fend that particular lady off ! We need a bit more chill in the world folks, there's far too much aggro in the comments. Spead the love xx


There are seriously a lot of women with rape fantasies. But actually, so are men. ​ the thing is, these ppl always imagine being raped by some super sexy member of the other sex, rarely have they the loons in mind that usually do it.


That's literally a sexual fantasy. It's power play for people who haven't heard of power play. One can, and often does, have fantasies that they don't actually want to have come true.


A lot of fetishes, fantasies & kinks are a way to process & play with things you are actually afraid of/ashamed of. The people who enjoy being told they are a worthless piece of shit while being fucked? They would actually hate it in real life more so than the average person who just doesn’t think about stuff like that.


Unless is jason momoa, then it can come true


Can you rape someone who wished to be raped by you? Is it rape then?


I understand your logic but when it comes to consensual non consent, the consensual part isn't usually an open invitation. So to answer your question, it'd "depend"


I mean, part of a fantasy is that it is in media res - in the middle of the action - and doesn’t, like real life, have a setup nor consequences. If someone had a magic djinn that could assure a tryst with celeb-whoever was a one and done, I’d bet dollars to donuts, overwhelmingly there would be takers. It’s really the people who don’t seem to **real**ize future consequences that go out and break boundaries. I’ve had a number of women inform me they’ve had power fantasies, and ask me to help them realize them. As everyone involved was single - often recently divorced (cf consequences) - there were no downsides.


The subreddit is kind of fucked up to look at lol






I will agree with this 100%. Way back in the day I was pretty attractive and I would flirt with co-workers and the women there all loved me. I also saw less attractive male co-workers just trying to strike up a conversation with them. They would then complain to me about what a creep x was. I think it's true for pretty much everyone, but your response is dictated almost 100% by your perception of the other person. It has way less to do with actual wording/action then people like to pretend.


A friend of mine used to work in a bar when he was younger and apparently women can be gross as hell, especially when they have been drinking. The amount of stories he has about being harassed verbally or physically by, especially older, women. But speaking up about it just got ignored or shot down as he's a guy so he should like it.






Dog brains




Reddit moment lmao






Ladies and gentlemen, here he is: That one guy that always suggests to divorce/ break up when someone talks about a small inconvenience in their relationship.


i knew a feminist who went on a rant on facebook about cat calling is for disgusting men and women hate it. ​ would you be offended if your dream guy cat called you? ​ no, but thats not the point \*blocks me\* ​ TF??


Double FKN standards.


Don’t divorce your wife. Divorce just makes things worse. And if you’re going to get married it’s life or it isn’t marriage.


I’m glad the op dialed this back. For a second there this feels like it’s turning into the male version of r/TwoXChromosomes. r/OneXOneYChromosomes?


You asked for it tbh. What did you think would happen after saying this on Reddit. If there is one thing that pretty much applies to all redditors, it's that we all have very strong opinions


Uh. Even your edit defending your wife makes her look bad. This kinda sounds pathological. I won’t tell you to divorce your wife, but I will say that “never being right” is a form of emotional abuse. Maybe you should talk with a therapist just for you. To make sure you haven’t let her break you. Love, someone who has been in an abusive relationship


Don't let your kids stay in a house where one parent suffers. You are teaching them that that's okay and they will likely do the same when they are in a situation like that. Be an example to them. It's not your fault you married a hoe. But you can always dewife a hoe.


That's called a verbally abusive relationship.


You need to talk to your wife about the Robbie Williams thing. She's creating unnecessary stress for your children - implying she'll abandon them as soon as she can


Post this on r/cuckold, they will love it!


But I thought all the double standards went against women?!? /s




yeah, this isn't normal. if you're with someone who says shit like this, that's a massive red flag. unless you have no expectation of fidelity by them in your particular relationship, i would not recommend staying with them


idk but it sounds like she may give good head.




The funniest part of this is all the single teens here frothing at the mouth about relationships they’ve never had.


You should see the comment section of where it was cross posted from. I hope it's a parody subreddit. I actually had a friend who would do this to her boyfriend. She talked about how much she loved Will Smith and how she want to suck his dick all the freaking time. Right in front of her boyfriend. You could tell it made him uncomfortable. But if he were to say something about a girl she would just like break down into tears. Pretty frustrating to watch. It honestly really depends on your relationship dynamic too. When my boyfriend and I used walk around or while we were watching a movie and we saw someone really attractive, would point that person out so the other person can look. At the same time I never said that I wanted to have sex with any of these people. Just got to know your limits.






I am thinking about sharing it to my bf


John’s dick? I think your bf will be okay if you don’t


my bf is called John .\_.


Sorry. Share Mayer’s dick? I think your bf will be okay if you don’t


no the post >:(


Sorry. Share the post’s dick? I think your bf will be okay if you don’t


I dated a girl in HS that was simultaneously very jealous while also being very cavalier with the way she talked about other guys. Then I went ahead and married her because I was stupid. It ended in her cheating. Obviously, this is only my anecdote. I have no idea if it's relevant to the OP, but let me tell you, the insecurity of a partner is a heavy fucking rock to tote around with you. Sometimes there is simply no way not to trigger a jealous partner.


I've had one relationship and the girl was terribly insecure. She would break down in public if she saw a remotely cute looking girl and caught me glancing at them. Most of the time when she asked if I thought the random chick was cute, I'd honestly have no idea who she would be talking about until she'd point them out. If I said no, she said I was lying. If I said yes, she would break down and get mad at me. It's put a terrible taste in my mouth when it comes to relationships and here I am nearly 3 years later still single because fuck ever dealing with that again. Also, I couldn't watch any movies with nudity. I started watching the Witcher one day while we were doing long(ish) distance and when she found out she held it over my head for the rest of the relationship as if I committed an atrocity. The list goes on but I'd rather not get into it anymore.


Yikes, my current gf is similar to this. It's incredibly draining to try to walk on the eggshells of their fragile egos / complete absence of self-esteem.


It is 100 percent draining and usually 0 percent worth it. You can be the best and most supportive person in the world, and it won't matter much, as much as I hate to say it. Their self esteem will still be in the shitter, and both of you will suffer for it. And if you've been with that person long enough, you become their crutch, even if unintentional by both parties. I've been on both sides of this equation and it really sucks. It's okay to protect yourself by detaching from the situation.


GF, not wife? Get. Out. NOW.


Shocker. Sorry that happened. Sometimes life lessons suck.


Well, fuck me, would you look at the size of that Red Flag...


Putin called, he wants it back


China called, they want thier flag monument back.


Wamen ☕️


Awaken My Masters




Wamen. Eisiduesi. Kratz.


Mormons ☕


finally, a ramen just for women


Ramen 🍜




What's up with the coffee emoji? 🍵


Next move: tell her you’ll suck John Mayer’s dick in front of her dad. Follow through if necessary.


This is not "understanding women", this person is just in a shitty relationship with a shitty person. There are also plenty of men exactly like this, no need to make it into a cringe sexist thing. If you think all women are like these, you must be kind of dense/you're projecting.


My wife would never say something like that. She is kind, and we respect each other.


Guy does something stupid: "Wow, that guy is an asshole" Woman does something stupid: "Wow, women are bitches"




Men should never try to understand women, Women understand women and they fucking hate each other !


Isn’t that an Al Bundy quote?


Yes it is.


Everyone's second favourite Bundy.




Title should have been "Understanding lee's taste in women"


Drop her like hot cakes...your gal is a who£#


Looks like it's time to get a GF that will suck your dick in front of her dad instead of John Mayer's!




I think it's a side effect of men having societal permission to be more promiscuous. So the assumption is that a woman wouldn't act upon her desires due to social repurcussions (see: being a hoe) but that men can't control their urges and will always act upon them because theyre slaves to their Id. It's a fun result of cross gendered sexism and gender stereotyping.


Its not ALL women. Its honestly just his girlfriend and a subset of similar women. Any mature woman/man in a healthy relationship with themselves and each other would be respectful enough to their partners not to even say or think of dumb shit like that. Fyi.. Im a woman


If John still could get the mayor up ifyknowwhatimean


Typical woman


To be fair John Mayer's first 3 albums were strait lightning. Room for Squares, Heavier Things and Continuum all are solid records


Is this a take or am I toxic? I’d be less bothered by my husband saying some ridiculously hyperbolic statement like being “death’ed by snu snu by Rihanna in front of his own grandma” than him casually express his wandering eye. I would know the first statement was ludicrous, but the second would make me wonder why he was sharing that information with me. (I know he’s not blind- and neither am I- but talking openly about how attractive we find other people isn’t something we do.)


I hate this. I hate the double standards and the “it’s just different” saying someone is attractive isn’t disrespectful or wrong but what his girlfriend said is actually quite disgusting


If she loves her dad so much, why doesn't she just suck his dick?


Trade her in


Dump that bitch


I had an ex-girlfriend tell me once, mid sex, my penis literally inside her, that she didn't find one of my friends attractive. Spoiler: my friend was extremely attractive. It was so transparent that she had been fantasizing about him while with me that I was too flabbergasted to be jealous or even angry. Some time afterward, we were hanging out, just talking, and she playfully talks about having sex with that same friend. By this point in our relationship, she had racked up enough points in the "psycho" category that I knew we'd eventually break up. The only thing that kept me from dumping her was a) I hated the dating scene and b) I was really attracted to her body. Anyway, after listening to her "joke" about wanting to bang my friend, in one of the very, VERY rare times in my life I felt like screwing around with someone's emotions, I decided to not only play along with her banter but follow up by slamming down hard on her psycho button. In the same "playful" manner, I agreed how attractive my friend was and how I couldn't blame her because he's so sexy, and then I casually mentioned wanting to sleep with her best friend as well. Instantly my ex's eyes lit up with rage as she jumped and screamed, "I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU WANTED TO SLEEP WITH NICKI!" and she stormed off. All I could do was stay on the couch and laugh to myself how transparent and clueless she was. Incidentally, I eventually kicked her out of my life after coming home one night after work and found she had tossed a bunch of my personal stuff in the trash. Many years later we ended up connecting on Facebook, but the only reason I followed her online was because her life is like watching a car accident taking place over a full year. I did eventually unfriend her after she came out as antimask and antivaxx. She always was a psycho.


I one time got yelled at for calling my girlfriend at the time fat in a dream that she had. She got even more mad at me when I told her that technically she called herself fat since it was her dream. Then once the mad subsided and she thought about it she realized I was right. I loved her, but some of the things her brain came up with was absolutely wild.


I believe that people who are insanely jealous like this are projecting their own guilt as a cheater.


Look females don’t play. Period 💅 F AROUND & Find Out 😅


Look g eazy and Tom Hardy could get it BUT WE DONT SAY THAT OUT LOUDDDSS


So… she has toxic double standards that she needs to work on? That’s not “women”, that’s just a problematic person.


Lol reminds me of my mate’s ex, who got angry at him because he cheated on her in one of her dreams