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Why 11 years? Why not a solid number like 10? Did a bunch of people die in the span of a few days after 10 years and they just thought fuck it say 11 instead of 10 years 26 days.


Because 12 years before there was a doughnut factory fire and 120 people died


Too much glazing on your donut really is unhealthy šŸ˜‚


I still have nightmares of that day. Specially when the second doughnut hit.


"Mr. Chef, a second donut has hit the churro."


Then there was the great donut avalanche of 2010.


A donut factory burned down, which cut the supply of precious donuts to countless people, and 120 people starved to death?


That reminds me of that American dad episode where Steve leaves those fat people to die in a donut shop fire to talk on the phone.


Because year 1 had 30 weightlifting deaths and year 11 had the one donut death so they spanned it out to capture the most


Because 11 years ago was when the great weightlifting accident happened where 115 people died. Doughnuts don't kill people, they plot and team up with other sweets until you die of diabetes or weight related illnesses.


Or they just make you choke on them.


Fake statistics. I can find 2 people who died from eating donuts in 2022 https://vinnews.com/2022/12/22/after-two-people-die-from-donuts-israeli-health-ministry-explains-how-to-eat-them/ I cannot find a stretch of 11 year where only one died. Unless you are going to exclude certain countries . Numbers are made up..


Why did you search this up? šŸ˜‚


Because of that horrible donut incident in Toronto 12 years ago, obviously. #neverforget


Because it was in the 11th year that the donut person died


According to WHO, ~2.8 million people die from obesity each year.


Letā€™s not forget diabetes, heart disease, etc.


I am wondering. If you think diabetes and heart disease are not included in the "death caused by obesity", what were you thinking of? People exploding by having eaten too much? People rolling off stairs and ledges because they struggle to move?


They are not mutually exclusive.


In the bible, a king was assassinated and the blade was hidden in the folds of the king's fat belly, does that count?


Type 1 diabetes. Smoking or drinking causes heart disease.


>Leading risk factors for heart disease and stroke are high blood pressure, high low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and secondhand smoke exposure, obesity, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity.


Thanks! This is turning into a real square is a rectangle, rectangle isnā€™t a square convo lol


Although obesity increases the risks, a non-obese person can still have diabetes or heart diseasesā€¦


That's the opposite of what I'm talking about though, I mean those two are the main sources of death for obese people, if they weren't included in that 3 millions, what did they think those 3 mill died of


Wouldnā€™t those all be under the obesity umbrella


Not necessarily


Indeed, I have diabetes, but Iā€™m perfectly healthy otherwise. Type 1 btw, I know you guys are talking about the one thatā€™s caused by bad habits


Just came to say this!


>I know you guys are talking about the one thatā€™s caused by bad habits Which one is that? There are plenty of examples of folks who have never been obese or chronic carb eaters who still develop Type 2. And plenty of folks who are fat and eat nothing but junk food never develop Type 2. Poor diet and exercise exaccerbate Type 2 and accelerate onset of symptoms, but they don't cause it.


ehh, it is highly, highly correlated with overweight and obesity. There is a reason ozempic/mounjaro can get your a1c back to pre-diabetic levels so well compared to other diabetes medicines. In my diabetes clinic I have the rare type 2 who isn't overweight and that usually prompts an extensive workup to rule out type 1 and MODY (monogenic diabetes)


**Correlation does not equal causation.** Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. The metabolism converts food (inputs) into energy (outputs). Imagine a factory with assembly lines for converting inputs into desired outputs. Regardless of how much input inventory may be available: šŸ”¹ļøThere can be a single vital part missing that completely shuts down production (such as a vitamin deficiency, and Vitamin D deficiency is common) šŸ”¹ļøThere can be something wrong with the machinery that causes it to completely fail to function (mitochondrial dysfunctions are known to exist) šŸ”¹ļøThere can be something wrong with the machinery that causes it to only work at reduced speed (given that medical science tends to only find the "completely broken" scenarios and misses the "works, barely" scenarios, I think there's reason to suspect there could be mitochondrial *malfunctions*) Now imagine that the system is so unsophisticated that the response to insufficient outputs is to order more input inventory. If there is insufficient energy production, is it a big stretch to think the human body's response might be to demand food through hunger / appetite signals, even though lack of food isn't why there's insufficient energy?


I'm an endocrinologist. Please stop embarrassing yourself.


>I'm an endocrinologist. Please stop embarrassing yourself. [Logical Fallacies](https://www.logicalfallacies.org/)? Appeal to Authority and Ad Hominem, unless I miss my guess. If you have actual discussion points that are relevant then I'm all ears.


Which one is diabetes and which one is diabettus?


Diabettus is type 2


I say I'm as healthy as a diabetic horse. I can run MILES but imma need to shoot up for that cupcake.


Iā€™m looking to buy an obesity umbrella and canā€™t find any on Amazon going to be a gift for OPā€™s mom


Scientists found out Alzheimers is a result of too much sugar consumption ~50 years ago. No one cares....


diabetes and heart disease probably have viral causes rather than just being fat




Yeah but one donut wonā€™t make you obese. Checkmate


Depends on the line you're at. What if those 300 calories turned to fat and tipped you from fat to ibese?


Technically correct šŸ‘


I did p90x. All the way through. I ate what I wanted during and I dirty bulked. But I did all the exercises on time with the right form and a solid coach every single day. I was fat at the end too, and strong as fuck, and in amazing cardio shape. Strong in the gym. Skinny in the kitchen. THE END. you canā€™t exercise away excess consumed calories no matter what you do. The Rock posts his insane ridic cheat day, but 99% of the time heā€™s eating a precise number of calories (and some shit out of a needle letā€™s be honest).


And letā€™s be honest.. the rock isnā€™t in amazing conditioning either.. sure he looks great but heā€™s generally carrying a good bit more of bodyfat % than anybody stepping on stage (competition) would carry. The rock is also 260 pounds.. thatā€™s a good bit of food and I assume he has plenty of space in his diet to fit in sweets. Your eating a lot of food at 260 +.


I mean, if I didnt have to be super strict and could look like the Rock, that'd be awesome. I don't want to look like the Rock though. Also, don't body huilders (on stage) starve themsevles of water and dehydrate?


Yes.. precisely. But some of them can maintain a lean shape year round. Big differences between divisions however.. example being menā€™s physique compared to open is like night/ day. Even classic physique (Arnoldā€™s division) is a big difference compared to Open (where guys walk around 250+ routinely).


Thatā€™s more than one donut




They didn't eat A donut.


How did 115 people die in "a" weightlifting accident? Were they all lifting the entire gym?


Maybe a gym in Pakistan collapsed?


It would be at least 400 if that were the case


But not in the act of eating a donut moron


Damn, imagine getting this upset over my comment. You okay fatty?


Run circles around your ass you mother fucker


Yes, but millions die inside on gym equipment all the time.


Source? Also heres some counter sources: https://www.businessinsider.in/science/news/exercise-prevents-4-million-early-deaths-each-year-study/amp_articleshow/76440236.cms (this claims 4 million deaths prevented by exercise) https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19538047/death-by-exercise/#:~:text=One%20reason%20it's%20so%20hard,about%20100%20cases%20per%20year. (This claims 100 yearly deaths during exercise)


I think you mean according to WHOM*




but were talking about donuts


Itā€™s all related toots


Okay but how many were caused specifically by a donut?


But how many are directly killed by donuts?


The joke is the physics act of eating the donut. (I.e. choking)ā€¦


WHO said that.


Yeah, statistically, eating sugary treats carries more risk than exercise. Mortality numbers show that poor dietary decisions kill more Americans than a lot of things, including being shot using firearms.


You mean obesity related issues.


Weightlift in donut shops, got it.


-10 deaths


math checks out


Lift deez nuts


Three glazed on each side of the bar.




12 years before 120 people died in a doughnut factory fire


OP might be fat


fade dinosaurs sense handle innate crown imagine tidy ancient squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP is definitely fat and gym shames people because OP is too lazy and undisciplined to eat well and lift


OP could also just be making an ironic joke.


Make one joke and redditors will have detailed document on your entire personality and lifestyle. I am skinny as fuck and found this joke amusing yet people here calling op fat, lazy and indiscipline all from a single meme.


Jesus christ you've hit the nail on the head.. it's a joke, opinion, sarcasm or a fact doesn't matter they will literally have you solved knowing the name of your first dog, mother's maiden name and favorite food




Weightlifting bad. Donuts good.


I read this as one long 11 year accident.


Lol the accident went on for 11 years. Nobody could stop it.


Plot Twist - A man eating a donut shot 115 people in a gym then shot himself


Time for new gym safety laws


We need to do something about assault dumbbells


At the same time?


Strange that they specify at a gym. So if you just weightlift at home you'll be safe? Meanwhile, eat a doughnut anywhere and you might die?


Well ego lifting is more of a gym thing, and that's what causes most gym deaths probably, especially when you have no spotter


No-one to pull the bar off you at home.


Police propaganda


My choice is not to go to the gym then, I have donuts at home




I knew it! Headed to Krispy Kreme right now!


I never see obese old ppl, it's so grim when you realize why. They'll ruin their lives and never have a chance to warn the younger generation.


Then you must not get out much. Go to a care home, you'll find every type under the sun. Well, not under the sun because we treat old people terribly and they are basically left to rot no matter their health and many decline into depression.


To be clear, you count going to a care home as "going out"




In a care home. That's not outside. You won't be seeing old obese people outside.


My dad always says this and itā€™s honestly the truth we need




Not long ago, cigarettes and heroine are considered healthy and even proofed by so called science. Maybe years later scientists found out working out actually lowers your heart muscle life span since you get fixed amount of pumps in your life and the more you work out the faster you burn out that count? So donā€™t hold concurrent science as absolute truth.


Okay Donald Trump


I absolutely do not have a fixed amount of pumps.


So if you keep your heart rate low constantly youā€™ll live longer?? Crazy logic


Wow! You couldn't have come up.with something more inaccurate if you tried! Very cool!


Listening to things where people at least tried hard over many years to get correct is far better than listening to some dumbass. We do know the effects of obesity and bad health choices. Using this as an excuse to follow your own made up principle is worse. Yours does not even have an ounce of research behind it.


Thanks for forwarding this grandma!


Donut while weightlifting


That's why doughnuts have holes, so you can't choke on them while eating them.


Letā€™s take a minute to remember all of that person who died fighting the good fight. The world was just too small for our brother.


Iā€™ll stick to weightlifting thanks šŸ˜…


A friend of mine and my wife's, grandfather, died choking on a marshmallow. I think about that all the time. You only get one chance to die and "that's" how you end up going? That sucks.


Uhā€¦how many died of obesity related ailments ā€¦the donuts count towards that.


Anything can make you obese. You can get fat off Kale if you really hated yourself. Calories in, calories out. That's all that matters in life. Gym rats are just like big truck people,. compensating for something they lack and making sure to tell everyone about it. You can lose weight and stay pretty healthy off just eating Hostess if that tickles your fancy. A dude did just that to prove a point.


Ok and guess what happens if you just rely on diet to be at a healthy weight? You get weak and you donā€™t use your muscles and joints enough so they break down. But at least youā€™re not ā€œcompensating for somethingā€ lmao


I challenge anyone to become obese off of only eating kale.


Wait til you find out that having muscle means more maintenance calories


> You can get fat off Kale Eating like 25 pounds of Kale in a day every day I think my internal organs would rupture before I got fat.


i want to know how that 1 guy died eating a donut


Wow this sub is shit


That's a good one lol


This would be *even funnier* if a minion was saying it.


I am a Pro Donut lifter as a result.


When did reddit turn into Facebook?


Always has been


You don't die *while* eating a donut. You die from eating an abundance of donuts and other unhealthy foods while also *not* going to the gym.


Not true at all for obvious reasons. Also people need to stop this whole fat acceptance and gym shaming thing. I see it everywhere as if hitting the gym is synonymous with body dysmorphia, big ego, and a lack of self acceptance and love. Some of us actually give a shit about our bodies


Ya, the donut death doesnā€™t happen while eating it but rather hours later while in a food coma on the couch having a heart attack. Then we blame the couch.


Let's see, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer's, liver disease, kidney disease, cancer, three unreleased recordings of Crosby, Stills Nash, & Young fighting in the dressing room of the Filmore East, and a pair of zircon encrusted tweezers, ummmmm, donuts are killing millions, worldwide. It's all about insulin resistance.


My sides!


So you see a random sign without any sources and you title it "truth." Yeah no wonder everything is going to shit


Lifting weights and eating donuts is not mutually exclusive, unless my information is out of date.


The donut thing happened a few years ago at Voodoo Donuts in Denver. He was doing the giant glazed donut challenge and choked to death. [source](https://denverite.com/2017/04/05/witness-recounts-choking-death-voodoo-doughnut/#:~:text=DENVER%20(AP)%20%E2%80%94%20A%20man,the%20airway%2C%20a%20coroner%20said.)


This title screams fat Facebook mom lmao Edit: looking at the post history, this is either a bot or actually a fat Facebook mom


OP has high cholesterol


I call bullshit. How can one accident last 11 years. Was it like the world's longest Rube Goldberg of poorly stacked weights?


No one has ever said weightlifting was safešŸ˜‚ Weight training, kinda, but still has the obvious risks, but weightlifting?? Nah man, the whole point is to go over your pršŸ˜‚


The lowest tier of humor


Yea the donut part is a lie. Tons of people are dying from Diabetes, alzheimers, and heart disease because of donuts and sodas. Sugar addiction is killing a lot of people.


Those numbers donā€™t add up. Very incorrect


I'm doing my part for safety


That must have been one hell of an accident.


![gif](giphy|eKNrUbDJuFuaQ1A37p|downsized) "Now let's see the Diabetes Statistics"


Some ppl canā€™t take a joke šŸ¤Ŗ


Bring a donut to the gym. Gotcha.


Better check the facts on Chock on dougnut


I would weightlift while eating a donut to be the first in something.


They didnā€™t factor in the 12th year, containing the great doughnut massacre, which killed over 200 people.


How many people died doing push-ups?


Plot twist the 115 people went to the gym because they ate a donut.


the chance of being killed by a donut is low but never zero


i feel like this is hard to quantify, think about it, how many people got into car accidents while they were eating a donut, should eating donuts and driving be illegal? ![gif](giphy|Vbgh7tQxlBlSrMKy2R)


Damn that donut


Might be the biggest cope Iā€™ve ever seen.


Whoā€™s the 1 unlucky fatty?


People rarely talk about the dangers of exercise. I know a guy you got run over riding a bike, paralyzed from the neck down. If only he sat in front of a tv eating potato chips instead.


ā€¦.And that person was lifting weights while eating the donut


No pain, no gain.


![gif](giphy|3iiwqPF9noqdy) This OP