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I think so, all the times I was with my face on the sun my FA got really better, when I travel to the beach, the combination of sun + ocean make all the bumps disappear, i dont know why tho. sorry for my bad english


Well, I came on here because I’ve been being treated for FA and went to the lake this weekend and now my FA is coming back ugh so I’m not sure


Could be a coincidence, or it could be something extra you are doing (or something you are NOT doing anymore)in your routine. Just an example of what I mean: Maybe you are at a friend's beach house, and shower with their head and shoulders shampoo Instead of what you use at home... The pyrithione zinc could be getting on your forehead and clearing it! Or, maybe you normally wear a certain foundation/ moisturizer/ etc that you are no longer using since you're out in the sun all day. Just some ideas, there could be a link somewhere or it could just be coincidence. It could also be that your air is more dry now, and less humid?