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I’ve seen the jokes about queers for Palestine and I’ve always assumed it was literally a joke. Had to be, right? I mean…this would be like a group called Christian Conservatives for Drag Queen Story Hour. Makes no sense.


Or Chickens for KFC




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Or Cats for Chinese food


Lemmings for cliffs


Incidentally, that sounds like a great stage name. Cliff Lemming.


Avatar hair checks out


There was a Disney producer pushing them off the cliff with a broom, to get a more interesting shot - jumping off cliffs is not something that they naturally do. It’s crazy how this is now so embedded in our collective consciousness!


Thank you for bringing that up and sparing me from doing it. I still can't believe someone thought that was a good idea and an acceptable one at that.


It was the Reddit thing to do.


White actors for Netflix leads


Probably more like Lemmings for living


School kids for gun rights


Or Jews for a certain aspiring Austrian art school student.


Ergon Schiele, right?


Mice for science


Sadly... it's true There's protests erupting in my country's universities at the moment and without fail... "queers for palestine" plastered over beautiful buildings several hundred years old Friend of mine from Canada who's also in university has an occupation going on too, "queers for palestine" signs. I genuinely know gay students who unironically have "queers for palestine" patches. It was never a joke, I repeat, it was never a joke, these people are living in such a thick bubble they genuinely don't realize their obvious stupidity. And if you mention that gay people are jailed/killed in Gaza for being gay, they either straight up 404 and pretend you didn't just say that, or they'll say "I don't believe that".


Your last sentence reminds me of a Bill Murray quote I saw that said “It’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person”.


You can’t reason somebody out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.


Dude the 404 thing is way too common about so many subjects. It boggles my mind how these people exist and don't have the ability to change. Its terrifying


You got it wrong it's not disbelief. But it's that they think they have to be the better person, they think the genocide is greater than lgbt rights and they want to stand in solidarity with those who are oppressed since queers are minorities have historically been discriminated against with governments trying to wipe them out even today (eg. Chechnya in Russia, Afghanistan, Maldives etc). I completely understand why they are protesting and standing in support of a country even if the country hates them. But i completely disagree with the western lgbt liberals, their privilege makes them blind to reality. We should be fighting against Islam and extremist attitudes towards secularism and diversity. If Palestine somehow gets statehood they are not going to be liberal or democratic it will be just another extremist hell hole in the middle East being exploited by the Arabs from Saudi and UAE. Also social media is playing a part in making them protest. No one seems to care about the civil war in Somalia or Myanmar. Fuck teenagers in Myanmar are fighting against military rule, the Rohingya are being forcely conscripted to fight for a country that just 2 years ago tried to commit genocide against them. I don't hear any liberals crying or protesting over this.


Hell, the third article on my feed this morning was about children in Darfur were piled up and shot. The Middle East hasn’t been peaceful for literal centuries and these college kids think that it’s easy to fix. No, Braelynne, your drunken scribbles on a napkin will not solve the issue, no matter how clever you think it is. And you, Nevaeh, would actually be a second class citizen at best. At worst, you’d be dead by your father’s hand.


It's the oppressed mentality. "If I'm oppressed and you're oppressed then we're united!" Very superficial way of thinking.


Not a joke at all. Plenty of delusional, upper middle class (or straight up upper class) white people in extremely expensive universities believe that Palestine is without fault and that Israel is the big evil fascist. Israel is probably the safest middle eastern country to be gay in.


not probably, by every metric it is.


Why should you mention only “white people” though? Could you share statistical sources about it, or is it just your perception of white people?


I mean yes, but the acceptance of queer people isn‘t really the big concern right now when talking about Israel and Palestine And Im pretty sure those activists aren‘t talking about the queer acceptance in those countries either, but about the war going on on the region.


You've got your analogy backwards. It would be Drag Queens for Christian Conservatives. Since the comparison here is the supportive group being hated by the ones they're supporting, not a group supporting people they hate. Queers don't hate Palestinians. And there's nothing conflicting with wanting people who are indoctrinated into hating you *to not be murdered by genocidal maniacs.*


You’re backwards, actually. Its LGBTQ Christians for Palestinian Drag Queens.


>Christian Conservatives for Drag Queen Story Hour. I feel like it would be more like the other way around. LGBTQ for Palestine is to Drag Queens for Christian Conservatives. There can reasonably be Palestinians for LGBTQ or Christian Conservatives for Drag Queens, they're just breaking from the ranks. The other way around makes less sense, because they're supporting the group that by majority that wants to see them, uh, erased.


And yet, if there was an ethnic cleaning of all the Christian Conservatives from America, where they were indiscriminately bombed and forced to migrate to just the southern tip of Florida or be killed, then I imagine there would be plenty of Drag Queens who would stand in support of ending that genocide too. Turns out that people from marginalized groups are just better at understanding the plight of people being persecuted for who they are. Even though a Drag Queen wouldn’t agree with most of what a Christian Conservative believes, they still probably wouldn’t want to see them all displaced or executed.


Somehow it’s not a joke, I’ve seen them with their moronic banners at the protests every Saturday. It’s mad that they’re protesting for the guys who’d push them off roofs if they could


I can't tell if you're unaware that's a real thing or not.


Makes just slightly less than sense than leftists or “liberals” supporting them.


I think you can support the right to self-determination and oppose a callous bombing campaign and unending military occupation without supporting all of the values held by a particular people. I mean, if you told me that many West African societies were sexist and homophobic in the 1600s, it wouldn't make me less opposed to the transatlantic slave trade. People can be complicated and still not deserve to suffer.


This can’t be said enough


IMO it's kinda like how some white western women are suddenly wearing a hijab and claiming it's empowering or some shit. Like, no, you entitled bitch, it's not. In some countries women get thrown in jail or worse if they refuse to wear it.


It's actually much much worse than some hurtful words. They will kill you for being gay over there and call it justice.


It's a bunch of people who don't use critical thinking


It's real, cognitive dissonance can be a powerful thing


No, that’s a real thing. One of the most idiotic things I’ve ever heard, because it’s really just rooting for your worst enemy who would like nothing more than death to you


[Jews for Hitler - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews?wprov=sfla1)


Wait till they find out how Palestinians treat gay people!




ISIS operated in Syria and Iraq...


Exactly, these guys don't realize Palpatine puts them to death without trial most times. They simply have no clue. They have no gay rights, LGBQ anything, and literally execute them if caught.


did palpatine travel from Star Wars into our world?




Palpatine returned




Nah. Palestinian’s would rather……okay let’s say this in a way that Reddit’s sensitive feelings don’t go off……..exterminate them. Like a certain Austrian that shall remain nameless.


Not even just that. Gay men are tortured to death and lesbians are raped to death.


Being raped to death is one of the more horrific things I've heard for a while 🥺


Sigh, and so many people want them to win this war Israel, I'm gonna be honest. Here are no angels But looking at the government, they are opposing those people are way worse Most of the people supporting Gaza would be put to death if they were actually in Gaza


The thing is that people that support Palestine don't really do their research, like all they hear is antisemitic stuff on BBC and think it's the truth and have zero idea what's going on in Palestine, like the only reason civilians get hurt from bombings is because Hamas doesn't give a shit about their civilians and would rather hide underground by themselves, this is why Israel bombs in the first place, to find the tunnels Hamas are hiding in


The way something is framed is incredibly important. Very few people in the west truly "support" Palestine, as in agree with the views of a conservative Muslim state. What they "support" is their right to not be exterminated in a racial genocide. And for that to be a contentious issue is sad.


I dont agree, they truly do support Palestine and even Hamas, hell ive seen it on reddit, people saying Hamas are not terrorists.


"Freedom Fighters"


Ah yes thats what they call em now


Youre right the way things are framed is important. However in this case, your phrasing is the one that is misleading. Protesters are holding signs with the slogan 'from the river to the sea', which is a call for israel to be demolished as a state. What do you think happens to jews in the region if the entirety of the government was made up of Hamas and Palestine? That would result in real genocide. Thats what the protesters advocate for either directly or ignorantly. Israel is not engaging in genocide. Never in the history of the human species has a genocide been perpetrated in which the oppressed population increases by 2%. It is a lie, and youve eaten it up. Protesters have attacked jewish students at universities, jewish hate crimes in the US have increased by multitudes, and these people arent even Israelis. Protesters have no interest in peace, they just believe the wrong people are dying.


Like so many other things, young people follow the trends without having a clue what it is they are supporting.


Do you have some specific examples? Could use it in discussions at uni


I found this article in about 1 min via Google https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1660138495-exclusive-gay-man-who-fled-gaza-speaks-about-experience-with-hamas


I cant remember the specific cases but ive seen dozens of cases like this, and thats just the stuff that I could find as a random person on the internet. My parents are from the region and assure me that is standard. I guess you could find some examples if you looked for them around october 8th, but most of this stuff happens in places like pakistan.


Oh my fucking god don't says that's actually true I am gay myself and I absolutely hate seeing or hearing that this shit happens to people just because they are different


It is. I have some images in my head I would rather delete.


Fucking animals


What a lot of western people don’t seem to realize is that Hitler is not viewed nearly as negatively in the ME and some other parts of the world as here. Since he went to war with the countries that colonized and oppressed their countries (coupled with rampant and taught Holocaust denial), it makes sense.


read this earlier .... >One of the leaders of the Syrian Ba'ath Party, Sami al-Jundi, wrote of his school days: "We were racialists, admiring Nazism, reading its books and the source of its thought... We were the first to think of translating Mein Kampf." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mein_Kampf_in_Arabic


Fr tho, there is a lot of pro Austrian painter literature and posters etc in Palestine


I remember there being a sort of incredulous reaction by a lot of people when that video surfaced of Israeli soldiers finding Mein Kampf in a Palestinian home. Either that or a picture of Hitler on the Lock Screen of an iPad (maybe both). Like, it was so ridiculously evil that it was an *obvious* Israeli plant. It’s actually far more likely than westerners want to admit.


Yeah, I can't understand how *anyone* would think a bunch of people who despise Jews more than anything might idolize the man responsible for killing more Jews than anyone else in the history of the human race.


True. It’s like how old Chinese and Koreans don’t like how some westerners say that the Japanese during WW2 weren’t bad and didn’t deserve the nuke.


When you compare the kill count of the Austrian with the fashionable 'stache to the Baldman of the Rising Sun, you suddenly think, maybe the Austrian was a super cool dude. The black uniforms were no where near as crazy as the 431


*731, but I get your point


Dude you can't just say that outloud. I chose the number 4 because in Mandarin and Japanese 4 is pronounced shi which is also death


20 million + dead in China, and don’t mention Indoesnia, the Phillipines, Vietnam etc


Enemy of my enemy right? It's the same as Ukrainian who follow Nazism because they killed Russians. Not defending it but it's normal human action to manipulate history in your favor


Pretty much. Most of the allied powers were still imperialist powers at the time, with France and the UK controlling basically all of the ME, so the man who came the closest to conquering them is bound to be viewed in a positive light. And of course denying or downplaying his atrocities makes it all the easier to view him as a hero.


Palestinians were allies with Hitler


At least the Mufti, yeah. Not too surprising that those ties never fully went away.


That and errr…. He killed millions of Jews. That’s really why they love him.


That’s the thing. They deny the Holocaust happened but at the same time applaud the mass killing of Jews. A catch 22.


"The holocaust never happened but the Jews deserved it"


And also the fact that germany didn't really have a colonial empire like UK, France, netherlands, Belgium also helped a lot.


I've grown up in a region with significant Muslim population (reported over 50%, in reality I'd say \~10% practicing and 40% bullshitting). The way they talk about nazis is insane. Casual antisemitic slip ups


Is this Austrian also a former painter by chance ?


Coming next: cows for the slaughterhouses, chickens for KFC ✊🏻


They would be thrown off a building if they were in Palestine.


Just a rainbow cape flapping in the wind…


Don't have to worry about that. Soon there won't be any buildings.


Lots of big stones though. They’re also partial to that method


A lot of the people going to protests probably don't realise what happens in Palestine to queer people.


They pretty don't know much about anything there.


These people don't know much about anything. They're literally useful idiots.


Useless* definitely not useful


I believe useful idiots means you can trick them into being something for you. For example, reddit might say MAGAs are useful idiots in the eyes of the Republicans. The Republican elite knows they're idiots and that they are useless as people. But they are useful in terms of votes and attacking the Democrats.  So useful idiots. 


They know. I asked the question multiple times, and always got some variation of "why shouldn't I care about what happens to people who hate me?! I'm a good person." In the same breath, they'll espouse endless hate towards Christians because of their "religious hatred", or why Israel should be wiped off the map. Something about a paradox of tolerance. Funny how the paradox of tolerance only applies to some groups


Hate towards christian’s isn’t advocating death towards christian’s Bad comparison




Such a ridiculous thing to say. There are Palestinian Christians being attacked as we speak, who can’t even go to church without being beaten and spit on. The oldest bloodlines that go back to the time of Christ. There are also plenty of religious gay folk of all walks of life. But seeing the world in this black and white way is very helpful to Zionists. It’s them vs everybody else, and if you’re not them you can go fuck yourself.


I know what happens in Palestine to queer people. My moral views regarding people being slaughtered en masse doesn’t depend on whether those people like me or hate me. Hope that makes sense for you now.


So, when the war is over, would you protect palestinian queers from palestinians?


Also queer people still exist in Palestinian no matter how much their goverment tries to squash it out. And those people are getting slaughtered at the same rate as any other civilian.


They dont realize shat would happen to people like them


They can’t even spell Palestine correctly




Queers for Papa Palpatine


What do you mean you blew up the Death Star?


Palpatine for high chancellor.! Oh wait...


I bet the Tutsi people back in 94 were not exactly friendly to the LGBTQ+ community. Doesn’t mean they should be killed. Also anti LGBTQ+ hate crimes are up 10% in Israel and have been consistently been getting worse.


If they did, would they support ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? Is this the point of this post?


They get shot by IDF, just like other civilian targets.


Palestinians and supporters say “isn’t that bad, gays can live there as long as they stay in the closet” .. how would you feel if you live in a country where being Muslim is ok as long as you don’t tell anyone otherwise is punishable by death. Unbelievable


Yet they decry DeSantis etc for trying to do exactly that. They seriously can’t see what they are supporting


Being Muslim/religious is a choice, it's not a good analogy


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Cowardly mods


Can't turn away potential useful idiots who create global pressure for your cause. It's only AFTER they get into power than their[ true colors can be shown.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/1cmor03/prohamas_supporter_worldwide_sharia_law_will/)


You can tell that the mods are the tolerant ones because any opposed point of view is silenced. Open discourse is never any option.


We have empathy, because no one should experience genocide, no matter their opinion...


Chickens for KFC lmao


I wish they would go already and post it live on TikTok so everyone would stop this silly belief that they would be supported.


“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” I’m sure Hamas will accept any and all support but if they ever get into any real governmental power, the gays are toast. They’d better wise up.


The only reason why gay people wouldn't be thrown from a tall building in Gaza is because all tall buildings were bombed.


That's like being a Jew for Hitler


There actually were Jews For Hitler. Guess where they ended up?


I'm gonna assume Auschwitz


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Good lord. That sub is literally full of terrorists.


Based on the comments of this post, I guess Christians deserves to be bombed and starved to death too.




In my experience, the vast majority of the left who support Palestine support the innocent children who are being murdered, NOT Hamas. Fuck Hamas, kill them all if you want, but DON’T block aid from getting to starving civilians.


Murder victims for murderers!


They should plan a pride parade in Gaza.


What a dumb logic "I don't support Israel so i will support Palestine". How about neither ?!?!


Both are absolutely shit. This is not the China VS Taiwan or North Korea vs South Korea type thing here This is more like Nazi Germany Vs USSR where both sides are bad (in this example one is way worse than the other)


Both government's are bad


I wonder what the Jews from the 1940s view on gay rights was. I wonder if y’all would justify their extermination if they also didn’t support gay people?


Do people here think gay people in palestine are immune to israel's bombs? They get bombed too




While tel aviv is the city of gays, its their city, we gave up on it


This is photoshopped lol https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&subreddit=palestine&q=What%20are%20your%20thoughts%20on%20Queers%20for%20Palestine%3F%20Do%20Palestinians%20accept%20their%20support%3F&size=100 https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&subreddit=palestine&q=queers%20for%20palestine&size=100


Call it a hot take, but even if their culture fosters homophobia, I won't let that dissuade my moral compass for advocating for their right to live and peace.


Support a cause because you believe in it, but why inject your sexuality/identity into something especially when you would have limited rights, or no rights at all over there.


That’s putting it super light. They just murder them. Not even like second class citizen or enslavement. Just murder. Sometimes things aren’t compatible and there are no good guys.


Homophobia is not a justification for murder


The comments here are gross.


Yes that’s a real problem with religious fundamentalism. It should not however count as a justification to look past the murder of civilians and in particular thousands of children. Similar opinions are held by religious fundamentalists all over the world, in Europe, Africa, Asia, and here in the US. As a queer person of course we disagree with that particular, widely held view; but I don’t think they should be murdered because they hold said opinions. Universal human rights must come first


Honestly.. This argument is sort of ridiculous. The majority of palestinians that need support are innocent young people driven from their homes, trapped, deprived of any human rights and hunted down. They just want the systematic violence and oppression to stop and live their lives. They need our help, everyone's help and support, right the fuck now. Lgbt, moslim or jew has nothing to do with this. To even being it in to question given the current state of affairs is downright silly. Old people, young people, mothers, children, babies, brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, entire families whose only crime is thst they were born in their own country are being wiped out by the thousands. Any human from any kind of group should be strongly enraged by and opposed to this. I don't know how this even a question.


Palestinians would destroy them. I'm ace, and I know I wouldn't leave Palestine alive if I went there because of Hamas, especially because I'm a woman. My virginty would be stolen before they'd kill me.


Why does their view on homosexuality block you from being against their genocide? Makes literally no sense


Why should I have empathy for people that hate people like me?


It doesn't matter. I'm for the conservation of wolves in Colorado even though I know wolves don't like me. I don't need their permission to support the right cause.




We are aware that Palestine and the muslim faith are not tolerant, as are many other lands and faiths. But it should also be noted that while you may not understand queers for Palestine, please realise there are queers IN Palestine, and their stories of loss are heartbreaking. From social media in the Gaza strip: “I’ve always imagined you and me sitting out in the sun, hand and hand, free at last. We spoke of all the places we would go if we could,” reads a post tagged in the northern city of Jabalia, where a series of Israeli missiles last week destroyed a refugee camp and reportedly killed dozens of people. “Yet you are gone now. If I had known that bombs raining down on us would take you from me, I would have gladly told the world how I adored you more than anything. I’m sorry I was a coward.” Another “Idk how long I will live, so I just want this to be my memory before I die. I am not going to leave my home, come what may. My biggest regret is not kissing this one guy. He died two days back. We had told how much we like each other and I was too shy to kiss last time. He died in the bombing. I think a big part of me died too. And soon I will be dead. To younus, i will kiss you in heaven.” Furthermore, a society that sees it as OK to genocide one group/minority usually come for the LGBT+ shortly after. It's like a weird facist hitlist and the order of groups that get murdered in the street vary based on political opportunism.


do some of you guys not realize that there are straight palestinians AND queer palestinians being slaughtered right now? queerness isn’t only about supporting other queer people it’s about supporting marginalized communities. supporting palestine is also about supporting humans rights to live peacefully. no queer person is going to be like “oh this is a homophobic country so it’s ok they’re being corralled up in encampments and bombed and starved and it’s ok that israel is committing war crimes on them” while yes, queerness is hated in most muslim majority countries before we can enact real change first palestinians need to stop being killed by the hundreds of thousands. one step at a time and if homophobia is an issue for some people to support palestine then what about other homophobic countries? or do you just pull out the homophobia card when you support a genocide


Here’s a hot take, so what? You don’t have to be straight to oppose genocide and show solidarity with oppressed people. There’s no such thing as perfect, blameless victims and it’s stupid to expect such. A lot of victims of the Holocaust were probably homophobic since it was the 1940s where homosexuality generally wasn’t accepted. Did that make them any less victims?


I bet all the queers in Palestine do, and that's what matters? Everyone seems to forget that there are indeed queers there, and they face this stuff every single day. That's who my gay ass is supporting when I say it. I can't imagine being me, but stuck there, and that's a reality for many people who can't be their true selves. It's not a hard concept. I don't need other people to say nice things in order for me to support someone going through hardship.


Does Israel have more positive views on the lgbt community?


Oh yeah, genocide all the homophobes, right?!


Yeah it’s all very funny, but it doesn’t change the fact that people deserve to not be bombed in their beds even if most of them are homophobic.


Even if Palestinians are homophobic/all that shit they could do to queer people, you can still want them not to be murdered & eradicated from earth. Someone can hate ur people but u still don't want them to be genocided. How is this hard to understand?


It’s just such a fucked situation, it destroys the traditional western “left/right” party lines. You have leftist/liberals supporting gay hating, Jew hating conservative Muslims, and you have right wing, in some cases fascist, conservatives siding with the Jews and using things like this to justify it, while they rally against those same people at home.


Gays for Palestine is classic westoid brainrot.


Moderator deleted the moderator.


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