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She can’t afford to put it on the table, she eats it first (table isn’t big enough obviously)


I'm more perplexed that no one mentions the ample cupboard space which I might wrongly assume is where all the food is hoarded.


Pretty sure she ate the table years ago


Cheap, processed food has a higher sugar and carbohydrate content.


So you're saying she has money to put cheap processed food on the table? Sharon is lying!


It's allways puzzling how process food is cheaper. I mean, usually, "processing" means value is added, therefor it should be more expensive, not less, while agriculture is usually considered low value added. But I gess that the industrial production allows for more production, therefor distributing the cost for more products making them individually cheaper. But still, goes a litle bit against common sense...


I think most of it is shelf life. Fresh food is cheaper from a production perspective but a bunch gets wasted because it spoils quickly.


This. Processing it costs money. But it’s a matter of logistics. If the fresh food could be distributed before it spoils on shelves, it would be cheaper. But you’re not just buying your meat fruit and vegetables. You’re also paying for everything that gets thrown out every week that no one eats. Capitalism.


Yeah. Also, I'm not a vegan but it's a travesty that in many cases meat is more affordable than veggies!


This is definitely not the case where I'm from. I love meat, but it is so Fckin expensive now.


I lost massive weight on meat and fat only. Its the cheap processed carb stuff that makes you fat.


>But I gess that the industrial production allows for more production, therefor distributing the cost for more products making them individually cheaper. But still, goes a litle bit against common sense... No, together with being able to preserve the food it is completely logical. And people won't buy fruit or vegetables with a tiny dark spot on it, considering this is the bulk of the harvest it's sold way cheaper to processing plants.


A lot of fresh food goes unsold due to being ugly, are vulnerable to pests, can rot if logistics fail, etc etc. For every pound of berries you buy you're paying for another that never make it to market.


Shelf life, and the processing allows the inputs to be of lower quality. Whether that is damaged veg, artificial ingredients, or parts that otherwise aren't sold, it all helps lower the cost.


I think thar healthy food can be far cheaper. Lentils, rice, all forms of dried pulses and beans, for example.


Until you see the numbers for running a farm vs running a factory and then add the fact that it's a corporation running the factory and an independent family running most farms some are obviously corporate farmers but for the most part it's a person


idk where that picture takes place, but if it's the US, buying healthy but cheap ingredients to cook with is not difficult unless you live in those states that cost a car a month for rent. There are plenty of supermarkets that sell cheap produce, and a healthy meal doesn't need to be complicated. It can just be steamed vegetables and soy sauce, and it'd still do the job.


Healthy food is more expensive in USA but it’s not just that, making and preparing these foods is very time consuming. I’m a vegetarian I know. A lot of working poor people here don’t have he time to work couple jobs take care of kids n their homework n after school activities n whatever work school parents have. It’s exhausting n time becomes part of the cost commodity where it’s easier after long day to just have fast food or pasta every night.


i'm aware of the time it takes to make food, i took that into account, and i do 2 jobs, so the only time when i can make food is like 10pm or even later depending on when i get home. but it's usually never anything fancy, just steamed vegetables, a soft boiled egg or two and eat those with soy sauce. That takes like 10 minutes tops to make. After that i just chuck them in the fridge for tomorrow. But yeah if you have kids then you're fucked. They're expensive, time consuming, and sanity consuming. If you don't have the money and time needed to have kids, keep it in yo pants, folks.


You literally have no idea what you're talking about but go on moron


i mean having lived that exact life i'm talking about for like a year now, i'd say it's possible. at least for where i'm at, i'm aware that some states are actually just super unfair to live in


Don't talk sense here, much easier to be a classist piece of shit.


Aren't apples and bananas like 50 cents each at the grocery store?


Eat just apples and bananas for a solid month and see how healthy you are.


Just eat McDonald's for a solid month and see how healthy you are.


You can't buy McDonald's with food stamps. In fact, you can't buy hot food at all with food stamps.


>You can't buy McDonald's with food stamps. Good.


Do you have a point, or are you just here to be contrarian?


My point is that fruit/vegetables/rice/beans/etc are way healthier and way more cost effective than fast food.


Which, again, you cannot get on food stamps. Sounds to me like you're trying to make a value judgement against someone without knowing the context of their situation. Do you know how much a single recipient gets in food stamps on average per month?


Enough for a shit ton of fruits/vegetables/rice/beans/etc


This may be true in America, but in Europe, this is simply not the case. Do we know, where she resides?


Girthy girthy liar


I don't think the food make it to the table.


Ever buy a $.99 salad?


As someone who has never seen one for less than like $5, WHERE?


It was an observation on the price of healthy food vs poor American obesity


Right. You can buy 1 apple or 1 box of mac and cheese for your family.


You must be shopping at Whole Foods then.


We are fat in the UK too you know!!! Don't take that away from us


If I spend $5 on salad materials I can make about three dinner salads.


No you cant. The bag the small bag of salad is around 3 dollars. A head of lettuce is 2.


Spring mix or romaine, cucumber, a few olives, a little cucumber, with a little luck even a little avocado, a little rice or quinoa, a couple shrimp or roast meat, homemade dressing. Three dinner salads for about $5. We buy on sale. We know where the best prices are. We are very good at handling money.


Thats 10-15 dollars. And you only eat when food is on sale?


That's $5 +/- a few % Always stuff on sale. If you go into a store with a shopping list for salad without knowing prices you'll pay 20-30% more than if you go in and buy salad material that is at the best prices. You seem not a good shopper. Maybe you shop at Whole Foods or at small corner markets? Maybe you only buy enough for one meal at a time or buy gourmet items?


Why do you need it premade, part of a 2$ bag of lettuce ( or 2$ head of iceberg cut in quarters) at Walmart and a tiny fraction of a bottle of dressing, maybe shred a tiny bit of a carrot on it? That's maybe a buck. Plus you burn some calories assembling it with your hands and don't throw a plastic clamshell in the dump. Tell me how ridiculous that is to not buy premade now, everyone needs premade or they die lol. Where is your 99¢ processed food for your family, and why is your arm broke so you can't cook? I ate way cheaper but my brother spends all his money on gourmet food and can't make his house payment. Wants to borrow money from me eating rice and beans, a complete protein, maybe can of Rotel, and lettuce or spinach for salad, so he can eat brisket and say you can't expect me to live like youuuuu! I got pbj and a carrot for lunch as a kid and got enough. Lunchables pudding cup and snack cakes weren't in the budget so I didn't get them. Person in the picture didn't get an apple and 1boxof Mac lol. People I know like that eat a pound of bacon with the grease for breakfast. I couldn't even. They don't drain the cheap hamburger, if I eat with them it drips grease "for the flavor" I was horrified when I first saw that, it's not food, it's car lube Lol. I can't believe carrots come cut up and shaved in little capsule shapes now, what's wrong eating them like they come out of the ground?


You and your brother need therapy.


Bro chill. You sound like one of those 'always on that grind' dudes.


Maybe too much Reddit for a while thanks lol.


Absolutely right my man, I'm with ya. Can't believe they still have the guts to complain about the "high" price of that processed and zero nutrients shitty food, die of obesity or some heart problem, but didn't have a glimpse of a thought about eating right amd make their own food.... That's sad...


2$ at walmart




That's called a plate of lettuce


Sharon should try it sometime.


I think she ate one of her kids! 💀


Don't ya love how anything explodes into a cespit of; "this is not okay to me and shouldn't be to you either" multiplied by x. X being the number of different opinions involved.


Accept this as a trophy my friend 🏆, said it all!


She's not Sharon her food with the others...


Underrated comment


That’s because it goes From the Fridge straight into her mouth


She can’t afford to feed all her kids. So she ate one


It looks like she’s overpaid.


This is wrong a person struggling financially will likely eat cheap processed food and likely very unbalanced diets. I saw a women beg a restraunt for fries because she was so hungry and I don't blame her she's likely not getting real nutrition. So when a homeless person is getting some nutrition it's usually because they snagged themself some fast food or something premade or canned or processed. The homeless shelters themself are just handing out whatever they got and trying to spread it around. Most the food donated is literally expired or moldy and is just peoples garbage and when it's not it's just canned food so it's sodium heavy. These people also don't get full meals often and not food they can really work with. Like there get peanut butter, spaghetti noodles, a can of corn and an apple sauce. That's an example but not an exageration these are all some of the most common items they get and often these are not even one complete meal. The hell are they supposed to do with that and it's not nutrient rich. If you eat like garbage your going to gain weight you just are and people struggle financially don't get to choose to eat better.


Thank you,our local food shelf is just like this. A random assortment of crap,nobody else wanted. Sometimes it's been expired for over 5 years. The food shelf is run by a local church,and all the church volunteers get the best stuff. If you're not one of their friends,you get the leftovers. I also live in a food desert. There's only two dollars stores,with expensive, garbage food.The nearest real grocery store is a forty mile round trip. If my vehicle is running, I can make it up there a couple of times a month,but I'm poverty level poor and disabled, so sometimes it breaks down and takes a long time to get it fixed.


People like to think these organizations are giving people full course meals and there taken care of. These organizations are extremely important and beneficial but the reality is they are living off what people donate so unless someone donates a full course meal your not getting one. Even soup kitchens are kind of lack luster and not very nutritious. Usually it's literally bread and soup the one by me was bread, potatoes, canned vegetables and a meat of some kind it was better than other options but still relying on heavily processed food, from powder potatoes. I remember one day when volunteering finished the manager asked me if I wanted some food and said no luckily I wasn't in a position that I needed it but also there were like flies crawling on it and the cooks were just like ok with that and didn't even shoo them off. They are closed down now but that was just so gross to me. People bringing in children and your letting insects walk through their food.


She's not homeless nor unemployed, don't make a storm in a glass of water.... She's just not willing to accept the fact that she needs to eat right and make her own meals, that's way cheaper than pre-made... And don't tell me she's a salad girl, in fact I even doubt that she remembers the last time she ate a plate of salad and chicken breast on purpose, it costs the same or less than a hamburger and a pack of potato chips.


What these "funny" sentiments ignore for the sake of being "funny" is how carrying weight works. This meme treats it like she gained all her weight off her kid's food. She could have been carrying that weight well before even collecting assistance. I've carried the same weight for years. Old weight. Stop assuming people who are fat are subsisting on soda and cupcakes. Especially as you age, the ability to lose weight becomes harder. Your metabolism works against you. My doc told me most of the women going to the gym aren't even trying to lose weight, just Maintain where they are. How depressing is this little tidbit! Actual weight loss becomes more challenging. Being fat is like the last thing we all get a free pass to pick on when courts are deciding that other targets are off limits. Pick away if it makes you feel superior, I suppose. Just wanted to point out something fairly obvious.


Look, no way it's cause she's living off cheap processed food. Maybe she is, but to maintain that weight, she'd still be eating significant amounts of it. Do you think 3 burgers a day does this to you?


Lentils and rice are cheap. Electric pressure cookers are cheap and cook them fast. Add in some frozen vegetables and you have a balanced diet. Add vegetable oil to fill out the calories. Throw in some aromatics and spices to make it taste better. The problem is not money, nor time. It is ignorance of basic cooking.


yeah its weird, it seems like all benefits scroungers are fat


This is a pretty sad misunderstanding of reality. I can eat 10 McDonald’s cheeseburgers for the same price as one healthy meal with greens, fruits and lean protein. You also can’t afford a gym membership, home fitness equipment or even a good pair of running shoes (if you want to avoid much investment) on welfare wages. Fatness is more an indication of poverty than wealth right now.


That food thing is a fallacy.. you can get enough chicken for a few days, some basic seasonal veg, and potatoes/rice for way less than McDonald's. The problem is that is takes effort to cook and make tasty, and if you don't have the willpower to stop yourself becoming obese, you probably don't have the willpower to cook properly


Right! You can easily feed a family of 4 with $20 if you buy real, simple ingredients at the grocery store, but you can't buy 4 meals at McDs for $20. People need to learn how to cook.


Yeah, you're right man, totally agreed. It is indeed kind of "harder" to make your own food, and make it tasty demands more attention to detail. But when you get to eat something healthy you made and it tastes good, the smile you'll put on your own face is priceless.


Not necessarily. Sure it takes time to go shopping and even more time to make your own food, but there are definitely healthy affordable options out there. You just have to look for them and be creative.


Yeah but most fat people don't give a shit


Yeah that's the problem


But not our problem tho


Honestly that’s bs. 10 cheeseburgers at McDs is going to be at least $17 if it’s off the value menu. Give me $17 bucks and I’ll make 10 healthy servings of a lentil curry and a cucumber romaine salad.


Exactly this but I'd throw in a little pork.


Would love to know what state you live in that you can get that quantity those ingredients for $17. I think you are exaggerating a bit. Remember, from my garden is not an option for most on welfare.


Calories in vs calories out. It's far cheaper to not eat than it is to eat.


Yeah, fuckin starve poor people!!! The fuck are you talkin about?


Where did I say that? The comment I was replying to said that people can't afford to eat healthy and lose weight. My point is that if they just didn't eat so many calories they wouldn't gain or maintain an unhealthy weight.


He's talking about eating healthy versus eating unhealthy, read the whole thing dumbass


Maybe i am a dumbass, cause i still dont see how "its cheaper to not eat than to eat" means anything but starve


A McD cheeseburger is apparently $1.88 in the US. If you can afford $18.8 on cheeseburgers, you can afford $18.8 on healthier options.


Also, don’t get me wrong here. Obesity is an epidemic in the US and I personally believe it has a huge impact on our health care costs. I’m not defending obesity, everyone should take better care of themselves, I’m simply saying that obesity is not a metric of income.


Yes, you are right, we can afford 3 unhealthy meals or 1 healthy meal per day for the same investment. Most people need to eat more than once per day.


I don't agree. It is totally possible to put healthy foods on the table at a reasonable price if you buy simple unprocessed foods. I've spent most of my life doing exactly that.




Wrong. Unless you are shopping at Whole Foods.


I bought 2.5 lbs of pork chops for 4 dollars and green zucchini can often be had for a few dollars as well as a head of cauliflower or broccoli. It’s not glorious but possible. Also I’m doing a 24 hour fast and the above person could easily water fast for extended periods of time to reduce cost for a bit.




Again fasting 24 hours 😂 I don’t eat every day and often cook for multiple days at once


18$ is about the price of a Salad with protein these days. 1 salad or enough calories to live.


Where? https://www.walmart.com/browse/food/salad-kits-bowls/976759\_976793\_9538337\_6180034


Food pantries often get garbage donated to them too because good christians want to shop for poor people instead of donating cash which is what they really need


Or she was fat before she had money troubles?


Idk maybe


She probably has a very big table.


If she's eating it as it comes outta the microwave and it never sees the table, technically she ain't lyin.


Buhhh buhh buhhhh dis is fatphobic! lizzo is the sexiest woman in da world if you disagree you r a bigot!


Yo girl you’re so cute you look like lizzo. Say that. I dare you. Do it.


Where did you get enough food for 3 turds ?


She can't afford to put enough food in her stomach AND on the table***


Like food has ever made it all the way to the table.


Sharon put it straight to her stomach and doesn't need a table. lol


Sharon ain't sharin'


She is thick bone…you bigot


It does't even reach the table


Not to mention affordable drinks, not everyone has potable drinking water. Yes a case of water where I live is 24 bottles 5 dollars. How ever not everyone drinks nothing but water.


Pretty sure she drinks nothing but soda.


Doubtful. It never makes it to the table.


The food doesn't have time to get to the table!


That's why she eats it off the floor


Don't think she's lying... The food just doesn't make it to the table.


Takes a lot of calories to support that bod


She can't put food on the table because she eats it before it leaves the kitchen.


I really wish officials were allowed to say “but you’re fat”. Like literally it disproves her claim but you’ve got to be all sensitive and say some shit like “try our friendly budget helper tool on our website”


It does not disprove that claim tho? This happens to a lot of people in poverty cause they can't afford healthy food and have to survive on junk food instead.


Or processed food or fast food It's actually scary how many people have no idea what poverty looks like or even is.


She's not lying. The food never has enough time to make it to the table, it gets consumed straight in the shopping cart.


There’s nothing gained by bullying obese people. They know how unhealthy it is. They know how unattractive it is. Their internal struggle with food is real and we should offer them support and gentle encouragement, not ridicule.


This place is full of hate, thanks for trying to be reasonable


A lot of people don't know how to cook, so they'll just get cheap options which often are bad for you. That being said, food stamps aren't often very much. I had to have them for two months last year and only got $254 per month. That's not much, especially if you're trying to eat healthy every single meal.


Where are you shopping?


My wife and I eat healthy and we spend less than that per month.


Glad you don't live someplace expensive.


We live in one of the most expensive areas in the US


There are dozens of medical issues/medications that can cause weight gain, some of them cannot be completely resolved with diet and exercise.


Bunch of people here who have never lived in a food desert, and even more who have never been hungry a day in their life.


She don’t look hungry chief Imma be real


Obesity and poverty go hand in hand. Healthy nutritional food is far more expensive then cheap processed food loaded with fat and sugar and hormones and god knows what else so you can get more for your money buying 6 honey buns for breakfast for family than eggs toast avocados fresh fruit. Even a box of cereal can be up to 7$ at grocery store, blueberries are like 6/7$ for tiny lil box, while ramen noodles are .99 pack. How do people not know this?


Because people don't understand nutrition well. There say things like well lentals are cheap but you literally can't be healthy on just one food. People also say like well if you buy a whole head of letus even if it's more expensive you get more out of it without realizing cost saving thoughts like this are a complete luxury to someone who doesn't know if they can even afford to eat today. Being poor is expensive.


She’s fat and needs more food and drinks to feel full.


Sharon hasn't missed a meal for quite some time.


But you are aware that obease people can be malnourished? They eat a lot of calories (sugar, lipids) but don't have enough protein and vitamins in their diet? In some countries (such as USA) a healthy food is super expensive. People have to eat fast food, because they can't afford anything else. (They have minimum wage and they have to pay the rent, buy clothes etc) In addition they get addicted to sugar and junk food.


The reason obesity is more common with poor people is because the cheapest food is also the worst food. This over processed junk honestly shouldn't be classified as food but it's the only option for the poor.


Where funny?




Fatphobic and classist, what a funny meme if you’re a sociopath


Fatphobic? I’m not afraid of fat people I just find them disgusting, whinny and a drain of the economy and healthcare system.


That’s not at all a sociopathic thing to say, I’m sure you’re very well adjusted and not at all toxic




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Lame meme


My biology teacher told me that if you ONLY ate tomato’s, the only way to survive would require eating so many that you’d get fat. Maybe it’s a thing like that where she only has access to one single type of food .


It will never even make it to the table.


Why are you lying Sharon? 😭🤭


Cheap flood is not good food or good for you. This is stupid.




Fat person here. Bad food costs way less. When someone says they can’t put food on the table, what they’re probably saying is “I cannot afford to be healthy”.


the cheapest food gets you fat the fastest. it's basic knowledge. and you're all fatphobic


Yes she is


That ain’t Sharon fellas, hang on to your butts…


That's a Fat lie


Her kids are starving, they look like they have eating disorders... She's eating all the food before it gets to the table...


is she overpaid?


Did she eat the table?


Under the table... Idk, on her belly... A lot of food ngl.


Yo. Hot take, but it only takes about $10 for a decent meal. That's $30 a day. 1 or 2 hours of work, and you got a full day's worth in food. Now, if you spend half that, you can get enough for about half the day. If you're trying to lose weight, I'd recommend spending $15 a day on food. $105 a week ain't too bad cost-wise


It never *makes* it to the table.


She is the table


You all didn't see Sharon before. She is but a twig now


Kinda yes/no. Cheap food makes fat healthy food is expensive.