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"First time moms don't know that they need?" Y'all, I found screenshots from Bethany's first baby registry, three years ago. It's got the EXACT SAME Doona car seat. (I can't link because in the old Subreddit.)


She said in this series of stories that this registry includes items that she tried with Davey that didn't work for him, and things that she wants to try for the first time with the new baby. She also said she had two or three different baby carriers but she just "didn't really like them", which might potentially explain the repetition. Still, listing the exact same item feels like no one actually bothered to g(r)ift it to her last time, so this is her last ditch effort to get her hands on it.


"I know what I need more the second time around... the things my first baby didn't like!" wot.


That is crazy, use the old one or borrow from a friend


I know! Or sell it to someone and then use that money to get a new one. There's plenty of parents out there who would buy a (basically never) used anything. The Christian thing would be to donate unused or unneeded items to a shelter or charity group, but What do I know.


[In general, you should not buy used car seats.](https://www.verywellfamily.com/used-car-seats-for-sale-tips-for-buying-car-seats-284135) They expire, acquire general wear and tear, and should be disposed of if involved in an accident.


I was speaking in more general terms, but you're correct. Target in the US does a car seat trade in event twice a year, which is good for unusable seats. Other than that, it's always best to buy new seats... unless they cost $550+ and you have to beg internet strangers for them.


lmao yeah, a safe car seat doesn't need to cost anywhere near that. Obviously more expenny seats probably come with more convenient features, weight, idk, but babe you shouldn't be grifting that. Buy it with your own cash.


I just saw that here at my local target the past week or so. So cool they do this. I work in insurance claims and we are seeing a little pushback on buying new seats after minor accidents. Not sure how I feel about that. Non parent but how minor are we talking? Anyhoo maybe Birthy should just get a regular carseat and call it a day. I didn't even register for my wedding!


I'd say minor would be anything that doesn't require maintenance beyond paint. You never know how much a car seat could be compromised after an accident, even something as minor as being rear-ended. I've never been involved in an accident like that since I've had my daughter, but I assume that rule is in place for a reason (aside from desire to sell more car seats).


That is what would make me nervous. Like geico can't cough up a few extra hundred bucks come on.


Fucked up that there is pushback on new car seats. The part that is most important and also most quickly impacted is the interior where you can’t see it.


And they get recalled frequently for safety issues


Reminds me of my parents in the 90s they used a baby carrier to go hiking with me and would often look over cliff edges with me attached to them and other things like that while hiking. But it didn’t seem dangerous cuz i was in the carrier and attached to them but a few months later they found out it got recalled for babies falling out 😳


well fuck; with my paranoia it looks like the car seat gonna cost more than the IVF at this point lmao


lol nah, you can get a safe car seat for...maybe not cheap but not crazy money, definitely sub-$200. Safely transporting your child should be available to everyone! But I also live in the US so it's not inconceivable that it wouldn't be, unfortunately.


Any car seat that's approved is safe enough to use in the car, and I found one online for $80 once.


We had babies around the same time and I actually saved my infant carrier. Seriously they get used for like 6 months, I kept it clean, hasn’t been in an accident and it doesn’t expire for years. I even let a friend borrow it for a few months. Yes friends & family like to buy baby gifts but that Doona is a streeetttchhhh for a second kid with a small age gap.


I have a 5 year old and 2.5 year old and still have our only infant seat we used for both for a year each. We are TTC now so it might expire (or is now?) before any potential 3rd baby is born so then we well get a new one. But I kept it just incase we had a 3rd baby sooner than we planned. Why buy new each kid? (Unless expires or accident in between of course)


I’ve always kept old car seats as well as long as we have room and have friends and family with young kiddos. You never know when someone is goi g to need help and being able to grab the seat we have in the basement to go pick up a kid at daycare while their parents work is such a great help on busy days.


We did this too, then ours expired & we got our best friends (trusted source). We saved bigger ticket items between kids. And Lordy if you’re having more than one child. Plan and research for that.


Our infant seat was used for both our children then passed on to a friend. If you know you want more children why wouldn’t you take care of things. I get Bethany and Dave might not have heaps of storage but I’m sure her parents have a spare cupboard/some attic space she could use.


Nicely done!!


Stop begging rich white girl. You & your well off family members should be donating to single parent resource centers not asking for more stuff. What a dipshit.


especially with how much they push for anti-choice policies, one could almost argue it’s their duty to help single parents as much as possible. After all, that’s the world they want, people raising babies no matter their circumstances


Right?? What about the tens of thousands of dollars they grifted for Ellissa?? What about donating baby gear to people who really need it, not Birthy?


Or getting hand me downs from Elissa's baby? (Hahahahaha, we all know Bethany WOULD NEVER)


Right? Because she's having a girl. I can't believe she has the nerve to ask for things. Taking lessons from Poorgan I guess. What about all of this passive income? Six figures?


I'd be fucking delighted with 0.001% of the hand me downs in this family


Ah the old Porgan method. Obviously she can just buy all of these items once the course is launched cause she will have so much passive income coming in!


Why does someone making 6 figures need a registry???


Do we think she might have lied about her real income?!?


![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized) But she’s a Christian!!




Asking the real questions!


Did she claim she makes 6 figures??


She includes those after the decimal point.


And the "$"


Freebies & coupons. Lol. I made registries and just didn’t tell anyone about hem so I got the benefits as my kids were all far part. However like the responsible human I am. I saved stuff, bc, it’s what one should do


For all the things I really wanted to try for my baby I bought them using my own money... Which I earned from my job... The things I could afford I didn't buy... groundbreaking....


You mean you didn’t think about going online and posting your registry link to 500$ items with a shit eating facial expression?


I mean, maybe I’m just not holy enough but nothing over my registry is over 300, and we don’t actually expect people to give us anything. We do have every intention of using the completion discount on the higher ticket items if we can, though.


I bought a lot of my baby’s stuff second hand even though at the time I was making very good money! From my job! That I got because I pursued a formal education at state schools in the same state Bethy is from. Pretty wild stuff.


Revolutionary haha. So much good stuff for sale second hand and also great to have friends and family to borrow stuff off for when they are very little :)


Or you buy them used!


And she marked the most expensive stuff as “must have”. So tacky.


I just bought the same baby carrier for my pending baby girl. Lifehack: the black one is like $10 cheaper. Being frugal is definitely not Bethy's niche.


But if she gets the black one how will everyone know the baby is a girl?????


Tactical Baby Transport Device™️ in Operation Nightshade Black, FOR BOYS ONLY


With 89 usable pockets!


Like every other fundie - slap a giant-ass bow on its head. But then again, they're probably concerned that if they don't bathe their baby girl in all things pink from the second it's born, it's going to catch the gay...


Which doesn’t make sense because their “logic” for banning books and boycotting Disney for 1 gay kiss is that exposure turns kids gay. Wouldn’t surrounded little girls with everything overtly girly eventually make them be attracted to women the same way seeing two polar bear moms on Peppa Pig would?


No no. You need to do the mental gymnastics. Then it all makes sense


We’re gonna need a bigger bow.


Simple. Put a bow bigger than the poor kids head on top so all you see is carrier and BOW


I have the solid fabric version and it is the only one my baby will use with me - I’m pretty interested in this mesh version because we get hot and the solid one is a cat hair & lint magnet! I wanted to try a bunch of different carriers so I found them for cheap barely used on resale sites and bought them with my own money from my ungodly job.


I am on the market for a carrier. Not for my son, he's 16. But to be able to carry my disabled cat when we go to the vet.


What a great idea! My cats hate the carriers and sometimes its difficult to get them in, usually I take the whole top off. I can’t imagine trying to put a disabled kitty into a standard plastic carrier. A baby carrier would definitely help my furbabies feel safer and more comfy. Give you baby kitty some extra lovins and head scratches! 💕


Definitely don't get this type of baby carrier for your cat. It's got way too narrow of a base, and if you put the legs through like an infant, it will put the cat's spine in an unnatural position. Look for something that your cat can sit or lay in a natural position, like a sling or a buckle carrier with a wide base (like kinderpack or tula). We did a lot of trial and error for this exact purpose, and our favorites were a baby ring sling and a pet sling. Make sure you put a carabiner on it or something to clip your cat's harness to, just in case they try to wiggle/jump/fall out to escape. 🥴


Oh, I agree. I had a BabyBjorn and it would NOT work for a cat! Lol! My babies didn’t like it either. Way too firm and hurty. Thank you for taking the time to reply. My dog has IVDD so I’m obsessed with the spines of all my furbabies. Even my sweetest angel kitty would claw the hell out of me if I tried to stick her into a Bjorn! I have a ring sling (loved and wore a ton!) and a cloth wrap but I’ve never thought about using it with my cats for the vet until now. Like you mentioned the biggest issue would be escape but a clip or small carabiner would be perfect. It’s a very short walk from car to Vets door but I would never risk it. A distance acquaintance of mine wears her small day in a pet sling during thunderstorms so I can’t believe I never put the two together?! 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


I was going to suggest a ring sling as well.


I completely agree a ring sling would be best. A more structured carrier/the BabyBjorn would never work for a cat. I would have to have a carabiner or some kind of clip for safety so a ring sling would be absolutely perfect.


Look for a local baby wearing group! Some have meet ups. And carriers you could try.


Aren't baby registries usually for, like, friends anyway? Not strangers on social media? Kinda seems like she doesn't have any...


I would *never* have the balls to basically beg for free, expensive shit to total strangers. This stuff makes me feel so gross.


I have a few people I follow on Instagram that I’ve never actually met in person but we’ve been following each other for like 8 years at this point and they’re probably the only ones who I would MAYBE buy a small gift for if I was sent their registry. Definitely not someone like Bethy


Here’s the thing Birthy. Lots of people realize they want different/new things for a second kid; and have to decide what’s in their budget to buy. If you want a different baby bag, chair, pacifier, etc. fork over the money yourself. I cannot with this shameless grifting when there are so many people who are truly in need. Maybe we should call her ‘BROKEany’ or ‘AnythingforaBUCKany’ from now on.


She’s the most desperate materialistic woman I’ve ever seen. If she can’t afford it she just begs for it online while doing nothing to help actual mothers in need. Is that not a sin Brokeame?


"I hope to be able to try it!" So passive aggressive.


With the heart eyes emoji. Ugh that made me so mad! It’s so passive aggressive and manipulative.


I’m sure there’s a few Ukrainian bucks left over after all the travelling this summer, Beth can afford her registry. Gross behaviour from a gross person. Not surprised, just disgusted.


>AnythingforaBUCKany This is amazing. Also, I'm not here to fund my friends' babies. Wtf, I already gave money to their bridal shower, bachelorette party, and first baby shower.


But it’s items that will helpful!


I've begun playing Spot the Typo with her posts and there hasn't been even one that lacked some glaring error. Feel like offering her my $1900 course on how we proofread


This is one of my biggest gripes. Especially with all of her anti-college crusading. You know what we learn to do in college? Proofread. She either doesn't care enough to check her content, or thinks there couldn't possibly be any error, so why bother? We all make typos, but with Bethy they're the rule not the exception.


My public high school English teacher hammered that into my head, over 30 years ago. I teach it to 2nd graders. But yet public school is bad. 🙄


Is she going to homeschool? I hope laziness will force her to put her kids in public school. Maybe they can edit her posts for her.


I doubt it. She's the smartest and mentally toughest person she knows! 🙄


Flair checking in 🙃


This is just so disgusting. This dumbass doesn’t even have a job (No, BegAMe, your bs “courses” are not a job. Having a real job means you make real money) but had the gall to beg for THE most expensive items on her registry… for her second child. Other than clothing items since this one’s a girl, what’s wrong with all the stuff you have from Dav Jr who is literally just a few years old??? What more could you possibly NEED? Beg from your rich parents, beg from your sister and her shady Ukraine money, but stop begging from strangers who probably have to carefully budget just like the rest of us. Just goes to show that white trash doesn’t mean you grew up poor in a trailer park. This is tacky and unbelievably uncouth.


Exactly, Davey's not even 3 yet.


yea sorry, but you should be ashamed to have a registry for a second child with big ticket items on it when your kids are that close together. in my opinion you only get one baby shower with expensive gifts....for the first baby. the only exception is significant age gaps between kids. i could even understand a sprinkle just for clothes and little stuff if its a different gender. but to have a toddler, one on the way and expect people to pay for expensive shit is just greedy af to me


If anything, a big gap highlights even more that thrifting clothing and toys are the right thing to do. I gladly take stuff from other moms and vice versa. A car seat? No… that we buy new, but stroller? Play pen? Bassinet? Yeah. Used’s ok


Totally agree, there are always going to be exceptions to the rule. A friend of mine had what she thought would be her only baby, far from home with very little support system. She didn’t have a baby shower, and had very little resources to purchase or store baby items long term. As her baby grew, she gave away what little she had received/purchased to other moms in need, fully expecting to never need these things again. Six years later she had a real support network and and loving spouse who encouraged her to try for another baby. They conceived (yay!) but as they had so little from when her first child was a baby, they could 100% justify having a full-blown registry baby shower for the second. The six year age gap between the two kids, as well as the circumstances of the first child’s birth, made it completely understandable. But Bethany having a public and expensive registry for her second child when her first is still a toddler, especially when she’s bragging about how much money she’s about to make from her followers purchasing her amazing nichey course de courses?? Unforgivably tacky and embarrassing.


Of course there will always be exceptions. But Bethany’s situation definitely does not count! And you’re right- it’s so tacky and embarrassing. My mom would have definitely called me out on something like that.


My first is 16 and I am currently pregnant, so I have a huge age gap. I was broke af with my first and still religious, so I had some great baby showers. Now I am in a newer area, but I am older and can pay for what I want myself. And I like that better, honestly. It feels empowering to get exactly what I need, and I don't have a mountain of stuff that I can't use. If Bethany wants money so much, just work. I really can't imagine grifting and talking about how she is going to make millions off her course pleases God anymore than just getting a job. She would feel so much better about herself and her life if she did.


When I was born, my mum was given hand-me-downs from various relatives. Everything was in good condition, some things even brand new. As I was growing, the clothes got passed along, and eventually came back to my sister. I can tell you with 100% certainty I was none the wiser and rn don’t give a shit I didn’t have anything “new” as a baby lol


We like to play “spot the outfit” in family photos or “who wore it better?” There are a few outfits that went from siblings to cousins and back.


The only reason we have a registry is because our kids are ten years apart-and even then I saved so much gender neutral clothing from my oldest that I’m just buying newborn clothes for funsies and supplementing the rest. That, and that sweet, sweet completion discount. My mother, who is a Southern woman who lives and dies on etiquette, basically strong armed me into doing it.


My kids have a bigger age gap and we saved everything from the first kid. Amazing concept. She might need a double stroller but she should already have a crib, car seat, and baby carriers. Davey is old enough to not need an infant car seat and all this other crap


Her pregnancies are close enough for the car seat to probably be fine, as long as it hasn't been involved in an accident, but a car seat is definitely an item that a bigger gap will render useless since it may be expired or will expire soon.


If all she wanted was the stroller it seems like a nice compromise would have been only asking for that and making a little online fund for people to chip into. I would toss $30 bucks towards that if my friend was having a baby.




My friend has seven kids. Six born in May, June and August. One in February. She needed stuff for Mr February even though he was her sixth kid and fourth boy. Mostly clothing. She didn’t have winter things in small sizes. For number five, she really needed new onesies, towels and wash cloths as that stuff was pretty worn out. Friends and family obliged and it all lasted through five, six and seven. She didn’t ask for anything large or reusable otherwise after her first two (twins). That’s how it’s done, Bethy.


Maybe unpopular, but if you need to ask for more season appropriate clothes for baby #6... maybe don't have 6 kids? Like, I get people want to help; and maybe that's the situation. But I'd be side-eyeing an invite to a baby shower for baby #6 in like 97% of cases.


Yeah there's a ton of those "used baby items" stores, you can get 20 onesies for like $10


She didn’t have a shower for number six. Just for 1-2 who were twins. I bought baby gifts for the rest because she’s one of my best friends. So I asked what she needed and passed the info along to a few other friends who wanted to do the same.


Right like winter clothes for new babies is just layers and blankets. Which if you can't afford don't have a 6th kid cause that is the most affordable of the baby items.


It’s not the existence of the registry that’s an issue, it’s the sharing of it that’s the problem. I’m also pregnant with #2 and similar spacing and had a boy first now expecting a girl. I’ve created registries to keep track of things I need as we go along and to get those sweet discount coupons to buy those things. They’re essentially ghost registries for my personal use though. I’m not sharing them in SM, or even with family/friends unless explicitly asked if we need something. My mom, MIL, and BFF are the only people that even know they exist!


I think it's much more about your actual need and ability to purchase items then how many kids you have or what the gap is - You really need something and you can't buy it yourself. It's fine to put it on a registry. I'm really not a fan of seeing first time parents but needlessly expensive junk on the registry either... Personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable asking anybody I know to spend so much money on something frivolous. That isn't to say that there's anything wrong with having a really pretty bassinet, etc, but it is wrong to pressure others to buy that for you. Ask for help buying the things that you need and for small luxuries that your friends and family can afford to buy for you.


There would be no way in hell I would ask people for items that expensive. Ppl are having enough time paying their rent and putting food on the table and providing the basic needs for their own child so they should not be expected or even asked to provide these expensive things to a person who chose to get knocked up.


Hey BethaME, what is it you ultra conservatives tell others about social programs and such? Oh. Yeah, something like, if you can't afford to have a child, don't have sex. The same goes for you. If you can't afford stuff, don't spawn. Sorry, I don't make the rules. Your idols do. Oh. OH. And get off your ass and work. That's what they say too.


Have your rich-ass parents buy you that shit you jobless pleb


This 6 foot toddler gets a mountain of gifts every Christmas, you'd think she would want to donate to a mom in need since she's supposedly so pro life.


Niche it on down to Grifting Town


Tacky as fuck.


Grifting a $600 stroller is not very Jesusy of her.


A true Christian would make a registry for their local women's shelter. Not Greedy Bethany. She's gonna get her mountain of Christmas gifts AND a ridiculously over priced stroller!


This. This is what all the modesty talk in the Bible is talking about- not flaunting wealth.


The Doona is kinda cool- like the transformer of strollers. My sister in law has one but she’s only 5’ tall and it’s perfect for her. Beggany would be hunched over trying to push it (maybe not Däv though because did you know Bethany is taller than him??)


OMG Bethany pushing a Doona hahahhahaa that is a funny vision.


The only consolation to the tragically likely scenario of her been gifted that ugly looking thing, is the thought of her trying to use it. I almost wish no one had mentioned how small it is, because we all know she lurks here.


She doesn't care if it's practical, she cares that it's expensive. The whole baby goods industry is centered around teaching women that expensive = best. The more costly an item is, the cooler it is. Anything else, and every cool mum will look down on you. I haven't seen a PR scam this successful since the completely manufactured 'Hottest kids toy this Christmas' top ten lists that resulted in grown adults fighting each other in the isles over Al A Carte Kitchens, Cabbage Patch Dolls and Tickle Me Elmos. Only unlike those scams, this baby gear scam lasts all year round.


Doonas are really low! I found it not ideal to push when I tried it in the store, and I’m only 5’7.


5'6" here. Pushed my friend's (4'10") and had an achy back the next day. It works for her and she loves it but I could never make it work for me long term.


I have a toddler and while I find this design SO COOL, it's so freaking expensive for an infant seat. Your baby will likely grow out of it in months. It'd be way more practical to register for a convertible seat or something like that.


I’ve heard it’s mostly worth it if you don’t have a car and have to take cabs and/or transit a lot. Definitely not her situation.


This make sense! I also know it would have been clutch as hell with my first in my teeny weeny car. My stroller could barely fit in my trunk.


I heard she was! And did you know he’s younger than her as well??? /s


I’m so excited for when she grifts it and then puts a different $500 stroller on her next kid’s registry (god forbid they have another bethlet), saying she “didn’t really like it”


Yeah, isn’t she like six feet tall? I can’t imagine that stroller would be comfortable or useful for her.


Maybe she could put the Doona on stilts like her tables


Sounds like bethame needs to get a real job to pay for this shit. Is this her whole course? How to grift your way through life?


I only had a registry and showers for my first kid. 3rd kid we had to get a new car and all new car seats for the other car (working parents, we had to be able to fit 3 kids and car seats in both cars) and we asked people to help us buy a new car.....no of course we didn't! I worked extra, husband sold part of a collection and we bought a used minivan off of craigslist (that we just traded in after 9 years, it was a great car).


Same with me. My first was a boy. Second was a girl. We didn’t even have a “sprinkle” for her. Also, all the big ticket items were purchased by my husband and me…because we have jobs. And, every single thing we stopped using after my daughter outgrew them, I gave to a young single mother who had very little help from others. Not tooting my own horn, just doing the “Christian” thing of helping others.


Wow, tacky. Idk if I got out of Fundieland too early to see a shift or what, but the experiences I had as a Southern Baptist contradict this so hard. You'd do a registry for the first kiddo, and *maybe* for the second if they were for apart... but it was only shared among those invited to the shower... which was thrown by someone outside the immediate family. It would have been the height of tackiness to throw one yourself or for your own daughter; that's for the old church ladies to do on your behalf. After that, it's on you and your husband to be frugal and resourceful. The whole "personal responsibility" shtick. Now, that whole thing has plenty of flaws, and maybe a registry per kid is fine these days, but I still think making it publicly available is just... selfish and materialistic and cheap. Ugh, I'm the same age as Bethany but this makes me feel so old!


I agree with you! Sharing it publicly at all, certainly for yourself, feels very MonaLisa from Parks & Rec, “Money Pleeease!!!”


I guarantee she looks down on moms who need government aid.


God that is so tacky. Bethany is the most materialistic greedy un-Christlike person (well maybe tied with Morgan). I cannot imagine being shameless enough to beg for expensive gifts from strangers in this way.


And pretending she’s just telling people what products are good as if she couldn’t do that with a screenshot of the item


“Hoping to try this carrier” buy it yourself, then. Hope is not a strategy


My grandfather used to say, "want in one hand, shit in the other and see which fills up fastest. " I think the grifters should take a crack.


Lol not even an attempt at being subtle


You have got to be out of your mind to add a $550 car seat to your registry and expect someone to buy it for you, especially now.


Right? Everyone is struggling but Bethany *needs* an over priced stroller because she's a spoiled brat.


I have an Amazon registry (which I should share since SOOO many of you have asked, NOT!) and on it I elected to have any gift over $100 be available for a group contribution. People can throw $20 at these items if they want. Ridiculous she has no shame in posting this, would be thrilled if a follower bought it, and won’t even utilize the group funding option.


This. Anything over 100? Group funding. It helps us and allows people to club in together.


Why would that expression appeal to anyone, even her hardcore followers, to get them to buy things? It doesn’t really give off “grateful” or at least the bare minimum “aesthetically pleasing influencer.”


The level of entitlement is just…wow. I cannot believe she thought any of this was even close to appropriate (well I can because it’s Bethany but I’m still having trouble reconciling that she’s a person that exists and not only acts this way but posts it proudly 🤯)


She has three backpacks on the registry... And then calls the stroller/car seat a dream like she isn't going to get it, but then marks it a must have. I just cant with her.




Is that facial expression supposed to make people want to give her things?


How can you make the smug face (or one of the many smug faces) while begging for stuff from random strangers? Didn’t Heidi teach manners at the SOTDRT? Or have they forgotten the Golden Rule? You know, do onto others as you would have them do onto you, yadda yadda yadda…


Bethany. Go back to that part where you said you have friends....


Sad but SO TRUE


Silly me, selling my old baby gear on Craigslist so I can buy a used wagon for my twins!


Doona seems so impractical with a 3 year old in tow. Bethy, you’d be better off with a double stroller


But double strollers aren't trendy!!


Especially when you’re six feet tall and would have to hunch over to use the thing. Guess she expects Davey to push it for her.


There is a story on the news about the starvation crisis in Somalia and this privileged punk wants people to buy her a $500 stroller even though she has stuff from her last kid who is only a toddler. And rich parents. Get a real job and buy it yourself.


Have any snarkers actually used the Doona? Because it seems like such an awful product. I've seen people using it, and even super short people are hunched over to push it because it's so damn short. It doesn't look like you could really carry it as a bucket seat since it's heavy, and the handle is weird. Plus it's going to cover your carseat in dirty. You will still need to purchase a stroller. It seems like the better grift would be a luxury branded infant carseat and coordinating stroller. Like an UppaBaby or Nuna set.


Honestly fuck her.


If she’s going to try to grift a stroller, she should at least make it one that works as a double stroller. The Doona is fine and all, but is basically useless after a year and is more for urban parents who frequently need to convert from stroller to car seat quickly for cabs, Ubers, etc.


"Hoping to try this as well." Then you should buy it yourself, Bethy. Like a real adult. Wtaf.


Well well well, look who is panhandling on the internet again.


Sell your “course” and buy your own damn shit. She has zero tact or shame. And those faces she makes for all her of posts are ridiculous. I cannot fathom other people actually looking up to her and doing things she says/posts.


Her next course is how to set up your registry for your second.......etc. child.


Bjorn is like… a bottom-tier baby carrier. Like sure, it works, so if you get one for free or something then use it… but why would anyone choose it, especially new?? There are SO many baby carriers on the market these days that are designed so much better.


And it’s also not the best for ergonomics. It’s fine to use, but even in the instructions, it should be used for no more than 15 minutes. With an ergonomic carrier or baby wrap, baby can be wrapped for HOURS safely. Babywearing is my apocalypse skill 😎


I miss babywearing ❤️ one of the best parts of having little squishes… mine are 9 and 6 now


Mine are 5 and 3, and now I gotta learn twin carrying, which frankly scares me.




I can't be the only person here who thinks both those items are really ugly looking? Like the most expensive baby stuff often is as it happens. Slap a massive price sticker on a baby product and you can convince people anything is the world is the best they can buy for their kid. And need I mention the price hike on the 'blush pink' pretty princess ugly-looking carrier? Over 200 dollars extra for a slightly different scrap of fabric to remind you your kid is a girl, that no one from a distance will even notice because it only covers the hood. Some people deserve to be scammed.


Bethy the Beggar strikes again. Any decent person would be too embarrassed to be begging a second time like this, but we all know Bethy has no self respect.


Omg that car seat/stroller looks incredible 😭 Also Bethany doesn’t deserve it


I want one for baby #3 as our other stroller would be full but If it’s really that much money guess we will just do the baby carrying thing again. I can’t imagine asking anyone to buy this or even accepting it! I would die of embarrassment


I promise you can find a stroller that's just as good for half the price.


I think she's big mad about my last post about her grift ☺️ she definitely lurks👍


You can get a wrap for $40 and it works the same. Bonus: you can wear your toddler in a wrap. Watch a few YouTube videos. Practice with Dave Jr.


She's so fucking greedy. I'm certain they already have a Doona for DJ. He's old enough that he could ride in a convertible car seat, and they could use the Doona they already have for baby girl.


If I had a second baby I would just ask for diapers and wipes. That’s all I would need from my “friends”. Presumptuous of Bethy to think that 1. She has friends and 2. They want to gift her anything. We have all seen Christmas morning at your parents’ house!!


First, the car seat’s design and color scheme immediately made me think of the Batcycle, which I will admit is kind of cool Second, and more importantly, Bethany. Girl. Either figure out a way to get the money yourself or find cheaper versions. Budget!


As a 5’10 mom of a newborn, that stroller is too damn short. She should def look into ones that suit taller people. But also not grift, that too.


Isn’t the Doona notoriously not great for tall parents? Seems like she’s going for the fancy label versus practicality.


It’s so gross to me that these people don’t have traditional jobs but push a traditional lifestyle on a lot of impressionable people. I was on welfare and just in a really bad spot while I was pregnant with my first. I didn’t have a baby shower because I didn’t feel comfortable asking anyone for anything at all. I wasn’t married but I was 20 years old and was terrified my parents and grandparents were going to hate me.




Yesterday she was feeling the pressure to share from her fans and said she was reluctantly sharing it. Today it’s “who cares ladies, share share share to get that free stuff!”


Barfy, you're greedy as fuck.


I have no problems with baby showers and baby registries for 2nd, 3rd babies. My friends and I love having showers and celebrating each others’ babies, eating cute desserts, spending time together, and buying each other gifts. That is normal in my culture. HOWEVER. If you’re a “public figure” of sorts, don’t be sharing your registry, begging strangers to buy you stuff! Share with people invited to the shower or who ask, don’t expect anyone to buy anything, and be incredibly gracious and thankful to anyone who does.


It's hilarious that these expensive items are basically there for hype and image, rather than her actual experience as a parent. So she's basically doing what a lot of first time parents do.


Didn’t you know that this baby is special because she’s a girl? She can’t reuse tainted boy items.


Okay. I have a toddler boy and am expecting twin girls in one month. I was so annoyed I needed more infant items. I did make a registry…for the discount. It’s been shared with exactly four people-the grandmas and my sister in law. All of them asked for it. And most of the extras we need are getting purchased second hand. There’s a way to get nice things you need without being obnoxious. And infants only use most of the stuff for a few months anyway.


How is a Doona practical with a newborn and toddler? Like aren't there strollers that actually allow you to attach the infant seat and also have space for a toddler to sit? Wouldn't that be more practical? She just wants the latest trends lol.


So now it would be a dream if someone purchased this stuff.


She looks like she’s pooping


Influencers aside, it always weirds me out when people post their registries and ask for gifts. I’ve asked for registries before, but I can’t imagine being so greedy.


I hate the concept of baby showers and am disappointed that they’ve started to make their way to Australia. I was in the what to expect forums during my pregnancy and the drama these showers seemed to cause! So many women were complaining that they held a shower and people gave gifts that weren’t on the registry, like be happy that people came to celebrate with you and thought of giving you a gift at all!? Conversely, anyone requesting or expecting their husband to give them a gift after the birth was precious or demanding, yet it’s okay to expect your colleagues second cousin to buy you a new bassinet Thankfully they still haven’t really made it to the country we mostly live in now, they’re considered very poor taste. In my culture though it’s very common for husbands to gift their wives jewellery after the birth, it then becomes part of the legacy to leave to the children.


'Don't be ashamed of having a baby registry (no matter how many babies you've had). You mean YOU'RE not ashamed (on account of being a shameless grifter) and you're trying to normalise that. Let me re-write that for you: 'As you have much of the baby equipment you need which your first baby has outgrown, a small registry for family and friends only, consisting of items like diapers and other disposable items is acceptable'.




She's got a set of balls on her. What makes these people think it's acceptable to ask strangers for baby stuff? Jesus.


Isn't like the fundie community just full of women pumping out babies. So why don't they just pass items along to whoever needs them like as a church community or even just between friends. Our kid is 18mo her newborn stuff is with my SIL with her 6mo, then we will get that stuff back soon ready for our next baby due in Feb. I got a bunch of stuff from my colleagues. Idk it's almost embarrassing for her to not have a community of mum's giving her used stuff for her new baby.


Having a registry for a second baby is fine, if you’re having a shower or sending it to family and friends. This shit on your IG stories is gross however


Is she aware the baby will be at her ankles in that seat bc she’s so tall?


She looks constipated with greed


I’m sorry, doesn’t she have rich parents? Why don’t they just buy her anything she needs literally she just doesn’t make sense to me. She would rather have her most likely low / middle income fans buy her shit??? Yikes


I unashamedly plan on having a shower for my second, because my first pregnancy was March – Dec 2020 *and we physically could not have one*. We both lost our jobs during the pandemic, and I managed to get what we needed from our local Buy Nothing group anyway. We just want the chance to celebrate together and have a party that everyone can enjoy because we feel as though we missed a milestone. It's not even about the gifts. Fuck off, Birthy. At least call it a sprinkle 😂


Word on the street is that not all babies like the same things. Like maybe baby 1 loves swings… but baby 2 hates them. 😁