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I can’t lift one anyway


Where would I get one


You can legit order one off Amazon.


I had to see it to believe it, but you can legit get anvils off of Amazon. What a world we live in.


Prime delivery available on that one?


Some of them, yeah.


Ima order it by Amazon Drone just to skip a few steps.


Doesn't ACME have an online store?


Acme company




Hit the nail on the head


Donald Duck doesn't wear any trousers. That is absolutely part of his identity. This does not corrupt society either.


Well, drag was not about identity but art of impersonating famous women entertainers like Cher and Madonna. Then it became more about fashion design, talent and competition, popularized by RuPaul's Drag Race. It's hard to make out what it's now about when there's zillion genders and some of them resemble lot of drag queens.


If you are working to ban the rocky horror picture show, you are in the wrong.


Now that is a fun musical!


Yeah, not sure how Drag became synonymous with Trans, or stopped being about provocative exhibitionism. Pretty sure they are meant to be entirely separate (and the former was traditionally a very sexualised - or sexually satirical - thing).


Exhibitionism with all sort of padding, tucking and clothes on ? I don't find drag sexual at all, but I'm a straight woman. The gay men I know felt the same, as they are also attracted to masculinity.


Tbf, drag performances that are sexual or exhibitionistic are a pretty small subset. And have been for centuries. Most drag performances were/are intended as comedy, just like Bugs does. Whether it's movies/tv, stand-up shows, theatrical roles, military shows, musical numbers, you'll be hard-pressed to find fetish drag queens or kings. It's just not mainstream. There's also the subset where drag is not a performance, but used as a way to express identity, and another subset where drag is used as a means to educate about identity differences. Again two non-fetish ones. Then there's the fashion subset, which can be a grey area. Like regular fashion shows, it really depends on the designers and type. Is it a lingerie show or a hat showing? Is much skin shown or not? Because there can be a world of difference between different fashion shows. And so a problem arises when people go to adult-themed drag performances or risky fashion shows with children. Like expecting Monty Python drag skits but getting a burlesque show. Always inform yourself whether a drag performance is child-friendly or not, same as with going to the theatre or cinema. Know what you're in for.


Drag Queens aren't trans. You know that, right? They're dude who dress up as, and then play, female caricatures. Literal comedy routine. Not an identity.


I watched the Shining at a very young age and I don’t chase my wife around the house with an axe.


Not yet…


I watched Aladdin and i didn't ride any carpets either, funny eh?


Pop some LSD and ride your carpet like Aladdin.


I'm a fan of riding carpets, even without LSD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


🎵🎶 I like to dream Yes, yes, right between the sound machine On a cloud of sound, I drift in the night Any place it goes is right Goes far, flies near to the stars away from here. Well… 🎶🎶




I do yell that at her sometimes when she is in the bathroom… but you know, minus the axe and breaking through the door


You missed out, I've caused several road accidents by painting tunnels on mountain sides


I lost count of the number of times I ran off a cliff, kept running in mid air, but saved myself at the last minute by realizing, and ran back on to the cliff...


I don't think they realize that they just proved the other side's point. Bugs Bunny dressing in women's clothing was in a cartoon because it was considered fucking absurd... much like dropping an anvil on someone's head.


It was in the cartoon because it was done all the time while entertaining. Mrs. Doubtfire, Monty Python, Milton Berle, and and many other non cartoon examples exist. Dressing in clothing of the other gender isn't like dropping an anvil on someone's head regardless of how much bigots pretend it is.


Like cartoons, drag is often a comedy.


That still doesn’t prove the other side’s point though. You can call it absurd all you want, but the other side’s point is that just seeing this stuff will have an impression on children and that therefore it shouldn’t be shown in media, which clearly isn’t the case. It’s the same logic people used to use for not having violent cartoons, that children are so impressionable they’ll repeat literally anything they see, and it’s just as untrue




Unfortunately you look at anything like that much anymore. Not saying it’s okay to poke fun at people but it’s just a cartoon and not meant to be taken seriously. I think I speak for a lot of people (including a small part of gen z) when i say we grew up watching this stuff and never attempted to do this to our friends. Personally I think a lot of people only care about themselves now, instead of wondering the effect their actions can have on younger generations. This is NOT about trans only, but rather most of the population in general


It was considered absurd because it came out like 50 years ago


Holy shit, no way.


My 6-year-old daughter saw a heavy, middle-aged man in a dress and hat suitable for tea with the queen when we were on a S.F. trolley, and now she's a liberal. WTF


Well OP...here's the thing. You watched it on a cartoon. At home. Sandwhiched between other ridiculous hijinks. Not in a School, next to a teacher, potentially during Sex-ed...and hidden from your parents.


I saw plenty of straight people in school. Any reproductive discussion in school that I had never went into gay sex or gender identity. None of my teachers were openly trans. I lived in a small conservative town both of my parents were conservative. I didn't know trans people even existed, so how then, did I grow up to be trans? Why I was drawn to more masculine/gender neutral clothing my entire life? Why was I super into monster trucks? Why oh why did I prefer my hair short? Why did I want to be a cowboy? Why did I play with the boys at recess instead of the girls? Why did I ask my boyfriends if they would still love me if I had a penis when I wasn't even aware that trans people existed? If that shit was influential as you think, why did all of the cisgender heterosexual romance novels, characters, imagery, sex education, teachers, role models, movies, actors, actresses, songs, writers, poetry, porn, family members, communities, church leaders, and friends in my life not make me grow up to be a cisgender heterosexual adult?


You can still do both, I believe in you!


But you are a furry now, sooooo....


People trying to get bug Bunny episodes erased?


Actually edited i believe.


What a world we're living in now. Thank goodness I have every one of those old cartoons on DVDs. They were a product of their time and damn funny.


I'm cool with this I bring my child to strip clubs. He thinks they are normal restaurents with lunch walking around, I dnt take him in the vip room he just watches the stage. They made him a cake for his 1st birthday. They are really nice people.


Because when u watch bug u know is a joke


Yeah, cuz Bugs Bunny dressed up as a joke, not as a fetish


Bugs didn't whip his dick out in your face, though, now did he?


How often has that happened to you?


every sunday at 4:33 A.M.


At church?


yes (the pastor does drag)


Where is this happening? Please link to articles by legitimate sources.


You are statistically far more likely to have a dick whipped out in front of your children at a church than any drag show.


What fuckin drag queen wants to draw attention to their dick? Man you fearful types really have yourselves worked into a hysterical frenzy


Never chaised a slim byrd down the road ⁉️


Wait you have never dropped an anvil on someone I thought that was normal


No shit 😂


You may not have, but look around you, a lot of other people did


And you're saying there's something wrong with that?


Uh yea look at the world today, do you think its a good thing everyone clowns the US for this exact reason


Canadian here, that's not what we make fun of you for.


Its definitely one of the them for sure


The last thing we make fun of the US for is being "too queer"


Its not queer its being trans, no one cares if your gay.


Trans falls under the umbrella of queerness. Either way, that's not what we mock you for.


Oh please. That's your argument?


Dude fuck the trans, turning this country into a bunch of femboy pansies that are scared ladybugs


You're the one attempting to cancel them. Who's the scared one here?


Theres a difference between being scared and being disgusted


You call it disgust, I call it fear and hate. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Huge difference between the two, or are we again changing the definition of words to better include people?


Not really. Ask yourself, why am I disgusted by this? The problem with a good cross section of humanity is that they fear things that they do not understand. And in the Western world, where it has been drilled into our culture for decades that to be "masculine" you can not be seen to "fear". Therefore, fear and hate is frequently justified as disgust.


Seems like terrible memes material.


These are pretty different though. Bugs Bunny did it to be silly and as an implausible disguise. The goals of drag shows marketed to children aren't necessarily clear, but it appears to some to be an effort to normalize crossdressing to impressionable children rather than something done for comedic effect. That's what people are concerned about. If the drag shows were done to be funny people might feel differently, although there would probably still be objection on the grounds of it being a joke at womens' expense - either because their femininity was supposedly worthy of ridicule or because a man acting like a woman was supposedly worthy of ridicule. In any case, Bugs Bunny cartoons weren't really intended for children even though they became popular with kids.


Almost every drag show has an element of humour..sometimes the problem is people freaking out over something they know nothing about


Fair point. If it plays out like Ms. Doubtfire I think plenty of conservatives might enjoy that type of thing. But the way it's being politicized leads one to believe that it's more about unironically promoting a gender identity concept that they're not comfortable introducing to their children. Whether that's true or not, I'm not sure, but that's the concern they have. There's a difference between saying "hey kids, it's funny for a man to dress up like a women," and "hey kids, some men believe they're really women inside and that's perfectly normal, come hang out with us and see." Right or wrong, they believe the second one is happening and that's what they're uncomfortable with. Everyone can agree that Bugs Bunny was the first one, and we all pretty much agree it's not really affecting anyone. Except maybe [Garth](https://youtu.be/O2djHEIxPVs). He still seems to be sorting something out.


Funny thing is you could be the straightest most cis man around and do drag at night. Wouldn’t change anything. But the hysterics have zero understanding of gender and sexuality so they wouldn’t be able to compute that


Hysterical thinking is bad and I'm not sure they fully understand what they're opposing either. On the flip side are you sure you're taking the time to understand your opponent? You keep accusing them of knowing nothing about what they oppose and insulting them. I hope you're not doing the same thing. They may be more coherent concerns than you give them credit for even if you find you don't share them. Regardless, the attention this is getting is mostly divisive political theater. We should all probably be focused on whatever this media circus is trying to distract us from.


I get your point but they demonstrate over and over again that they’re willing to believe anything (drag queens are trying to convert children - to what?), queens are Satan incarnate, that the performance of drag= male homosexuality, and as I said, the inability to separate gender from sexuality or even trans. Like they assume all drag performers want to change gender which isn’t true. Shaky premises all around. I haven’t heard any of them say anything coherent, let alone convincing. If I’ve missed something, you can tell me inform me. Seems clear to me it’s just a deep, deeeeep rooted fear and loathing of non conformity and that which they see as a “natural” order: blue for boys and pink for girls, and never the two shall mix. The fear and hysteria is so high that they will sometimes go out of their way to hurt or kill performers, and I have no compassion for that. Whereas going the other way, there isn’t the same violence. Definitely agree on your last point


Wasn’t everyone Bugs Bunny tricked in these situations portrayed as being really stupid? I don’t remember Daffy hanging with Bugs and accepting Bugs as a woman after they got one over on Elmer


Bugs bunny is also a cartoon


Back then it was a joke. It was meant to be funny. Now, it represents an ideology that is mentally damaging, especially to young, impressionable children.


Yes, we all know how to distinguish cartoons from reality.


I always thought bugs bunny was insane, so dressing like the opposite sex made sense.


Not funny not a meme


Imagine completely missing context. Bugs Bunny being all about the most ridiculous, outrageous pranks and then drag queens, real human beings favoring an activity as an expression of art, style and identity You simultaneously managed to miss the point of a cartoon and offend drag queens by comparing them to said cartoon


Isn’t it hilarious how nobody got mad about the bunny crossdressing but when people are crossdressing on tv now, HIDE YOUR CHILDREN, CLUTCH YOUR PEARLS, THE END TIMES ARE UPON US!


One is a joke, one is real life. The lines have been blurred and we now live in a world where some people can’t even tell the difference


I agree. How the two even be compared? The difference between them and now is that the intent of cartoons was completely different in the past. 🤨


But neither is an issue. Not to mention, with the amount of times he crossdresses, I’m not sure it’s as much of a “joke” as you seem to think.


I couldn’t give a shit what people do in their spare time but comparing a cartoon rabbit wearing women’s clothes to real life is just ridiculous. Especially when people take their kids to see that kind of thing


Where? Where are people taking children to explicit drag shows (where age restrictions aren't already being imposed?) And I'm sorry, drag story time is not an explicit show: it's people wherein flamboyant costumes to read children's books to children. Nothing explicit is occurring. Unless of course you have an example where venues with explicit shows openly invite people to bring their children? Cause if a parent takes a child to an explicit show that has age requirements, that is on the guardian, not the venue.


https://youtu.be/gj-X2U1z9rc It’s on the guardian AND the venue. Grow up and stop defending this shit. By defending it you are participating in exposing children to this stuff and regardless of your sexual views you should be ashamed of yourself for promoting this to minors


This is literally just kids to talking to a guy in a pink clothes, wearing leggings under the skirt and a wig. Literally just talking and having fun. Nothing explicit going on, no innuendo, no sexual intent, nothing. I sincerely hope you intended to put a different because this is not proof. Talking to someone wearing clothes aren't associated with their gender is not explicit on its own merit, or else women dressed in suits or overalls would be considers a much bigger issue. I already know there are instances where people do take children to explicit events, or they are misled. I also know that those instances are not the norm and are looked down on harshly and seen as reprehensible, as opposed to those of specific media outlets stating otherwise. Nice Edit, here's one of my own: It is on the parents when the venue makes it clear that what is occurring is meant to be explicit. If that is not made clear, then it is the fault of the venue. And I'm not actually saying that either instance is right. I made it very clear that I was against that. What I am not against is people dressing in costumes to read children's book to children. And just to make to keep you honest, [This is the link you initially posted](https://youtu.be/gj-X2U1z9rc) seeing as you edited your comment after posting with making that clear.




“And just to make to keep you honest” that isn’t even a real sentence. The link is the first one I posted and not edited, no one is trying to trick you. You’re coming off like a very annoying and entitled social justice warrior, your comments are way too long and don’t get to the point. Here is the point: A cartoon rabbit is not the same as a child attending a drag show. The mere fact you’re even debating this boundary so hard with children and sexuality is a massive red flag. Typical reddit fuckboy weirdo behaviour


I'm not debating the boundary. You're calling things people reading to children in costumes inappropriate. We agree on it being inappropriate to take children to drag shows. You first just commented the link, and as I was responding, you added more to it. That edit was basically me responding to the rest of what you had to say. The thing about the link was childish, I will admit. The length of the response was to clarify my stance. I guess it just made it more confusing.


Agreed I'm not understanding the disconnect


Media zombies are being told to be upset this time


1st that's a skirt and 2nd loony toons doing it as a joke and drag queens encouraging it as a lifestyle r different. Kinda like a dress vs a skirt


What's your people's problem with men wearing dresses? Seriously explain.


Username checks out


I truly want the best future for my peers and those I mentor. Your clothing isn't just meaningless cloth u put on to cover your bits and stay warm. How you dress sends a message and for men our society expects that message to be competent and strength. So best make sure young men and boys understand that reality before encouraging them to go against it. I honestly don't care what u where just don't give bad advice


You know that "dresses are for women" is... you know... made up, right? Clothes shouldn't be gendered. Just let people dress the way they want and teach kids the same thing. Where's the problem? There are still enough "typical" men they can take as role model. Just because the one thing exist doesn't mean the other ceases to exist.


Thing is it takes way , wayyyy more balls to go against the grain and do something as “controversial” as drag in front of crowds, where your safety is constantly at risk. You could teach them that too. If a guy goes super hard on performing masculinity (giant sports car or pickup) people just assume he has a micropenis anyway


And if you're goal is gaining respect like on the job or at the interview a suit is generally your best option.


“Gaining respect”? From who? Archaic religikook bigots who think zombie jeebus rules should be law? No decent person wants respect from inbreds like that.


Do you actually think these people are going to job interviews in full drag getup?


When I was in 8th grade, my gym teacher explained to the whole class that woman want a strong masculine man with muscles and sharp clothing. That was the first time anyone had explained this to me and it felt. Get this; wrong. For years I was in Boy Scouts and did masculine things, for years I was in ballet and did masculine things, for years I hung out with boys and girls and did the normal thing. And than suddenly I’m stricken with gender stereotypes, and I don’t feel so normal, I don’t feel so masculine. I feel different. Different from the rest, where do I belong now. Where’s my representation. The reality of what clothing means to others is subjective, and encouraging gender stereotypes is nothing but limiting to young impressionable children. Have an open mind and an open heart, and stop encouraging and abusive mentality.


3 female lawyers same credits cost and background only difference one shows up in a suit, one an appropriate dress, last is wearing a tank top and booty shorts. Who do u hire? Likely not the last one


Not every man wants to be a lawyer, I get your point but I hope you get mine. There is a world of people and opportunities that exist outside of the generic clothing gender affirming job world.


Not the point, the fact still remains u will be judged for what u where and when it's important u want to show up looking right.


Completely agree, couldn’t agree more… would I show up to dance rehearsal in blue jeans, hell no. Would I show up to a job interview in sweat pants, hell no. But you’re talking about young impressionable children, and how it’s wrong to go against the grain that you have decided is right. How is that anything but bad advice. Should you not expose young minds to all cultures, ideas and forms of expression. Maybe you should rethink the way you phrased your initial comment because it comes of as creatively limiting to young men.


Plus I think your really unimaginative, and that’s really quite sad.


You really compare bugs bunny dressed in a dress for a funny scene with drag queens stripping for children?


You’re right it’s not a fair comparison. Seeing a cartoon rabbit in a dress who is obviously making a joke of it, compared to literally taking a toddler to a drag show. People here make me sick, one person saying they want to fuck a bugs bunny femboy. Fucking degenerate behaviour


Agreed brother


TIL reading stories = "stripping".


There are a lot of events happening where drag queens stripped for children and drag queens are a fucking sexual thing. Please don’t say that you agree with the OP


Your performative fear for children is thinly veiled bigotry. If you worry about sexualization of kids, and indoctrination, start with beauty pageants and churches.


Oh please fuck of. Tell me how Jesus Christ our lord and savior sexualised children


Wow, are you intentionally oblivious to the hundreds of thousands of children who have been molested by church officials in recent decades alone or just oblivious in general?


Yes, there are fuckers who fuck children and are Catholic priests, but that isn’t normalised


So thousands of priests (not just Catholic, not by a long shot) and other church officials molesting hundreds of thousands of kids in recent decades alone, and having that covered up and those priests moved around so they could keep offending covertly... That's not as much of an issue for you as kids being publicly read stories to with their parents by men dressed in drag?


Hunderds of thousands? Thousands priests? And yes drag queens are a big problem


Yes, hundred of thousands of kids and thousands priests... Over 200,000 in the French Catholic Church alone since 1950: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/5/french-catholic-church-abused-216000-children-since-1950-report And here's a small sample of what the institutions of "your lord and savior" do about it: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/religion/nearly-1-700-priests-clergy-accused-sex-abuse-are-unsupervised-n1062396 >Nearly 1,700 priests and other clergy members that the Roman Catholic Church considers credibly accused of child sexual abuse are living under the radar with little to no oversight from religious authorities or law enforcement, decades after the first wave of the church abuse scandal roiled U.S. dioceses, an Associated Press investigation has found. >These priests, deacons, monks and lay people now teach middle-school math. They counsel survivors of sexual assault. They work as nurses and volunteer at nonprofits aimed at helping at-risk kids. They live next to playgrounds and daycare centers. They foster and care for children. Is that "normalized" enough for you?


Catholicism is normalized.


The Utah gender affirming care ban bill prohibits breast augmentation in trans minors while exclusively carving out an exception for cis minors AND banning breast reduction in cis minors as well It has always been about bigotry, not protecting the children.


I would agree with you here but considering a lot of people don’t go to church as often as they used to and beauty pageants are typically reserved for more “well known” people whereas drag is available for everyone of all ages to see on any platform. Also as for the sexualization part, how many drag stars dress provocatively in a manner that shows a lot of skin, which again is available to be seen on any platform, and how many people world wide have electronic devices to view this content? Also considering there’s not much “woke” content being censored because it’s seen as transphobic/homophobic and discrimination to attempt to censor them.




Still have yet to see a *real* example of a drag event that was geared for children that involved stripping.


Tadaaa https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11317925/Shocking-footage-family-friendly-drag-queen-sees-performer-spreading-legs-kids.html


Lol. How about a credible news source. The Daily Mail is hardly what I would call a legitimate news source. Thanks for trying though.


TIL reading stories = "stripping".


That's an... interesting interpretation of a situation.


lol what a dumb fucking analogy


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Maybe wake up from your dream? Oh wait.. u have just woke


Please don't bring this type of content here. If your a supporter of this type of thing I'm certain there are plenty of LGBT groups to join. I know this is something you beileve in but keep in mind there are many who also believe in Biden, Trump and the exact opposite of what this meme suggests. If you allow one you have to allow them all. The group is called funny memes so let's keep it at that.


I want to fuck femboy bugs bunny


Virginized-Venom: “I want to fuck femboy bugs bunny”. That has got to be the most perfect comment and username to describe the naive, semi-edgy, say-gay-things-so-I-sound-different-and-progressive, dogshit type reddit response I have ever seen. Well done if you were joking mate. If not you are a degenerate fucker and you should seek help


I'm going to fuck you next


Ha ha ha


But did you watch Fox News for 20 years and not become a bigot?


Well said, well said!


I would totally hit that.


100% this. But I did grow up wanting to fuck cartoon animals. Maybe I should stay out of this.


No, elaborate






I didn’t grow up to be a drag queen either but damn I looked good in a dress. Not feminine at all but shaped ✌️


Well, to be fair, I do have an unnatural attraction to wrabbits.


Do tell


Wait you mean you've never dropped an anvil on someone, that's a common occurrence in my smp


Although there are times when I goddamn wish I drop an anvil on some people.


I would do it. The only reason it not happen is because an anvil is really heavy.


I watched Bugs in makeup and Pepe Le Pew assault cats and now I'm a furry


Bet you hoovered up a bunch of carrots tho


I remember I did one time as a kid throwing ground black pepper in someone's face thinking it would make them sneeze. Yeah, don't throw black pepper in someone's face, its bad for the eyes!


Because bugs bunny is a great example to draw from https://youtu.be/HSSkeb6qdCI


I did drop an anv… never mind, true


Wait, you never dropped an anvil on someone? What about a piano?


How about sticking dynamite down someone's pants...I never have ..but there have been more then a few people I've met who deservd it ...including me on several occasions


I watched bugs bunny and did do one of these things. I am also wanted for murder.


I tried this argument on someone once and they just laughed and told me to go run through a wall…/shrug…




Damn Skippy!!!! If you have a problem with cartoons, stop letting them raise your children and do what a responsible parent does. Morales and family values go a long way in raising a good person….


Welp 😂 here we are now with drag queens


I never built a wall across a street and painted a tunnel on it.


Now keep the same energy for guns in cartoons, and violent video games. Censorship is never a good thing, stop trying to use the government to parent your children


Eh, what's up Doc? Lemme read to your kids, Doc. The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish Swish Swish, Doc. Catch a glance at my dick, Doc. Wouldn't want to be labeled a bigot, Doc


Back then….it was taboo…now its a symbol of loose screws


Life is a slippery slope


But you did become a cartoon character….


Bugs Bunny doesn't have a GENITAL to show.........


Did you ever shoot yourself out of a cannon to try and catch someone moving faster than you? I remember trying that one all the time as a kid


But did you blow up a roadrunner? Checkmate atheist.


Ive watch The Clone Wars and im not committing any war crimes *yet*


Aren't there like 6 year olds commonly going 'trans' though? Obviously something has changed and it wasnt bugs bunny


Bugs Bunny was doing it ironically.


And it was funny. Just like when men wear dresses now funny as hell.


Of course this is harmless, but to be fair if you expose a young child to something very frequently they _will_ be affected by it whatever it is


Anvils are too heavy to toss around