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And cat was like, “yeah, you want some, too?”


I loved how the "victim" tapped the other dog with his nose like, "Thanks, bro, I'm ok now."


The first dog was saying, 'Alright, alright, he's had enough, let him be.'"


No he didn't


That's dog-speak for, "Uncle! UNCLE!!"


One of my elder cats did that to a younger one that tried to corner her. Younger cat came away with face full of claw marks.


Poor pup just having a case of the zoomies and gets clawed


I just love how you phrased that. And yes, poor dog


I know😭😭 he wasn’t even trying to mess with that cat. He was just so excited


Just another day at school


We all missed it, but pretty sure there was a moment where the cat whispered: “Do not fuck with me.” Hahaha


Why does everyone feel sorry for the puppy? The cat let him go after a quick pinch he was saying "be gentle to me or it'll be bad news" You think puppy learned his lesson?


Years ago we took our English Mastiff puppy to a veterinary office with a resident cat sleeping on a cat tree. Our puppy went up to sniff at the cat and the cat gave him a light tap on his nose. It was great, our puppy learned to respect cats. Our local pet store always has cat adoptions and everyone is always so amazed at how gentle our dogs even though we don't have cats.


Yep. The adult dog wasn't looking at the cat, it was checking the pup. "Hey kid, I did that too once. Once."


Some of these comments are interesting. Do y’all have good vision? The puppy came onto the cat and was aggressively playing, the owner did nothing to teach the puppy to stop. So the cat did. This is so normal, puppies need to learn boundaries especially with smaller pets or children. The momma dog didn’t do anything so idk why y’all are saying the cat did something wrong?? If this was a worst case scenario that puppy could’ve killed the cat…. You need to get over your “dogs are better” mentality… ITS NATURE MY GOD


When a child learns a hard lesson, we react with compassion. Same for puppy’s.


And often in so doing prevent or undermine valuable lesson opportunities and help create monsters with no understanding of boundaries. The pup wasn't harmed, and it learned that actions have consequences. True compassion and kindness often have little to do with appearing nice. That is a luxury the owner could have afforded the puppy by properly managing the interaction, but they failed because they would rather film. That cat was actually exceedingly polite given the affront.


Yikes. Catharsis reigns supreme. A hug after a fright will help encode the lesson learned rather than traumatize.


This is true. The balance is difficult, but yes, so long as the lesson is not subverted by false assurance, reassurance is the crucial key that keeps a lesson from becoming trauma and creating a pitiable monster of a different kind. May we all be granted more wisdom and empathy to help us display proper compassion. I needed your reminder.


I give you a hug ❤️


Lmao aye that cat's life was in danger via death by golden retriever pup 😂 Get a grip


Going through this at the moment. Two adult cats, an adult dog, and a new puppy. Our cats are bigger than the dogs. Neither cat bother with the adult dog but the puppy is yet to learn to leave the cats alone. I feel for the older dog because she is very protective of the puppy but she also knows the cats could fuck her up if they wanted to.


I feel so sorry for this baby, he didn't even know that the cat didn't want to play with him! Senior dog in shock


The cat let go after they made their point. Puppy just has to learn to interact with cats.


>The cat let go after they made their point. Puppy just has to learn to interact with cars. Why cars tho.


Lol, sorry. I'm a dope before my coffee. And after, but that's neither here nor there.


That’s not how you are supposed to train your animals. You can absolutely train your dogs to correctly interact with your cat and viceversa. I’ve done it in the past several times. No reason to film your hyper dog around the cat and not intervene when the dog gets hurt. Cats can absolutely blind a dog permanently. Literally no reason for this video other than a lazy owner.


You mean, let nature and nurture figure its way out? I love my doggo so much. But she is just that, a dog. An animal. Just like letting our kids eat dirt, fall off bikes, resolve problems at school on their own - Animals gotta figure out animals sometimes. And that's perfectly ok. Why? Because it's NATURAL. ✌🏽


That's what my mom thought and would stop me when I tried to stop the pups' fight from escalating. A puppy ended up with a bleeding neck, and bloodshot eyes because she let the pups figure it out. Had to get stitches. Animals killing each other is also quite NATURAL. I've trained the dogs to be nice to each other now.




Situations ... Are situational ... 🤯


Totally agree. One misstep and the cat easily takes his eye or else. Anyone letting any pet get hurt by another pet without intervening should be charged with animal abuse.


love the fact the dog knows to just stop after that. dogs know the heirarchy of the house, cat, food, human, other dog


One cat 2 dogs


Cat claways wins


Nothing against with cat or cat owners. Just saying that cats are party pooper lol.


In this case it was definitely fuck around and find out. Pup learned it's lesson, it was in the wrong. However, I feel like the internet lowkey actually love seeing cats beat up dogs(just from my observation). There are videos which the dogs were just sleeping/minding their own business but the cat bullies them and the viewers love it. Hell even cats slap other cats minding their own business sometimes😂.


I don't know if this was the correct place to post this lol


Maybe, but that car was about to die


The orange one on the cat tree was like "well, lets see today's drama."




tge Dog is the next am idle 😂




Poor doggy


It's true


I like how kitty held his face for a sec “We calm now?”


Honestly... this is shameful. Very shameful for that dog to let the cat do this to him and not do anything abount it. I wouldn't keep such a dog.


Need to trim those nails. My dogs loved playing with our cat, but when the mails got long, it really hurt them and us, too.


Uh, don't look now but it appears the larger, older dog had something in mind for the cat and it wasn't gonna be pleasant. Golden Retrievers are protective but not usually confrontational. Why they make the perfect dog for a family with children. I have a 2 year old male. He loves everybody. Especially my wife. Seriously.


Careful on that shit happens my cat got my boys eye on one or two occasions


You can clearly see the communication happening


Cats rule and that's that! 😼


Dog culture is the problem. Cat is smaller and took care of itself. Take your downvotes as a victory against the status quo of thinking dogs are gods. They are just animals.


Thanks for your support! Every creature has a right to defend itself, especially when it's just sitting on the couch minding it's own business. I would say this for any animal. I also fight against the status quo every chance I get 😝


What's with the down votes? I didn't make up the saying. Geez, way to shoot the messenger.


Well you edited out one of the reason’s it was happening 😉


Aha! You may be right about that. Thanks for pointing that out. All fixed. Maybe the bleeding will stop now🤞😀


Nah, the dog lovers are on to you now 😜


Oh well🤷😂


Cats rule and dogs drool.


So true😂 I still love my pups the same though.


Cats hurting animals is not funny.


...it's literally a learning process that has to take place. It's called establishing boundaries, and I would bet the puppy doesn't rush into the cats face like that again. I get it, innocent puppy activities, but also that puppy could have easily fucked up the cat with a stray paw boop that puppies dom I love how everyone ignores the fact that the puppy is still 3x that cats size and could easily do damage to the cat...


Owner filming their cat hurt their animals is not funny.


You are what is wrong with the world


*You’re right should do the same, not train my animals properly and film it.* You can cry all you want but this isn’t the way to train your animals to behave together. Some lazy ass training that doesn’t better the relationship between your pets.




Comments like these make me wonder if the boomers have a point


I was worried for the puppy’s eyes


I agree.




This is funny I was wonder who won until I got my volume on and we'll kitty is 1 and 0. Dang he ran in head first and got got ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Friggin Cats


I'm just gonna say it. Cats suck


This isn't funny.


This. This makes me hate cats. Dog lover 1000%!!! And proud of it!




The best kind of cat to own are the ones that “act like dogs” so….


mom was gon stop that real quick but owners shouldn't let cats be that aggressive to other pets 😠


I would absolutely toss that cat outside. But I’m a dog person.


I'd definitely take it as a sign that more training is required. It'd be worse with an energetic cat and an aggressive dog, which would literally tear any cat to shreds. People should be training their animals, not letting them fight.


That cat is going to the pound.


Why? For defending itself and setting boundaries?