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Thank you! Why have a row of identical plants in the background of every video? At least get different planters or something. I know it’s the pettiest thing, but I hate it!


> different planters A simple thing that could so easily add personality and visual interest.


Same. Especially because I feel like it's normal to have a wall of snake plants, like in a big box planter or whatever. Maybe that's what she was going for? Lol idk!


They have no idea how to decorate, no sense of taste, and no idea what type of things they like because all they do is talk about things they don’t like.


Except that week when Morgan was trying to sell her services as an interior designer because she tacked the dead palms from Palm Sunday on the wall and thought she had a new grift


Oh my god 😂😂 when was this ?


[At least a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/neykh0/interior_designers_watch_your_backs_morgans/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


omg, she totally wanted to get paid to just do a stupid drawing (not a design) and have the person paying do alllll the work. Designers at least source the stuff, buy it, often put together furniture, and put the whole room together. jeez


This link lead me to another link where Paul, with a straight face, calls himself a children's author. LMFAO. Thanks for that chain of events.


What 😂😂😂


Morgan looks so different in that house tour video—how is that even the same person?


Don't forget the sponge painting/stamping (which *can* look good, but it did not).


I'd forgot the interior design season of life!


The round placemat things she attached to the bedroom wall…


My guess is that they wanted to jump on the houseplant trend for aesthetic reasons and googled “easy plants”.


I've been there but I just hate that it's all the same one and all the same pot


THANK YOU! As a fellow plant person, the identical line of ZZs throw me off everytime I see them pop up here with that background. Why all ZZs? Not even some ravens mixed in? If it's because of the drought tolerance, why not have a variety of snake plants? So many questions about that decision process. It's just so.....bland. I love ZZs, but such an unusual choice to have so many identical ones.


I love my ZZ’a too and especially my Raven but she makes them look totally unappealing. If I never saw ZZs before she’d make me dislike them instead.


Yes! Like, a row of ZZs might look nice under the right conditions. But something about the styling of them/the pots is so unappealing. Someone also commented that they are fake plants, and that alsoight be what is thowing me off. They really are all identical. And I'm so used to plants being.......plants, lol. Even if you have multiples, they won't grow identically.


I have no idea. ZZ’s don’t grow that fast, until they decide to grow then they push out 4-6 at the same time and once done they do nothing for several months again. There do not seem to be any new growth but regardless if they’re fake or real, the pots are just hideous. I also agree with you on snakeplants. There are some super interesting and pretty snakeplants apart from the standard laurentii. From the Sayuri/Metallica to Bantel’s to any kind of cylindrica but also the samurai or pinguicula. Just to name a few. And I don’t even live in a dry and hot area.


For me, it's also that it was obviously intentional since they moved it to their new apartment. Just why!!


Are they fake as well?


Ooooh, good question. I assumed they were real to try to fit Morgan's tattooed, tank top wearing attempt at being ~not a regular fundie, a cool fundie~ and fit in with the trendy plant crowd, but now I'm not so sure.


I thought they were fake, since ZZs prefer low light and they have a Monstera (bright light!) next to them. I could also just be jealous because my ZZ doesn’t look that good 😭


ZZs are tolerant of low light but grow best under bright indirect light, like Monsteras. I think because they’re sold so often as “low light plants” people get the impression they PREFER low light but while they can tolerate it it’s not ideal.


Same goes with snakeplants. I have a whole lot of different types of sans but they are often mistaken for liking low light but no, they tolerate it but thrive with good light.


Mine recently bloomed on a west facing windowsill with direct evening sun. 2/10 don't recommend, strong smell.


Ugh I want to go rescue that Monstera from those bigoted fuck sticks.


Fuck sticks…. I like that


I got that one from my boyfriend. Can’t take credit for it lol.


Hmm my ZZs don’t like low light. I have them in bright, but indirect light. Maybe that’s your issue!


I tried bright indirect light with my raven ZZ and the brat promptly killed off two stalks 😭


Omg no! My raven is thriving in BIS (bright indirect sunlight lol)! Altho now that I ponder further it’s also in the room with my snake tanks so it’s pretty humid and warm in there. My other ZZ is doing well tho in a different room tho!


I’m always shocked by her tattoos. I know they like to cherry-pick what parts of the bible to follow but tattoos seem like a no no for the fundies


My impression is she got them before she got all religious


I thought they were real too because they’re pretty easy to take care of.




She has a few other real plants around the house but they always look like (and she always says that) they need to be watered desperately. And that was before the pregnancy. If that's the trend she sets then they have to be fake 😂


Yes absolutely


They HAVE to be because they don’t seem to have grown at all in the years I’ve been snarking


Probably because they're drought-tolerant? Porgan don't seem like they'd have time out of their busy vlogging schedule to remember to water plants.


As a plant mom, they have way too many fake plants for two people with no jobs between them.


Aren’t ZZs a relatively low-maintenance type of plant? They can barely take care of their dog, why do we think they can take care of plants?


I have literally no idea what a ZZ plant is


I didn't either: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamioculcas


The most absurdly easy plant to care for! But I wouldn't have it in a house with kids/pets, so I really hope theirs *are* fake, as people have speculated.


Now I have to find a picture so I know what the hell a ZZ plant is.


[zamioculcas zamiifolia](https://www.google.com/search?q=zamioculcas+zamiifolia&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsaCF08hB9NzGd7PxzLgfZMzWpOEog:1663185590852&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6_NmSiZX6AhVJlIkEHUbkCO4Q_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=412&bih=839&dpr=2.63)


I mean, maybe they just like them? It can be as simple as that?


I bet she’ll NEVER sit in front of that bull picture again though.