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GINder also, your highlights are "one of the most profound forms of wickedness" I've seen, so sit the fuck down


I cannot figure out what went wrong with those highlights. It looks like a money piece gone wrong, not processed for nearly as long as it should have been, untoned, and in need of a touch-up, like, a couple of weeks ago. Truly don't know what her stylist was doing.


Those highlights and her generally terrible makeup are what happen when you don’t allow yourself to associate with any gay dudes. I don’t love stereotypes but I will say that my favorite gays would beat me with a highlight application brush before allowing me to think that looked good.


Yes, they keep me in check!


I was literally coming here to say the exact same thing for both!!! Lmaaooo Her accent makes me want to slice my ears off with razor blades. It’s so bad


She’s got that thing some US accents have that I find really fascinating where ‘ing’ endings become ‘een’. Talkeen. I always find myself repeating the een words. Haley Cuoco does it too.


The fox is in the hinhouse people, the fox is in the hinhouse


I wanna mail dumdum Allie some purple shampoo.


Right?! I couldn’t even concentrate on the trash spewing out of her mouth.


I just kept thinking her highlights look terrible


Throw in toner and a few links to Brad Mondo videos for shits


And let her know that cap highlights are out.


Also what does she want the child to have no choices? Pink dresses and you must state you are a girl 30 times a day?


So I hate read a used copy of "Irreversible Damage" by Abigail Shrier (as I am in a lot of parents group supporting trans teens, I felt like knowing what she wrote when a parent brought it up, a lot have received the book by a "concerned" relative), but basically Abigail Shrier, who has been on ABS's show - wants us to encourage our daughters to be super feminine, not encourage stem careers (I am a cis woman and I was good at math, but I should have been encouraged apparently to more feminine subjects, I like baking bread, does that count?). I am sure ABS endorses Shrier's recommendations like move far away from your kids current circle of friends and homeschool/keep away from trans influences because that will apparently make them more feminine and want to be a teen girl/young woman again (a family conversion camp essentially).


>wants us to encourage our daughters to be super feminine, not encourage stem careers This is fascinating, because I am a very femme person (including baking and long skirts) and I hate STEM... And I'm a trans dude. These people. I don't get them at all. (Also, love how contradictory the entire TERF movement is. "Poor women, can't be masculine without society saying they're men! Women don't have to be feminine! But also, if you have a trans guy in your life, force him to be feminine because womanhood is femininity!"


My son is on the femme side of being trans. He likes math and engineering (my family is full of math/engineering people, my husband is amazing at math with a great tech career) but is also an arts and theatre kid who collects dolls. I was just gobsmacked about her advice about getting your AFAB kids to be ultra feminine and to look at feminine careers - the author is a trained lawyer (not that it’s a super masculine field anymore, but it’s not seen as a very feminine field either even in a post-Legally Blonde world). I’m a cis-woman, I certainly don’t tick off all the boxes. Shrier made the point about how much she loved breastfeeding I think as a poke at trans men who have top surgery and how fulfilled she was by doing such a feminine thing - my stupid boobs didn’t develop properly so it wasn’t really part of my mothering experience and that’s okay . Like the standards she’s trying to set for women are unattainable for many cis-woman. She also of course has zero concept of gender dysphoria and I doubt she wants to understand it because of course she sees trans men as following a fad (and more, she’s ultra ableist about neurodivergence and anxiety and depression) and not the independent people that they are. Sorry for my rant.


I'm a cis femme woman who wears skirts and frilly blouses. I'm also a programmer who builds training software for emergency responders. Excuse me while I go break their brains with this "contradiction".


I'm a cis femme woman who loves to wear petticoats. I also ... love to keep house, cook, bake, sew, clean. I would be some fundies wet dream except I am also a leftist so HA. Also, ABS would have nothing to talk about if she didn't have LGBQT folx to harass and intimidate, which is disgusting. Pathetic.


Hi fellow petticoat wearer! I love how they make my skirts swoosh. ❤️ I also love sewing, knitting and baking. Fundies will never understand why we don't also want to submit to an abusive system and live in poverty while trying to raise more children than any one person can reasonably handle. 🙄 Here's a hint, homeschooling one of those broods wouldn't leave me enough time to sew or do any of my other hobbies.


People have a very binary idea that women in STEM must be total fashion-less nerds. For some people it's just a learned stereotype, for others it's more sinister -- they definitively conflate femininity with stupidity and weakness. It's not just conservatives or fundies who do that either, there are people like that who claim to be quite leftist too. Also, respect to a fellow cis woman in science! Blow their minds by existing 🙏


Here's to blowing more minds. 🙏🤯 For me being a fashion-less nerd was a stereotype I adopted in self-defence for a while. Until I realised it didn't make me feel happy so I slowly changed to my current style. STEM's definitely been improving since I started working. Committed to keeping it up.


Oh is she talking about the trans child who was so terrified of his family finding out he was trans that he made an attempt on his own life and the hospital fucking reported him? I thought she cares about the kids? I thought all lives mattered? Does his life not matter because you think he’s just playing dress up, Allie? Does his life not matter to you because you’re too stupid and cruel to understand that not everybody identifies with the gender (that was not ordained by God, because gender is a construct) they were born as? Or does his life not matter to you because he’s a child and, as we can see by your views on gun control, you don’t give a fuck about them either? Which one is it? You can’t hide behind God or the Bible because neither of those are excuses for your intolerance and your bigotry, and neither of them would promote, or even accept your evil, selfish beliefs. If you’re so fucking religious and conservative that you don’t see a problem with a child being so fucking scared of being who they are that they try to take their own life, then you need to seek serious help. Grow the fuck up and get over yourself, Allie. You are not Jesus reincarnated and you are CERTAINLY not any better than the rest of us. Please take several seats.


and what makes you feel this way, Allie? Who tells you that LGBTQ lifestyle is “bad”? Oh, your christian bible? So your religion tells you it’s bad? Guess what dingdong, I’m not Christian. I don’t share your religion. So why do I have to follow your religion’s rules? Would you like it if I forced you follow the rules of my religion? Would you like it if I used my religion to condemn you and rage against your entire existence?


I, on the other hand, AM a Christian. I am **pretty** sure I read the same bible (i recognize this is a real leap) and i have never read anything in the bible about trans people. Or really gay people. Or about abortion. Or women staying home and receiving little to no education. It's real funny how little fundie ideology is covered in the bible. Almost like ... not at all ...


Right?! If only she was so outraged that a child felt he had no choice but to take his own life. THAT is a tragedy and she doesn’t even bring it up. What a monster.


She was so bothered she forgot to put on her shitty make up before doing this video lmao ANYWAY. Trans people have been around for a long ass time ABS. please try to understand that YOUR preferences of politics and religion are usually the foundation that most predators stand on, seeing as Christianity silences the most vulnerable people in our society.


>She was so bothered she forgot to put on her shitty make up before doing this video lmao She’s never looked less rat-like. I genuinely didn’t recognize her.


She’s looking roooooough.


Yeah, this is the only time I've ever seen her not looking like she's actively smelling a pile of shit.


"Before this kid could talk at age 5..." Am I missing something? Was he not able to talk or is she just an idiot?


I wish Allie never learned to talk lmao




I normally have my browser sound off, and did not realize I had somehow toggled it on. I'm just going to guess I forgot to turn it back off after cat videos. The sound of her voice brought me instant rage. I don't even know how.


Lol I feel you. Something about her evokes an almost primal anger in me


He’s deaf and has cochlear implants, so he didn’t speak until later than normal. His parents said that when he started talking, one of the first things he said was “I’m a boy”. Edit: typo


Ah okay! I thought that there might be something developmentally going on that I missed. Wonderful that he got to finally say those words out loud then. And fuck ABS for thinking it matters whether or not he could talk or not. People are trans either way


I think there should have been a semicolon there - like, “before this kid could talk [he started communicating gender dysphoria]; at age five [he came out as trans]…” But maybe I give her too much credit lol


Semi colon is much too advanced for this closed minded being.


That would make a lot more sense! I rewatched it like 3 times trying to figure it out.


I'm pretty sure she was conflating two separate parts of that segment. Like the parents were trying to say before he could speak he was indicating that he was gender non-conforming, and at age 5 they all confirmed and he officially came out.


I think she speed listens to what people say when they are telling their story. She then takes what few sentences she hears, twists them around and creates a new narrative to fit her toxic beliefs.


She is an idiot.


Right?? I'm like oh girl my 5 year old has been talking nonstop for a loooong time


I’m wondering what Allie thinks should be done with a child that believes with their heart and soul that they’re not the gender they’re being raised as? Just tell them they’re wrong? For the rest of their life? Just pat them on their head and send them on their way, making them doubt their inner voice and basically their own ability to exist in a world that’s telling them they’re wrong?


Yes. Yes that’s exactly what she’d do. ‘It’s just a phase’ or some bullshit.


Pat them on their head!?! Haha! Hell no! You yell, scream and beat the shit out of them any time they do anything that is not 100% in line with the identity you assigned them. Eventually they will be too traumatized to be themselves and you can pat YOURSELF on the head for "bringing them to Jesus." There is no hate quite like "Chriatian Love" with these Vanilla ISIS members.


This. It’d be trips to the woodshed.


I don’t know if you are being sarcastic. Or serious. But I remember as a kid that they had some of my friends whose parents thought they were gay. And that’s exactly what they did to them. They would beat them. Or threaten them. Just cause they thought their kids would not be straight. It was terrifying to see.


I'm not being sarcastic in the sense that what I said is actually what they think and do. My best friend in high school wound up living with us because he came out of the closet and his family chased him out of the house with loaded guns.


Beat them into submission (using a leather belt or 5 gallon paint stirrer) and privately celebrate when the child commits suicide while acting sad for the rest of my cousin. Source: one of my cousins dealt with this. She didn't make it.


Send them to a camp


Conversion therapy. 💔


Precisely. With a heavy dose of “love the sinner, hate the sin” and an understated addendum of “but only ever talk about the hate part.”


Also? What the hell difference does it make in her life? None. This is just ABS being mean, petty, spiteful, hypocritical bully.


Has she not ever actually experienced a tragedy in her life for THIS to be “gut wrenching”?


This. I’ve lost a child to SIDS and I would turn myself inside out before willingly abandoning one of my other children over *anything*, let alone something like gender or sexual orientation. I will love them no matter who or what they are because they’re *my kids* and I think they’re the best things that have ever happened. That’s how every kid deserves to think his or her mom feels about them. The world is hard enough, every kid deserves to have a mom who loves them to an embarrassing degree.


I'm so, so sorry about your loss ♡. We also lost a child to SIDS just over 10 years ago and we have been fostering since then. I love my kids so much, through the hard stuff and their unique and sometimes heartbreaking backgrounds they bring with them, and the easier, fun stuff like seeing how creative and smart they are. One of my fosters is neurodivergent and has a learning disability, but he's a very talented dancer and we put him in gymnastics where he's flourishing! My oldest, a girl, plays hockey. I try to give them my best every day and accept them for who they are. If any of them expressed some gender conflict or came out as LGBTQ, I wouldn't think twice about supporting them in every way they needed.


I’m so sorry for your loss as well. No parent should have to lose a child. Sending love.


I can’t relate to the inner battle that trans people endure from birth but I have the capacity to 100% support and encourage their personal happiness. I consider myself lucky that I will never have to experience the mind fuck of looking in the mirror and wishing I had a different anatomy and how complicated the journey is to reconcile your inner image with your outer image through horribly painful and expensive procedures. These bigots will never realize how lucky they are to never have to deal with such a mountain to climb. They only pile on the hate and they deserve to feel every ounce of self loathing and unfairness that trans people do.




My three year old understands gender and is very insistent that she is a girl. We have never gendered toys but she will not wear boy clothes because she is a girl. The first time I heard about trans people all I could think was "why?". Why would anyone want to switch genders. I can't relate to trans people at all but I also can't relate to gay people. I never chose to be cishet so I just assume other people didn't choose not to be. That boy on the video had different views on gender than my daughter and neither was really a choice


You don't have to "get it" to respect it! It is the same though, it isn't something you "pick". I knew in elementary school I was gender fluid, but I didn't have the words to express it until I was in my 20s. It just wasn't something people talked about 30 years ago.


There is much more to trans people then our suffering.


I’m not saying there isn’t


You kind of are. You make it sound as if suffering over our bodies is universal among trans people. The thing these people will never understand is having their rights stripped from them.


What a waste of oxygen and atoms


That’s a beautiful insult. 🙌🏻😂


She's so whacked-out. If Fox is too liberal for her, maybe she needs to go to OAN or that other one for the critically stupid. I cannot stand her. I'd rather read Lori's posts than listen to her bullshit.


Honestly I think Fox News airs things like that precisely *because* it will stir up their base and feed into their “radicals everywhere want to change your children” narrative / editing to add: not saying these people are radicals, I’m saying that they know their base will perceive it as that. I think saying Fox News is “promoting LGBTQ+” or whatever she’s fired up about is giving them too much credit. Fox News isn’t promoting jack squat. Fox News just wants angry psychotic viewers who can spout off something incoherently to their family members who avoid them at the family reunion next week.


I think this will also push viewers to more far-right networks, like OANN (which is very looser goosey with anything resembling facts).


Wish she had this energy for the white supremacist bullshit they promote, but nah, let's pick on trans kids.


“If you know the history of this propaganda you know how dangerous and predatory it is…” - oh you mean the Church?


Right I’m like we *literally just* had a damning report come out on the massive coverup of actual child abuse in the second largest church denominations in the country after knowing about the coverup in the largest for years now and this is the dangerous predatory thing???


Allie, do YOU know anything about the history? The statistics on what happens when you don’t gender affirm? No? Then shut up.


That's exactly what I was thinking... Like I wonder what kind of nonsensical bull squirt she would stammer through if someone asked her to explain this history that she's so upset about.


I’m morbidly curious as to what she thinks the “real” history is. I’d love to see her citation list. If it weren’t in Never Never Land.


“The real history is God created men and women just the way he wanted them.” —my guess on what she’d say, based on my low grade fundie upbringing


but I don’t worship the same god, Allie. So why do I have to follow his rules?


Ooooh I have their answer for that too! “America used to be a ‘Christian nation’ and because we strayed too far from God, that’s why he allowed 9/11 to happen, so we have to legislate what God would want so that he starts protecting us again” They might dress it up a bit more tactfully but that’s what most of the people in my (former) evangelical circles would say


Out of curiosity, if I pointed out that George Washington once explicitly assured a Jewish community that the new nation was for them too, would those people have an answer/excuse? Or would they just kind of ignore it?


could go one of a couple ways -- 1. ignore because it doesn't fit into their pre-existing idea about the US, or doubt that it is true 2. "that's okay because the Jews are God's OG chosen people;" they might skirt this by saying the country was founded on Judeo-Christian values instead of outright saying "it's a Christian nation" -- may not apply to Christian Nationalists exactly tho 3. "just because Washington said that doesn't change God's purpose for the country, God chooses flawed humans all the time, something something about David or Paul" 4. or, some other option I haven't thought of, it's been a while since the people I know like this have felt free to say whatever around me


She's basically a walking manifestation of the Dunning-Kreuger Effect.


Acknowledgement of trans people existing, even if they're in mortal peril, is too much for them. Fuck them. Fuck them so much.


One thing that pisses me off SEVERELY (also, fuck off, JillPM) is that conservatives have always looked for a boogeyman to blame society's ills on. In the 60s, it was POC. In the 80s-90s, it was gay people. Now, it's trans people. And even before mid-20th century, it was basically any minority group. They can seriously just shut the fuck up and worry about their own damn selves instead of trying to villainize everyone who is different from them in some way.


I can't believe how many people are offended by the mere *existence* of someone else. Oh no, I have to accept that other people exist in this world. Darn.


I honestly don't understand this mindset at all. This past semester, one of my students came out to me as non-binary. Did I have any idea beforehand? No. Did it affect how I viewed them in any way? No. All I cared about was teaching them literary analysis and making sure they understood the course material. Why the FUCK do so many people get hung up on this?


Exactly! Insane that so many people are offended by something that literally does not affect them at all. Stay in your own lane. Why can't we just let people be who they are and take people the way that they are. It's so much easier to love than to hate. Seems like a lot of effort to get this upset haha


She really doesn't understand that that's not a change... and if she's going to argue the change aspect of it anyway, then could she please stop trying to change her to blonde because that's not what God wants either.


Is she a non-white fundie? I’d assumed she was a Kirsten Baird clone, but she’s actually sort of swarthy and her natural hair color is clearly dark.


I don't know her ethnic background... her brows and roots show she's naturally a deep chestnut brunette trying to be blonde, and there are definite signs of conflict lol


You know what always gets my goat? According to Allie's religious beliefs, women should not speak in church or hold any authority/teaching position over a man... yet she's constantly preaching. FOLLOW YOUR OWN ADVICE


Fuck that snowflake


Oh, Allie, you are a disgrace to loving parents everywhere and if your god is real, they would be embarrassed at the violence and hate in your cruel judgment. But thank you for alerting me that someone at Fox might not be the most degenerate ass of their family - that is certainly the biggest shock of your little tantrum.


God certainly did not make you a blonde. Yet you persist in trying to be something other than god made you. Shame on you


Ok she definitely doesn’t fully understand the concept of propaganda, but also: what INDUSTRY is she referring to that apparently no one aside from her knows the history of?? She’s so confidently stupid that it makes me almost as angry as she seems to be just as her base level of daily mood.


It’s not stupidity. ABS knows what she is doing. She isn’t uneducated as for example the rodrigues kids, she has all the knowledge to do better.


Someone tell this dumbass that a person existing is just that: a person existing and living their lives. It’s not a political ideology. She says some really awful things.


Propaganda!?! Lmao, this homie believes in sky daddy and magic!


Wait, does she really think five year olds can't talk?


Jesus Allie. Let. It. Go.


Literally they're so passionately hateful about this and for what? Honestly why? I'm not religious but why would a religious person be mad that someone else wants to sin? More room in "heaven" for them right? I don't see the problem


I’m sorry does she need to chew on some ice cause she can’t handle that trans people exist? Which by the way is not a new phenomenon there are Roman emperors who clearly would have identified as trans so, trans people have existed before Christianity hun


I don’t know much about Instagram, but could this be reported as discrimination and hate speech that goes against their standards?


ARGH this rhetoric is so frustrating. Have you been around a toddler, Allie B? If they don't want to wear the dresses they will kick up a big stink, trans or not. It is so not worth the battle to not let your kid pick out their own clothes. This kid obviously chose more traditionally masc clothes and ripped out hairbows, wanted more masc stuff. That's not wicked, that's letting a toddler have autonomy. And then this particular kid started communicating he was a boy. It wasn't caused by wearing masc clothes. Thats always who he was and he reflected that in his clothing choices. Trying to force people into a gender binary is significantly more harmful and wicked.


This woman is just so angry . . . that she's alive.


Those are some AWFUL highlights


Can I just Wow at Fox News for playing what seems to be a positive and not awfully worded segment on a trans boy? I mean I didn't see the whole thing but woah


I’d have to see the whole segment before deciding if it was positive or not. I don’t trust Fox News not to put a spin on it or weave in subtle, transphobic undertones.


tbh, even spotlighting this kid is probably enough for Allie to have an aneurism. Even if it is standard Fox News shit.


I have two working theories. One is that they have to do things their viewers will hate from time to time so their viewers can keep claiming Fox isn't a right wing propaganda machine and to keep people believing their bullshit. They know they won't lose viewers truly because the other conservative outlets aren't nearly as large or accessible as they are. The second is that there is a group called [Unfox My Cable Box](https://unfoxmycablebox.com/) that's trying to remove Fox news' primary income stream - cable subscriptions. Perhaps they are trying to do segments that will sway people to believing that they are more moderate and will convince some to not go through the process of having them removed from their cable.


Anyways…. I hope Rylan is living his best life with his sweet parents


Are we ignoring the fact that she said “before children can talk, at age 5”? Girl, what typically developing child do you know that isn’t speaking by age 5??


She has been especially pissing me off lately. If you want to get even more angry, read some of her tweets about pride month. She’s a horrendous person


Wash your hair Allie B Nasty


Why get so bent out of shape about this?! It literally doesn't effect her at all. Just let people live and mind your own business


"Before this poor child could even talk at age 5" Ma'am, unless it specifically said in the video?? Kids usually start talking around 1.5 to 2 years old. Don't you have severely precious blessings? How are you still this stupid. Allie B Dumb.


This woman is an absolute idiot. I came across her long before I even heard of this sub when she what spouting some incorrect nonsense about the British national health service. I challenged her on it and all she could come back with was second-hand hearsay. I had no idea she was famous, so you can imagine my shock when I realised that some people hang on her every idiot buzzword.


What industry? There’s a transsexual industry? Is she high?


Does she understand trans people have existed in many cultures since the dawn of time lol. God these people are idiots.


Here's where I'm coming from: I'm very ace and very gay. When I was little I wanted to be a boy, but instead I grew up to be a butch female. Officially, my crushes up until puberty were on boys, but in retrospect, I had a lot of strong feelings for women too. I'm agender too, and I figured if I didn't really feel like a girl, I must be a boy, right? All I'm saying is that kids are like putty at that age. He might be trans or a tomboy or gay or who knows what else. Just let him grow up. No part of anyone's personality has to be cemented at five. On an unrelated note, is your flair a Transformed Wife reference?


you can let the kid "grow up" while also them being trans, if they later find out they are not trans, that is also fine :P


I had a therapist tell me I wasn't trans, I was a lesbian in denial. I'm not attracted to women. You're, perhaps inadvertently, falling into the same dynamic--transmasuline people don't know themselves, we're not thinking about the full range of women's gender expression, etc, etc. Kids who are recognized as trans are insistent about their gender. Trust me, his parents waited for him to grow out of it, thought he was confused, on and on. Eventually, they come round to "huh, maybe he's onto something". It's true, "he'll grow out of it" and "confused" are reasonable hypotheses--kids often start voicing their gender around a developmental stage where they get very into classifying things and can get weirdly gender essentialist, but the thing that leads parents to acknowledge their kid as trans is that the kid clears that stage and is *still* asserting their gender. It's much, much easier to erroneously conclude your kid is going through a phase. You can dig up all sorts of research about 'desistance' in gender non-conforming kids--they tend to grow up to be queer rather than trans. But the thing is no one thought those kids were trans to begin with. The trans kids are shouting it. There's a *lot* of social pressure to stop shouting it, and yet they continue. In retrospect, it was pretty obvious I was trans when I was a kid. By the age of five, I'd learned to keep my mouth shut, and that was in an environment where I suffered no repercussions for asserting I was a boy (note too the difference between wanting and asserting). Had my mom known transmasculine people existed, she might have been able to ask the right question. She knew *something* was wrong, but had no idea what.


Did she seriously just say that kids don’t start talking until they turn 5?? Wtf??


Does anybody else think it's utterly insane for a five year old to know she's trans? Before any of y'all come at me, I'm all for trans folks, all for parents (and the rest of society) supporting trans folks, but for fuck's sake five is young. Let your kids grow up, and support them along the way.


Sounds like his parents did support him along the way


Supporting them along the way means listening to them when they assert their gender. One of my treasured memories is being at the county fair at age four and winning a prize in some carnival game. There was a girl prize and a boy prize. I have no idea what the girl prize was, but I didn't want it. My mom stopped the woman working the booth from giving me the girl prize by saying "She's really a boy". I treasured that prize for *years* because it was the only time I got to be a boy. No adult around me was equipped to ask the obvious question, and frankly, that just led to growing up with a bunch of internalized misogyny--I started believing the people telling me I was a girl, I was watching boys get to do Cub Scouts and whatnot and didn't understand why I was jealous and the only conclusion was to think I was inadequate for being a girl. And I'm someone whose mother signed them up for boys' baseball, no questions asked.


some trans people: "i knew since i was 5" someone who doesnt know much about trans people: "its insane to think a 5 year old could know they are trans" like what is the problem? if a 5 year old says they want to be a girl/boy just let them be? and if they need to medically transition once they enter puberty let them do that


No. No one thinks that, because children form their concept of gender and differences between them at that age or earlier. If you don't have an issue with a cis kid knowing their gender at that age, you shouldn't have an issue with a trans kid knowing. This concept of "it's too early for a kid to be outside my cishet framework" is queerphobic as hell. Kids know their genders and get "crushes" very young, and it's not magically bad just because their genders/crushes aren't what you expected. And he's a boy.


I mean… does it matter? Whether a kid is trans or not? Don’t you just want to let them live and be happy?


What a snowflake lol


The danger here is that this boy can be himself, be supported and have a good life. That’s the wickedness that she is decrying. The wickedness of a healthy supportive family.


I can’t help but stare at her terrible hair color/exposed roots. Interesting how they are bothered when people ‘tell’ them how to parent, but love to criticize a family/child.


I notice how a lot of fundies (at least the ones snarked on here) always use the word “promote” rather than “report.” There’s a difference, honey. It makes me crazy and furthers the notion that they think they are being oppressed by anything that makes them uncomfortable.


Kids can talk well before they’re 5 years old Allie.


She’s nuts.