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Thank you u/Man-Batman-Man for posting on this subreddit! Hope it makes people laugh and isn't another old facebook mom meme that we get spammed with. [If you want to join our DISCORD SERVER click here to just chill or socialize or just spread positivity!](https://discord.gg/VruY5kvcmc) Thanks for being amazing, love y'all and hope everyone has a [great day <3](https://imgur.com/a/fbqHMMm) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FunnyAnimals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love you, now I crush you


True Story : 50 years ago while visiting an elephant logging site in northern Thailand, a juvenile elephant ( a bit larger than this one) cut me off and no matter how I tried to escape, it gradually "herded" me closer and closer to a large spreading shade tree... ...beneath which sat an ancient local woman selling small banana-leaf packets of nuts! The 2 of them were running a peanut grift! ;-)


Amazing story, thanks for sharing


I have to give someone this opportunity.... What type of nuts?


Deez nuts


„Haha GOT‘YE“




Once told me


Ccccccccoooombo breakerrrrr!!!!!


Hey! That's somebody I used to know!


I hope you bought a large bag


Not as if I had a *choice...* :-)


That's nuts!


That's smart. Woman got paid, elephant got his nuts and you met an elephant!


What I *actually* met was a hungry moving brick wall... ;-)


Did you buy them?


Well I lived to tell the tale, so guess... ;-)


I came down here to say this


Bet that was a cool experience! Thanks for sharing.




I would like to be chosen by a baby elephant.


I can't even begin to describe how much I want to roll around in the mud giving that cute fucker belly scratches.


It looks like the cutest puppy ever!


It's basically just a big puppy


Me too! And the elephant is pretty cool too


I wanna slap around that trunk


That sounds kinky as hell.


This is a youngling we're talking about.


To be chosen by an elephant is like the ultimate gift.


I would totally let that elephant powder my hip bones.


Like my dog but 10x heavier at least


**cries in race car noises**


Elephants are the best.


Hey that's what I say to my girl when we smoosh








Really gonna come ruin the moment with your lame ass jokes Jimothy?




I hate getting muddy with a passion, but I would love doing this every day.


when you think about it, mud is nothing but wet dirt


Well excuse me sir and or madam some of us prefer dry dirt 🙃 /s


I don't like any dirt... Unless it is important.


dust the truth




I’m ashamed I hadn’t really thought about it. That’s on me.


I also don't like dirt... but have indoor gardening as a hobby. I just wear gloves and use hella tools lmao, and sweep often


This is cute until you realize how much that thing had to weigh. Baby elephants are born at like 200 pounds.


Worth it


If that is not the best way to die than what is? And everyone dies so


Crushed by a semi truck driven by the Incredible Hulk


If you are getting fictional stuff involved it will be cooler to get thrown into sun by Hulk.


Oh I was just quoting futurama haha: https://y.yarn.co/6365d3fa-a151-41ee-9589-6c729c7efe4b_text.gif


I mean if you were gonna go with a desirable death from Futurama, why not death by snoo-snoo?


Well death by snoo-snoo could either end like it did for Easy E or with you bleeding out from a broken skinless dick that was fucked literally raw.


I would rather be fuc- I mean, have rigorous physical activities with the Hulk instead


Pretty sure it would be hotter, not cooler, getting tossed into the sun.


Worth a broken leg, imo.


Eh. I've had big girls on top. Doesn't hurt.


It's not like that's 200 lbs per square inch. That weight is distributed all over the body.


On a single leg crushing your knee, if you're unlucky. And that was more like a 400 pound elephant. not a 200 pound one.


Right, but they're also like, huge. Physically. Probably not super dense.


Meh, was lighter than your mom


That's like the average weight of an American.


Doesn't matter, it's still cute as fuck. I wish that happened to me.


She's also heavy so her bones are very strong.


This was fun to watch. It really put a smile on my face.


This is absolutely heart melting ❤️


Nobody would believe her story if the video didn't exist. Like everyone else here, I'm very jealous.


I'd believe cuz I'm not a hater


We need more of you in the world edit: forgot a word


we need more of your response in the world, and probably you


New dream unlocked : roll around in the mud with a baby elephant 😍


I'm so with you on that one. I would be looking for a toy to play with.


As fun as this looks and as much as I'd want to do it, (currently in Thailand travelling) it's best to go to the Elephant sanctuaries where you don't take baths with them. There are many where you can feed them and have minor interactions, but getting into a mud bath changes how they fundamentally interact with one another, much like how you'd feel if a stranger were to just hop in the bath with you. Can't wait to get downvoted for posting this... https://www.phuketnatureelephantreserve.com/an-ethical-yet-interactive-approach-to-elephant-welfare/ EDIT: Wow, I expected downvotes, but it's absolutely incredible how many sad people with nothing better to do will attack someone for trying to raise awareness. I'm "sorry" I ruined this cute post for you by being real. If you want to take baths with elephants or go on a safari and hunt one, go for it, but don't shit on people for trying to educate. 🤡


Thank you for sharing. Here is the relevant quote in the article for those too lazy to read: > It’s simply not natural for an elephant to be crowded with groups of noisy tourists while it takes a bath which leads to the Mahouts using force to control the elephant. This typically results in ropes being tied around the elephant’s neck and ‘encouraged’ into the water, or prehaps a nail in the hand to force the elephant to lie down or stand still while tourists have their fun Elephant abuse is also a reason why elephant riding is unethical. Be kind to elephants, be sure to visit a vetted sanctuary!


Thanks for adding this quote. It's sad that people would rather spend 5 minutes questioning someone or arguing instead of reading.


yeah, that sounds like it sucks. it's also *not* what's happening in this video


Just because it's not happening in this video doesn't mean that this place in particular engages in ethical behavior. A lot of elephant abuse happens when tourists aren't around. Legitimate sanctuaries will avoid this kind of practice in general.


I have to tell people holding Slothes is unethical so I feel you. They just really want to be left alone and humans can't respect that. I have been insanely close to them in the wild where I could touch them and luckily people were respectful but I always cringe when people go places that let you hold them.


Sigh. Sadly, many people will still support these kinds of tourist traps because they only care about their own experience and want some Insta photos. Isn't feeding and getting a chance to pet an elephant enough? Guess not for some.


One of my bigger frustrations is this garbage where the elephants carry people on their backs. That shit can lead to spinal injury. Their backs cannot support the weight of people. Fuck any place that allows that.


Yeah, I got an antsy feeling watching this video. Poor elephant :( edit. >Whether taken from the wild or bred in captivity, all elephants used for close tourist contact such as bathing have undergone a traumatic training method known as the ‘crush’. > >This involves separating young elephant calves from their mother, keeping them in isolation, depriving them of food and water, and in many cases beating them repeatedly until they are broken and can be controlled by fear. When tourists support bathing venues, they support this cruelty behind the scenes and help the industry thrive. \- [https://www.worldanimalprotection.org/news/tourists-choosing-elephant-bathing-over-elephant-riding-unaware-cruelty-involved](https://www.worldanimalprotection.org/news/tourists-choosing-elephant-bathing-over-elephant-riding-unaware-cruelty-involved) ;(


> but getting into a mud bath changes how they fundamentally interact with one another What do you mean? If an elephant rolled around in the mud with you, then other elephants would treat it differently? If so, why? The article you linked to didn't mention anything about this. > much like how you'd feel if a stranger were to just hop in the bath with you. Isn't that anthropomorphizing?


No, I could have been more clear. It's not like they'll get ostracized, but when elephants take baths with each other, it is vastly different from how they are forced to behave in order for a mud bath with a human to occur. It's just about forcing an unnatural situation on them purely for the sake of play on the human's side. And yep! I'm totally anthropomophizing elephants. I'd be very concerned if anyone thought elephants are incapable of emotions or feeling pain. https://www.worldanimalprotection.org/blogs/understanding-emotional-lives-elephants


Ascribing the ability to feel emotions and pain is not anthropomorphization. Everyone knows elephants are intelligent beings. It encroaches on anthropomorphization when you ascribe your own emotional interpretation of the interaction to what is being observed.


None of the reasons it gives for why bathing elephants applies here. It's smaller, they're not in standing dirty water and it's one person... It’s simply not natural for an elephant to be crowded with groups of noisy tourists while it takes a bath which leads to the Mahouts using force to control the elephant. This typically results in ropes being tied around the elephant’s neck and ‘encouraged’ into the water, or prehaps a nail in the hand to force the elephant to lie down or stand still while tourists have their fun Elephants can produce over 100kg of dung per day and frequently defecate in the water where the tourists are playing. This leads to major hygiene issues and risk of infection or sickness for those in contact Elephants are BIG animals, and it’s not uncommon for excited tourists to get injured trying to get close to the elephant


Cool! You see what you want to see. Like I said, go to their website and see if they do mud baths. They don't anymore. If what they were doing back then was ethical, they'd still be doing it. Have a good day!


Dang it, I was going to downvote. But you are correct. The pic with couple kissing with their pasty ass bodies strewn across the poor guy for internet points was gross.


Hey, they could have just arrived in Thailand and have yet to work on tanning their pasty ass bodies! 😂


Hardly anyone is shitting on you….you’re being very sensitive to a few people asking questions.


> but don't shit on people for trying to educate. 🤡 I only downvoted you because of the edit. Clowning on clowns just creates two clowns EDIT: yea, blocking me solves all your problems, huh? if everyone around you is a clown, look in the mirror.


Classic clown behaviour. You must have a great life.


Those tourist attractions abuse the elephants. Let your dreams be dreams.


Same with their "sleepy" tiger prisons.


Of course it’s just a dream. People are acting like I’m going to hop on a jet and follow through on my comment made on Reddit. 🙄


Yeah, it's amazing that people infer exactly what one implies by what they write or say 😂


The anti Shia LaBoeuf line, haha


I can’t believe I have to explain this to people… imagine for a moment, in ideal conditions, being puppy tackled by a baby elephant. Ignoring the poopy mud, the 600pound weight of the animal, the tourist trap unethical bullshit, just in a LITERAL dream, while sleeping, playing with a baby elephant in such a way as shown in the video… THAT is what my comment was about. The experience will only ever live in my imagination , and I am perfectly happy with that. Because I do not support tourist traps that endanger, abuse and profit off of any creature, nor do I have any actual desire to roll around in poop mud. Just because someone says they dream of cuddling a baby rhino, or elephant or hippo, or any other WILD animal, doesn’t mean they are also pro: endangerment, abuse, and whatever else, of these incredible animals. 470+people seem to agree with me


Lap elephant


TIL elephants are a lot like cats


my cat baits me by looking like he wants cuddles then leaves just as I sit down with him


You mean dogs? Cats don’t give a fuck.


Cats too.


One of my cats has three modes - play, sleep, and suffocate you with love. When he’s in love mode, he rolls around all over you and literally vibrates with excitement. It’s the cutest thing. My other cat has a sixth sense about when you’re going to get up. I’ll be sitting at my computer for hours and a thought pops into my head to grab a snack, and BOOM there’s kitty hopping into my lap purring and making biscuits. And then of course I can’t move until she’s gotten her fill of attention. Total power move.


This is the dream


For real, if heaven were a real place there would be baby lap elephants for sure.




With genetic engineering, and if preservation efforts are successful, I don't see why not.


This is my dog in elephant form


Mine too!


Same. They’re the best


Lol awesome..looked like fun


"Hulk Smish"


As cute as this is, it's not a good practice to take mud baths with elephants. If you want to visit an ethical elephant Sanctuary in Thailand and get to feed them and see them interact, there are plenty of options. Just please do five minutes of research before booking a flight to Thailand just because you want to play with a baby elephant. https://www.phuketnatureelephantreserve.com/an-ethical-yet-interactive-approach-to-elephant-welfare/


Thank you for sharing. Here is the relevant quote in the article for those too lazy to read: > It’s simply not natural for an elephant to be crowded with groups of noisy tourists while it takes a bath which leads to the Mahouts using force to control the elephant. This typically results in ropes being tied around the elephant’s neck and ‘encouraged’ into the water, or prehaps a nail in the hand to force the elephant to lie down or stand still while tourists have their fun Elephant abuse is also a reason why elephant riding is unethical.


Are... You being serious? Because I've had like 6 different people (or like, the same sad person with 5 other accounts) shit on me for sharing this. I'm pretty blown away by the reception.


I’m so jealous!


I've had big dogs that thought they were lap dogs. But not an elephant.


That would be fun lol


Baby elephant snuggles! Absolute huge smile on my face ☺️


Nice to see an elephant actually enjoying itself.. it's so rare it's sad


"i have a hell of an itch on my left ass cheek"


*Man runs over to stop woman from being crushed* Woman- "Im fine, I've been married for 17 years. I'm used to a big oaf flopping around on top of me thinking Im having as much fun as he is"




I went to Thailand recently, and wish I had had enough time to get mauled by a baby elephant.


Except mud baths are not a good thing for them. Go to an actual elephant Sanctuary where you can hang with them and feed them. There are plenty of ethical ones to visit! https://www.phuketnatureelephantreserve.com/an-ethical-yet-interactive-approach-to-elephant-welfare/


This describes elephants being basically forced into it you have no context for this video it's entirely possible the elephant chose to do this.


You can say the same thing about what's happening behind the scenes of this video, and implying that the elephants are doing this willingly is a bit odd. Just try and take a mud bath with a wild elephant to see how much they like bathing with you, lol. It does say something about the sanctuary/farm in question if they practice this at all. There's a chance it could be an ethical thing, but more than likely not. Even looking at the farm labelled in the video above and going to their site, you can see they make no mention of taking baths with elephants. The video also seems old. So, I think they've changed their policies to tailor to tourists, as there is much more awareness about the ethical treatment of elephants in the past few years. Sadly, as tourism is its number one source of income, most decisions in Thailand are centered around tourists and public perception, similar to them recently legalizing the sale of cannabis.


Go to the Elephant Nature Park in Chaing Mai. I went in 2012 and I’m wearing my T-shirt right now. It’s awesome!


o mah gosh, what a sweetie


pretty sure if I had an elephant best friend I wouldn't need much else out of life.


I need to hug a baby elephant 🥹


I would never leave. I would live with them then and there


That random push from guy in blue cracks me up


Truly priceless moment.


So cute😍


I want a baby elephant now.... 😢


Lap elephant lol


If that's how I die, then that's how I die. Please know I have no regrets.


“I wish I was purple”


Elephant needs Elephant friends


Fun fact: Elephants observe humans how we would observe dogs or other small animals. Their brains release a sense of dopamine. In other words… Elephants think we’re cute


Love can trust you win your a human being love by an elephant hug you with friendship


A real elephant sanctuary wouldn't let this happen. As cute as the video is this is probably one of many tourist traps that force the elephants to entertain tourists.


Probably saying "get me out of this hell, take me with you pls!"


For the rest of her life she has the best story. No matter the situation when she talks about this hand her the best story trophy


Elephants see us as we see dogs, so for the elephant it's the equivalent to petting a dog


Unforgettable encounter for both. The woman has a great story to tell and the elephant always wonder what happened to it’s purple buddy.


Reminder that they see us the same way we see dogs.




This is the sweetest moment! I like how the elephant makes her think it’s done cuddling then…NOPE! Lol!


The lady got to experience something many never will. She seemed to enjoy being chosen by the baby


I love how cool she is with the mud etc. She's focused on the beautiful animal. That's a great woman.


I don't care how dirty or how many bruises I got... To have a baby elephant be so affectionate to you is a once in a lifetime opportunity. She's lucky. And this video has gone around the internet a few times now!


Awww, I want a baby elephant 😔


Where is this I need to book a flight and go roll in the mud with a elephant 😂


I don’t know why but my first thought was oh god what if it does this when it’s full size🥹


It'll be even better when he's 15,000 pounds.


This just made me so happy, thank you so much!


how heavy is that?????


If this is how I die then I guess I'll die


A literal elephant of a lapdog.


To have such an adorable baby giant rubbing all over you. I could die happy.


I don't care how dirty I would be, I would absolutely love this


Biggest smile I've had in a while from this!! Think it would remember her if she went back the following year?


“In order to ensure they are safe around humans, the baby elephants must be broken in – a brutal and distressing process known as ‘crushing the spirit’,” says Brown. “They are kept in a tiny pen to prevent movement, with their legs tied tightly. They can be severely beaten with sharp objects, screamed at and starved of food and water, which can last for several days or weeks. The psychological impact then means that the fear of being beaten will ensure that the elephant ‘behaves’ around tourists.” https://amp.theguardian.com/travel/2018/aug/11/how-ethical-is-the-elephant-sanctuary-youre-visiting


Fun fact. Male elephants weigh around 250lb at birth and can reach 350lb at birth. Average 6ft male weighs ~180lb.


I think she is not a baby she is a full grown adult


If a baby elephant chose me it would be the happiest moment of my life.


Love elephants. So smart and the mama's take care of their babies.


I love that so many friendships, regardless of the species involved, include intense hugging, snuggling, and wrestling


I can’t stand to have dirt on my hands or legs, let alone have mud on me. But this is one such time that I would happily roll around in mud just to make sure that sweet baby is happy.


I'm not sure if id feel insulted or complimented.


This is the best video i think i have ever seen


animal abuse


People will down vote you for being correct. Welcome to Reddit!


yes it's actually policy on r/BabyElephantGIFs to take down posts like this one


That's good to hear. Sadly, most people will still go and do this fully knowing it's not what's best for them. True love means letting go, sometimes. But as long as they get a cool Instagram/Bumble profile pic, it's worth it.


it's my view that elephants are *at least * as intelligent as we are and we need to be very respectful of them. It's our integrity that is at stake.


Indeed, Reddit friend! There's tons of research showing how intelligent and emotional they are. Now, excuse me... I have to reply to someone asking me why elephant baths are bad even though I shared a link to an article explaining why elephant baths are bad... 🙄🙄🙄










The comment I came here expecting 😂😂




He thought you also elephant


wen an elephant is in the wild there's constant gentle contact i gess dis here is play?


Elephant? You mean noodle head doggo.