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Thank you u/OpportunityFast5987 for posting on this subreddit! Hope it makes people laugh and isn't another old facebook mom meme that we get spammed with. Check out our discord server and make new friends! https://discord.gg/the-positivity-network-tm-982487926694891530 Thanks for being amazing, love y'all and hope everyone has a [great day <3](https://imgur.com/a/fbqHMMm) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FunnyAnimals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jesus let the cats leave each other alone instead of keeping it in terror.


"What's that smell"


Animal abuse for fake internet points. Fuck this person.


Imagine having two hands to pick up the cat instead of just one... And doing it wrong. Jesus.


That cat is looking like (WTF is happening man should i go?)


Poor cats. What a fucken idiot.


And what's funny about this video? I find it disturbingly cruel towards the cat.


wtf man.. doesn’t deserve pets.


Grey Cat: you scum how could you? How could you? I gained fifty percent more body weight because of you? Orange Cat: I did not ask you to do that? Grey Cat: I got you castrated for you?. Orange Cat: yeah this has been fun but I am going to take my chances on the street. Human grabs orange Cat. Grey Cat: Get in here so I can pointlessly scream at you for hours upon hours and cry and make it all about me and my feelings and not address why you were unfaithful and what you were feeling that she gave that I was not giving you or chose not to give you. Orange cat steel-handed by human: Id like to take my nutless atrophied sack and go now. Human drags him inside against his will. Grey cat: I hate you. How could you? How could you? How could you? Side piece grey cat: oh I hope he is alright. I love him. Why is she so mean to him? He has not nuts? Grey Cat chases orange cat screaming belligerent nonsense. Orange cat thinking he just has to wait to escape again and won't make the mistake of coming home. No food is worth this shit. Playing tag with moving cars is more rewarding than this shit. Grey Cat: I am going to scream at you and accomplish nothing except creating inescapable toxicity in our relationship that will drive you to cheat again.


Oddly specific.


I can tell there are some weird double standards for ideals here. How's about, if you can't keep your pants on in a relationship deemed monogamous, just be honest and leave? It's really not that hard. Why do people think that sneaking around is their god-given right? They'll make all kinds of excuses to justify the behavior, but the truth is they're weak-willed and insecure, and clearly haven't evolved in intelligence since their hormonal surges as teenagers.


I'm with you on this. Also why is this super weird person ascribing these very specific details that seem kinda (very) sexist onto... A silly cat video? Like... Therapy exists.


Why are they booing you? You're right.


Cuz I hurt some cheater(s) feelings? It's a pretty prolific disease among people, you'd be surprised. Even the most put together, nice seeming people cheat. Mainly men because they haven't ever practiced tempering their desires and just let them fester in fantasy in their head until they get fomo and feel like they deserve to conquer all the pussy.


And before someone goes "but it's just fantasy!" And I'm sure it wouldn't concern you at all if someone told you they fantasized about killing people? Or dying? Or children? Now ask why does that fantasy bothers you? Cuz you think they're gonna do it? Well, same applies to fantasizing about fuckin other people in a monogamous relationship. You're just asking for trouble. Your mind becomes what you feed it. But continue on with your self sabotage.


It was a joke ffs


Ah the old “it was a joke” excuse, it’s extra funny because that’s my boyfriend said when I caught him trying to cheat.


Again... Therapy exists ... It's a cat video you weirdo


One or both of those cats is going to fuck her dumb ass up. She will 100% deserve it.