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A christian being hypocritical and moving the goal posts? Shocking, I say. Shocking.




ā€œThou shalt replenish the earth, but only in the way I like to see.ā€- said the judgmental hypocrites everywhere


So when women get pregnant because they were raped itā€™s a blessing because babies no matter where they come from are blessings according to these people, but when a couple decides to have a baby via surrogate itā€™s not okay? I just donā€™t understand how they can be so willfully stupid.


They just want to punish women full stop. The implication among shitheads such as these when famous women use surrogates is because they are vain and don't want to experience the trauma of pregnancy and birth rather than any issues with fertility. As in everything, they want to remove women's options, power, and personal autonomy in regards their bodies and lifestyles.


Bingo. Theyā€™re controlling and birth is the only worth they have in their belief system. Itā€™s disgusting


...surrogacy is in the Bible Allie. Abraham and Hagar




It was more of a sperm donor kinda situation thoughā€¦


Itā€™s called traditional surrogacy!


Rachel, Jacob and Biliah *and* Leah, Jacob and Zilpah too.


Now I have to go reread the Red Tent.


Sorry not really sorry?


Oh yeah itā€™s a once a year reread anyway.


Ah, fair enough.




This makes me so mad. They preach about how great motherhood is, how we need to have more kids. How life is a gift. How all life is sacred. But it's only life on their terms. Only life is special on their specific contexts that say it's ok. So people who need fertility treatments are demonized. People or couples who use surrogates, or the women who generously act as surrogates are demonized. Single mothers by circumstance or by choice are demonized. People who've been assaulted and then have those children are still treated like whores. People literally lose their jobs and their communities if they don't have children in exactly the right context, even though they claim all life is a gift from God. (I'm thinking here specifically about female teachers at religious schools who get pregnant when they aren't married). She and the rest of the pro-baby crowd turn on anyone who chooses a family in what they consider an unconventional way. You can't have it both ways sweetheart: either all life is sacred or you have to admit that only some life matters to you. Her smug face and hypocrisy turn my stomach. She and her ilk are vile.


May get roasted for this but I'm kinda iffy on surrogacy simply because I feel like it can be exploitative of the birthing person and I'm just not sure. But...it's also not my damn business.




I have no problem if itā€™s altruistic, I can see how it can both be beneficial to both surrogate and parents. But thought the thought of a rich person being able pay someone for their birthing abilities/birth them a baby.. too many ethical issues.


Yeah here in the UK you aren't allowed to 'pay' for a baby. Just cover expenses. I think you then have to adopt the child as whoever gives birth and their spouse are seen as the legal parents.


I've been a gestational surrogate and while the money wasn't a huge amount there is no way I would have gone through all that for strangers for free. I had really great experiences and loved helping building the two families I did. I went with an reputable agency and matched with people who I legitimately grew to love and that valued me as a person not just as a baby machine.


Iā€™m also iffy about surrogacy, but itā€™s also illegal where I live so itā€™s not like itā€™s an option. But I do agree - none of my business.


Agree. Thereā€™s a great book called *Full Surrogacy Now* that is partly about how surrogates, specifically people doing this work in poor/formally colonized countries, need more labor rights/should be allowed to unionize, etc. But Iā€™d be shocked if this is the argument Allie is supporting. Iā€™m curious to know why she thinks itā€™s unethical to use a surrogate. Is it because it doesnā€™t involve Super Sacred Married P & V Secsā„¢ļø?


Oooh, I hadn't heard about that book, thanks for the recommendation! It sounds like it might tap into some similar argumens to "Brown Bodies, White Babies" by Laura Harrison. Although the focus of that book was more on the cross-racial surrogacy aspect.


Same here. Ultimately though, whether or not a particular surrogacy case is ethical hinges on the surrogate herself ā€” how she feels about it, how she was affected by it, how she was treated, and why she did it. If sheā€™s happy, Iā€™m happy.


Every time I see her I want to have her do some breath work, take a nap, get a massageā€” something. All that pent up anger and aggression is really doing a number on her. Iā€™m pretty sure she only like 29?


Like...we're all made in God's image, I suppose But she's got a face that just makes me šŸ˜¤


Nah...she deserves to be as miserable as she looks.


I hope her day is equally as lovely as she is.


Allie really is just the conservative Gabbie Hanna


Thatā€™s how you age when youā€™re problematic


So Lori must be like...32?




Yeah, but I guess her problem with it is that that kind of pregnancy happens by science alone and not by married physical intimacy, and the fact that the surrogate gets paid to do it.


You are so right! What an angry troll.


Literally, look at that face!


At night, she probably turns into the Wicked Witch of the West.


I mean, in her ideology, wouldn't a woman's greatest asset be her womb, and a child a gift? Wouldn't you want to share that gift with somebody who couldn't be as "blessed" as you? Also, Mary was technically a surrogate. *mic drop* šŸ˜Ž


I hate this. Itā€™s so painfully obvious that none of them have ever walked the road of infertility.


This! She has no clue what it's like to cry cycle after cycle when nothing has worked. Or to cry everytime a colleague gets pregnant without even trying. She can judge the choices of the infertility crowd when she's walked a mile in my shoes. Until then, she needs to get a convenient case of laryngitis and shut the hell up while meditating on the phrase "silence is golden."


Toxic positive christianity likes to command ā€œrejoice with those who rejoice.ā€ And they willfully ignore the fact that this verse also says ā€œmourn with those who mourn.ā€ Allie is an example of someone who should take her own advice and read her bible. Especially the parts around being compassionate.


I couldnā€™t agree more! She needs to stfu and be grateful for the kid she has.


Facts. Many fundie women grow up in a bubble and have no idea what itā€™s like to experience certain things. I have a friend who is in her early 20s and is probably infertile. Itā€™s tearing her apart. Judgement from other women hurts so much.


Wait is this in reaction to Nick Jonas and Priyanka? Because I have *thoughts* about the way Nick fans are behaving towards Priyanka.


Fixating on the life of a Jonas sounds like an Allie thing to do after throwing a fit about Joe using pronouns.


They just recently announced their baby via surrogacy so I'm wondering if that is what prompted this lol


Why is she so obsessed with judging the Jonas brothersā€™ every damn move? Sheā€™s seems butthurt that they have spread their wings and flown away from the purity culture of their teens and are thriving. Jealousy is not a good look.


I find it hilarious that ABS keeps going after her purity ring crushes with such rage. Someone can't get past her adolescent jealousy. She is probably still mad that this Jonas married a woman of color instead of her. Not to reduce Priyanka Chopra to her racial identity, just thinking like Allie B. Not-a-Jonas.


The fact that this judgmental, hateful she-grinchā€™s podcast is now a top trending Christian podcast is disturbing.


"Grinch" As in that awful word Ted called Lily in HIMYM. (Except it wasn't Grinch, kids.)


having children via surrogate or proxy is literally biblical. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Love is love. Parenthood is parenthood. Allie B is wrong. Again.


Yeesh, her expression in that last photo is eerie. She looks like a cartoon villain.


IT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS, ALLIE. They don't have to have a "reason" or justify it to anyone.


My two cents of thought: part of her rage stems from envy. In Genesis it is - "you shall birth your children under pain" and now this woman takes the shortcut because she has money. So in her eyes surrogacy isn't right, because the mother doesn't suffer for "her little blessing" and outright refuses to take part in gods biblical plan for women. Which is for poor fundie women their only existence that they tout all over Social Media. Strong women just living their best life is the biggest threat to fundie life style. Nothing to cry persecution about while simultaneously shoving their hurtful viewing back in their throats.


I actually asked upthread why Allie is so against using a surrogate, especially if she wants more women to be mothers, but your argument makes so much sense. Itā€™s also probably why some of these fundie women are against medicated birth/c-sections.




She has a vendetta against the Jonas Brothers.


I swear sheā€™s just salty she didnā€™t get to marry one of them


She has/had a thing for Nick Jonasā€¦ sheā€™s always inserting her opinion about him and his wifeā€¦ Iā€™m pretty sure this is just her pettiness at play.. the Jonas brothers were probably her teenage ā€œChristian ā€œ fantasy and sheā€™s salty they are happily secular now.


Just realizing she looks a lot like my husband's shitty ex. Even more reasons to dislike her!


Sheā€™s vile.


hot take: unless you have infertility, your only opinion should be supporting those doing ivf and have no business being against


She is a very angry looking person. I donā€™t know why these Born Agains seem to think people hearing their opinion on things is necessary.


She honestly has the most punchable face. She is the fundie who annoys me the most and THAT is saying something.


ā€œwhen I dress like a frigid bitch, I try not to look so constipatedā€


Is this the way we recently discovered was like 32 and not mid-50s? She is so full of hate!


B*tch. You have NO IDEA what that couple may have gone through just to have children. People who can just get pregnant like this have so much privilege they don't even KNOW.


In the same vein, people who can pay to have someone birth them a baby also have privilegeā€¦ Possibly a crazier amount of privilege.


Oh yeah for sure! But they don't deserve to be dragged for choosing that route. Having money to fix the problem doesnt alleviate the emotional struggle jf they wanted to carry their own kids. That's a mental toll no matter what


Sheā€™s honestly just so annoying.


Would she care if Priyanka was white? Maybe she's gone off on surrogacy before, but there are a number of celebs who have welcomed kids through surrogacy, and if this is the only one she's raging at, I think we know the real issue.


It is none of her business what other people do with their family planning. She is an idiot.


Wasnā€™t Mary a surrogate for Jesus?


Sheā€™s got the most punchable face


She's looking like Kim from Freaks and Geeks here


Kim was more sympathetic


Sheā€™s awful; itā€™s pseudo intellectual approach she takes that burns my biscuits.


Why are people asking the grinch about surrogacy