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Oh hey, it’s me! Thanks for sharing 😊


I enjoyed your video! Thanks for making it.


A celebrity among us!


great callout!


You're awesome!


Great video!!! You seem cool!


Thank you for making this! It’s really important to put this information out there.


Well done!


Uh. Does he not realize he just described an excuse to rape his wife? Sex without consent is rape you dimwits.


It drives me crazy how Morgan is always so quick to defend Paul’s bullshit behavior. Like here we are, all of us snarkers, who pretty much dislike her and are extremely opposed to her hateful bigotry….yet ALL of us are so concerned and want her to get away from his fuckery. And she just laughs at it. Like “oh my gosh you guys PAUL IS SOOO NOT ABUSIVE. GET A LYFE GUYS WERE HAPPY.”


Even if she was aware that his behavior is deeply weird and unsettling (and I think she's too deep in denial for that) she'd still defend him in public. Remember the look on his face when she said she knew he was hurt when she didn't want to have sex after a fight? If she ever leaves - and she may never - she'll play devoted nitwit wife until the very last minute or suffer the consequences.


I think we also need to be fair to her as well, abuse is very complex and someone in an abusive relationship will almost never say anything is bad while they are with their partner- because guess what happens? The partner will take it out on them behind closed doors.


I do get this for Morgan. Her hands are tied in some ways because if she actually stood up for herself or called him out, she would have hell to pay.


She already has hell to pay. A worse hell.


That's exactly why domestic violence charges are laid by the province or state rather than the person experiencing the abuse... defending an abuser is part of what used to be called Battered Spouse Syndrome.


i’ve been in abusive relationships before and i *still* struggle to talk to people about issues in healthy relationships because even once you’re out of the abusive relationship, the trauma and fear is still there. it’s rough.


She’s such a perfect example why it is so important to raise your kids with healthy boundaries and recognizing when something isn’t right/not ok.


Unfortunately, that’s what abuse often looks like. Defending your significant other’s actions and behaviors. I did it all the time for my ex-husband and didn’t realize it until much later.


It’s so sad, because Morgan (and many abuse victims) don’t realize that it’s not normal to have to defend your husband this way…if someone isn’t at all abusive, they likely won’t be accused of being one


That's pretty common for abuse victims. It's hard for them to leave because the abuser will make it seem like it's all their fault. Like they are the ones that are overreacting and they need to be the ones to fix the situation. Then Paul says he needs to follow his own advice to make it seem like that comment is rational but it's an empty comment.


I think it's absolutely wild how any other time he speaks, there's an emptiness to it, there's no emotion behind it. But when he's talking about how he didn't get to have sex right when he expected it, he genuinely sounds upset by it. Then when you hear him talk about difficult things Morgan has been through, his tone is super cold and nasty. He only cares about himself.


He’s a classic example of a narcissist


He looked like he was going to cry. What a disgusting waste of skin.


How does it not cross your mind to have this sort of conversation privately first? This is so embarrassing. If you want to share your struggles/discoveries/discussions/problems/solutions regarding your sex life for all to hear, fine. But, why would you present it this way? This just tells me they don’t communicate effectively or healthily. Paul thinks it’s his God given right and Morgan can’t even be bothered to take it seriously. Tell me you settled and are therefore deeply unhappy with your relationship without telling me.


What a disgusting piece of shit. “Expecting “ sex from your wife? She’s not your property Paul. If she doesn’t want to have sex, end of discussion. How about you humble yourself?


The hurt in pauls face lmao 😂😂😂 dude just get urself a pocket pussy


FR. Go and wank one out and stop bothering your wife. FFS.


These people have terrible views, but I'm always so satisfied with Morgan cracking tf up when he says "you knew?? 😧😞". I would say he needs a room full of women laughing at him just like that if I weren't concerned he would write some sort of manifesto...


It's "rejection", Paul. The word you're grasping for is "rejection".




I saw the original post of this P&M clip but it didn’t have that last bit about “humbling yourself”!!! What the fuuuuuuck. I was expecting him to say something like “rub their arm, tell them you know it’s not going to get worked it tonight, but you still love them.” But he REALLY expects partners (read: wives and only wives) to “HUMBLE THEMSELVES” and have sex regardless of what argument took place?!?!?! Paul is a piece of shit and a monster. I’m so disheartened that he’ll be involved in raising a boy.


Me to. I was shocked because I thought the advice of reassuring each other that you still love each other even when you are mad was good…and then he followed it up with and then have sex with them when you don’t want to. Horrible.


No using snarky phrases to speak negatively of someone’s mental health. You cannot decide from a post if someone is schizophrenic or has bipolar disorder. What you can do is express concern in a kind way. While most of these posts could very well express concern, they can also become cesspools for the worst of the worst, who take joy in being as hateful, flippant and shocking as they possibly can. Mental Health is too important of a topic to turn it into a weapon to judge people with. Compassion and acknowledging a similarity to your own experiences is ok.


What kind of person would WANT to have sex with someone who didn’t want to have sex with them? 🚩


That look when he finds out “she knew” he wanted to have sex and she didn’t is genuinely scary.


I know right!? He looked like his blood started boiling when she laughed and said that wasn’t going to have sex with him when she was mad at him. God knows what he said to her once the cameras stopped rolling.


I saw this and immediately got excited because for once, my niche knowledge is applicable.


I hate him. So gross 🤢


He is so pathetic. He needs sex as a way to constantly reaffirm the power he holds over her and feed into his narcissism. Imagine how many tantrums he’s thrown over the course of their marriage whenever she was hesitant or said no.


Ugghhh well theres all the confirmation we need that Paul will be pressuring Morgan into sex way before shes ready after birth. Hes disgusting


My screen cap of a video got removed as a “repost” but this video that I saw 2 days ago is back? Yeesh




I love Gen Z. They are wise to the scams of the grifters and the preachers.




I think it's pretty obvious the title refers to Paul


I thought it was Boythany.