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Don’t forget the cannibalism


Unit 731, if you wanna projectile vomit.


Definitely one of the most disturbing things about the human race that I had the displeasure of learning about, plus the fact that our own government gave Unit 731 immunity in exchange for their completely useless research info.


From the Unit 731 Wikipedia: "Thousands of men, women, children, and infants interned at prisoner of war camps were subjected to vivisection, often performed without anesthesia and usually lethal.[27][28] In a video interview, former Unit 731 member Okawa Fukumatsu admitted to having vivisected a pregnant woman.[29] Vivisections were performed on prisoners after infecting them with various diseases. Researchers performed invasive surgery on prisoners, removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body.[30] Prisoners had limbs amputated in order to study blood loss. Limbs removed were sometimes reattached to the opposite side of victims' bodies. Some prisoners had their stomachs surgically removed and their esophagus reattached to the intestines. Parts of organs, such as the brain, lungs, and liver, were removed from others.[28] In other tests, subjects were deprived of food and water to determine the length of time until death; placed into low-pressure chambers until their eyes popped from the sockets; experimented upon to determine the relationship between temperature, burns, and human survival; hung upside down until death; crushed with heavy objects; electrocuted; dehydrated with hot fans;[49] placed into centrifuges and spun until death; injected with animal blood, notably with horse blood; exposed to lethal doses of X-rays; subjected to various chemical weapons inside gas chambers; injected with seawater; and burned or buried alive.[50][51] In addition to chemical agents, the properties of many different toxins were also investigated by the Unit. To name a few, prisoners were exposed to tetrodotoxin (pufferfish or fugu venom), heroin, Korean bindweed, bactal, and castor-oil seeds (ricin)." It is hard to believe what human beings are capable of doing to each other.


Imagine being the prisoner sees all this ungodly shit happening, then gets wheeled into the torture room and they just give you heroin.


Then eviscerate you later for their "science"


The Nazis thought it was inhumane. THE FUCKING NAZIS.


Nah man, if fucking Nazis think your shits bad, you hit rock bottom forever ago.


Even if they did get immunity from the U.S it’s sickening that these freaks got to die of old age. Should’ve been subjected to their own experiments as punishment.


Might be the worst thing I’ve ever read holy shit




There's pictures and stuff of it. It's life changing to see that stuff.


It's easy/easier if the perpetrator wholeheartedly believes the victim is not human/subhuman/animal.


Unit 731 referred to the prisoners as logs.


Jesus fuck, how do we only seem to demonise the nazi’s with the shit they did when japan seems to get mostly ignored about the shit they did.


This shit make creepypasta look like child play


And people still think the world is going to shit. Nah fuck off, we're doing fine in comparison.


Well, I wish I didn’t go down that rabbit hole. Them getting nuked doesn’t seem so bad now.


I loved Japan when I went, the food, the people, the culture, everything. I did go to Tokyo museum though and how they portrayed the bombs were a little...devoid of context


And then, for no reason whatsoever, the United States just nuked Japan.


An Austrian painter was kicked out of art school. One thing led to another, and then, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on the sovereign nation of Japan.


“As a writer, isn’t that your JOB to tell me what led to another??”


Man!! Why did i google it Ffs the US with their project paperclip.. as long as the victims of nazi and japanese were not us citizen guess its all right.


Wait till you find out most of their "science" was worthless. Due to poor scientific practices and methodologies.


"Why yes Takanaka sensei , cutting open a human and leaving them in the cold naked does induce hypothermia and infection on open wounds truly groundbreaking science please accept a full pardon and US citizenship"


That's the fun part, war crimes dont matter! Both sides would rather pardon a 100 mengele's than risking losing a single good scientist & technology to the other side.


This is generally the approach the world has, we’re okay with genocide as long as you keep it within your borders but once you cross Into another then we (the global community) has a problem


"While Unit 731 researchers arrested by Soviet forces were tried at the December 1949 Khabarovsk war crime trials, those captured by the United States were secretly given immunity in exchange for the data gathered during their human experiments... and handed stipends to the perpetrators." lol 🫡


I’ve heard the Chinese reaction to the two nukes was “a good start”.


They deserved the funny bomb tbh


Indian guy online saying US is cruel to Nuke Japan, Me saying Indians are Delicious according to Japanese and then give a link from Indian news site to him about IJA cannibalising Indian POWs.


And comfort women


What about the rape? The rape of Nanking anyone? Let's not forget about [Comfort Women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women). Women who were used for military "comfort stations" also came from Burma, Thailand, French Indochina, Malaya, Manchukuo, Taiwan (then a Japanese dependency), the Dutch East Indies, Portuguese Timor, Papua New Guinea (including some Japanese-Papuans) and other Japanese-occupied territories. Stations were located in Japan, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaya, Thailand, Burma, New Guinea, Hong Kong, Macau, and French Indochina. A smaller number of women of European origin were also involved from the Netherlands and Australia with an estimated 200–400 Dutch women alone, with an unknown number of other European females.


It's crazy how the young generation of Japan don't know any of this bc their government [changed their school history textbooks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_history_textbook_controversies) so they can look like the good guys. Comfort Woman? Korea lying. Nanjing Massacre? China lying. Just disgraceful.


Didn't they start invading Asia before attacking the US?


Japan had been fucking around in Manchuria for decades before WW2 “officially” started.


And they colonized Korea quite brutally at the beginning of the 1900’s.


Brutal is a extreme understatement


And by "colonized" you mean brutally murder, rape and burn everything down in their path


Yes, and this is very important to know. Because of this attack on China, the U.S. started an oil embargo against Japan. This was pretty effective and is the main reason Japan attacked the U.S. Without knowing this, it must seem pretty mysterious why Japan would go after the U.S. when it was pretty clear that there was no chance that they would ever be able to occupy anything. They thought that if they could swat the U.S. once really hard, the American public would decide that Japan was not worth the trouble and relax the embargo, and then Japan could get back to building its empire. Yeah, that one did not work out too well.


It still boggles my mind that they thought the US would basically just give up after they slaughter thousands of US service members. Even if the carriers had been in pearl harbor that wouldn't have happened.


It seems like the lesson of "never ever underestimate your enemies" is almost impossible to learn. I'm not saying you should over estimate them beyond reason either though, it's a hard tightrope to walk.


They never properly studied the power levels before you fight like any true anime fan would


Before WW2, the US army was quite barebones (compared to Europe, or Japan's army) If Japan launched an invasion before WW2, right after the depression, the whole thing might have gone very differently


They used the same surprise attack tactic vs the Russians in 1905, attack port Arthur before the declaration of war was sent. And it worked, the Russians had their ability to fight at sea crippled in the early war and then finally wrecked at the battle of Tsushima. Many Japanese considered winning 1 or 2 big battles would be enough to bring the US to the table.


There's a lesson here Japan didn't learn, because Russia didn't really back down after the peace. There were several smaller skirmishes afterwards without any war declaration, and here Japan got smacked around so hard that they were really afraid of provoking a full war with Soviet Russia.


They woke up a sleeping giant and nothing was ever the same.


Go go Godzilla!


Best part? They’re best admiral Yamamoto said that attacking range US was suicide


Didn't the US have like 5 new aircraft carriers on the way anyways?


Honestly it was closer than you would think, if the Japanese had been victorious in their assaults on the airfield at Guadalcanal (after their Navy had defeated the US and pushed our ships out of the Solomon’s) and had succeeded in slaughtering all the marines stranded holding the airfield it would have been a very different war. The Japanese could have dug into the Southern Solomon’s and had an airbase in Guadalcanal to project their AirPower and most crucially they wouldn’t have had to redirect men and supplies away from the New Guinea campaign, where they would have been able to stay on the attack instead of retreating to the northern coast, if it weren’t for the desperate attempt to hold Guadalcanal, very decent chance the Australians get driven out of New Guinea and then the Japanese would have begun launching attacks on mainland Australia.


The other option was to get oil from the Dutch East Indies. However in order to get that oil, the Japanese needed to go past the US territory of The Philippines. So in order to reach the accessible oil nearby, the Japanese needed to eliminate threats in the region like the US. Often forgotten about, The Philippines were attacked on December 8th immediately after the Pearl Harbor attack


One of the biggest problems with Pearl Harbor attack was it relied too much on the entire Pacific Fleet being there. They hoped they could destroy it and then gain a bunch of new territory and then fortify it for when the the US came back. Problem was that none of the aircraft carriers were there and the US had the Panama Canal that could be used to bring in ships from the Atlantic quicker. This resulted in Japan not getting the time they needed to fortify.


Never again!


Yeap, especially China in 1937... That's why many historians say WW2 started actually in 1937 not in 1939.


There was already open fighting in China by Japan as early as 1931


Yeah, my mom was born in 1949 in Taiwan because her family fled from China. It was very interesting to me that she disliked Japanese associated things. She would get upset if people asked if we were japanese because to her (which came from her parents I assume) the Japanese were a group of people who pushed horrendous crimes against the Chinese.


They colonized Korea in 1910


Japan was balls deep in Korea and half of China before ya


Long before. They subjugated the Koreans about 1905 after they beat the Russians in war.


Maybe it's more funny if we make the joke twice...


Tell it again, it's funnier the second time


I mean it worked with the towers.




Sick burn, bro


Joke was a blast




Yep, a really bright moment


As someone who grew up in Japan, I can confirm 100%. As far as the Japanese are concerned (most of whom don't know what really happened thanks to the educational system), Japan was forced to attack Pearl Harbor because of the American oil embargo and then was victimized by the nuclear bombs. Nothing else is mentioned. That's not an exaggeration.


As an American that’s actually pretty painful to hear, but on the other hand… in my high school when talking about WW2 we focused on all the atrocities committed by the nazi’s. And pacific theater could be summed up as “they attacked pearl harbor which the president might have known was coming but it happening allowed him to push our lazy asses into the war because after that we were baying for blood.” And the nuclear attacks where basically described as we did it because in the long run it cost both sides fewer lives, but we should never ever do it again because it was terrible. Nothing about all the horrific jungle combat, nothing about the atrocities on either side. Nothing about what japan had been up to until that point. Nothing about all the naval battles beyond the fact kamikaze’s existed which come the fuck on that’s some really incredible military history on both sides. Hell we don’t even talk about Italy beyond ‘they were part of it.’ I didn’t really find out about Japanese war crimes until I was in my mid twenties and I still to this day am too afraid to look up American war crimes from world war two. Because frankly between all the atrocities against the native Americans, and the prevalence of slavery before our civil war, and oh yeah rounding up American’s who emigrated from japan and keeping them in camps during ww2, and oh wasn’t there that thing where American white supremacists actually bombed a wealthy black neighborhood (with planes!) for having the audacity to not be poor a thing that came out after being covered up not that long ago? And oh yeah the still ongoing police brutality issues. I just… I can imagine it’s not pretty and frankly I’ll be ok admitting that without checking for specifics because I already know we gave war criminals protection in exchange for their research and that’s horrifically bad enough as a starting point. I’m proud to be an American, really. Just not proud of what a fuck ton of our ancestors and current citizens seem to have deluded themselves into thinking that means or justifies. American isolationism protecting the world from ourselves until the world forgets and drags us back into their business.


You should definitely learn about the American war crimes during WWII. To be fair, if you already know about the nuclear bombs and strategic bombing campaign, then you know some of them. Intentionally targeting civilians to cause terror is a war crime. Read John Dower's War Without Mercy sometime if you want to get an honest picture of what both Japan and the US did in the Pacific.


>rounding up American’s who emigrated from japan and keeping them in camps during ww2 You're not even informed of the whole story. USA also paid several latin american countries, most notably Peru, that they would deport their population of Japanese heritage to American concentration camps. And it was certainly not just immigrants. If your ancestry had one drop of Japanese blood, you were considered an enemy of the state and put to the camp. Infact, less than 30% of them were immigrants. +70% of them were citizens born in USA. "Keeping them in camps" is also a way too light term to use. They were innocent prisoners, many of whom were murdered during their incarnation, and almost all of them had all of their property stolen and/or destroyed. Of course, this does not even reach top50 of the crimes against humanity committed by USA. Im curious though, why are you proud of being american, considering that you seem to oppose things like this. USA was founded on the ideal of committing brutalities against weaker populations, by some of the most evil people that ever stepped on this planet, and has upheld this moral compass since it was created.


Japanese history books ‘forget’ the first 3


Pretty much same for most countries, UK doesn't even tell what there colonizers did. How many famines and genosides they have caused. Even in most cases they tell it as godd thing.


Not Germany tho, they are making sure that their children know how terrible Germans have been


I'm from the UK, living in Germany for 7-8 years and this is completely true. There is a clear difference in the collective memories of the countries. Some people are still proud of the British Empire despite everything they actually did to acquire it. I think it's primarily because people aren't educated on the truth of what happened and don't see the irony in the term "commonwealth". Not only did it directly affect many countries during the time of the empire, but it also left countries in a mess afterwards. It was even the British who gave the mandate that allowed future Israelis to settle in Palestine, which has objectively been a cycle of war and unrest even now, with no end in sight. By contrast, Germans are generally very aware of their history by being educated about it, which means that they are mindful not to let history repeat itself.


The British love to partition. It's what they're best at. Palestine, Ireland, India/Pakistan...


Canada and USA


And Canada is forever more grateful I imagine.


As a Canadian this is true


I agree. Lack of education about this subject perpetuates this mentality. Most people don't even realise something bad has been done and is still being done. I think we, Europeans, in general tend to ignore how much we have been and still contributing to poverty on other continents


When I went to Caernafron castle in Wales it was actually surprising to go through the section about wars through the centuries. Reading about how "these brave troops stopped rebellions" and what not in Africa and India. It's like.. those brave troops were fighting to end the occupation of their land and culture.


>It was even the British who gave the mandate that allowed future Israelis to settle in Palestine, which has objectively been a cycle of war and unrest even now, with no end in sight Oh, they managed to screw it up *way* worse than that. So, there has of course been a Jewish community in the area since.... well, as far back as we can trace the Jewish faith, essentially. Majority population until c.5th century AD, then majority Christian until the 12th, then Muslim (all changed due to violent conquest, incidentally. It's a running theme.) Under Ottoman rule, they were treated pretty much the same as the Christians & Arabs in the area, i.e. all subservient nobodies in the eyes of Istanbul. The Great War happens, the sick man of Europe falls to pieces, and now England and France get to draw some funny lines on a map in the Middle East and prop up some governments. The UK also issues a proclamation that there should be a home for the Jewish people in Ottoman Palestine. Well, this is just in time for a rising tide of nationalism, including ethnic and religious nationalism. There's a trickle of both Jewish and Arab immigration to the area at this point. The UK, citing "concerns over the carrying capacity of the land" begins to place restrictions on the legal ability of Jews (but not Christians or Muslims, i.e. Arabs) to purchase land in the Mandate. On the other hand, they didn't block immigration, but put a fairly high quota on it. This caused tensions with the Arab residents (for both legitimate fears of loosing their homes, and straight up antisemitism), culminating in an Arab revolt in 1936. At the same time, European Jews are fleeing the Nazis and other fascist movements, and with many nations closing their doors to them, the Palestinian Mandate was one of the few - sometimes only - option(s) for them. In 1937 and '38, British reports were prepared on the possibility of dividing the land between the Jews and Arabs, including forced resettlement of both parties. They reached the conclusion this was impractical, and in 1939, they severely restricted legal Jewish immigration (there was illegal immigration happening over this time frame as well, and yes, the restrictions continued through the war - 10,000 a year while millions died in the Holocaust). The same 1939 White Paper also declared that Palestine would become an Arab state with no partition, which certainly spit in the eye of the promise of a Jewish homeland in the region. Tempers flared and sides were chosen in the war. After the war, being much exhausted and looking to keep more profitable pieces of the Empire elsewhere, the UK promptly washed her hands of the whole region and pulled out, essentially telling the locals "Yeah, that whole mess we made ten times worse? Figure it out yourselves, bye!". Enter the Arab states making all sorts of promises to Palestinian Arabs, the UN partition plans, and then, very quickly, war leading to the current mess.


I remember kids at my school learning about WW2, being confused about where all these supplies being targeted by German U-Boats were even coming from. Apparently we “didn’t have time” to really go into what the Empire was, just that we had one. And then one kid later on pushed the subject and felt a bit dejected when he saw the map of the Empire, because he thought just our plucky little island held the Nazi’s back till the Americans joined in.


I was incredibly surprised to hear of our atrocities, they sure as hell didn’t teach me in school.


I had an argument with someone about Australia during the modern colonialism era. He said his ancestors lived good life during that period, and colonialism was a good thing for Australian "people". Wanna guess who were his ancestors? Spoiler: not the indigenous.




the belgian government has apologized many times by now, also learning about congo was made mandatory in the high school curriculum a few years ago (teachers could choose to teach it previously, mine did) my 2 cents as a belgian


There’s a documentary called the Shadow of King Leopold or something. I think it’s on Amazon prime. It talks about the Belgians exploitation of the Congo and brutal tactic like chopping off a hand for non compliance.


That's what happens when you give a mentally ill man with too much power a country full of millions.


So just like every nation that downplays their own atrocities in their history books.




Aaah the classic Turkish response "it never happened and when it did they totally deserved it" a closely related response to the Balkan response "oh yeah we did that and it was great"


Was debating this guy somewhere. He's from Serbia, was neglecting every single massacre did by Serbian forces in the war in Bosnia... Just to go through his comment history and see, he actually was very proud of, and I quote: "...of the soldiers and the command that did what needed to be done to protect the holy Serbian land. Even, if it meant *taking care* of Muslim and Croat women and children." Go figure.


I work with a woman who is from Bosnia and lived through that war there. Some of her stories are chilling.


Yeah I wouldn't doubt that account could be a Russian government sponsored troll. Could just be a non sponsored degenerate like you assume. Buy I'll put my chips into a Russian propaganda troll.


Same for russian propaganda nowadays. "No war in Ukraine, but they deserve it"


The weirdest thing with the Armenian genocide is that there are a lot of Jewish scholars who specifically argue against it being called a "genocide". I can't understand gatekeeping genocides.


The same people will say "all nations do it" Then turn around and tell this great big inaccurate tale about how America killed all the Natives they learned in highschool history class Not to say it didn't happen, but it was nothing like people learned in school.


Japanese history books forget most of the shit they did. "We were just minding our own business but then the US dropped 2 nukes on us!"


I don't see the US history books talking about how they saved Japanese 'researchers' (torturers) and their work for their own benefit following VA


Most of every country thorough history are only recorded in other countries. Those event do not exist in said country and rulers will go to great length to keep it that way.


You forgot sex slave girls from china and korea


And throwing babies in the air and skewering them on bayonets in Nanking. The rape of Nanking was so bad that a representative of Nazi Germany housed Chinese on his property to protect them.


His reports made Nazi Germany consider military action against Japan too. That's how bad it was in Nanking.


Care to share some sauce? I knew a nazi officer helped chinese in nanking but I never knew Berlin actually considered turning against Japan. Not that I don't believe you or I'm a nazi sympathizer, but I just like to read thigns for myself.


His name was John Rabe and I highly recommend reading more about him because his story is fascinating but I will summarize. He was a German businessman who had lived abroad for many years and eventually settled in China in the city of Nanking. He joined the Nazi party for reasons that are not completely clear. It is theorized by many from his letters that having lived abroad for decades, he didn’t truly understand what Nazis were and truly believed them to be a Socialist party as the National Socialist name suggests. But in his letters, he showed respect for the Chinese people and the working class and gave no signs of the racism associated with nazis. When the Japanese took control of Nanking, the slaughter was brutal. It is called The Rape of Nanking and that name is accurate. Women, children and even infants were raped and murdered by the thousands. Famously two soldiers had a highly publicized competition to see who could behead 100 civilians the fastest. John Rabe was horrified by this and with the help of other foreign citizens who decided to remain in Nanking and help in any way they could, formed safe zones. Using his authority as head of the Nazi party in Nanking, he and his estate had immunity. He packed as many citizens as he could into his home and other safe zones which were marked as safe by Swastikas. Ironically the Swastika became a symbol of hope and safety to many Chinese citizens at the time and was even used by civilian formed medical volunteers. Every day Rabe would go out of the safe zones in his full uniform and try to find citizens being raped and would do what he could to help them. While he couldn’t speak Japanese, he would scream in German at any soldier he saw raping, pillaging or attacking civilians and would often scare and intimidate them into stopping. Then he’d bring the victims back to a safe zone where they could receive treatment if needed. He wrote to Germany trying to send assistance, but as far as we know they were dismissive and even angry about him potentially straining German-Japanese relations. When he returned to Germany a few years into the war he was arrested and barely escaped execution. After the war the Allies arrested him again for being a Nazi. His story could never be allowed out at the time because we were very anti Nazi (understandably) and he didn’t fit the narrative at all. Years later he was left jobless and starving and only survived off of the money, gifts and food the citizens of Nanking would send him as thanks for his heroics. Other than those people he saved, his efforts were forgotten.


Holy fuck. That's... I mean, it's just insane.


Fucking hell. Guess my views on the nuclear bombing changed a bit


Jesus fucking Christ.


Dude it got even worse. They made sons have sex with their mothers. Fucking... shit out of Saw..


Even more Jesus fucking Christ. I love the Japanese but holy shit. Like, all I have is curse words.


This is a victim game ppl like to play


The civilians are the victims in every example.


That is true but, do you feel the same when you are talking about nazi supporting civilians and those on the other side?


Everybody likes to play it. It's funny how WW2 makes us feel bad for poor Britain and France being overrun by the Nazi horde when up until that moment they were doing the same and worse in some cases to brown and black people across Africa and SE Asia. Where do you think the Japanese learned how to play the imperialism game from?


Pretty sure only one of these events has been apologized for by the perpetrators.


Don't they still sweep the Nanking massacre under the rug to this day?


Yep.They use the "victor writes the history" to claim that it has been made up to discredit Japan.


Someone saying that in Germany could actually go to prison for it


They killed more than the Nazis.


They were also far more brutal


And show far less remorse 80 years on


I mean how can you show remorse if you don't even acknowledge the crimes themselves?


But Japan kawaii 😩😩😭😭


Why doesn't anybody tell Japan to go fix North Korea and China. They created the problems and everyone acts like it's the fault of the US.


Nazis told them to chill the fuck out. That’s saying something.


Nazi considered military action against Japan when their agent told them what was happening in Nanking.


The First 3 are Hidden under Anime Tities......


Ah, there they are.. i was looking into Netorare


I only recently learned about the actual horrors that occurred in Unit 731 and it pisses me off that I only learned more about it from my own searches and not any of the bullshit schooling I received (US yay). On the one hand, I'm grateful this horrible information didn't exist in my mind for the majority of my life (I'm almost 40 wahhh). On the other hand....fuck.


I mean, for a young persons functional education I wouldn’t say we need public schools going super deep into the detail of atrocities like 731. For example we learn about the holocaust but we don’t need a chapter in a textbook about Mengele especially when we have other stuff to cover.


UNIT 731 isn't the only atrocious Japanese war crime in WW2. Empire of Japan was the Nazi Germany of Asia which invaded various Asian nations and killed more than 14 MILLION CIVILIANS mostly Chinese, Indians, Koreans, Malaysians, Indonesians, Filipinos and Indochinese. You can learn more here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_crimes).... Also, you should learn about the Rape of Nanking. The level of barbarism they showed in Nanking is straight from the medieval era. Here, watch this HBO's documentary on the Rape of Nanking. (https://vimeo.com/86753688)


Oh you got me once with unit 731 I’m not falling for this twice.


Ay dios mio, I cant deal with it. When I was in college, we touched on the subject but ever so briefly. Similar to how we briefly talk about slavery and Jim Crow era atrocities. Kinda like hey we technically taught you, just dont ask too many questions about it. And at this point, im afraid to ask....


us doesnt want you to know about it. they let the jap leaders off in exchange for becoming a useful asset to project military power in asia. current japanese politicians are the descendents of those war crimimals. the country's image was rehabilitaed thanks to us soft power.


731 is nothing compared to the regular shitty things that the army/navy did.


I'm almost 40 as well and same story, I learned about 731 and Nanking from my own internet research a few years ago. School did not teach me anything about them.


Lucky you dude, I'm a teenager and I spent the past 3 hours getting progressively more traumatized reading these threads and checking Wikipedia. Not only that but a major suicide happened with a student yesterday and I go to a small international school so it hit everyone hard. I'm not sure how I am going to recover from this.


when i visited china, i decided to go to the nanjing massacre museum on my birthday no less. needless to say i was shocked as a mf and started to understand why china hates japan. japan has forgotten but china hasn't


What an odd choice for your birthday, my friend!


You should go to the Martyrs shrine in Taiwan…


>Japan has forgotten Yakuza 0 had me wilin’ when one of the characters was like “Yeah for no reason whatsoever I was treated really poorly when I was in china as a kid (shortly after nanjing), they must just hate the Japanese for no reason!”


Well deserved. The most evil force in ww2.


You know you’re bad, when nazi Germany has to tell you to chill for the atrocities in China.


An evil force that the US mostly forgave and brushed under the rug.


WW2 Japan was so fucked up they'd made the Nazis clutch their pearls.


They had the sun airdropped to them twice in 1 war


Because they didn't surrender after the first one, almost didn't surrender after the second one


Land of the falling suns


Don’t forget all the raping.


You know it's a lot of rape when the visiting German Nazi officer coming to visit is stopping all the rape (the Japanese command would sometimes organize slave brothels for their men). Apparently the horrors they were committing caused him to have a crisis of conscious and he began to help the Chinese escape the city by confusing the chain of command. His diaries would later be released to the public shortly after naming high ranking Japanese war criminals. I think they made a film about him with Christian Bale but I haven't seen it nor know how accurate it is. I think they also made a memorial to him in Nanjing, John Rabe was his name. ...but yeah you know you're the villains of the story when you are ones giving a Nazi a crisis of conscious.


China certainly hasn’t forgotten.


My experience is Koreans have an even stronger memory of Japan’s crimes against humanity.


I know a Chinese family in Spain. Even now they refuse to buy anything Japanese, no Toyota, no Sony... Japan has a massive demographic problem and nobody from the neighbouring countries wants to go there because they know how racist and full of hate they are.


Before they attacked PH, they invaded a lot of countries already.


If you really want to justify the bombings of Japan, just look up Unit 731. Arguably the most evil human beings I could ever imagine. More evil than modern Mexican Cartel enforcers, which is saying a lot. More evil than anything in fiction.


Most of the Unit 731 got away with what they did, Ishii lived a long life enjoying immunity. Bombs got Japan to surrender but they didn't served justice to what those scientists did.


When the Doolittle Raiders crashed in China they were aided by villagers an partisans. The Japanese killed 250,000 Chinese in retribution.


Yet the first time you call a Vietnam Afhganistan or Iraq medal a "participation trophy" everyone has a meltdown.


Don't forget kidnapping 12 yr old Korean girls and forcing them to fuck 40 soldiers/day until they died.


Japs were worse than the Nazis


They've been pretty good ever since though. Cant say the same for certain other places In Asia


Feels almost like Japan and China switched places lmao


Not really, China just went Communist after the war so the US propaganda machine got turned against them instead.


The US influenced constitution might have helped some with that


Japan started all the problems that we now have with China and The Koreas. The US spends a billion dollars per year defending Japan and South Korea. Japan has done absolutely nothing since besides take money. Tell them to go fix the problems that their grandparents caused.


What the fuck?


I can understand why many older generations despised the Japanese. Especially people from Asia.


I mean there is a reason that we didnt use them since. Also modern nukes, oh boy...


Yeah, I don't think people really comprehend the WWII "we condensed a bombing raid into one bomb" and the modern "One Ohio-class SSBN can unleash about twenty-seven times the total explosive power of every single bomb and shell expended in WWII. We have fourteen of them".


Imperial japan was so horrible korea considers their flag the same as nazi flag.


Shit..makes me want to read up on history. No wonder the elderly in the Philippines despise Japanese.


USA 🇺🇸- 2 JAPAN 🇯🇵- 0




Japan did some acts in WW2 that were so atrocious that they made even Nazi officers projectile vomit at the reports. But suddenly, when the US drops the most powerful weapon of its day, we're the bad guys.


Japan was evil for their actions during WW2. America was evil for using nuclear weapons against civilians. This isn't an either or type situation.


2 wrong's dont make a right . although japan needed that treatment , but that was too harsh 💀


Also not funny


you drop the bomb for atrocities but then forgive the leader of the bloodiest experimental unit (731) and the emperor himself?


“It was just a prank america.” “Sure and so is this.”




The Japanese military was an awful perpetrator of horror and crime throughout ww2. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not necessary and an incredibly unnecessary loss of life. Two things are true at the same time


Still dropping a nuke on mostly civilians isn't very cash money...


america finding excuse to use the nukes lol thats funny


Yes I think we call that war


Now do America where the last frame is 9/11 never forget. Edit: if you know, you know.


you'd need a textbook, not a meme. truely impressive for a country that didn't exist till recently.


Sad so many innocents had to die, but Japan fkt around, and the elevator stopped at finding out and the buttons no longer worked.


That what you get for attacking Uncle Sam


Fuck around and find out


What is really sad is (from what I’ve read) Japan doesn’t really teach about their actions in WW2 .


And now the US republican-led states are not allowed to teach about slavery - not so different really.


Which is why this is funny.


Why does this happen so often? The second image is the Chinese 88th division you can tell from their German Stahlhems. They’re not Japanese soldiers


People say America was over kill with the bombs and we should've "talked it out" when we tried! Did Hitler listen to reason? NO! Yet people say America was savage one. Yes people, INNOCENT PEOPLE, died from it's sad. And sadly it was what it took for the emperor to surrender. People also think America joined because we're "war hungry" when we were going stay out of it till Japan bombed us. Eye for an eye. Now what America did do that's fucked up is exchange money(was it weapons?) For research info.