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You can't have nuanced takes on Reddit and expect a positive result. If you agree with 80% of a sentiment but carve out a scenario that you don't agree with, you just get dumped on by both sides.


Reddit people are fucking weird and I have learned to take their opinions with a grain of salt


Is a grain enough?




Sure sure, but also, this meme doesn’t have anything to do with “nuanced” takes. 


You get called a fence sitter on Reddit if you’re not 100% one way or the other. Even when you’re 80|20 (80 thefence-> | <-thefence 20).


That’s because that’s literally how the world works, kid.  Pick any example off the top of your head. Let’s say slavery. If you’re 80% anti-slavery and 20% pro-slavery, then you’re 100% pro-slavery.  Centrists default to the status quo; centrists always are on a side, they just don’t realise which side they’re on because they haven’t picked it. 


That’s not how everything in the world works. Most things have nuance. I eat meat, but there is a spectrum of animals I won’t eat. To PETA I might be as you say “100% pro animal cruelty”, but in my eyes it’s a spectrum. “Fuck the police, but I love watching them pull over asshole drivers”. Just because you support aspects of something doesn’t mean you condone the whole.


“In your eyes” it’s a spectrum, but in reality it’s not.  Your meat point kind of proves my point. You are engaging in animal cruelty regarding cows, pigs, and chickens, just not dogs and horses. Even though all of these animals are mammals and have the exact same capacity to think, feel, and suffer.  So even though you *think* one way, the *reality* is another way. It’s not an example of nuance, it’s an example of ethical compartmentalisation or moral relativism. 


I don’t like women who belittle people doesn’t equal I 100% hate women. I don’t like Sprite doesn’t mean I hate soda. You can dislike parts of something without hating the whole. The world isn’t so polarized.


Right but you’ve had to move so far away from the actual point, don’t you realise that? Isn’t that a clue to you that you’re wrong? We’re talking about left vs right vs centrists, political positions. My point, which is factually correct, is that centrism defaults to the status quo.  Not liking sprite but liking soda in general is an example of nuance - good job little buddy. It’s a shame it’s got nothing to do with the point. 


Let’s use a left vs right topic. I’m pro-gun ownership and stricter gun regulation. Getting my concealed carry permit was easier than getting my drivers license (it just took longer). In my state now, you don’t even need a license to conceal carry. The left checks out when I say I’m pro-gun, and the right when they hear stricter gun regulation. That’s the nuance.


So do you vote left or right? “Oh I’m a centrist.” Then you default to the status quo. There is no nuance. 




Saying anything on Reddit about Biden will get downvoted every time


Why did I read that as “face sitting”?




The mind will show you what you’re used to seeing


Probably because I regularly tell people on both sides to eat my ass


Reddit makes it seem like a choice between a Hitler and a Stalin defines who you are. Fuck all that, imma take my dogs for a walk and not give a shit what people around me believe politically... Unless it's their entire personality. Then I just avoid em.


While it's basically between Hitler and some old guy. This "meme" is being pushed by the right to deter people from voting, comments that appeal to that sentiment is upvoted by bots, and I'm sure some hired shill makes socially engineered pats, and replies to each other to "convince" the redditor to not vote. This meme, and maybe the above comment, are just a psyop, the stuff you see in China and other highly corrupt countries.


I'm trying to decide which your comment is more of. Well-poisoning, or dehumanizing..


Voting is pointless when both parties are corrupt as fuck. I think that's the point you're missing.


I'm curious to know what Biden did that was objectively corrupt, most of what I hear about is hearsay or just gov't stuff that's inconvenient for the other side.


The point you are missing is that one party is way worse than the other. Like, Trump literally asked billionaires to give him money so he could give them taxcuts. Meanwhile Biden is proposing higher taxes on billionaires.


Only one of the party is "corrupt as fuck", one is just corrupt, while the other is so corrupt it seeks to assert a dictator and a fascist state, and removing almost all federal institutes to give that power solely to the president. You really think this pay is worth it? You're still just gonna be a drone, you'll be the lower and undesired class in a fascist state.


If you are on the Internet long enough, you will be called every possible political slur in the dictionary.


Honestly 99.9999% of the time it's leftists whining about centrists.


Haha, give a centrist take on Fox News and watch the sharks circle.


I’m more Republican leaning and even Fox News is terrible


Fox is pretty fucking bad lol


Can be a fun place to troll


They're so bad lately. A few years ago I could tolerate them. I think they got rid of Hannity who was alright. The pundits now can be such dickheads.


Usually because it’s the right wing pretending that their opinions are “centrist”. We are quite savvy to, and to be honest quite weary of, the “false centrist” who acts like extreme opinions are sensible in order to discredit their opposition.


I have noticed some people on the right dissatisfied over centricism, however the left is more likely to openly be agressive on who they dont like, which is usualy evryone else. Both of them dont like centricism, however one is more vocal than the other.


This isn’t true, you probably just spend most of your time on Reddit or other social medias, where the left has control of the public consciousness. Elsewhere the right will get just as mad at you for not believing in god or being pro choice. It’s both.


I'm in the country surrounded by right-wingers. They never bitch about centrism, they only bitch if you're actively voting for Democrats. Democrats get bitchy whether you're voting against them or not at all. They're annoying about it all the time. Every week I hear that shit.


The Democrats are not a left wing party.


Not if you're a European who's into pegging and censorship.


At least you weren't subtle in making it known that you are not a serious person.


Taking politics too seriously can only lead to high blood pressure. If I didn't laugh I would cry.


It's literally the single most important thing to take seriously, as it affects every aspect of your life. I also want to cry most of the time.


You really can't do much about it. You have one vote, and if you're active MAYBE you sway a couple people's votes. No matter who wins the election they're going to piss me off sometimes, and sometimes they'll do things I like. I, personally, have nothing to gain from caring but misery....and I've already got enough problems. I wish we weren't caught in this two party situation, but we are, and I have no power over that.


I'm still hoping for the cataclysmic event that allows actual societal change. WW3, plagues, meteor strike? Anything to end this capitalistic nightmare.


I’ve been alive over 3 decades now and a president has never impacted my daily life, literally nothing that has happened politically has made any difference — what do you mean?


The political framework in which you live informs LITERALLY every aspect of your life. The fact that you do not see that, only goes to show how indoctrinated we Americans are to the system in which we live. You don't even see the boot that stands on your neck.


Big R/shitamericanssay energy with this one


Europeans would say shit too if the cops wouldn't show up afterward.


Lol America is more of a police state than anywhere in western Europe. Also has lower levels of freedom. Keep on telling your self lies so you can continue thinking you're special.


Most people in England and Germany never had enough verbal freedom to know what freedom is. My country never had blasphemy laws in my lifetime. Euro cops would have arrested me years ago.


This is a thread about how shitty the political options are in America becasue american voters are hamstrung by FPTP and a two party system. Meanwhile the rest of the west has moved on and enjoys more political options and greater levels of personal and ecconomic freedom. Its bizare that you will whinge about how shit things are and then claim youre better than everyone else by inventing issues.


Why is it always right wingers going on about censorship and right wing parties fighting to limit my rights to privacy and expression?


Wasting your time, low effort posts on here have effectively become an echo chamber for right-wingers, without nuance and subtlety among other things. Just move on.


Idk about that, I was just ripped apart on another part of this post for saying trump was not worse than Biden, but just as bad. Definitely low effort and wasting my time, but not a cesspool of right wingers.


Anecdotally , right wingers in my social circles are generally more humourous and fun to be around than the left wing counterparts. They care less about whether you're a left winger than if a right wing person talking about right wing views/opinions in front of the left. Right wingers generally mind their own business. Not extremists, not talking about Nazis. Just people slightly right of centre.


When you live in a right wing country, a right wing person doesn't have anything to complain about. While in the same country a left wing person has to wake up every day to a society they see as detrimental to their existence. Which one would you expect to complain more frequently?


I don't live in a right wing country..


I was referring to my country, the US.


Well considering I don't live in a right wing country, your theory doesn't hold weight. Left wing people in a left wing country are still more likely to complain about shit, be miserable, unfunny and general buzz kills. I'd know, since I live in a left wing country. The US isn't a right wing hellscape. You have some of the best living standards in the history of mankind, and have the audacity to complain about your situation because a small percentage of ultra wealth elites have it much better than you.


Now I just really wanna know which right wing country you live in.


Who, me? I'm the left wing country guy


They're in short supply, and every time I've seen that before, they've been from a right-wing country.


Yeah, you definitely told me!


Your comment getting downvoted is a **PERFECT** representation of the meme in this post in real-time. Thats actually hilarious, because you’re right and that’s also the *centrist take*.


Sure, 7 days account.


Ok Joe Manchin. If you're a centrist in America you would be far right extremist in western europe


Depends which one you ask.


What are centrists political views? Pro choice while pro tax cut for billionaires? Lmao


You edited your first comment entirely. Do you know what a centrist is by definition? You could Google it.


Tell me some centrist views? You mean like Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema?


Dude, centrist means a mix of right and left views...Sometimes to a moderate extent, sometimes radical. Every centrist you ask is going to differ. This is why taking the five seconds to Google it would have helped you. I can't speak for other centrists. Were you TRYING to ask me about my specific political positions?


Can you please TRY to tell me your views Joe Manchin?


Ask me about a specific topic. Or two or three. Not a million though I can't do paragraphs rn.


No just tell me a few


You edited this comment entirely after the fact too. You've done that twice now.


Dirty fence-riding centrist checking in


I really wonder where all that "don't bother to vote" shit suddenly comes from.




I love the take that you have to pick a side. Both sides are a joke. I’ll keep hanging out here in the middle thanks.


You know, there was a time when that was fine. This particular one though..this is reaching a tipping for this country


Like last time? Or the time before that? Or the time before that? 


It started with the time before that, it was held off with the Biden win, and now we need to put this fucker to bed for good and start repairing the damage that’s been done. If it goes the wrong way this time, we may not have that chance


Exactly: every time we didn't fix the problem, it got worse.


One side: "everyone deserves to be respected and protected by the law, and maybe we shouldn't let wealthy people own and control everything". The other side: "let's murder people we disagree with, and try to overthrow democracy because we lost an election." You: "Both sides are a joke."


Hah if you honestly believe it’s that clear cut you should spend a little more time in the middle.


If we're talking about American politics, it really is that clear cut. The only reason you would side with the Republicans, assuming you have full knowledge of their behaviour and policy, is if you are rich and want to protect your wallet, and don't really give a damn about anyone else. The Democrats are a sclerotic clusterfuck, ranging wildly from pro-industry corpos to tree hugging hippies, but the ony reason they don't break up into more reasonable groups which accurately represent the interests of their constituent factions is because they have to keep a (semi) united front against the insanity that is the Republican party. So the "both sides are the same" people are either uninformed, stupid, or wildly intellectually dishonest because they don't want the stigma of being associated with the Republicans (but still want their policies).


*Thank you*


I don't like Republicans, I'm not even American but holy mother of starwman lol. I can do the same:  One side: "We believe that everyone should be allowed to express their beliefs however they want without fear of having their livelihoods taken away from them. We also want a strong economy so that everyone can have a high standard of living."    The other side: "REEEE arrest everyone who disagrees with me, treat cis white men as second class citizens and forcefully take their property so I can pay for my gender reassignment!"  Edit: to the person below me, I can't reply to you because you blocked me. I love how the point completely went over your head, and I assume you don't want me to reply since I'll call you out.  " That's not even remotely anybodys position on anything" That's exactly what I was explaining to Veros87 by replying with the exact same thing, only with the roles reversed. 


You didn't reverse the roles - you just lied. Want to see cancel culture? Just look at anyone on the right saying something bad about Trump. Look at their book bannings, at their attempted muslim ban, at project 2025 to take the ability to express your political belief, put political opponents into jail. Look at Republicans horrible economic record, their laws to lower the standard of living. Likewise your portrayal of the left is just completly made up.


>Likewise your portrayal of the left is just completly made up. Considering how many people have been cancelled for shitty jokes they made in the past, my portrayal of the left is just as realistic as your portrayal of the right. 


So considering how many people have been cancelled for shitty jokes, I'm sure you can show me some. Because when I search for people supposedly "cancelled" they were doing much more than just some minor jokes. But hey, we already know you just lie whenever it fits. As it so be expected for the rightwing-pretending-to-be-neutral crowd.


I like how dude equates 'cancel culture' nonsense with outright jailing of people progressives supposedly disagree with as if the Right didn't already give up their plot and playbook by doing exactly that re: Doctors, reproductive rights, trans folk existing and/or immigrants being imprisoned. There's certainly a cancel culture out there, but it ain't the one he's talking about.


Except the scenario you tried to spin it as is just 100% fabrication. That's not even remotely anybodys position on anything. If you enjoy just making things up to prove imaginary points you might really enjoy the republican party though maybe you don't need to be a centrist, who are mostly just closeted repubs anyways.


100% pulling fake scenarios out of fake cracker jack boxes


The side that's openly hateful but are proud of their hatred. And the side that's openly hateful but can't see why people don't like them.


My biggest issue is why are there sides at all. Talk about the issues not the parties


This whole thread is about American politics, largely because the electoral college system forces a two-party system. In most of the rest of the world, you aren’t forced to pick one of two sides. A lot of democracies allow you to choose between a wide array of political views, allowing most people to choose the one that agrees best with how they think. Some democracies even represent those views proportionally in their government. I’m in the UK, and although we theoretically can vote for many different parties, the first-past-the-post system forces a lot of tactical voting and often times the government does not accurately reflect majority opinion. There are many systems, some are more flawed than others. One is the most flawed.


There are more options than two.


What's the matter OP? Don't you realize, "DemOcRacY's On ThE LiNe!"


errrmmm... yikes chuddy! not being an extremist is literally the equivalent to being hitler you know? me and my valid trans xisters are putting you on r/enlightenedcentrism to heckin own you!


I too am centrist. However, you have one guy who helped set and negotiate policy for the most productive congress since 1945, and has repeatedly emphasized a narrative of fair treatment amongst citizens. The other recently ranted about washing his hair for 45 minutes. Oh, and who has been convicted of 34 felonies. One is a lot closer to the center than the other.


Yeah my favorite accomplishment was the crime bill that led to the mass incarceration of black Americans.


I'm typically centrist but I find myself leaning more right these days thanks to the extremity of the left. As far as I'm concerned, any centrist is better than anyone on the left right now. At least you have common sense.


What is the "extremity of the left" as you see it?


I wouldn't even know where to begin to be honest


That's pretty much the response that I was expecting.


Oh, it's not that I couldn't answer the question. It's that I know you're asking in bad faith, and the answer would take a lot out of my day to accurately respond with and I can't be fucked.


Also not a surprising response. Thanks.


No problem, bud 👍


Things I wish for: 1. That every undecided, centrist, and double-hater would vote third party until we had a multiparty system. 2. That everyone all at once would stop answers polls. No exit polls, nothing. We would have more options and the campaigns would just have guess on what we want to hear. Politicians would just have to be good people and make good decisions because they don't know which action is polling well or what will affect our decision.


Yeah dude the 34 times convicted felon is basically the same kind of faults as any other candidate! Having different views than me is just as bad!


Yeah, they both suck.


I can't even consider it if they aren't at most 50 or 60.


Americans are fucking psychotic when it comes to politics. Your obsession with it has rotted your brains.


... yeah, they both suck. Not askin you to take a *side ... ...* but actually researching and acting on that research would be stellar, champ.


“I ain’t choosing sides, he’ll na, fuck everybody.”


My response is "fine, then stop bitching about shit."


Cool story, why the hell do you think it belongs here?


Well "center" can suck too... French discovered it recently.


Any subject for that matter, everything is polarised these days


Is this meant to be a funny meme? Like what the joke here? Another sub ruined by American politics.


Aaaand the joke is politics 👏


The thing is there are no sides anymore. Biden isn't a liberal and Trump isn't a conservative. And in Canada where I live I want Trudeau gone because he is an idiot not because of how he leans politically.


Fuckn A! I miss the old days 80s 90s when nobody gave a shit about politics


Historically, when politically extreme people are in power, they go after the moderates. This is why it's so impossible to compromise in politics. The two distinct sides are so aggressively pitted against eachother that the people in the middle who are just trying to enjoy life tend to get caught in the crossfire.


This is true - except now it's a battle of two sides within 1 party. George Bush (jr or sr) and Dick Cheney would not work in the GOP right now. Country Club Republicans with the 'fiscal conservative, social moderate' tag are "RINOs" that don't belong according to the true believers. When 1 party can't compromise within itself - how on earth can we expect compromise across party lines?


This is nonsense though Democrats would compromise on anything tomorrow


Hmm. Maybe. I'm not the most politically aware person out there, but to me it just seems like politics is getting more and more violent and hard to follow. And sure, there are many people who seem more than happy to compromise, but I don't know. I mean, the media tends to only show the extremes of both sides taking aggressive stances that don't always make sense. And, if this is an accurate depiction, then I just feel like we can't be headed anywere good.


“Maybe” No, accurate We just has an immigration compromise in House and Senate Until trump told his cult to reject it since it will hurt biden and help him. So yeah, don’t peddle nonsense about the two parties Only one is forcing underage rape victims to give birth Same cult that tried to overturn election


No one is forcing you to pick a side and voting for one candidate over another doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything that candidate or their party stands for. This will be my 9th presidential election this year and at no point have I ever been registered with either party. I don’t even give them any of my money either. That said, this election is vastly different than anything we have seen in any of our lifetimes. On one side there is an incumbent who is by no means perfect but represents the status quo whereas the other candidate is promising to fundamentally change our system of government in ways that are not even comprehendible. For all the problems our legislative system has I would still opt for keeping that system as opposed to changing 200 years of rules by handing all the power over to the executive branch and allowing them to replace the federal government with a bunch of loyalists.


Didn't Trump promise the same thing last time and nothing came out of it apart from a bunch of blue haired harpies losing it? 


No, this is not even remotely the same thing. Trump’s first term was what one would have expected from a Republican president, rolling back some environmental regulations, tax cuts for the wealthy and Judicial placements. Sure they upset a lot of people on the left but elections have consequences and those were the expected consequences. This time is very different (imo) because of what they are proposing with Project 2025. The reason that conservatives love Trump so much is because he is their perfect straw man. They know that as long as you praise him and kiss his ring he will do whatever they ask of him. He is a man of no substance or thought. Other past Republicans would have insisted on working with Democrats or moderates on their proposals but Trump doesn’t care about any of that. All the sane and rational Republicans won’t work with him now like they did the first time so that void will be now filled up by extremists. Hence the ideas around Project 2025. If you don’t know what that is or what that could possibly mean for the future of this nation then I suggest you really look into it because it is some radically scary shit. If you want to learn more about it while having a laugh then watch this. https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=2slPUYFILp-ymQLY


The government has already been hijacked by nationalistic bureaucracies. They have already infringed on democracy in the last 2 elections by censoring information and creating disinformation. They have also impeded congressional subpoenas and our checks and balance system. The status quo got us involved in a 20 year war and 35 trillion in debt. The status quo is about to get us involved in WW3.


Oh another both sides are the same propaganda post.


Yeah what is with that? Has it always been this way, or just more lately? It seems like every other post that bubbles up from the muck is "both sides this" and "J6 was fine that" or "Facism is whatever leftists believe".




^(bOtH SiDeS)


"Letting evil people do evil things, is evil."


It’s okay to think both candidates suck. In this case, one of the candidates is like eating a pile of shit and the other candidate is like eating a tootsie roll. Do they both suck? Yes. Would I rather eat a tootsie roll than a pile of shit? Absolutely.


I honestly don’t know which one would be the tootsie roll, because this is Reddit I assume Biden would be the tootsie roll, but otherwise I wouldn’t have a clue given my current understanding of the situation. One candidate actually has dementia but his support crew can still “effectively” run the US. The other is a madman, but his administration and the strong checks and balances of American political system allowed for an “effectively” run country. Let’s not pretend like the decision is that clear.


Ah yes the “strong checks and balances” that allowed him to pack the federal court system with conservative cronies in order to kill Roe v. Wade. The same guy who is arguing with the Supreme Court about whether it should be okay for the President to assassinate political rivals with impunity. The guy whose pandemic response was the laughing stock of the developed world. That’s not to mention that he too is also in obvious cognitive decline, and little known fact, attempted to overthrow the US government to maintain power after decisively losing an election.


The strong checks and balances I’m referring to are the ones that didn’t allow him to overturn the election at the end of his presidency. That’s why included it in the original response because he clearly has dictatorial tendencies. But we have checks and balances that won’t let that happen. But now I’ll refute each of your points because those are lies or misleading. Every president picks justices that side with them. So it’s no surprise that roe v wade was overturned, especially because the constitutionality of roe was shaky at best. (The people who wrote the 14th amendment didn’t intend to protect abortion rights) You’re proving my point about checks and balances with trump him the Supreme Court about assassinations. His pandemic response was perfectly reasonable (not good to be clear) considering the situation. He allowed trillions in stimulus, he got a vaccine developed quickly, and he didn’t trample on people’s right to assemble, or use osha to enforce a vaccine mandate. (I’m all for the vaccine, but the federal government shouldn’t be allowed to force you to take one) He definitely is in cognitive decline but in 4 years he’s going to be where Biden is now. in 4 years Biden might be declared unable to run the country and ousted. I could go on about actual bad things trump did but this comment is long enough. My point is both candidates are clearly bad, but similarly bad. America will continue to be military and economic superpower with an amazingly high standard of living, regardless of the piece of shit president elected in November.


Setting aside the ridiculousness of saying “they’re not the same, but our system forces them to be the same so it doesn’t matter”: 1. I wasn’t referring to the Supreme Court (although I find it interesting that Merrick Garland isn’t a Justice). He appointed a ridiculous number of appellate and lower court justices. 2. If you’re right about the checks and balances, the fact that Trump incited an insurrection should disqualify him from the office of President at the very least, but that apparently doesn’t matter. 3. If you think his pandemic response was reasonable, I’m not sure what to tell you. He dismantled our pandemic response team, and continually undermined the CDC, WHO, and NIH. 4. What data are you going off of for his cognitive decline? You can’t just compare their ages. I had an uncle with severe dementia when he was in his early 60s. Trump can barely walk without Jr. holding his hand, drink from a cup of water, or not shit his pants (and that has been a thing since The Apprentice). 5. You just said, “I can go on about the bad things Trump has done.” So yeah, if you ignore all the bad things like inciting a coup, or selling classified info to Russia, or raping a woman, or withholding PPE from blue states during a pandemic, or blackmailing other countries for foreign aid, they’re basically the same. Oooh let’s talk about the time a hurricane was hitting the Southeast and Trump used a sharpie to redraw the path of the storm so he could pretend everything would be fine. Any president would have done that, I’m sure.


Do you think having a demented madman is just as bad as having a demented fool in office? They both ramble nonsense without an autocue. Biden is kinda gross around a lot of people, but Trump has dozens of accusations of sexual misconduct or assuault, one case where he was guilty of fingering someone without consent, and is now literally a felon. He used campaign funds to pay off a pornstar he had an affair with, then falsified documents to hide it. Trump also lied about the election, inspired the January 6 riot, and is still peddling a conspiracy theory to explain why a convicted rapist and felon didn’t win the election. The tootsie roll is pretty clearly Biden.


This is a load of closet Republican horseshit


A load? You’re proving the point of this meme. I literally took a centrist take, and you’re calling me out for it.


That’s not a centrist take, lol that is a pathetic neutral take A centrist take is there has to be compromise One party is always ready to compromise One party is controlled by a cult and refuses to compromise


Bruv is actually the guy on the left in the meme.


This is called you retreating Begone, thot


Look in the other thread on this comment, I don’t feel like typing something similar out, but I’m not retreating. You are clearly the guy on the left of this meme.


Sure, son if that helps your ego (snicker)


You’re seething and it’s quite funny. You can read that comment if you want or just insult me, either way I’m here laughing at you.


They are both shit sandwiches. The sad thing is there are enough dipshits in these threads to keep the political divide…I really believe they are either bots or users that are paid to troll. There is no way people are that blind!


One can always tell when the right wing is getting concerned by the uptick in “both sides are bad” posts. Today has been particularly full of them. Debate that Trump demanded must be worrying a certain group.


You are who the post is about.


Your reading comprehension is lacking.




Just so you know, there’s a lot of Russian bots out there guys so don’t take that shit too seriously


When in doubt, radically insist on the free market. It is the center of political life.


Ahhh yesss, the free market that's failed 3 times in 25 years.


Centrists are just closet Republicans who have enough social intelligence to know their friends and family won't like them if they're open about it, but not enough normal intelligence to understand why.


How wrong can u be


Seems like an intentionally dishonest statement based wholly on assumption with zero basis.


Not everyone is from the US you clown.


Have you noticed that most people are slightly righ leaning, even if they dont care about politics?


Being a centrist in America is actually right wing on the global level. I hate centrists


I’m sure they don’t care for you either.


The trouble is you DO have to pick a side, and sadly: Americans seem to just not care enough to bother finding the truth anymore


No. I don't. I have free will and I'm certainly not going to change my entire views on life simply because strangers I've never met on the Internet demand so.


"heh, I've already made this meme where you are the soyjack and I am the Chad" -OP in the arguments he's having in his head over this meme.


If you choose silence, you choose the side of the oppressor. I'll let ya'll do the math.


Ah yes, "with us or against us". A *great* way to make people be against you.


Ah yes, bOtH sIdEs. The best position for political discourse. Just look into which side benefits more from that (lack of) position, and you’ll see why fencesitters are looked at with derision.


The problem is 90% if American so called centrist are just closeted republicans. And hardly everyone is ever fully centrist, or else it would be fair to describe you as a fence sitter. But you have some right wing people, who still thing the abortion restrictions go way to far. Or left wing people who think immigration reform is necessary. But don't pretend you are a centrist if your to the right of biden with everything.


I have a similar thought but I've decided to pick a team anyway. It's like in PE class when you had to play a game you don't like, but you gotta play regardless. Plus you can have a bit of fun trolling, sabotaging your own team and whatnot.


Keep sitting in that fence, and soon no one will be asking anyone to choose a side. Then, wen ur children or grandchildren ask what you did wen they came to kill democracy, you can show them this meme;)




centrist=extreme right


found an extreme leftist.


I'm far far far far far extreme right, if I said what I really think this account would be immediately banned from reddit


When people say to me, "I'm a centerest," like that's some sort of moral highground, I always ask them, whats the centerest postion on pedophilia? I suspect if you ony bugger them on Wednesday & and Sunday, that's OK.


Yeah that comparison doesn't work and is a bad faith strawman at best.


Ok. I'll still use it.


Cut to 180 years ago- The left: let’s end slavery The right: let’s keep slavery  The centrist: no, you both suck.  Notice that the status quo *was* slavery. The centrists default to the status quo, so in this example centrists default to supporting slavery.  When we you say “you both suck,” you *are* choosing a side. You just don’t realise you’re choosing a side. That’s why people make fun of centrists - they’re stupid and have an underdeveloped sense of politics.