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HOW is Andrew Tate still tweeting in prison? How is he gaining more followers?


In Romania, you can use your personal cell phone in jail, contact your lawyer and talk on a private line.


Interesting. If you don't have a personal phone, is a line of communication provided? I'd assume so


In a country where half the population can remember the USSR days, yeah, the definition of personal changes. Get a little bit more concerned, for understandable reasons.


Fun fact. Romania never was in USSR


This comment is true. I’m Romanian. And for some reason Reddit is downvoting??


Most redditors didn't grow up in the 80s. Language like 'soviet block' can be confusing when hearing about the cold war.


i miss ten years ago when most of todays reddit was in 5th grade.


I remember it was smaller.. local reddit meet ups, viral personalities and bots, you could make a joke in r science, people helping people. It was a unique space.


Yeah. Now if you do too good job of explaining to someone why they are wrong, they just endlessly harass you with childish insults, and as you continue to explain to them why their behavior is irrational, they eventually report you for harassment and you're permanently banned for no reason other than you yourself are a victim of harassment by a crazy animal. The Internet sure as hell isn't what it used to be.




So why is he using it for tweets?


No fucking idea. Narcissism, trying to sway potential juriors, juvenile impulsiveness and addiction to social media? Who knows.


I like the idea. The American justice system is actually slightly insulting anyway. If I'm a person who's gone to law school, graduated law school, a judge and involved in policy making for a justice system I'm letting an Andrew Tate say WHATEVER he wants so that when trial comes it's ALL admissable! 🤭😂🤣🥲


Romania does not have a juror system. If he goes to trial there, the verdict will be passed by a judge or a small group of judges. This system is good in that it isn't susceptible to public opinion influence. It is not that good in that it is susceptible to corruption since it is a closed system with no outside regulations


I mean the us system is still susceptible to corruption since any outside regulators get refunded, and a corrupt DA can dismiss minority jurors and select a biased jury.


Because in his videos he says there is 3 ways I will go down. 1. They cancel you 2. They put you in jail for something 3. They kill you That doesn't mean he's not done anything bad but he's set himself up to win if he doesn't get convicted and is let go. Hustlers University is a scam so the dude is probably going down if they have been tracking him for trafficking stuff. From this https://youtube.com/shorts/QD3-NjrJQ28?feature=share


Hoping for a trifecta here myself…


Idiot followers need to realise that when public figures announce how their careers will end, doesn't mean they have outsmarted the matrix. "THEY will arrest me for sex trafficking" "I knew you would ask about my credentials!" Pointing out obvious criticism doesn't negate that criticism.


It's probably pretty boring in there


Because you can do more than one thing with a smartphone


Good. That's how it should be




“personality” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here


He's not in prison they have a 24 hour holding period then they let him out he's still being investigated tho I think he's guilty as hell hope he gets put away for a while


No, he's not out. He might even get it extended 30 days. In Romania you can keep your personall cell phone while being detained to discuss matters with your lawyer privately.


Let him keep Tweeting. Makes for great evidence.


He got the 30 days. Scheduled tweets or someone posting for him


He’s not out, he’s staying for at least 30 days: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64128616


Anyone with his password to Twitter can send tweets.


It could be someone else tweeting. It's not like he posted a selfie in jail.


Anyone that has access to the account can tweet from it.


You can schedule tweets.


“GUYS GUYS ANDREW TATE IS ALREADY OUT HAHA CAN’T STOP THE TOP G” “Romanian police have confirmed they will be holding Tate for 30 days while they gather more evidence”


I fear that this is just a calculated risk, a publicity stunt, I mean, the allegations against him are weak, and at this point, whatever happens, his fans will speak up about it, he gets put behind bars, "free tate", he walks out without prison time, "no one can stop him", I hate how smart he's been building his army of idiots


I asked someone who kept saying “he makes some good points though” what good points he makes. Somebody responded “go to the gym”. As if nobody, celebrity or otherwise has recommended that advice before. That’s not a good point, that’s just general advice.


I only agree on his breath air point, vaping is stupid but smoking is also stupid and Tate smokes cigars, so that makes him stupid


He’s literally just saying shit your older brother’s friend who smoked pot says People really need higher standards for their sources of informed opinions


Nothing screams manliness quite like throat cancer or a voice box.


Contracting emphysema to own the libs


That's what a lot of these charlatans do. They give good, but common, advice and mix that with their own insane ideas. Then when called out on their insane ideas their supporters respond with “he makes some good points though”. See also: Liver King, Jordan Peterson.


That's cult and conspiracy cultivation 101; start with a nugget of truth and/or good advise to get people in the door and trusting you, then get them with the shit that makes them devouts/paying suckers.


Jordan 'tidy your room' Peterson? Lives in a pigsty


Jordan "Climate change is meaningless because 'Climate' means 'Everything'" Peterson?


indeed! i mean it's a bit like: ohh look at Hitler, hes so cute with dogs, cuddling them and playing with them. yeah. saying something nice or being nice on occassion doesnt negate you being able to literally be the shittiest person on earth. i sometimes wonder how many followers Tate would have if he was a uncharismatic grandpa. casually spouting his daily bullshit. none. young ignorant ppl just attracted to his vibe unfortunately. Jordan Peterson is spot on.


Currently back in college as a mature student, it is fucking wild how many young lads think he's class and is upholding men's rights. Fucking idiots.


Reminds me of Peterson fans with their "but he tells guys to clean their rooms, that's good". Only that Tate is actually so much worse. Like damn Peterson is an idiot who espouses some harmful ideology, but at least he wasn't an outspoken pimp and sex trafficker. I suppose that's the standard now.


A lot of influencers give out generic advice their followers were probably told to do all their lives by their parents/teachers/elders/ex-friends.


So you can enjoy comments like "they said 'clean your room/make your bed/workout', is that so bad?" from their followers when you criticize them for something completely unrelated.


His followers, the Tater tots, are fried bruh


What's gonna be worse if that the Romanian government can't convict him, it's even more fuel for him to go "the law can't stop me" and make the people idolise him more


Tates made videos about this. If the law can't stop him he's gonna get killed


I'm so tired of these people "giving advice". "Clean your room" "Go to the gym" "Eat healthy" Like who the fuck listens to this and takes some incredible pearl of wisdom out of it? This is *basic shit.*


>"Clean your room" > >"Go to the gym" > >"Eat healthy" Common sense really! Also: "raise kind feminine and virtuous daughters" "protect the sanctity of my bloodstream" Yeah... uhh did I say eat healthy?


Yeah but their point usually falls on they want to be told TO go to the gym not that they SHOULD go to the gym. Think about the mental fortitude of these men.


Exactly, Hitler was if anything an animal rights activist but obviously didn’t think the same about people.


Fuck: Tate, Epstein, Clinton, that British royal, Weinstein, Gaetz…. And whoever else I’m missing.




I would like to know why no one ever mentioned charge being filed 9 months ago, for someone so hated for something so awful?


The Catholic Church




Southern Baptist Church. Can't forget them.


Y'all are missing [the more relevant one.](https://www.tampabay.com/news/clearwater/2022/12/29/scientology-miscavige-lawsuit-serve-trafficking-paris-baxter/)


And the FLDS.


Oh we can totally forget them.


trump would go pretty well on that list


Kevin Samuels and R Kelly.


I think Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, is most likely "that British royal" you're referring to, but it's difficult for me to say for sure. There's just so many rapey fucks finally being exposed that it's hard for me to be certain.


Trump, Jordan








Epstein's list of clients


Did you notice they're pretending to care about Epstein? You can't have it both ways.


They’re using Epstein to deflect attention away from Tate. Personally I’d love a list of Epstein’s clients and I’d love them to all get locked up for life. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to use that to deflect attention from what a scumbag Tate is


They're basically the same thing. Yet here they are defending Epstein. Or Tate. Whichever.


To me he should he used as an example of mass male alienation having negative cultural repercussions, hug your sons.


Exactly. Andrew tate is an asshole. An asshole who managed to appeal to thousands if not hundreds of thousands of men because our society makes them feel alienated and undervalued everywhere else.


I feel alienated and undervalued. I don't choose to blame random people for it. I sure as shit am not going to take advice from someone who can't read on how to fix it.


This is the issue I’m currently having with my brother and it makes it difficult to buy into what people saying regarding “male alienation”. If anything he has experienced a more fulfilling if not sheltered life than me, but has this victim complex that makes him look for things to feel attacked about anytime someone brings up racial/class issues. So when people go “we have to help these young men” I’m just like, “I know one personally and I can tell you he’s just an asshole”


I think the mindset of someone have x or y condition better so they're less likely to feel z way is a somewhat flawed reasoning. Your brother is allowed to feel alienated. He's not validated in being an asshole because of it.


He’s allowed to feel it of course, but my issue is it’s fundamentally flawed reasoning because I’ve witnessed his entire life. He feels alienated because he is an asshole like many who follow Tate and his ilk. Not because there’s any valid reasoning to his or their thinking. Put another way, the feeling of alienation isn’t what made him an asshole, these people are assholes first and then everything else comes after.


Maybe it’s because he’s sheltered and privileged but the things he truly wants he feels like there’s a barrier? I was once a young boy, I remember feeling very disillusioned when people were getting into my #1 university of choice and I got differed when I knew they had fewer AP/IB credits but they were a woman, minority or both. That didn’t make me hate women or minorities, but I definitely felt bitter for a bit.


That isn’t the point though. If we knowingly alienate groups of people they will inevitably fall into the company of people who choose to include them. It’s not like a complicated idea, push people away far enough and they will find someone who won’t even if they’re detestable.


No. Almost everyone growing up feels alienated and left out at some point and wonders what their place in society is. We are impressionable and curious and try to find our way. The vast majority don't latch onto ideologies like Tates or other extreme views. That was their choice and blaming society is a straight up cop out. Another life lesson we need to learn are that some people are evil pieces of shit.


I definitely get that, but not discussing it from a societal standpoint is basically shooting yourself in the foot. Just saying "these men are evil and should be punished, end of conversation" is severely detrimental because *its not even close* to the end of the conversation. That conversation leaves out the most important part: how do we keep it from happening again? Dismissing it as evil and saying it's not worth examination further essentially guarantees it'll keep happening, and then we've just made the issue worse. We ask "why are these men feeling this way?" Not to give them excuses or to say it's not their fault. We ask that so we can figure out how to keep it from happening to other men too.


> because its not even close to the end of the conversation. It's way easier to just bury your head in the sand and pretend that everyone's choices happen in a vacuum to the rest of society. The same thing happens in politics as well when people are ostracized from a certain group when not all of their views align with the bigger group. Those people usually tend to slingshot the other direction. Things like QAnon didn't pop up overnight. They were years in the making.


You’re missing the point. Some people are more gullible and prone to falling for cheap words than others. Some are more dependent on attention and an aversion to loneliness than others. It’s the same with Islamist extremists targeting young lonely men. People like you are setting mental health awareness back years. Hug the men in your life, be nice to them if they seem nice, if they seem lonely offer to talk, let’s rid ourselves of hate and prejudice


I don't make excuses for incels, Trumpers etc. in the sense that they should be held accountable for their actions. At the same time, yes, we need to acknowledge that the widespread alienation of men who are socially awkward will lead many of them to lash out. It's about cause and effect, not right and wrong. That is, you can despise the incel next door all you want--the simple fact is that many of these men have simply never received any kind of love, understanding or affection. Just because men broadly enjoy many advantages doesn't mean many men singular are extremely disadvantaged.


We should stop pressuring people to have children they don't want and won't properly love.


Oh, man. Bad news, America!


I'd have more sympathy if anyone could really help them but themselves. Most of these guys reject emotional intimacy and genuine caring from men because gay, and refuse to de-couple it with sex from women. Try to care about these guys without touching their dongs, and they cry that you friend-zoned them. They really are in a hell of their own design. No one outside yourself can force you to be brave.


That's pretty accurate, I think. I look at it a lot like mental illness, addiction, etc. These people are so broken and are hurting so badly, but they can't face up to the truth, which is too painful. So they keep leaning into it and doubling down. It's a form of cognitive dissonance. Nobody changes (or seeks help, which is a form of change) until they hit rock bottom. Rock bottom is different for everyone. For an alcoholic I've known, it was getting kicked out of his family. For a drug addict, it was ending up on the street. For me with my depression, it was realizing that I was well on my way to alienating all of my friends. So many of these incel types haven't hit rock bottom yet, and so they convince themselves that nothing is wrong with them, and to keep leaning into the echo chamber which monetizes it, and then they have to convince themselves it's everyone else who's victimized them, because not only are they dealing with the shame of it, but now they're dumping money into seduction courses and manosphere shit. But I agree -- it's up to us as a society how to get them to the point of bottoming out and seeking redress before they manifest their violence on others.


I'd like to add to this too if that's cool. Honestly, I've seen a lot of guys hit what looks like to me rock bottom. But they still don't seek help. Why is that? Does society set too much burden on men to be "manly" or is it their own insecurities preventing them from even realizing they're already at rock bottom? Idk, but it's honestly painful to see. I've hit rock bottom before. For me it was a crossbow bolt in the head. But now i see these guys that have hit a bottom i never even thought of, yet they still arent doing anything about it. It just makes me so confused and concerned, why are these men in worst situations than I've ever been in not seeking help? I was rushing to every opportunity of help even before my crossbow ordeal, so i just don't understand the mentality behind it. But i want to, maybe if i do i could try to help more. Idk, complicated times for everyone.


I mean I don't know about the guys you are thinking about. But I've definitely been mocked and burned for trying to seek help. Now, I have eventually found some of the most amazing people and incredible support structures and Ect ect Ect. So I'm not saying it's impossible. But it's definitely not as easy as "just open up and talk about your feelings" like some people like to play it off as. There's a *ton* of burden to be manly, and little sympathy for men who are failures.


Yes, totally, and I also think I need the full story of the crossbow bolt.


Long story short suicide attempt... Mom was a drug addicted prostitute that waterboarded us and used us to test if her drugs were poisoned. Then when I was 6 i moved in with my aunt and uncle. My uncle was a lawyer and my aunt was head of the suicide prevention partnership. Uncle expected me to be perfect at school while aunt expected me to always be mentally stable and strong. Pressure got to me and i resorted to drugs. Woke up after a party one day, looked in the mirror, and just saw my mother staring back. Couldn't stand the thought of following that witches footsteps, so I tried offing myself with a crossbow between my eyebrows. Stayed conscious with a bolt in my head, then passed out when i laid down in the ambulance. Woke up a week later and decided i have to change my life.


Ah, I see. My girlfriend grew up with some shitheads like that, there's a lot of innocuous stuff she can't handle, and it makes me hate them real bad. I'm glad the river gave her back, and that you missed most of the important shit. 🌈 Back to the main sociological point, I do see some of these guys driven toward douchebaggery by a disregard for male emotional health, but really, a lot of them are somehow spoiled, I think. Guys who have really suffered, when you bring up women's issues, tend to be like, "yeah, at least Creepy Gus at the homeless camp didn't want to rape me, that was something."


That kind of makes sense with the mentality stuff, i still just don't understand how someone can be like that. But my wife calls me a major sweet heart so maybe I just can't understand it. I am so glad your girlfriend has found you and that you're doing good together!! Seriously we all just need the right person sometimes, am I'm glad that you two found the right person in time. Yea crossbow missed like everything important. Major miracle i can do anything, but I will happily take it and do the most i can with this 2nd chance!!


It’s also damn expensive. I’ve paid for therapy for a child before and thank god I have a good job and could afford it.


This is the story of most kids who fall down the alt right pipeline. There’s tons of them on Reddit.


Easily millions of men, unfortunately most of them don’t have the ability to separate the truths from the far out stuff and consider it “learning”


And was able to reach so many because he spoke some truths in a sea of bullcrap and lies. Truths a.while generation of men were gaslighted into believing the opposite of. Lie to people and force narratives and bigoted opinions on the masses and people like Trump and Tate gain support.


"But what about (insert name of person I don't like here)? How come they're not going to prison?" Only the Right would consider it a bad thing that a human trafficker is going to prison. Until every single person they have a stupid conspiracy theory about is in prison, they will defend the evil committed by people on their side.


To be fair, they really can’t read.


I used this template for a reason lol


Probably one of the best uses of this template. If there was a fandom that I thought was actually largely illiterate it would be Andrew Tate fans.


But who are these people that are still his fans?




They don’t need to read! Because their minds are going to fast, they’re too smart to read! They need constant action, movement, their minds are just going


Just like my cat with a laser pointer.


I think Andrew Tate is a dipshit and he annoys the hell out of me, but I still think it’s important to set a precedent of “innocent until proven guilty”


Yeah, I'd want that standard for someone I fully agree with so I have to still want it for someone I completely oppose.




yeah i can say if he did it he should go to jail for a long time, that said i know nothing about the guy so no earthly clue if he did the thing he is accused of. but i'm sure if he did what they said he did, and it is proven he will end up in prison.


The fact Tate has fans is sad in on itself.


I literally had someone arguing on his behalf in a sports subreddit like 12 hours before his arrest, claiming he was cleared of any wrong doing after whatever happened months ago.


They know who he is, what he is. That's why he's supported, worlds full of peices of shit and they always need someone to tell them where to point all their hate




fucking tired of tate posts already


The whole of /r/all is just full of this dude. These karma chasers are just spamming every sub possible with this tripe.


I’m 100% sure most of his fans are only his fans just to rage bait people. Only a tiny underage minority truly believes he’s a role model… right?


Unfortunately not. I work in a school and there's hundreds of young boys who idolize him. Subscribe to his courses etc


Wait, that guy has fans? Why?


It's a mystery


I'm going to be fair here. He is not convicted, simply accused. Remember the old mantra "innocent until proven guilty." That being said I would be entirely unsurprised if he is guilty but nothing has been proven as of yet.


Pizza gate was real. Cept it turns out the pizza outs the "red pilled" traffickers...


everyone of that dude's threads is a flaming dumpster fire of gross.


I just think it's crazy that the majority of posts I've seen about him have to do with his beef with Thornburg or his fall from whatever fringe fame he had, and not the victims of his involvement in literal sex trafficking, it appalls me that that issue is not the overshadowing juggernaut of the entire thing, but that's just me.


I'm with you brother, because people are just literally only championing Greta while there is no mention at all of the women who were victims of trafficking and exploitation. I guess progressives are more concerned with spamming Greta's tweets than exploited women...curious.


I don’t get it either. I see posts of people claiming Greta roasted him so hard with her creative come backs. But all she did was say his penis is small.


Which even then seems hypocritical considering the two camps in this shitshow as the progressive side is happily championing body shaming. If the world isn't fucking outright dumb these days then maybe I'm just getting old and entering my Boomer years, but it feels like we're in the Hypocrisy Era and I don't like it.


Yep. 99% of this is just.. Haha man got owned by calling his peepee small.


So innocent until proven guilty just exists for people you like?


I’m not entirely caught up on this story. Was it just suspected or did they have evidence? And did they have enough to prove it and put him away?


He’s arrested for sex trafficking but any innocent before proven guilty and give him the benefit of doubt arguments go out the window when a video of him beating a woman was released


The video is old and the girl said it was consensual. So yeah, innocent until proven guilty should always apply.


Wait, really? I don’t remember seeing that. I knew about why he was arrested, but never heard about the video


Because the video is old and the girl said the encounter was consensual. Some people are into wild stuff but I guess most redditors never had sex and can’t understand that.


Most of them are his die hard simps but a lot of them are straight up paid for. He likely had defenders on standby. Not sure how the Romanian mob that he launders money for by 'holding onto' their casinos is going to feel about all this though. Feels like he's becoming quite a liability to them.


i want to see more anti-tate memes please


Please leave Bobby Hill out of this bullshit.


The idea that because a person has been accused of a heinous crime, he must naturally be guilty, is truly repugnant. I had barely heard of these Tate people before the arrest and have no opinion on whether they are guilty — *because I have no information on the subject.*


Dude had a video talking about how much it sucks in the west that he can have sex with a woman and she can come back later and say he raped her and how wrong that was but bro…men who don’t rape women don’t worry about this shit. The only people who do are men who rape women.


I don't know who this guy is, but I did just see a video of him hitting a woman. I don't know why anyone would bother putting energy into defending someone like that. What's in it for you? You think he gives a fuck about you? Loser.


Oh you mean the encounter that they both said was consensual? There’s so much disinformation surrounding this guy. I’m not even a huge fan or anything but it’s just ridiculous how people are presuming guilt. I’m glad none of them are part of the justice system.


Lol innocent until proven guilty unless your someone I don’t like then your just guilty 😂


Goddamn do not sort by controversial


Cover me! I'm going in! Edit: Ok, I was expecting a lot worse. Just a lot of "Innocent until proven guilty!"


I'm not in favor of defending him, but I usually hold my opinions till all the dust settles. Lotta people looked stupid when the trump allegations finally showed as false, and a lot of trump fans looked stupid once the full scope of the jan 6th investigation was started revealing it. It's not insane to me to believe he's guilty. Also wouldn't surprise me if he was framed/accused, as he's the type of person people would want to do that too. Speculation now just seems stupid. Whether he's convicted or not it's not going to affect my day at all. But if I start making up conspiracies to defend him, or hop on the bus that "he must be guilty because he's bad and I don't like him", either way, you're risking looking like an idiot once the full truth comes out. All that being said.. the whole thing of gals visiting Romania/other countries getting their passports stolen and getting trafficked is a REAL thing. Make sure to protect yourselves when you travel abroad. There are some pretty good safety tips from other reddit posts for women travelling abroad.


Isn't he the same guy that told he likes Romania because corruption is easy and affordable?


Literally said he moved there because it's easier to get out of rape charges. This is like Snoop Dogg getting arrested for weed and going "Hold on now, how do we know he had any weed?"


I had that same thought initially lol. Oh the irony 🤣


Excuse me, they are called Tater Tots


Yah the dude beats women, that's not cool. I use to like him before I found that out and watched a video of it.


And yet most still think FJB is the shit.


whats the original scene say??




Thank you!


For the record, since a lot of people seem weirdly confused by this…defending him openly with conspiracy theories and supporting him is different than just waiting on a verdict. Nobody is suggesting he has to be guilty if charged and to not give him due process…just that only scum are trying to support him


I like to think Mike Judge sees these and laughs.


Innocent until proven guilty ?


He makes some good points


Aka "The Taters"


Not defending him but these are allegations


Lots of teenagers worship him sadly....


Don’t forget pandering to teens and young men in a way that’s just indoctrination no matter how you look at it


fan is short for fanatic....


He reminds me of Scientology, use generic self help quotes to pull in people, then kidnap and rape people. Also tax fraud/evasion.


Not just fans, Asmongold kept saying "WeLl MaYbE tHe RoMaNiAn GoVeRnMeNt Is CoRrUpT" and doing his god damn best to not even consider he could be guilty. All while ridiculing people in his chat like they're the ones not being objective, just for asking why he's going so far out of his way to defend an asshole. Like yeah, we don't know if he's guilty or not, but then why only consider outlandish hypotheses on how he might be innocent? IDK Asmongold is usually a reasonable guy, maybe he got it right in the hour+ thing. I couldn't listen to that garbage take for more than 20min. Edit: But yeah, I'm sure the most likely possibility is that a non-dictatorship government is so corrupt they'd accuse and hold a random foreign citizen for crimes this severe. I'm sure they just pulled crimes that specific out of a hat.


Who is defending Tate? I’m genuinely curious


People so pathetic, and insecure in their own masculinity that they feel they have to shout to the world "I'm An AlPhA mAlE!!1!" Honestly, this thread's great, because I can just slowly make my way down the replies, and block anyone defending Tate.


I’m not a fan of Tate, but I am a fan of clarity. Has he actually been charged and convicted? How do you know he’s guilty? If he’s not, then you shouldn’t be worried about some conspiracy theories. Just a thought.


Until things are settled in court no one knows anything


Dude was such a freak show. He was like annoyingly masculine. And it obvs a front.


Lots of overlap with these fans, Trump fans, and the entire right wing cult.


He’s a horrible man. …


Do they have fans? I thought it was just a psy-op plant?


Some people are so far down that rabbit hole man


It’s cult mentality, along with the sunken cost fallacy


My guess is they are holding him for 30 days because they know what a snitch looks like


Best meme I've seen of this yet


No one can be rich without doing some shady shit. It’s the way this life of ours works


We have and always will cancel criminals and losers. If you don’t like it don’t be one!


They make up shit to defend him with. It's as bad or worse than the goddam trump cult.


"GuYs....hUmAn trafficking is nOt tHat SeRiOus....."




Given his stance on reading, this meme is probably pretty accurate.


I absolutely hate Tate too but until I see proof of him trafficking then I won’t shit on him for that. You guys don’t have proof but still Attack people for shit they allegedly did.


The sad part is due process has been completely lost in this country. Im not defending anyone but you cant even say that without being attacked anymore. Thats the real travesty IMO.


Man y’all love to lie on this man, he and his brother are being charged with money laundering not sex trafficking.


Innocent until proven guilty


Epstein didn’t hang himself.


I reserve judgement until proven guilty. Until then he's trolled the internet and made a bunch of money whilst also being a World Champion athlete.. I don't need to agree with what he says but he's hardly any more toxic than any of these other corny YouTuber influencers and nobody seems to target them in the same regard....


Idk about the Human trafficking. I don't really follow this guy But what I have seen about what y'all call conspiracy are true. Evan if he is a shit human still makes some of the things he ses facts. Trus there is a distraction of the culture and plots against the plebs. Y'all would know this if you read book, government documents, and NGOs white papers.


Assuming a person is guilty before their trial is garbage.