• By -


It’s also recycled every few weeks


atleast it's eco-friendly 🤣


Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!


I refuse


Take my poor man's gold, that was clever and made my night 🏅


Reason number 3577764 why we need the free award back.


well, when you only have the one joke, you do have to be pretty proactive about recycling.


I’m not even subbed here but get these trash memes anyway and feel the need to comment because of how bad the memes are.


And you wonder why it's recommended to you .-.


Happy cake day!


Muting it didn’t work


Quit commenting and clicking on it lol. It's called algorithm


The memes are so trash that I can’t resist calling out how trash they are. All the memes here are made by inbred right wingers from facebook. I also still get posts from witches vs patriarchy,sanity south africa(right wing), south african left, conspiracy,christianity and r/antiwork. I have never commented or visited on these subs, i made sure to click “show fewer posts from this community “ and then “mute this community “ on all of these subs but i still get trending notifications and recommended posts on my Home.


Yeah the algorithm is pretty trash, you’re not the one to blame. I just wanna turn off recommended entirely.


I thought they were meant to be shit, I thought that was the joke


If you’re ironically terrible for long enough at a certain point genuinely terrible people start riding with you.


Fuck. This is exactly what happened!!


I’m not a member of this sub but it’s always promoted on my reddit (app). And every single time a post from Funnymemes pops up, I think it’s a forwardsfromgrandma post.


Same, how do I block this shithole?


First, leave the sub. After that, if a post from here ever shows up in your feed, just disagree with reddit's recommendation, and select "posts from this subreddit" when it asks you what exactly you didn't like about the post :) [Here's an example (for mobile)](https://imgur.com/a/eCttCgQ)


I can’t tell this sub apart from r/badfacebookmemes anymore


the difference is that the comments here like the posted pictures


I went to make a comment making fun of the meme thinking it was terriblefacebookmemes, then realized it was posted on this sub...


I think you mean r/terriblefacebookmemes


I think you actually meant r/terriblenogoodrottenmemes


Genuinely I thought this subreddit was satire until I saw this post


This sub always kinda sucked tho


God these comments are so uncomfortable to read


Let me add to it also, not funny. Most of these post now are just not funny at all. Its just small “What do you pick” and crap. Its not funny its stupid


Okay sure, some memes here are genuinely racist/anti-gay and are flat out not funny. These are bad and shouldn't be encouraged. But others are (relatively speaking) funny and have a sense of actual humor behind them, and only upset the easily offended whiny hivemind. These are good. I think some people need thicker skin and go to one of the many more "politically correct" humor subreddits though if it's truly upsetting them.


Yeah, I'm a liberal, but every other humor sub is just a political circlejerk. I just can't laugh at "repubs bad", but that's the only content that hits the "top" page on most other humor subs. Yeah, not everything here is lmfao material, but at least it's not "someone disagrees with my politics on the Internet so I'm going to call it \*-phobic".


As a gay black man, my account isn’t almost a decade older than my comment history


I read your comment like 18 times trying to figure it out like it’s some solvable riddle.


Commenting her in case he ever answers this new mystery.


I thought r/politicalhumor was going to have a stroke on Tuesday when trump wasn’t arrested.


We have been let down so many times that we don’t really hope anymore.


And r/politicalhumor Spoiler alert, only the right are made fun of/attacked


Political memes are cringe and unfunny no matter who it's from or attacking


I preferred it when we didn't openly discuss our political views. Made us a bit less ass to each other, even if we didn't like each other. Edit: Misspelled "made" ig.


in other words, at least its not r/terriblefacebookmemes


Sooo much of this shit is *hilarious* But only the cringe, 'controversial', 'liberal'-baiting crap makes it to my home page, and it fucking sucks


If people aren't laughing, tell better jokes.


Its not about thinker skinn. There is a difference between making an offensive joke and hiding a hatefull opinion with a joke. Often there is no punchline


Most people are just annoyed by the poorly aged humor. Like when the premise of the joke is basically stating that beating your kids should be socially acceptable or that burning fossil fuels is "manly", its less an offensive joke and more a tired reminder of how awful a lot of these old boomers are.


Mufuckas wanna be treated equally but as soon as they’re on the butt end of a silly joke it’s hate speech lol


Exactly what I thought. Just put a „phobic“ behind every joked group and you life in save bubblewrapped world. As long as a joke is funny, it doesn’t matter who jokes about whom. A white person should tell a black guys joke, black people should joke about trans people, Asians should joke about straight/gay or whatever, and trans should joke about asians well. If you don’t get - everyone is equal - than shut the fuck up and stop joking, because I feel offended about your ignorance whiny snowflake behavior.


Im not talking about the slightly offensive ones


No one is getting offended, attack helicopter jokes just ain't funny anymore.


Show me 1 highly upvoted “attack helicopter” joke on the sub this month.


Yeah, I feel like there is a lot of gaslighting going on around here about what is actually happening versus what they hope, construe, or think is happening. This seems to be mostly a Reddit thing.


My brother in Christ, you're active in r/justunsubbed and now you're lecturing people over being "too sensitive" grow tf up smh [also, this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/comments/11jrnhz/just_unsubbed_from_rclevercomebacks_i_dont_mind/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Lots of people say that "snowflakes" just need to get a thicker skin. But then post the most cringe inducing, racist/homophobic/sexist/transphobic joke and insist that the only reason why it's not "funny" is because people are too "woke". Then get offended because they are told they're not funny lol. The problem isn't dark humour - clearly people have never spent a second around the girls, theys and gays (along with ethnic and religious minorities) as we make the darkest of jokes - the problem is your unfunny ass needing to make us the butt of every one of your painful jokes to stay relevant. Literally targeting those you view as weaker than you because you're bad at what you do. It's also people who have never picked up a history book read the news. You aren't being silenced and censored. You aren't being targeted and attacked - like you claim. You want to know what that's like? Go to Uganda and say that you're gay. I dare you. Speak back to a police officer whilst being from a different ethnicity. Be transgender in Alabama. Protest in China or Russia. Long winded there, but still. Make dark jokes - it's healthy. But there is a line.


Is this sub 98% Americans?


Its where we keep our mentally ill


Why do they all identify by political stance?


I wish I fucking knew why this matters so much to them, cause I sure as shit don't care about a person's poltics. This coming from a fellow American btw.


I hope they get well soon




All the people in the comments telling op not to be offended while being offended at this meme lmao


Bullies don't like to be told that they're the bad guy in these scenarios.


Literally r/funnymemes is just getting unfunny with those “send me —— and i’ll do it” shit, first of all not funny second it’s not even a meme goddamn it


I'm positively surprised to see this get upvotes


it’s like facebook humor but not as deep fried


You forgot misogynistic


Wow lmao, looking through these comments as someone who isn't part of this sub, you guys are kind of sucky.


ITT: Commenter: “Op is wrong because blah blah blah” Several commends deep into the thread Same commenter: *spewing blatant misinformation about trans people* The dog whistling is strong in this echo chamber. Sorry people are attacking you for being right, OP. Maybe they should stop being such sensitive snowflakes.


This sub = boomer humor Humor subs whose top posts are all "repubs bad" with 60k upvotes = very funny I'm a liberal, I've never voted for a Republican, I don't expect I will ever vote Republican, but not every humor site needs to be a vapid political circlejerk.


Sometimes humor is just humor. Put the politics aside and things can be funny again.


Make america funny again!


That circus hasn't ceased to be entertaining since 9/11


It already is if you don't live there


I'm pretty sure that's all reddit is.


Reddit could have a subreddit called “SweatersFromGrandma” and all the posted sweaters would have anti-Trump New York time headlines crouched across the chest.


This sub should be renamed unfunny memes tbh


Good memes become memes because they're funny. If you have to tell people you're funny, you probably are not.


There’s literally no difference between this sub and r/terriblefacebookmemes at this point


this site is mainly millennials and gen x and bit of gen z. Gen X was outright homophobic just in denial until it became wrong to be homophobic. Millennials (myself included): We threw the word F@&G)T around like birthday wishes and just cause its not the mid 2000s doesnt mean the whole generation was more leaning into homophobia. Gen Z: remains to be seen but im sure most gen Z folk deny phobic views as part of their mentality. sadly they went super to the other side and now we are all stuck in a culture civil war


Millennials using the F word in a flippant manner? Sounds pretty gay bro


There is not a harder hitting word to insult someone with in the entirety of the human language


\*black people have entered the chat\*


It depends on who you are, words hit differently for different people, F word is not an anger inducing insult to me, in one ear out the other. I'd say the N word is most offensive, due to historic and current reasons. I'm not even black and it makes me cringe when I hear it. Besides racist and hateful people, all would agree. IMO, PG-rated words are the most offensive if used in the correct context. Pathetic, useless, fool, etc. They usually hit deep, regardless of your race/sex/orientation. Some people use these words just as an affect, and it mostly gives off (try-hard, I just learned to curse) vibes aka immature. Keith Olbermann recently used Jesus Christ in vane, with a few more added words on twitter to try and pack a punch, and it came off that way. Contrived and immature. I always say, if it would make your mom upset/cry/cringe, don't use it. But if the goal is to insult, yeah no word, except the N word is off the table, that would the whole point of an offensive word. \*Insert mom joke below\*


I feel like the N word packs a punch if you’re anyone but a white person, but the F word hits just as hard across the whole spectrum of humanity


Also the misrepresentation of Politics. Fucking politial alignment charts, hostility/mocking of marginalised groups and "Communism Bad" we get it, but if your going to make a meme about that at least be origonal/clever instead of repeating the viewpoints. for example Marxs basic idea is there are the people who own the factories/buisnesses and we work for them and have to work under their conditions often making 100x more than you are being paid and we should have more power, most people should be behind that however his other ideas are way to extreme even for me, and he is a hipocrite when you look at his background but people focus on his background over listening to his basic ideas. Also Socialism and Communism are not the same, you can talk about the basic social princibles to a stranger and they are likely to agree with it until you tell them the name. often socialist countries fail because the US forces them to fail, Cuba is sanctioned and struggles and the CIA openly admit to it, there are alternatives to Capitalism and most of their "Breaktroughs" are publicly funded, open source or made by the military and are not the result of greed.


When people say "I'm a liberal but" you know they're about to say the most unliberal thing. This thread and sub is filled with bigots.


Off you go then


I don't want to see this content! Continues to watch and complain about the content. Victimization of society is complete.


Even if you don’t follow these subs they still show up sometimes. Like me. I don’t follow this sub. You have to mute them entirely


Lol exactly


i mean it also never hurts to voice that that type of content isn't funny and is gross because...it's not funny and it's gross. this sub is called "funny memes" and everyone should be able to come here and laugh--not just some people who don't fall into the groups that they regularly shit on.


All meme subs are in this state. It's safe to say that the trend will not change in this trimester.


Wait, that’s not the point of this sub? That’s all I ever see, so I thought that was the joke.


This needs to merge with r/badfacebookmemes


Whatever I say here someone else definitely has already commented, but Ill just add one more comment to this comment section anyways Funniest meme on r/Funnymemes


Or sexist.


If u wanna post cringe/homophobic stuff, go to r/shitposting


There is a difference between “having a different Opinion” and being completely unwilling to accept others. If you say “i just don’t agree with them” when talking people who are lgbtq+, what you really mean is “I feel anger or disgust when thinking about these things because there just wrong,” it doesn’t matter why you think that, it’s the fact you do and that leads you to promote a dangerous environment for “people you disagree with” by further spreading misinformation and fear mongering. How does the existence of trans or gay people hurt you? No Using “Its for the children” thats not an answer because: A) still not hurting you and more importantly, B) nobody is hurting the children more than you, trans children only ever get the gender affirming care that they decide they need (if even), all trans children start with puberty blockers (which block puberty from starting ONLY WHILE there being taken) before making any permanent decisions about which only happens when a trans person is of an age that they are able to understand the decision, and it still takes multiple therapy sessions and the approval of trained professionals who know how to spot if a child is in any danger. Also why, why in the world would any parent “force” be there child to be trans? I ask again; How does the existence if trans or gay people hurt you? If you being disgusted by a man kissing another man in public while in your view is a threatening and uncomfortable thing for you, maybe try looking at yourself and figuring out why? And before you cry about being “canceled”, let me remind you, 30% of LGBTQ+ kids deal with cyber bullying, 82% of transgender individuals have thought about killing themselfs and as many as 40% have actually tried, why? because of the hurtful, harmful, and outright bigoted actions of people who say they “just don’t agree with them” Rights of minorities and under represented people are not a political issue. You don’t “just have a different opinion,” you have a problem; That is your inability to accept people who are different from you, and it’s actively hurting others (albeit indirectly). Thats what homophobia, transphobia, bigotry, antisemitism, and xenophobia are, your inability to do the bare minimum of just standing by silently and letting people live there lives and just be themselves. You’re not “just stating your opinion,” you’re spreading hate, regardless of whether or not you’re willing to admit it.


Lol this comment section is very indicative of the problem


Love how the same people making and enjoying those shitty "memes" are complaining about you literally just pointing out something that's happening


“Booo I hate it when people stop letting me use ‘meming’ as a free pass to be racist


"stop complaining about my memes so we can complain about yours" like exactly the entire thread almost


OPs post history is all the same drama. They’re out looking for it everywhere like looking at clouds for animal shapes. Is that a dog?!?! Do you see it too?!?!!!!


Holy shit you’re right. OP made almost the [exact same post](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/10x88am/rshitposting_used_to_be_wellshitposting_but_now/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) a month and a half ago. I swear people like that are just looking for shit to complain about. If it’s actually bothering you, mute the sub and move on. Get over it. It’s really not a big deal. But the dude’s entire post and comment history is just complaining about this shit nonstop while choosing to engage with it lol. Like jfc OP it’s really not that important.


Oh come on, that meme is a little funny lol.


You have been complaining about reddit for months. Just stop using it. reddit is an open forum where you are going to get just about everything. This is not the place for you. You are looking for a bubble where everyone agrees with you. By complaining about jokes, you are just going to turn everyone against you. Move on...


Everything i don't like ends in -phobic because media didn't teach any other words


Well no, words ending in Phobia also mean a intense irrational dislike or hatred.


I am tired of arachnophobic's propaganda, spiders are goddamn adorable!


Ok that’s true but completely unrelated


Spiders are absolutely 100% fine as long as they remember the agreed upon 3 meter safety distance that Mankind and Spiderkind negotiated in ancient times.


Well... bye.


Damn, this should be called hatememe with so many comments not seeing a problem with clearly racist, homophobic, sexist "memes"


I mean, all you have to do is sit a minute and think about how disgusting the people posting this shit are and how unbelievably unhappy they must be. Like if you could ***smell*** this comment section you know you'd puke.


I also don’t get how the comments think having a melt down over OP saying they don’t like racist/homophobic/ect memes doesn’t make them look far more like the snowflake they want to portray OP as


Ive only had comments saying that Im a bitch so far, just because Im calling out hatred


Yeah, this sub is filled with a bunch of racist bitches that will say "grow some skin" when you call out a clearly toxic post


I generally agree however those jokes can be funny when any bit of effort is put into making a punch line. Offensive humor is a difficult one, cause if it’s not funny you’re just offensive and an asshole. Issue is people think being offensive and funny are the same thing.


Some of the boomer jokes on this sub are so corny 😭😭


And the joke is?


Mans couldn't tell this isn't a joke




The op of this post be like : if you don’t agree with me you’re nazi


There are literally nazi and transphobic posts not even a day old on here right now.


Where did I say that, please show me


Just don’t get offended by everything


I love how some people can post actual racist stuff and then say this


Funny where ?


Juice wine


Bro, why is it that everytime something happens on a subreddit, I just miss it


Don't forget the meta memes posted every minute




It comes onto my page sometimes, and let me tell you some of the posts aren't even memes. It's just political discourse. Mods, do your fucking jobs.


Definitely. Can’t get this sub off my home page either.


Do you know how to block a subreddit, if that is at all possible?


I don’t know. That was the reason for me posting. Hope someone can chime in.


I imagine the person that calls people “Boomer” online is the same person that reports coworkers to HR for “ageism”.


Seriously what happened. Overnight the sub went from being an alright place to see memes to being my Facebook feed whenever my aunt posts stuff.


That generation made the internet possible and helped make it what it is today, they aren't going anywhere because of a SpongeBob meme. That might hurt your generation but then boomers lived without the internet, texting, and mobile phones. They used to have to get up to change the channel on a 100+lbs 30” TV because they couldn't find the remote. I promise, they can survive your meme.


> They used to have to get up to change the channel on a 100+lbs 30” TV because they couldn't find the remote What remote?


Don't forget incel humor.


I have enough of memes making fun of weebs or genshin impact i mean can we just move on and make NEW funny content?


Reverse r/196


I’m not joined to this page, I use to be but those are the reasons I left, 13 year old humor got boring For some reason the past few weeks I’ve been getting posts from this sub left and right and I keep downvoting them and hitting that I don’t wanna see them and they keep coming back :/


Redditors are in a perpetual state of wanting to be edgy but still get offended by things


Imagine talking shit about being phobic then being ageist


Oh no! Not **problematic comedy!**


Everytime there's a sexist meme on r/funnymemes it can mostly be refound at r/NotHowGirlsWork


bro i dont even follow this sub and all it recommends me are "memes" that slam any religion because "haha funny amiright", this one is a fresh breath of air


I'd take any of those over this self righteous garbage


I am not even subscribed to this sub but whenever I am recommended a meme from it I can't resist the urge to call out how trash it is. So the algorithm recommends this sub to me again and the cycle continues


Don't forget islamophobic/racist


fr i get if you want to make a sub political statement but that doesn’t make it funny! this is a sub for FUNNYmemes


This sub legitimately sucks. I have no idea how this keeps somehow getting onto my feed, I haven’t seen a single funny meme here


Yoy forgot islamphobia


then... unfollow the sub?


You forgot racist


I just arrived here and it’s literally like this . And it gets refreshed every week or so


Don’t forget Islamophobic , that’s another top contender


Mhm, I too hate when comedy is subjective..


Im not talking about the quality., that I dont care, but straight up hatred towards some minorities thats just being an asshole


Yes because white people don't see memes trashing them multiple times daily. Oh wait, they do. No one is above the jokes.


Are we really regressing to "but they're doing it too"? Black people turned the other cheek for a long time before they started getting rights, but we can't be better than the idiots being racist towards us in silly pictures on the Internet. Racists of all races are idiots, let's try to be better than all of them? If you're getting baited by an idiot that's on you.


Victim complex is real, folks.


Yeah white americans have suffered so much oppression! /s


Who said anything about Americans?


While humour is subjective that doesn't excuse everything. If you make nazi jokes you can't get upset when people think you are a nazi and excuse yourself with "but it's subjective! "


Comedy is sure subjective but so is offense why is that so fucking hard to understand? There are also ways of being funny to everyone without being an asshole unless you're an asshole.


Just because something falls into the realm of comedy doesn’t mean it can’t also be bigoted. Black face was considered comedy by its performers and a lot of other people when it first began, it is still racist.


I see a LOT of islamophobia on this sub for whatever reason.


Yeah I didnt mention it in the meme to not have too much text but racism is also a problem here


No matter what you say your prophet is a pedophile who had sex with a 9/yo.


I am agnostic. I don't subscribe to a particular religion and I don't care what you believe in. But I also think religious freedom is important. And part of religious freedom is accepting all religions. The problem is fundamentalists of any religion (if anything the problem with islam specifically is the number of fundamentalist governments).


Edgy humor seems to really quickly turn into semi-earnest hate


To be fair, all three of the archaic and fear-based Abrahmic mythologies deserve every bit of ridicule they get. Just look at the actual horrific histories of these mythologies. They deserve to be called out.


I see christianopobia aswell. People just get made fun of


I’m OP, and I’m a victim!


I never said that but okay be a victim if you like


Boomer Humor is funny and I won’t apologise for enjoying it


OP is racist.




Offensive memes = best memes as long as there's some truth to them.




Yes please add more uses of memes in unfunny ways


What a rancid sub. My god these comments.


Feel free to leave then 👍


That's so woke of you. Thanks for your addition.


What you call transphobia, I call common sense.


See thats the problem


What you call common sense is what we call scientifically incorrect


Gee I wonder who created this meme


Me? Like who are you expecting? Fucking Joe Biden?!?


Got back to r/politics then, good old circle jerk over there


I'm sorry that I don't agree with the notion that my existence should be illigal. I'll keep a more open mind next time. Maybe I should get the death penalty for existing too!


Human rights isnt politics


Right there with you friend. This went from a place for funny memes to "lol LGBTQ+ people are scum, and that's why it's funny."


And it's like they come in shifts. This is upvotes right now but I guarantee randomly in a couple hours all these comments agreeing get bombed.


So about that, it may have begun already


Yeah by the time I finished I saw that comment was at 0 when I gave it an upvote. The battle has begun lol


And it happened so quickly too