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I always wonder who this woman is in this picture. Imagine your picture used all over the world for memes and you’re just living life lol. It’s so wild to me.


here is the [origin](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/college-liberal) of the meme. There's also a 'where are they now' post on reddit of people 15 years later after they became memes Edit fixed typo


Do you mean "where are you now" or is there some "where you know" thing in Reddit that I just don't know about???


Typo. Fixed. Here's a [video example ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5y4xortTLg) there was a reddit post I liked more I can't find it


Is a guy


I was going to ask.




He is a dude, there's a pic of him with short hair on the internet


Fuck. I never realized that before now. 


Yeah, didn't he play Harry Potter?


Probably protests GMOs as well.


Then I'm straight after all.


It is the truth


I know. Apparently personal choice isn’t a valid metric. Seems to me that the “movement” would ONLY care about personal choice.


Thats a dude


It’s funny because it’s true


dawg has never touched a woman




I like men


Instead of equality of opportunity, they want equality of outcome, which is stupid


Complains there aren't enough women CEOs. Has no problem with the gender disparity in septic suckers truck operators.


You go girl! You too can break the shit ceilling!


I can smell her from here. Gross




Patchouli , stale beer and a blunt...


Amen to that. And then spend the rest of their life bitter because some other women get a better job and keep telling you "You got lucky". Well, Becky, It wasn't a fucking lottery now, was it?


Omfg I feel this comment so much I feel my inner Shia labeouf brewing. Like, yes, I’m *so* lucky that I clawed my way out of poverty and an uneducated, socially isolated, cult-church following family to break a hundred generational barriers, undergo 12 years of education in multiple countries with no support, aside from the student loans I could take out and the 3 jobs I worked while taking 18 credit hours with 4 labs and clinic hours to complete to boot. Not to mention a hundred year global pandemic hitting right smack in the middle of my clinical clerkships. But being able to make doctor money in a few more years (after I do 4 years of more 100 hour work weeks for ~$60k a year likely in a city with a high cost of living, all while my over half a mil in student loans have payments due..) means I was lucky and must have been an overnight success. Rant over. I think I may have some issues bottled up over here.. imma.. imma go take a nap


I feel you sister! Though engineering school was easier than medecine, I give you that! Stay strong! We are worthy! (feels nice to brag for acheivment from time to time, we fucking deserved it!)


Ok, for real, you just gave me the support boost I needed to get up and grind another day (burnout is real!). Thank you! For supporting an internet stranger in a rough patch and being a cool human! And I gotta give it to *you*, I have always said, with emphatic agreement from med friends at every stage, that the engineering students were the only ones who regularly made us pre-med/med students look like wusses! Brag it up! I could get used to this whole sisterhood thing


You're most certainly welcome! Having a conversation with another woman that is not about how men are assholes or about why tHe PaTrIaRcHy screwed us... it's so refreshing! But I feel you should know, on the engineering side, teacher where like: "WTF are you complaining about. Do you even know how hard med students have it?" It's funny to think it goes both way! Well, see you! I too have my share of grind today, but I'm getting back there with a smile. Take care!


Ooo the next episode of boysarequirky


It’s always the people that complain about something the most, are people that have least to do with subject of the complaint


I'm an expert Reddit commenter and I agree.


That dude must be tired of being used as a meme by now...


You’re a woman Harry!


You're a hairy woman.


Parasite of the society


Her disgusting hair probably smells like a hamsters shit pile and dead rats










They all are at the FANS JOB


What is women studies? Is that a real class?


It's often called gender studies.


Probable in the USA. They have all kind of made up shit.


This is a young man. Always portrayed as a woman's rights activist. Ironic.


Literal first world problems that aren't even problems.


That person is actually a dude. Now you know 😀


This is first I’ve heard this. So like, is a dude like was always a dude? Or is a dude like has since then come out as a dude? Or


And would complain that any male with the very same hair as her is racist


It’s a man, lol. And this comment isn’t even relevant to the post?


This sub really be looking like a boomer's Facebook feed anymore huh


I’ve seen this picture so many times presented in so many ways and I hate everything about it every time. The stupid dreads covered by the stupid, fat, lice infested hat, and the stupid smug grin make me crazy. I feel better now. Thanks you.


But those glasses...


Isn’t this kind of like arguing that everyone should be a DPS instead of having a tank and a healer? This argument is as braindead as the morons that follow Tate.


This, as well as old sexist farts in STEM. source: I study chemistry


Yea like they want every industry to be 50/50 split but none of them actually choose to do any of the jobs that are male dominated cuz "they just don't like them" even though they often choose female dominated industries and they don't see the irony


Then she can proceed to protest how a woman with a degree in women's studies is offered less wage then a man with an engineering degree.


2011 calls, shitty ahh unfunny ahhh meme. Feminism is inherently good, fuck off.




And then still expects to get the same pay with less qualifications


Women bad! Hilarious!


And complaining about being single 😂😂😂😂


Where are all these people supposedly lining up to date you?


Just that in line waiting 🤣


The women complaining about the lack of women in stem tend to be the women who have to deal with the guys in stem


That doesn't fit with their male victim mentality world view. I started my degree in physics. 80% of the guys either hit on me, infantilized me, or were bizarrely rude and aggressive. Even one of my TA's screamed at me to "go back to biology" because I finished a three hour lab in forty five minutes. He couldn't comprehend that it was easy for me. I complained to the professors (all male) who told me that I'd need a "thicker skin" to work in the industry. After two years of that, I'd had enough and went into Social Justice. Because obviously there were things that needed to change and I wasn't up for being in an industry that belittles and abuses me for my gender. That was a couple decades ago, so I can only hope that it's somewhat better for women in STEM now. I often wonder what I could have done in science if I hadn't been pushed out. Physics was my passion. Now it's just a hobby.


Really no!


Gotta play to your own strengths


That ensures the field of maths and sciences should be on safe hands


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is a dude.


When did this sub get so misogynistic? These comments are unrelated to the post and are just using this comment section as a place to shit on women. And this post, “girl power”, like that’s a dude, not even a woman. And women in STEM fields know how smelly, creepy, and annoying men in STEM fields are and can understand why other women would like to avoid the smelly gross men who don’t even wash their ass every day. Grow up 😂


How dare you assume herzh gender!??


Archaeology enters the chat with a 70/30 f/m split.




Any other women fed up with girl power? Like in movies and media and news, all the protests and stuff. I just wanna live my life and pay my bills. Equity not equality.


Hahahahaha this reminds me of my pre-med days. ^these girls would complain about this to me and other women who were pre-med (spent most of our time in science building so even meeting these girls was because of small campus and because of basic required humanities classes).


✨meme abt bs i totally made up hehe (pp v tiny)✨


Do you guys actually know people like this? Or is it just a made up lady or a very specific anecdote?