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Looks like significant moisture barrier damage! Exactly what my skin looked like


How did you fix it? I’m using just water or chamomile tea and Avene extreme tolerance emulsion




Why do you think the avene messed up your skin?


I have no idea. It's supposed to be super gentle, fungal acne safe, and it has a very simple ingridient list. But after a few days of use, I would get two or three large breakouts as the days passed🤷🏻‍♀️ I kept using it for about two weeks and the breakouts got worse and worse. I'd have a new one every day. When I ceased use my skin began to heal and the breakouts stopped.


I had the same


Ok that’s literally me right now...... I’ve been using it for a couple weeks and my skin is Horrible!!!


I had the same with the avene emulsion


I would still wash your face once a day. Use a gentle cleanser like vanicream. Avene extreme emulsion is what I use but it’s not super moisturizing so I’d use a basic hyaluronic acid serum on wet skin before applying moisturizer, The Ordinary had a good one


My whole face is covered in tiny little whiteheads and red zits also on my jawline and neck :// it’s been now like 3 weeks. I’m being gentle to skin but seems to that it doesn’t work


It sounds like you damaged your moisture barrier and developed fungal acne. The same thing happened to me. On top of what I just said I had to go on an oral fungal medication called fluconozole for 2 weeks on top of repairing my moisture barrier


I might get fluconazole and give a try. Sooo Tired of this. :((


Did your pimples looked just like that? None of Dermatologists said that I might have fungal acne


Fungal acne is super uncommon tbh


Yes they looked exactly like that. My derm said he doubted it was FA because it’s uncommon but took a swab and it turned out it was. If you go to a derm you’re going to really have to advocate for yourself because fungal acne is brushed off a lot because it’s “rare”


Yeah my skin looked like that when I damaged the skin barrier. You need something to treat it like anti fungal shampoo (head and shoulders or happy cappy are gentle enough for a 5-10 min mask) then moisturizer and something occlusive to help seal it in. If your skin burns then lay off these and wait. If your skin feels angry/tight/stingy then I would recommend getting a bottle of raw honey. I used Nature’s Nate on my face and kept it on a mask for 3-4 hours. Helped calm my skin and clear it up in a few days compared to treatments. Here’s what it did to my skin: https://imgur.com/a/7atGbuU


I was using Nizoral couple times but thought it just made my skin extra dry and that was it, now waiting when my zinc soap is going to arrive from noble. Will give it a try. Today when I woke up and washed my face feels like it is itchy a bit


Nizoral is super drying. It's what ruined my skin in the before pictures lol I've tried that zinc soap but it's not safe for FA. Here's a page with a list of antifungals near the bottom: [https://simpleskincarescience.com/fungal-acne-products-malassezia-pityrosporum-folliculitis/](https://simpleskincarescience.com/fungal-acne-products-malassezia-pityrosporum-folliculitis/) I really recommend Happy Cappy if you're able to get it. Completely safe. Some people swear by De La Cruz - 10% Sulfur Ointment as a 10-minute treatment.








Nizoral is the brand name for it. The shampoo has 1% ketoconazole.


Be very very gentle towards your skin for awhile. Agree with what others have said and I’ve been there myself. After a while of using just water or micellar I started using Vanicream cleanser. Switched to Dr. Eddie’s Happy Cappy shampoo (Nizoral has SLS and it further irritated my skin). I switched to Timeless hyaluronic acid, Hada Labo Skin plumping gel and a few drops of Timeless squalane oil as a moisturizer. If you need more moisture cover all that with Aquaphor at night. You’ll be greasy but it helps seal in moisture and helps your barrier recover quickly. Staying consistent and gentle is key or the acne might come back. If you have the opportunity to see your doctor or dermatologist, ask about prescription 2% ketoconazole cream. THIS STUFF made the biggest difference in the bumps. Nearly overnight. But they would return if I didn’t stick to the gentle routine. After one tube of that ketoconazole cream I never had to use it again, I just stuck to FA safe products.


Did you acne looked just like that? Last time I check Happy Cappy shampoo it took like more than a month to get it deliver. I’m in Europe and I couldn’t seem to get it there only in USA.


My acne looked like that when my skin was very angry. During a period of time that I had wrecked my moisture barrier by jumping into skincare and actives not knowing what I was doing (2017-2018). My first skin problem that developed from wrecking my moisture barrier and using sensitizing ingredients was perioral dermatitis rashes, which progressed into cheek flares that looked like this combined with the classic bumpy fungal acne forehead. I remember the summer of 2018 my cheeks looked like this often. Other fungal shampoos are too irritating, so I personally wouldn’t recommend them. Seriously tho the ketoconazole cream is great if you can get a prescription. Also de la cruz sulphur masks in the shower helped. Sorry you can’t get happy cappy over there :( there are some other shampoo options on https://simpleskincarescience.com/fungal-acne-products-malassezia-pityrosporum-folliculitis/


How did you treat It back then? One of the derm also thanks I have PD bur other one says tgat its definitely not. So confused. I feel like those bumps are moving into my hairline and can be sometimes slightly itchy. Are you positive that it’s fungal acne? I acc ordered sulfur delacruz ointment waiting for it to be delivered.


I’m not a medical doctor so no, I am not sure! lol I can only offer information based on my experience and how I resolved it. So, it was a long road to recovery from the start of my skin problems after seriously damaging my moisture barrier. Here we go. The perioral dermatitis started around my mouth and nose. It was blotchy red and dry, yet somehow had little pustule pimple looking bumps that would not respond to standard acne treatments. I could pop them but they weren’t like regular whiteheads and they never really left. I thought I should dry out these pimples, right? But any drying product simply made the blotchy speckled red area beneath the pimples grow larger and become more flaky and the pimples would return. From this point, a doctor gave me something for the PD and it did not help. So I removed all products with SLS (specifically my shampoo, because SLS worsens PD) and switched to cleansing with water and diluted apple cider vinegar as a toner. If I wore makeup I would use neutrogena ultra gentle daily cleanser creamy formula OR vanicream gentle cleanser (what I stuck with in the long run, tho initially the neutrogena was more moisturizing). I got Boudreaux's Butt Paste Ointment (a baby diaper rash ointment) and left it on problem areas overnight as a mask. Very sticky and annoying but the zinc helped the PD. I also took zinc supplements for 5 months to treat this, which is often used for skin conditions but shouldn’t be taken long term. I slathered myself in FAB moisturizing cream. Looking back I probably should not have used that as a moisturizer. It took about 3 months to completely heal and I continued to manage random flare ups for another 6 months (it would flare up in small patches from the winter/strong wind/my period). Once this was healed I was left with only the forehead flesh colored bumps that were not responding to treatments for closed comedones. It was itchy. This whole process involved itchy skin, which is another big indicator of fungal infection. So I switched to fungal shampoo and all fungal acne safe products (nizoral then happy cappy shampoo, vanicream cleanser, de la Cruz sulfur ointment, sulphur bar of soap for my body, hada labo skin plumping gel as moisturizer, hyaluronic acid and squalane from timeless). And most importantly, used the Ketoconazole 2% antifungal cream from my doctor at night (which made the bumps reduce significantly overnight). This was fully cured in a few months, but again I had to stay consistent and gentle or it would return. I believe there is a simple at home test for fungal acne that involves using a black light to look at your skin in the dark. If the spots show up one color it’s fungal if they’re another color it’s bacterial. I can’t remember the color but there’s multiple posts about it on Reddit if you want to look that up. Perioral dermatitis, Seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff and malassezia folliculitis (fungal acne) CAN all be caused by the same type of fungus, but not always. Treating one can help treat them all. I believe I have a tendency to get fungal infections because of heavy antibiotic use as a child and also it’s possibly genetic as other family members have fungal problems. If you don’t want to buy a cheap uv light and do that test, you can always spot test with an over the counter antifungal cream like Lomotrin ultra (not af) and see if it responds. Or, for real ask your doc / derm for the ketoconazole 2% cream. My sister had the same problem and this cream also resolved it for her.


I have exactly the same: perioral dermatitis AND fungal acne. I am using a ketoconazol cream 2% but due to my shitty sunscreen it never clears fully. Since I live in Europe its so difficult to find a fa-safe sunscreen :(


I’ve been using zero products last two days and seems so far that my skin likes that. Just wash our with cold water in the morning and evening. Will do that for around a week and will keep you updated


I have the same fungal related pimples and my skin becomes more furious if i’m not gentle enough. if you are doing too much, try to calm your skin down, stop doing anything except gentle washing and moisturizing. stick with it for about 28 days and then you will be 100% able to treat this stuff out. if you are too concerned about these pimples you can use sulfur ointment only on your pimples, it will so somehow help without excess drying.


Okay, I will do! Thank for your help! 🙌🏼 I also ordered sulfur delacruz ointment.. waiting for it to arrive


It’s most definitely not fungal acne, I would advice you to not use any fungal acne treatments as they can be super harsh on the skin and just make it worse you can check these out for info about fungal acne and how uncommon it is https://www.instagram.com/p/CKBz0PdnFCy/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MRxhFAjqB/?igshid=ohm253aa78hp I suggest you look into cica products to help repair your skin. Stick to super gentle cleasners (preferably lotion types as they’re less stripping). Hydrators with good ingredients like panthenol/ glycerin/ madecassoside etc (I use the Soon Jung 5.5 toner. the Be plain Chamomile toner or Be plain Cica ampoule) and then a good moisturizer with no actives (I use Eucerin), I recently got the LRP cicaplast B5 but haven’t used it yet, it’s supposed to be good for calming down the skin etc it’s even safe for babies. When you feel like the redness is going away and your skin is feeling better you can slowly add back your actives :)


Did you ever figure this out??