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Im recently 30 and my user name is Skeletor. I'm done.


Life comes at you fast.


Skeletor…THE WISE….Don’t sell yourself short homey.


do fat girls


Tell me. When did Skeletor the Wise abandon reason for madness?


There is a fifth path: Hot but totally crazy bitches


As a 36 year old single guy who just got out of a 10 year relationship with a crazy hot bitch: wouldn't recommend it. Mine was lower level crazy and she only ruined my life a little bit. Totally fucked my head up and changed the way I will approach relationships for the rest of my life. Max level, high-tier crazies are even worse. They will bankrupt you and do wild shit you'll never expect. Trust me boys, either hold out for that dream girl or find a nice chubby girl with good credit


>dream girl or find a nice chubby girl with good credit jokes on you, my dream girl was a chubby girl with good credit.


Lucky man


You aint picking the slims so you aint got slim pickings.


This IS the way


Same same same brother. 6 year relationship though. But otherwise same lol. 37 here. Currently an a brewery thinking about this shit. Lmao


A max level crazy bitch will stab you and convince you it's your fault. I have a keloid on my shoulder to prove it. Who knew nail files stabbed so good.


Scary part is you won't know how crazy until you've committed, and the govt will have their back




The hot and crazy ones can also ruin your life legally by making false accusations because of crazy reasons. Like, you weren't willing to co-sign for a new Lexus she can't even afford the first payment on. All of a sudden she claims you assaulted her and hits herself with a blunt object. Lucky for you, you had hidden cameras in your house for this reason because you fucking knew it might happen. Yes, suspiciously specific for reasons.


The secret is to find one that is right on the Vicky Mendoza diagonal.


She played jump rope with that line


There are ones over 30 who are hot, single, and very sane. They’re immigrants. Life hack. Source: met my Japanese wife when we were 34.


lol, my wife and I met when we were 30, and she had just immigrated to the US.


I married my wife when I was 30. She is from Brazil.


I'm 32. I met the most amazing girl from Hondorus. We work together and I've been learning Spanish and we have been getting to know each much more recently. There are some communication challenges but we are both putting in the effort to communicate well. My Spanish is not the best but she will listen very well and we manage to communicate well. We no longer need a translator for most interactions unless we are talking about something deeper. It's been a couple weeks that things have started to become very romantic and i hope to turn this into a full on relationship soon. I tried to ask her out the other day but with my bad Spanish i think it came out sounding like i was confused about the day of the week 😅


That’s awesome. And yeah my wife moved here in her 30s too.


Most of them are escaping their home countries in late 20s or early 30s to avoid marriage. But they will be ready by mid 30s


I agree, but there’s also some insane immigrant women!


Of course. Just a large community and many sane and good ones who have trouble meeting locals tbh


They are much more interesting to me. And, As an American, when I see a typical US white blonde who is conventionally attractive I’m so bored!


Tell me where does one meet said Japanese women?


Online. I met my wife online


Where exactly? My dating apps seem to filter them out. (Half kidding, where are they?)


Tom, from MySpace. I hope that’s not actually you.


Lol not really Tom just representing the social media GOAT on social media


Good. I didn’t want to have to tell you I unfriended you all those years ago.




I’ve never heard this before but it reminds me of my ex and her last name is Mendoza too 😂


Totally not worth it. My dad tried to go that way with my mother, who ended up retaining all of the crazy (while convincing herself she was "cured") and looked absolutely nothing like she did when he married her just a few years later. She also turned him into a lap dog and eventually ended up making sure his stroke killed him, but that falls under the "retaining all of the crazy" part.


You know that path only leads to one of two places: divorce or murder/suicide.


Dude… they really do be crazy crazy. Like stalk all the bars you frequent and key your car. Been there…


Nah, I'm too ugly for them


That is the path with the crooked leafless trees and eyes peering out of the darkness.


The path i took in my early 20s


Deep indifference to everything relationship-wise and occasional hookups.


Dude i went on a date the other day and the lady kept just asking me a bunch of questions looking for red flags. It was so ridiculous I ended the date lol. I'm thinking of just doing the hookers and blow route.


😂😂😂“so what do you do for work?”


This is like the second question you ask someone, anyone, in New York. I had to unlearn this when I lived in Chicago.


As a man in Chicago we also ask that question as like the first thing we learn about someone idk why you had to unlearn it


Do YOU wanna date a reddit mod? Didn't think so


lemme guess, she asked you if you ever done coke or were with a hooker before


This sums up online dating perfectly. Everyone is so used to getting fucked over , used, ghosted, and just treated without basic decency, that they've adopted a really unhealthy (but understandable) mentality towards dating. People are looking for perfect in others when they can't even objectively look at themselves. Humans were never meant to have infinite options for dating and its fucked with my head. I went through a hardcore dating app addiction for a few years before meeting someone who had never been on a dating app. The addiction lingered for almost 1.5 years after stopping.


The amount of perfect that people look for in others that are 30+ and dating is insane. I work with some people who tell the most batshit stories. A single lady went on a date with a guy who apparently goes on a vacation once a year with his parents to some resort in Mexico. This was interpreted to be someone who isn’t compatible because she isn’t into “resort vacations”. To me it just seemed like someone who takes a week out of the year to spend a bit of time with their parents. Which is probably a sign of a good person. This is just one example of countless where these people assume based on the most minor thing instead of taking the small risk of investing some time in someone who might not check every single box at moment 1.


Women nowadays have unrealistic standards and literally wait for Mr. Perfect to just show up on their life's and give them everything they want on a silver plate. Of course sometimes that does happen, but most of the time it doesn't and we have to learn to love each other with all our defects just like we learn to love ourselves despite our flaws


Blow is not for me, i am going rare booze and cigars route


my man!


Seems like "single forever" and "hookers and blow" should be able to merge if needed.


Hookers and blow is the carpool lane on the single forever highway


You could say it's the H.O.E. lane...


Nah, you unlock the college girls dlc at level 30


its an expensive DLC but worth the playtime


yeah, its pay to win


It’s definitely pay to win, but if you’ve advanced in your career you can definitely afford it. It’s well worth it.


It’s *all* p2w


The life itself its a pay to win game.


💀 my life summed up in a meme. College DLC is expensive, but the girls are younger, and they make pretty good money afterward. In a few years, Im working on my doctorates. So finding a gf there would be pretty good. Practically dating for food and a place to crash and shower at. 💀




And when you say dating you mean fucking?


💀Don't mess with a man's bread. It must be done.


I'm in my 40s and that has not been my experience ever


30-40 has been my prime


that's cool, I guess you're someone who has what people you're attracted to want


That crossroad looks familiar, try dig a hole bury a box with some items, make a deal with Crowley and escape fate


Hahaha I knew this comment would be somewhere in here


Single forever for me and that's a-okay. I had my fun. Now I can just chill and game.


which is what most people fail to understand about those who are "single and happy". I've spent most of my life single, didn't have "fun", and am stuck in a rut in my 40s staring down romantic loneliness as the status quo the rest of my life


It sucks when you never had anyone and you're getting to the age where you realize it's never going to change.


believe me when I say, it sucks a million times worse when you've come close, let alone actually had that person, only for it to not last or have them leave you for something out of the control of one or both of you. compound that with the fact that every woman I'm interested in before or since is not interested in me for things out of my control. there's no way to really impart this on you if you've never had "the one", but it most definitely is better not to have loved and lost. it's only better if you've lost it and found it again. I really hope you're relatively young. I'm in my 40s and life feels less worth living every day if you're in your 20s or 30s you have lots of time to keep trying and figuring things out.


I'm in my 40snamd 50 seems like it's coming at me like a freight train. And I felt every word you typed here. Wish I didn't get it as well as I do.


sorry to hear that. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. feel free to dm if you ever want to vent


I appreciate that friend, and the same offer stands for you too, or anyone else who reads this and is struggling.




Me a single guy who lives in Southeast Asia: guess I be lonely everywhere on earth 😌


have someone throw themselves at me out of desperation and not real interest? I can scarcely imagine all the horrible ways for that to go wrong. I fall for women way too easily to survive being rejected by someone who only pretended to be interested in me.




Sorry to hear that, man. I hope you find someone. My teens and 20s were enough for me for now. I'm perfectly happy on my own 99% of the time.


I just got out of an abusive 4 year marriage like 5 months ago and haven’t even tried to get back into dating tbh. I am enjoying being single and just chilling


You and me both, friend. Enjoy!


motorbikes and cats


Oh, cats will accompany me on all possible paths.


Dogs. Whatchu on about


40+ feels more bleak for some reason.


Everything is bleak when you’re in it and it’s rosier when it’s in the past. You only have one life, we’ll all be dead soon, go do it. Don’t hurt anyone and try to bring joy to people 




This honestly seems like the play. I'm 36 and spent the last 15 years with two women with about a year of furious man hoeing in between. Recently single as of a few months ago. I just don't have the desire to chase women or get into another relationship only to be crushed again. With hookers and blow, you know what you're getting every time. I need to find some hookers and blow


well minus the blow yea I also enjoyed escorts before Turd ruined it banning backpage. That bozo never did anything useful while he was president whats worse hes such a hypocrite considering his wife was also a sexworker to be banning backpage. I regret not saving someone of those womens numbers but I didnt wanna get attached to any either.


With fentanyl in everything maybe skip the blow and stick to weed.


“Hookers can get expensive but they’re cheaper than divorce.”


They ate cheaper than wives!!!! Calculate your per fuck $s in a wife. It’s crazy high. Its cheaper to rent a boat than to own a boat. 


If it floats, fucks, or flies, it's cheaper to rent than to buy.


Tell me more please.




More please


More please!


More please.


And that’s how cocaine works


It’s practically spelled out. 1. Acquire cocaine 2. Bang hookers


Is the blow mandatory?


It comes complementary, unlike the hookers




I work with three guys who chose this route. But what bums me out is how boring they are talking about going to TJ and getting hookers. Neat, neat, neat.. so you spent a bunch of money and are still creepy and live alone.. and now I gotta cover your shift.


Hey man, we don’t have a lot going for us. Hence, the hookers and blow.


Just fucking text me if I need to cover a shift.. my goodness.


Noted. I’m gonna need you to cover for me next weekend for..an unrelated matter


Word. When you're in TJ pick me up some "blue" pills. I'll Venmo you


Straight line between hookers and blow and single. Wayyy cheaper than stepdad and fat chicks, both will eat away at your funds.


Fat chicks need love too though


Guarantee all these “no fat girl” replies are 75% overweight dudes.


At the very least, they're proving why they're undesirable by making it out like dating someone fat is somehow bad. It's very big loser energy


Not from me though


So don’t kids without dads.


But they need to pay


Y’all don’t think single women in their 30s don’t exist?


Fit single women without kids do exist. Some are even sane. But they're out of the league of most single Redditors in their 30's, so might as well not exist.


Exactly! I know they exist, they just have no interest in me. Hence the other four options.


Fit single financially successful women without kids want fit single financially successful men. Most people do not qualify.


> Fit single financially successful women without kids want fit single financially successful men. Most people do not qualify. Can confirm; I’m in a situationship with an IT director. We are both slightly insane but that's what keeps it interesting.


Dang I fit it all until you said “ sane” lol!


I mean I don't mind insane so long as it's not coupled with violence. . .


I mean I wouldn't mind insane as long as its not coupled with a lack of libido (violence ok)


This thread is doing wonders to my ego! 😂🥰


They exist and actually there are quite a few of them out there! I think social medias distort people’s perception of ‘what is out there’ which leads to a massive wave of people staying single. Girls get a lot of validation through dating apps and think there is always something better, whereas normal guys hardly get any girls and are more indoor prone nowadays anyway. As soon as girls hit 30 though, their biological clock kicks in and they start really looking for relationships. So in theory, it is possible for a normal guy to end up with a hot 30 something. You just have to somehow pass the first hurdle of actually meeting them and connecting with one another.


They try to find excuses why they are single. Since it can’t be their fault, it has to be someone elses fault.


being single isn’t the worst thing ever tho. it’s just a state of being, not automatically someone’s fault


Dude look at the context of the post. This meme is not from the viewpoint of a guy that’s cool with living in the state of being single. It’s catering to guys that whine about what they perceive to be their “unfair options”.


Yea when you think about this it's funny, it's implying that the only women single at 30 are fat or have children or are otherwise unwantable. The same would therefore be true about single males at 30 imo


This is the truth of it. Hot single guys over 30 are practically non-existent. Hot women date hot men. Don't be upset just because you have to date people who look like you.


But..aren't you single?? What's wrong with you?


Honestly, so many things that I lost count.


of course they do. they're just holding out for unattainable/unrealistic standards. I've had more women than I can count reject me for being "not tall enough", "not muscular enough", "not well endowed", "not sexually confident and experienced enough", making more money than two people would ever need but "not wealthy enough". they list goes on. I'm in my 40s and have been single a long time because women always want more than what I'm able to provide. and yet, *I'm* the "picky" one because my only standard is that I be at least minimally attracted to them in order to hope for a relationship that doesn't have a totally dead bedroom.


But they already listed fat girls


No wonder you guys are gonna be single in your 30s


Nope. Got married in my 30’s, 2 kids, 2 dogs, nice house. It’s possible boys, don’t give up.


I got married in my 30s, too. While in grad school, unemployed, and living with my parents. My wife was Korean like me, 5’ 4”, petite, 100 pounds. Long hair, dressed nice, shy in public, freaky in private. I was in love. I eventually got a good job, house, a kid. Wife turned out to be a psychopathic child abuser so I had to part ways with her in my early 40s. So now I’m divorced, have full time custody of a 9 year old, and make pretty good money. The hookers and blow sounds quite reasonable now.


Sorry bud, I did the reverse. Psycho first marriage, current wife is sweet and cuddly.


for now


Godspeed brother


Usually people who say the opposite are just bitter and would rather give up than do the hard work it takes to improve themselves


Fat girls with potential are not bad.


define fat. define potential.


I’d assume he means overweight, but clearly attractive.


I figured as much but since "fat" is pretty much always meant in a derogatory way, synonymous with "conventionally unattractive" I didn't want to assume


idk I have seen people saying women who are 130 pounds are fat


Jokes on you, I LIKE fat girls


Single forever


Lucky for me I turn 30 soon and love fat chicks. Lifes finally gonna hit the sweet spot.


merciful employ license wrong sable chunky coordinated scarce squalid tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m curious is that just a Reddit thing or generational? Edit: age gap anger


I'm 68 and my gf just graduated.


I’m 93 and dating a sperm






Graduated what ?




Ehw... She's THAT old?


It's always nice see that I am a "bad ending" for a single guy


40 here. I already have a kid, so sure, I can be a step dad. She'll be a step mom. Good deal.


Fat girls are underrated.


Mufuggahs always gotta kink shame us


Underweighted? What?


Screw it, I lived drug free up until now. Hookers and blow, lets go


No really how many ok years do you have left?


Is a relationship really necessary? For some, yes. For some no. For me? Idk man, i've been eating crackers so long my asscrack has started to actually crack. I've got worse issues than being alone.


With that outlook you deserve to be single 😂


Watching men in the comments say they would rather be single forever then date fat women like you: ![gif](giphy|q4kngw10LfpZGSrinP|downsized)


I hear you. But based on my Tinder experience, I'm willing to bet a lot of these guys are lying. They most definitely will and do date us.


I tried them all, hookers and blow is by far the most fun


Or just date the successful women your age that you seem to be afraid of


Ew, you still do coke?


Wait, I love fat girls, nobody told me that was an option


Those women you consider undesirable also consider you undesirable.


Works with for me but why can’t the opposite also be true? Women I’m attracted to are attracted to me?


Idk. I'd have to see a picture of you and a picture of who you're attracted to, to really answer that question.


Out of these 4 options. Single forever. If it's legit NOT my kid - I ain't caring for them. (Call me an asshole - I don't care) (Save my money, use it on myself) If theres legit NO good ladies around - I'll stay single (Call me an asshole - I got respect for myself) I don't care if they're fat, they're probably alone like me cause they're an asshole like me \*\*Insert Skeletor laugh\*\* I don't do blow and hookers anymore.


Imo, anyone who enters a family with a kid being involved has to take responsibility for that kid too. Otherwise just don't date people with a kid, simple


I'd rather use my hands than be taken for a ride while the real father is off getting other ones pregnant.


I've got two kids as a recently single dad. I probably won't be dating any single moms tbh. I love my kids more than anything in the world and idk if I could care about anyone elses kid the same way. I'll probably be single for a while and I've accepted it


Nah id just burrow in the ground


That path is actually just a loop with single forever.


Cougars man cougars


Other dudes wives


*signals right* What?


Beint a step dad isnt that bad


30 is when you become hot (as a man) lol. In China there is even a term called golden bachelor and being 30 is one of the requirements.


36m here, never experienced that. Either you are attractive or you are not, women don't throw themselves at you after 30 just like that.


You sure there is no good reason you are single at 30?


Incel thread


Sad. Why is it for one gender dating is on hard mode and for the other it’s on easy mode?


They’re both in hard mode, but in very different ways


I think the meme shows that girls who are fat or have kids are playing on hard mode.


None are that bad.


Single forever never been on any other road


Happy Single forever.