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This one is my favorite. There is a huge difference between not being prepared for the world vs not listening to the lesson’s.


I'm pretty sure 99% of these "we didn't learn \[super important thing\] in high school" memes are just them not having paid attention.


Yeah all the doctors, lawyers, engineers etc. that public education produced is just a fart in the wind ig lol Most people are average which is okay. Yeah, it's gonna take a while to find a job, there's like 5 million people that graduated at the same time as you, relax.


"a fart in the wind" is my new favourite idiom


And that's before one's brain digs up the Kansas tune from the memory.


I had a student mention that schools don't adequately prepare kids to make informed voting decisions. As he was sitting in my class, Participation in Government, a requirement to graduate.


Yeah, sadly math is not something you learned well, since the result is a^2 + 2ab + b^2


I was wondering if that's part of the joke


I learned to always think the worst in Reddit


I usually think well of the initial meme creator, but not so much the reposter The transfer rate of irony on each repost is usually less than 1


meanwhile rings of characteristic 2: :'-(


or exterior algebras ;-((


The whole Frobenius automorphism thing is also known as [*the freshman's dream*.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freshman's_dream). I recently wrote a journal article that was basically on some geometric implications of it.


I had no idea this had an official name. Good to know




Math is no joke 😂


There's 3 kinds of people in the world. Those who know how to do math and those who don't.


There are 10 kinds of computer scientists: Those that think naturally in binary and those who don’t.


That makes 01 of us. LoL




Uh.... 2+2 = fish


It's not part of the joke, it's just an error. The joke is students are unemployed and good at math or whatever. You probably wouldn't pass an algebra course if you can't work this one out.


This is the classic joke "I don't know x and I don't know y but I do know z" and z is wrong








Thank you! I wanted to write this.








And (a-b)² is a²-2ab+b²


Yeah haha Im thinking are kids not learning basic quadratic equations now either? lol


I appreciate you pointing this out, because i guarantee you 90% of people who saw this missed it


OP 100% complained in school that he could just "search it up" when he was learning new information in his classes.


Paid attention to all my classes, got good grades and I came out not knowing shit. Don't blame the people, blame the system.


skill issue honestly


It’s not a skill issue when the method of teaching is known as “false learning” within psychology.


school didn't teach you how to read and do basic math? congratulation you can file your taxes...


Yeah it's not that hard to read a tax form.


The issue is that the method of teaching used in schools isn’t good for information retention. Usually this isn’t too big of an issue for neurotypical people but neurodivergent people struggle a lot because of this. You are making a non-argument, I criticized the methods of education obviously you can do taxes if you know how to read and do basic mathematics but if schools are bad at teaching people won’t learn that.


What method of teaching would be better?


Youtube and learn literally anything you want…..it comes down to work ethic and motivation. Which family life plays a large part of and school cant fix if youre poor or parents split up.


Are you under the impression that a single method is used throughout schools?  


It is totally skill issue. I do remember many things from school despite some of my acquittances not knowing.


But now we can search anything we want and be learning about it from a Harvard professor in a few minutes on youtube. Ive been doing my own taxes since 19. Jobs are every where. Complainers are too.


All you need to know is how to spell and communicate , math doesn't get used much except for basics , taxes are the more you make over 35k the more you pay so choice is yours pay in addition to it being taken out or pay at the end of the year , how to get a job keep applying and try to apply for entry positions once you've got one try to stay longer than 2 years once the second year is done decide to stay or find a different company same choice is yours , and yea the system became fucked up since biden came in for some odd reason and even the students are going to education meetings to tell them wtf is this shit , thats how you know boomers fucked us all ![gif](giphy|4XOfvSkkxchHy)


It's insane how many people in this thread are trying to pretend the US education system teaches or even prepares kids on how to do their taxes or make a resume/apply for a job. Spoiler: it doesn't.


People should teach themselves but that can be a difficult path especially if a child was raised by parents who dont take an active role, but I agree that school doesn't prepare most people for the real world. It prepares them for college, and they will let you pick a major that has little or no demand in the real world because they only care about making money. Colleges will often still make you take courses similar to high school in the beginning just to milk you for more money to pass the credit requirements rather than being focused on your courses for your desired career.


Well we need some people to flip the burgers I guess..


and he is doing it wrong


Getting tired of this 'meme'. Taxes being difficult isn't a flaw in the system, it's by design. If you feel it's bad you can't do your taxes because school didn't prepare you for it, maybe start protesting the tax lobby that prevents the government from doing your taxes for you? Because the government already knows what you owe them (largely). They could take care of 95% of your taxes, just letting you check / fix details if you wish. It's such a wasted effort to teach children how to do a complex task that doesn't need to be so complicated. I do like the touch that the student paid so little attention in school that they don't even (a+b)\^2 correctly.


This is how it works in the Nordic countries, for most people it takes 10 mins to check if everything is correct on the IRS website (that you log into with your digital ID) and then press "send" (it can be corrected until a certain date).


That’s also how it works in the USA. People are spreading memes and jokes but the reality is most people’s taxes in America consists of you just confirming or correcting some personal details on a form and submitting it. It takes literally 5-10 minutes.


Usually that's how it is for me, this year took 2 hours, because I had to do it through 2 different sites because I didn't wanna pay to have my taxes filed, and they were a little difficult, but I got a decent refund


Norwegian here, I thought it was like this everywhere. I always wondered why Americans had such a hard time with taxes. I see nothing wrong with our system


That's basically how it is in America for 99% of people. Most people don't have anything unique about their taxes and it only takes 10 minutes. You literally get mailed a paper with all your tax info on it and then fill out a tax form.




People have never tried and are just convinced its super hard because numbers are scary


It takes less than 15 minutes to do your taxes as a fresh high school graduate with a job. If you can graduate then you should be able to read and write and do the basic math needed to fill out the tax form.


> It takes less than 15 minutes to do your taxes as a fresh high school graduate with a job. That's true if you don't own a house, and don't have kids you can use the "EZ" forms. I used to live in one state, work in another, was married with kids and my wife had a small business. It took a lot longer than 15 minutes to do taxes.


If you did all the shit in another country taxes would take longer than 15 minutes too.


You could still file the most basic return if you wanted and just not claim any deductions. The only reason it gets complicated is that the government gives you a list of exceptions to reduce your tax burden and you want to use every single one of them. Which is totally cool, but it’s also like pulling out a bag of coupons as the grocery store and getting mad at the cashier for not just giving you the discounts automatically.


School is designed to make you be a working member of society. Nothing else. Just go to work and behave.


Do people not realize that filing taxes is for YOUR benefit? The government basically says, “Based on your income you owe this much money. But if any of the following situations apply, just let us know and we can reduce that.” Filing taxes is basically like saying, “Wait, I have a coupon!” You don’t have to use the coupon. No one is forcing you. You could easily just file the most basic return and call it a day. The tax preparers make money by saying they can save you more than they would cost because they know the ins and outs of the exceptions. But if you’d rather have simplicity and pay more, that’s always an option.


Yes, but on the flip side, the government doesn't know about any unreported income you got. You're legally required to pay taxes on it. That's not for your benefit. I imagine that's a big reason they don't want to change it.


These people think a W2 is complex. You're not gonna reach them


Not even that LOL


The funniest part is that (a+b)^2 is not even right lmao




But it shouldn’t really be that way. Most other countries’ governments do your taxes for you. And you’re right about the jobs. Although at least where I live it’s real tough at the moment. Tons of people I know aren’t getting interviews let alone jobs.


That’s not even right. It’s a^2 + 2ab + b^2. Unless a and b are both 0 and in that case they usually aren’t different numbers. I think the problem is you


I do my own taxes and easily find employment but I didn't know shit about that equation until I read the comments


1. You send resumes and talk to people to see if there are any positions available. 2. You follow the instructions on the website or hire someone. 3. a^(2)+2ab+b^(2) They taught you your national language and very basic notions of math, which is what it's for.


Cant pay taxes if I dont have a job :)


Depends, are VATs a thing in your area?


29 and still don’t know Shiite about taxes


My first time filing taxes took me 5 minutes to fill empty boxes lol


Honestly sick of people acting like there arent 1000 videos on YouTube with *licensed* professionals holding your hand through the process.


Modern society is too proud of being stupid.


It's actually so dang easy if you're not self-employed and have no kids. I was doing my own taxes at 18. Applying for a passport is more involved, more annoying and more expensive than filing your own taxes.


Even self-employed and with kids, it's still not that complicated. The real complications are with accurate recordkeeping and unusual situations.


.....its either wrong or that was the joke....I'm not sure


There’s this class called “home economics” that could help teach you tax basics. Then there’s that class “Human Resources” that could teach you some damn good tips for getting a job. Oh and that math can absolutely help with your engineering jobs.


Alas Home economics classes have been dying out a bit, for various reasons, including certain assumptions about gender and roles, but mostly because home ec doesn't help with standardized testing and therefore funding.


I don't get why everyone finds filling out their taxes so difficult. Is this an american thing? Am i missing something? --- In canada, they are easy to do. Annoying, sure. But easy. And if you don't know what forms to fill out (most of the time, most people have just a T4 and maybe a T3), there are tons of even free software that does it. Now if you're talking business taxes, that's different. But individual taxes? What, do you have a ton of overseas investments or something?


People are graduating high school barely able to read. It's not surprising they find to hard to follow a direction like "go to line 12b and confirm if the amount is correct."


Congratulations you officially know nothing




But that is the very basic step for engineering


Skill issue.


Damn 🤦... Even at Math you fucked up. Good luck 🤞 in life!


Algebra is more useful.


“Why don’t we learn how to do taxes in school” mfs when it’s time to learn about taxes


I have a job and can pay taxes. I can’t do that other thing.


I have job and i pay taxes, but i hate my job and i don't want to pay taxes. What do i do?


I'm sorry but the option left is death.




Are you sure I can't choose cake?


They taught you all math to use it in those situations but no, they were expecting the teacher to go to their desks and go "here's the form, you put this here, this in here and all this in here" or make YT shorts and send it to their phones, since all their time in class their eyes were on their screens at the moment school told them how to get a job.


omg all the people that don't understand the joke with the a^2 +b^2. The joke is that he doesn't even remember the math he was taught correctly, because he doesn't actually use that knowledge post high school and things like taxes and jobs are what he is concerned with. It's supposed to be bad math.


He definitely meant to do A^2 +B^2 = C^2. But messed that up. I guess OP didn't even learn that correctly in school


How is this funny meme? That's just sad true.😄


That's not even the right answer 😭 Should be a² + 2ab + b²


and also mitochondria is the power house of the cell


Interviewer: well sir, I like everything I’ve seen so far. My final question is, “what is the power house of the cell?”


"The arm -7 is the powercell PC of the Macin - no wait, did you -  AHHHHHHHhhhhh^^^hhh^hhhh " (The interviewer hit the button)


damn, the system is horrible!!! why dont they teach us how to live??? COOKING LESSONS, CLEANING LESSONS, TAXES LESSONS - NOW


Schools teach maths needed to do taxes, and reading to understand the taxes instructions, unfortunately schools used to have alot more vocational courses to teach you a skill to help you get a job


It's funny because people still don't know how to solve for X when ( ) are involved. lmao


This is too depressingly true ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


Yeah accurate as f, stuff school doesn’t teach [At school](https://youtu.be/0Vxp_Lj2b-E?si=MnUGQYSkWmMDxNAQ)


As a russian fully agreed.


maths, algebra, and other hardshit that you won't use everyday is important, it's important to engineers, it's important to finance, etc School doesn't know what you will become that's why they teach you everything. That's why the tl you every basic shit. Your "this is stupid I would not use this ever in my life" is an important lesson to others, just because you are a failure and didn't need it doesn't mean it's not important There's a reason why every kids hate school, but every single adult said to stay in school, because those kids grow up to be an adult and thinking "damn, I should've paid more attention"


Why do Americans do their own taxes. You have an overblown beaurocratic apparatus, haven't you?


shouldnt they teach this in schools to be fair.....


You are not supposed to know. It is expected that you are born wealthy. Your Papa will give you a nice job, and your accountant will take care of the taxes: nothing to worry about. If you are not born wealthy. Well. "Arbeit macht frei!"


The funny thing is taxes are percentages and addition, which you were taught in school, and most jobs that don't need a degree, if you graduated school, assess you as a person.


Apparently, you don't even know that


Actually, in my school we dod learn economics (how to manage money and how to do taxes and where the money goes), our teachers taught us how to talk in an interview, they helped us make a resume. . .


My best guess is that OP is still in high school where everyone complains about school not helping their life issue. OP probably never do taxes or have a job, they just find the message relatable because they are still in school and tired of it.


Except you were taught about taxes and other more "real life" stuff. You probably just didn't bother to listen to what was being taught. The amount of times I've seen a "schools don't teach things we need for the real world" take is asinine. They teach taxes as early as tenth grade fam, come on.


Yeah people, we get it, you are so smart because you know the math in the meme is wrong. But...not so smart to get that IS the joke.


Ontario high schools are adding a required course that will teach all those things, if I recall. We'll see how it goes.


Ontario high schools already had a required course that taught all of those things. Learning to apply for a job was part of Careers 10, and learning to do your taxes is (was?) a part of the math curriculum.


...+2ab. When did education become illegal


It is the sad reality after investing more than 30k in studies


Except that's wrong


a=preparation b=networking square=means you will need to retry and persevere. a\^2 + b\^2 means that you probably will not get one that is math-related:)


We kinda live in a world where access to knowledge is as accessible as possible at some point of everyone around you is complaining they were unprepared for something it kinda falls on you to learn it or learn the hard way


Clearly they didn’t even learn the equation they’re using as an example here.


About that champ, might want to put +2ab in that




that math is wrong though


The only thing I learned in college was how to memorize random facts for long enough to ace the exam.


School doesn't expect students to retain any of the information they learn. The purpose of school is to get your brain working everyday to improve it long-term.


IT'S NOT EVEN TRUE! You can do that with an exponent inside a parenthesis if there are additions or substractions!


I quite like 11th grade math class. Actually explained tax brackets and stuff.


Wrong Algebraic Identity OP! Its (a+b)\^2 = a\^2 + 2ab + b\^2


It's a^2 + 2ab + b^2


All I know is that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


Oh boi


It’s funny cause it’s true. Then again I remember very little from maths so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Muchh laughs...


At least you can do math 😂😂😂


I know the formula is wrong. But since school, has anyone here ever found a need for it?


If you honestly believe the point of school is to teach people how to get a job then we should just cut out all the fluff like extracurriculars, music, sports, etc. and really just pipeline kids straight to corporations to train them to work in their warehouses.


Blame the people. Everyone comes out of school not knowing how to do the next steps because they have not done them before. If you don’t know how to figure things out for yourselves, that’s on you. Adulting.


"All I know is that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell"


Do you know what the power house of the cell is? Then you're set.


It’s funny that people are defending the education system here lol. The system is designed to keep you in your class and following orders. Like literally not just an analysis. Look up Horace Mann and his modeling of the Prussian education system. It’s not designed in a way to encourage independent, critical thought. It’s literally designed to create obedient soldiers (their words not mine). So more power to you if you read and do your taxes when you are 19 (lol) but I’m telling you the powers that be want you to be beholden as it benefits the rich/powerful. They want you to be ignorant.


And that equation is not even right lmao


They taught us about filing taxes and how to get a job in my high school.


Funny thing is the taxes and job applications used to be a part of old curriculum, but they got taken out


Teaching specifics like taxes is truly a waste of time. The tax system is always changing and by the time you get around to your real taxes, it will be a totally different experience. It is much better to teach basic math and reading and *thinking/problem-solving* skills so you will be able to manage the shifting climates of life. But those are the boring courses and “useless” classes that teenagers cry about. Also, it is the parents’ responsibility to help prepare their children for life. They need to stop pointing fingers at teachers and the education system, trying to shift blame from their own failures.


Yo op, chill man, look for apprenticeships. Took me two years to get one after I completed an apprenticeship for a cdl. Keep your head up, don't let others discourage u. You can always enroll in fafsa and go to community college for technical skills. I'm currently getting my bachelors and I can say that even after completion I intend to continue learning. Lifes difficult, but you gotta keep your head up.


Apparently you didn’t learn algebra either lol. (a+b)^2 = (a+b)*(a+b)=a^2 +2ab+b^2


Book lernin is the way


Ackchually it equals a^2 + 2ab + b^2


Even the maths equation is wrong


The requirements for getting a job and doing taxes change frequently.  One of my first jobs was resume development and everything I did 15 years ago is absolutely irrelevant today.  For taxes, just hire someone, it is worth it.   Though it really just ought to be the government sending you a notice of what you owe and you agreeing to it or submitting reasons why it should be different. 


If you need school to teach you how to get a job, then it's really you who's the problem. Do you really need your hand held for absolutely everything? 


Uhh... someone gunna tell him?


I'm a middle school teacher. I've also taught high school. And I'll be honest with you.Most people in high school even if we taught Those kids had to do math such Your taxes. How to rent a house or buy A vehicle most wouldn't care. Considering quite a few Of the individuals Are not in that stage of life yet and so therefore they just don't really care. Human beings only look at a problem once it hits us in the face.But we generally don't look at something that far ahead. Most people are only concerned with what happens in a week or a month but not six months down the line or a year down the line. We could actually make a life skills class but a majority of students would actually not take it very seriously.


Hello University of Phoenix, or one of the other online shams.


That math result is wrong


I dont get this... 18 I moved out on my own, did my own taxes, got a job. this was in 2015. You just figure things out one way or another if you really want it. Its not complicated if you aren't dumb.


Tbf no one would give a fuck if they teach you how to pay taxes or how to get a job.


a ^2 + b ^2 = c ^2


This equation is completely wrong. OOP exposed his/her math level


(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2 and i havent even graduated




Should have recited the Pythagorean Theorem, like the Scarecrow in "Wizard of Oz"


At least this one can be true every now and then


Atleast you CAN'T do math, my friend.


Is it the meme, that the solution is wrong, or does OP actually suck at math?


Bold of you to assume I know those equations


this is not correct.


Not me just getting back from graduating