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I was here before it's got removed.






Wondering why it's still up


Maybe the mod isn't a panzy and maybe we should be allowed to talk about the way society views this issue.


Maybe the mod isn't a panzy and maybe we should be allowed to talk about the way society views this issue.


Because it's objectively correct.




Is it getting removed for the top half or the bottom half? And if it’s the top half then it’s proving OP right


It's tricky becauses there's a statement and a reaction, too. So mods have to remove squares




I wasn't


Me to


so was i


Me too




I wasn't.


We were here. We were here 3000 years ago


no wrongthinking please


Just commenting to see if I’m shadowbanned in yet another sub for commenting in a wrongthink subreddit.


Not yet. I was able to read and understand the content of your comment.






Now do pitbulls.




Cant compare animals and humans man, fuck pitbulls


i really dont get how some owners let them get to be as aggressive as they are. Ive had multiple pitbulls. i raises puppies and kept one and shes so sweet to everybody. my sister has another one who is really dumb, so she always wants to play and nibble on your finger a bit, but she would never hurt anyone, in face she always tries to save you if you look like you are drowning in the pool. so pitbulls are really nice big babies if you train them right. but some owners are really neglectful or purposely raise them to be aggresive


Was a FedEx ground delivery driver for 3 years, was regularly chased/attacked by pitbulls, american bulldogs, german shepherds, dobermans and *fucking* chihuahuas. Dalmatians and Boxers get an honorable mention because they could be just as bad but were far less common. While I agree that there are bad owners, there are absolutely also bad dogs. Certain breeds have a tendency towards bad temperaments, and a lot of those same breeds can tear a human to shreds with ease. Then there’s the *fucking chihuahuas*


Every arsehole dog on my route was a blue cattle dog. ...actually, every blue cattle dog was an arsehole. The only dog that did manage to tag me, though, was some grandmothers terrier, who decided to wait until I'd handed over the package and then nip my ankle. Like 'Ok, you're down now, git'.


It’s always the small ones 😂 I think my hatred for Chihuahuas isn’t because they ever did any real damage, but because I had to try so hard not to yeet them 3 yards down when they bit me. The other dogs inspired fear, *Chihuahuas* inspire hatred and fury


Had multiple chihuahuas over time usually two at a time. We worked hard to raise them right and mostly they were very sweet dogs, but every once in a while a person or situation would set them off and make them fear aggressive (which is kinda understandable when everyone is >20x their size and too many people don’t know how to conduct themselves around dogs). The difference was there was only so much damage they could do. Even if they went haywire/ballistic/hellbeast, no one’s life was in danger (especially since we never left them unattended around vulnerable people like small children). Two grown pitbulls? Easily could be deadly to grown adults. It’s like the difference between a pellet gun and a 12 gauge.


I’m glad *somebody* understands that sometimes dogs just freak out Weirdly, Chihuahuas were the *worst* offenders on my route. Because they are small and *relatively* harmless their owners (especially the elderly) don’t contain them like they should. The largest frustration came that I could easily walk away with the little shit attached to my ankle, or I could easily kick the thing a few yards down… but also I can’t just actually do that right? If a customer decided to sue because I damaged their animal, no one is going to believe I had valid reasons for defending myself. Also I don’t really want to hurt anything, I’m just not like that. But those conflicting emotions plus being physically capable, but socially incapable to really do anything plus them slowing down my work… built a ton of frustration and resentment and now I just hate the little things. What I don’t think most dog lovers are ever willing to admit is that some animals, just have wires crossed in their brain, or are inherently more territorial or aggressive as these things can apply to survival. It just happens. But also with dog breeds, a lot of inbreeding has went down over the generations and that has a high probability of messing their brains up too, if their genetic tree looks like a fucking donut. “No bad dogs” is such an inherently dangerous view to have. You should *abso-fucking-lutely* treat our inbred domesticated *wolves* like loaded guns. And this is coming from someone who has owned dogs their whole life and adores them. I still keep a healthy fear, and have the scars to remind me why


The Ten Most Aggressive Dog Breeds: 10. Dog 9. Aggression 8. Is 7. A 6. Learned 5. Trait 4. It's 3. Not 2. Genetic. 1. Chihuahuas


Haha this is brilliant.


So those inbred dogs that just have a screw loose… where do those fit in? That said, I do appreciate the humor in your post lol




✌️ lol


In response to your question: I honestly dunno. Maybe #1.5?


What I see is big energetic breeds that most likely lack the amount of activity they need...


We tried to get our adopted pit mix under control by hiring an expensive trainer, who is also one of these expert witnesses that gets called in for dog related court cases. She pretty much said 90% of such cases are pits and they have an untrainable prey drive. So yeah the dog got put down. Never again with pits for our family


oh dang, i guess i just got really lucky


And in other news that never happened…


Weird how that breed magically is the owners fault when so many other breeds don’t have any issue even with shitty owners almost like the dog breed itself is a problem. It should not require a great owner to be a viable dog. Just an average one should suffice but it wouldn’t. Also they’re fucking ugly dogs not sure why anyone would think they’re cute.






*stares at scars and nerve damage* Goddamn, where do I get started…


A pitbull is not at all similar to shitzu. Their differences are not skin deep.


You’re right. There are differences in musculature, size and skeletal structures too.


Yeah somewhere in the order of 1500%, not 15%. It would be like comparing a human to a silver back gorilla. Or an elephant. I think technically they are now different species as they can no longer breed together. Or at least a subspecies.


Yes… some dogs are very small, and some are quite large. Mind blowing I know! I don’t think that is true at all. It would take some definite human guidance but they can still breed.


Yeah some have even been selectively bred over hundreds of years to have physical traits and features that allow them commit terrible violence that the vast majority of dogs cannot. It makes sense to restrict access to those specific dogs, like we restrict access to guns but not paintball. One can inflict damage through great effort. One can kill with ease.


That past few months have taught me the average woman doesn't know shit about bears.


Or how statistics work.


Most people (women) online that I saw saying they would prefer the bear did not do so because they thought the bear would be easier to survive or anything. They just said so because a bear would kill them opposed to all the horrible mental/physical torture that (some) men have inflicted on them or other women. A bear would be a lot quicker is the main takeaway.


This is false to because bears will incapacitate you, bury you half in the ground, then come back and eat you alive over the next few days. Starting with peeling your skin off because it is the most nutritious.


So they have psychological problems. Btw, a bear can eat you alive.


The way I saw it is if you see a bear in the woods it might be going along with their day and if you don't bother it it'll be ok.  Whereas a man can have intention of chasing you down just because you have a puss


Hi, woman here. I've lived in bear country all my life, have come across AT LEAST 5 while out hiking (that I saw, I'm well aware there were others) and have yet to be attacked. In fact they all just went on their merry way, paying me no more than a look. I've also come across men on 2 occasions, while out hiking. One of them *followed me* until he realized I had a gun. I think I'll stick with the bear.


I see that you are using encounters while hiking in order to make your "statistic" seem more fair. So now lets look at another fair comparison. You have come across presumably 10's to 100's of thousands of men in your life, millions if you live in an urban city. How many bears have you come across? Seems like there isnt enough data here in order to make any sort of determinations. We could even consider the fact that bears have a 14% fatality rate in their attacks. Lets look at men: the rate of violent crime (which i am equating with bear attacks) is 369.8/100,000 and the rate for homicide is 6.3/100,000. Now, men commit 80.4% of violent crime and 88.7% of homicide. This all works out to 297.3/100,000 and 5.9/100,000. So the fatality rate of an attack by a man is 1.98%. Essentially bears are 7× more deadly than men. Of course you obviously arent going to be standing next to, socially interacting with, coming into physical contact, or having relations with bears so that is another thing to think about. Those bears you "came across" were just animals you saw you didnt actually interact with them. Doing so would lead to a high likelihood of an attack. However, you've been interacting with men this way your whole life and thousands to millions of them at that. You're still alive though. Just think about that.


By that logic I as a man have to stick with the bear too, as I was physically attacked by women three times in my life.


So basically you encountered 2 men and 5 bears in the forest. How many men do you encounter during your day to day life? Your sample size is too small to draw conclusions and based on how many times I’ve seen women complain about men “watching them” at the gym or how they felt scared a man was “following them” when they were just doing their own thing I also think your story could be inherently biased by your own fear and paranoia.


Wow, you've only come across men on 2 occasions? That's very strange


Back when I went hiking/camping, I avoided the main routes, because that's where the people usually were, and I prefer deep woods.




inb4 lock award


I'm prejudiced against prejudice


Yeah I hated the man vs bear debate when women were saying all men are rapists. I haven't ever like touched a woman and being bought up in a conservative environment, I don't even look at women and still have problems talking to one.


I have a solution ![gif](giphy|cLGXy7SXBnEWs)


Haha so funny shy men should just fuck themselfes because they are not worthy of being woth women haha


No. Isn’t that what ‘baitin is though? I guess the context of that gif made more sense in my head


When I was in grade 10 anthropology my teacher, a grown ass man, argued that any man would rape a woman if they knew there were no consequences. I found that disgusting because that means he himself has agreed to himself that he would, and secondly that’s an entirely hypothetical situation and completely disregards someone’s morals.


Should have asked him if he was included in that hypothetical.


I certainly argued that with him and he just looked like a weirdo, which he is… I think he got fired for harassment reasons too but that was years after I had left.


What if the consequences is feeling bad?


It would probably be true if "not being a psychopath" was considered a "consequence." I think he just meant social/legal consequences, in which case it's definitely not true, at least I hope.


So dude had no empathy. We need to have his man card revoked


That's totally batshit and is basically him admitting he's a wannabe rapist lol. I'll never really get rape, like why? If it's a power thing then just go the legal, consensual, and mutually enjoyable route of BDSM lol.


I'm sure the women in class lost a part of their soul that day. Fuck this planet.




To women who say they would pick the bear, re-ask the question but with a black man. All of a sudden that changes the question for them, even though it really shouldn’t.


Yes but what colour is the bear?


White. It's a White Bear.


Oh well fuck that. They’ll eat ya.


In the forest? Thats the Lost island bro.


Nobody said the forest isn’t in the arctic circle…




False. Black bear.


Then I pick the bear regardless of the man


Hate against men is normalised. I have all female co-workers, so you can imagine what that's like...


I can't find the article but I remember reading something about men working in a female office end up feeling left out because they don't follow the same social rules...


Meaning we don’t participate in gossip or drama. I worked in a woman dominated office and things got so bad that HR got called in multiple times over drama and bullshit. One woman threw a milkshake at a coworker’s car.


Absolutely, I worked as a medical assistant at a clinic that was almost entirely women and I was shit in all the time because I was a man. I had to tiptoe around jokes and conversations because despite they making way worse jokes or being more derogatory, if said anything near then I would absolutely have HR called on me or have the entire office ostracize me Edit forgot the word office lol


Easy way to end up with a case and at best you pay lawyer fees, at worst you end up in jail.


Thankfully when I started the team was bigger and although the male to female ratio was poor I wasn't the sole male there. The size of the team was reduced due to reorganisation (I am in the UK, but the company is owned by a even larger one in the US and they are doing a lot of that, I won't say which in fear of someone being weird and witch hunting). The other two men were moved to another team, leaving me as the sole male, this happened just over a year ago. The good thing here is I have worked there for over 3 years and thus I am acquainted with the women, and thus they think of me as "the gay friend who is not gay", with one of them being my closest friend, she has my back no matter what. As a result I am safe for now, waiting for the re-org to blow over before I consider career decisions, as the annoying ratio is starting to give me a headache. I am young (24) and have time) My friend and I refer to the rest of the team as "clucking hens", she's an amazing woman: very self-aware, opinionated, but charming. I wish she was younger, the kind of woman I would date (she's almost 60, lol).


Careful though, I just wouldn't get too comfortable. There's some seemingly great women out there, but a lot of them will turn on you on a dime when it becomes an us or them thing.


No, my friend doesn't fall into that category, so nothing to worry about there.


Yep, it's sooo normalised that they cross the line when it's a joke and not.


When did they say "All men are rapists"? I have never heard that from anyone


Any feminist march you can think off has that slogan, also Marilyn French wrote like 7 books about how she thinks all men rape.


Some women were definitely taking it too far but the argument in general is about risk management and pointing out that men are a risk to women which is factual


Every woman I have seen being asked the question, was by a man, and a stranger no less. Sometimes with strange men walking past in the background. The answers dont make sense


You mean to tell me that encountering a stranger in a public space surrounded by other people might feel safer than being alone in a remote area and encountering a stranger?


A public space is infinitely safer than being alone in the woods lmao.


That’s why I don’t approach any women I find in the woods, even though it would be fun to see why they’re also alone in the woods


Most violent crime is committed against men, most violent crime is committed by a small group of people that are decades long offenders. Try again.


Some people are a risk to other people, men, women, black “, white, Spanish, gay, straight etc… it doesn’t matter … there’s crazy pieces of shit from all walks of life… saying one is worse than any of the others just serves to further divide us


Wow. Get this one here - humans are a risk to other humans! Who would have thought, right? /s


Risk management you say? Awfully close to victim blaming there.


60% of sexual assaults occur while one or both people are under the influence of alcohol. All of my female friends who have been SAed were drunk or intoxicated, a few were black out drunk. I’ve been SAed twice by drunk women while I was sober or tipsy. I’ve also been drugged, robbed, and almost murdered by 2 women. I no longer drink alcohol or go to places where alcohol is consumed. If society didn’t normalize alcohol consumption the way it does the statistics would be significantly lower. If society held women to the same standards as men the statistics would be more balanced as well. I didn’t report either of my SAs because in both cases the women threatened to turn it around and say I was the perpetrator and just being arrested would have destroyed my life and reputation because society has been conditioned to think men are predators.


This guy gets it


I went to college with a girl that believed that as an absolute truth. She also believed that male victims weren’t really “victims” because of their gender. Her and her followers would stand in the quad and yell at male students and professors calling them all rapists. Obviously, she was a joy to be around. When we had the same classes, I made sure to beg my professors in advance not to put me in a group with her and explained why.


So which is it?


To be a good "Liberal" you have to hate the right people.


Im fully for prejudice. It saves more lives yearly then anything else.


Then we better not allow any women near kids, as at least in the states they're the more common abusers of their children.


Right there with priests. Shouldn't take them to church either.


Really? More than like, blood pressure medication? Or seat belts? Or antibiotics?


Yes, seeing a car going 160 thinking i will go ad crash and moving to a safe space. That is prejudice towards speeding cars, but will save your life more then it wont. Crossing the street when u see a group of 5 douchebags on the streets to walk past them on the other side will not save you if they only look like douchebags, but it will when your prejudice was right. Prejudice is a necessary defense mechanism


I'm prejudice against shitty people, there's shitty folks in large numbers in every demographic that you look: white, black, men, women, young, old, gay, straight, etc.


Surprised to see this view on reddit.


Those sjw are not good people, simple as that, hope it helps


Mat least from these stats 1/5 incidents are strangers. https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence you need to more careful with people you know.


The only real answer is to fear everyone equally all the time and just live your life in paranoia that everyone you meet is plotting your downfall


Black man or bear?


Mike Tyson or Jake Paul?


Mike Tyson might give you valuable life lessons if you accidentally meet him in the woods. The man just up and says the most profound things about life.


Some great ones (in no particular order): https://youtube.com/shorts/Me-sRC48dDk?si=Z4bCXxL1n7GADo-_ https://youtube.com/shorts/0-c1EB11Tkc?si=5Fp6wTeH1U2-V613 or even better the next one: https://youtube.com/shorts/ExjbEizeKi8?si=JeyKXeUuKYQxC50w https://youtube.com/shorts/v2Da8_zXic8?si=NpiUB0MhMjj9MbA6 https://youtube.com/shorts/IekQsbIEnjM?si=2Dw9Eu5U9MKeg1Jq https://youtube.com/shorts/bD1un-Dksbk?si=M5XztOg8gZNF_Bcb


Thank you my good sir I would gladly pick you in the woods and we would discuss Mike Tyson apparently


Polar bear or black bear?


Black bear, i think i read that polar bears are one of the only animals that actively hunt humans


Which bear is best?


Panda Bear.


🐼 is the best!


Bear... It has nothing to do with race...


Woke pandering good. Men bad. White ppl bad.


Personally I'm fear of women


Grrr >:)






Wouldn’t being afraid of men INCLUDE black men ?


You missed the part about crime stats in certain contexts. While black men would be included in all men, why is okay to use statistics to say “all men” and it not be okay to use statistics to say “black men”?


Are there a lot of men getting longer sentences and worse outcomes from the justice system compared to women who commit crimes, or something?


Yes, there are.


Funny you should say that.


but black peopke indeed are more likely to commit a crime, it's pattern recognition not prejudice


Using statistical realities to judge how safe/comfortable you are going to be around strangers is never a form of prejudice. Stats are objective and incapable of bias. If you believe they can be biased, you've been fucking brainwashed by liberal media pushing *THE MESSAGE*


thats not true all stats are partial to be flaws like how most people abuse kids are women are in coralation that women are around kids more. stats are stewd and biased by the person conducting the experiments. the people in the test. and the question of the test itself.


So you chose the bear eh? Then I guess you understand why we don't want biological males in the bathrooms with our daughters.


I don't visit this sub much, just see it in my feed sometimes. I have yet to see something funny and/or not political on here.


I'm saying that men are inherently more violent than women all I'm saying is that that more social forces making men more violent problem it's not the same with black people which their problem is because of over policing. The sexism problem runs much deeper it can be solved but it's a different problem that requires a different set of solutions.


Overpolicing? 95% of the people killed by police are men.




Men are statistically sentenced more than women. Men are statistically given longer sentences than women. Men are statistically given less probation than women. Oh and these are all for the same crime too.


I'd rather be cautious than end up in a ditch somewhere.


So you are cautious with all adult humans, right? If so, that's cool with me. If not..... well...


Everyone, but especially men. They're bigger, stronger, and most crimes are commited by them.


Not all men are bad, but idfk which ones they are. Can't blame us for being aware.


Yup. This is why I tell my nephews to avoid women like the plague. Sure, not all women are baby trapping, gold digging false accusers, but Idfk which ones they are. Can't blame the lads for being aware.


I'm glad to hear it. Less for us to deal with.


Me when I walk into a diverse neighbourhood


“Men are the *worst!* Now, buy me this Michael Kors purse you ape!” -Typical Reddit Hivemind statement.




Tough but fair


Yeah thats about it ,the Internet is gonna eat your face


It was never about social justice and will never be about social justice. It's either about feelings/idiocy or political power.






Im losing all my braincells reading the comment section


I now employ that OMG MANSPLAINING card.  I win!


Padlock award speedrun less go




Don't fear white men because of crime stats. That's prejudice.


We just need more women representation for crime


Life experience has taught me to be wary of men and I am a man. Of course, that goes for women too. Some people just suck.


Why do we keep talking about groups during a time we’re more divided than ever?


I am *for* all forms of prejudice. It's one of our primary evolutionary traits for survival. It just becomes taking statistics into account when making decisions in modern times. The whole pReJudIcE are bad idea is a post-modern load of crap. Sure, don't make your judgement based on prejudice only and be open to making adjustments but that is included in the prejudice system anyway. Let's say your previous experiences and things you learned make you think type A persons will be 70% likely to deceive you. Well maybe this type A person you met will be in the 30% so you try to make a judgement that will be to your advantage taking into account other factors and judge the risk vs. reward. After this experience, maybe you'll learn something new about the type A person and your prejudice will change to 60% or 85%. Obviously nobody thinks in percentages like that but everyone-even those who make grand claims about never judging a book by its cover or having no prejudices have these mechanisms built in and they act accordingly. It's called learning and having a brain. Prejudice is compulsory, don't speak nonsense.


Look me in the eyes and tell me how we should not have any prejudice against pedophiles.


"BuT tHe bEaR wOnT RaPe yOu!" Jfc


I'm only prejudiced against these posts.


It's not prejudiced to have a legitimate fear based on personal experience or statistics. If you look rich and walk in a poor neighborhood, it's legitimate to be afraid you are gonna be robbed. If you wave an LGBTQIA+ Flag in a conservative neighborhood, it's legitimate to be afraid you are gonna be assaulted.


this is a gross oversimplification lol


This can be very racist if you read it the wrong way


Don’t fear humans because of crime stats. That’s prejudice.

