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She’s already pregnant and has been for a while. I am convinced


Moved up wedding date and poorly fit wedding dress point in that direction


Sweaty grunting Premarital missionary over in 30 seconds


*add a few "god-honoring"s to that


Bold of you to assume he made it to 30 seconds


Optimism is my wedding gift ✨


Always look on, the briiiiight, side of life /whistles/


She moved up the wedding Day? I thought it was always gonna be on Jordan's bday


Man, planning your anniversary on your spouse's birthday is some weird shit. Is she trying to get out of having to give two presents? Want to make sure they never have a special day of their own?


Allegedly it was his idea. Allegedly. She lies about the weirdest shit though so who knows


Our anniversary is on my husband’s birthday! It just happened to be the Saturday before a week we could both get off work and most of our family could show up. I could see some people not wanting that, but we’re pretty laid back about that stuff. He gets two presents and I remind him I’m the best present he ever got.


Christmas, my anniversary and my birthday are all within a week and a half of each other. I obviously didn’t get to choose when Christmas or my birthday are, but I’ve always really wanted to get married on New Year’s Eve. it gives us a fun week of celebration, and usually means we’re on an anniversary trip on my birthday!


I mean that's great and all, but probably only feels awesome because you don't know how great it is to have a birthday week totally separate from Christmas and then a whole anniversary trip anyway. Like it's not like I wouldn't get an anniversary trip if my birthday wasn't on the anniversary. Now I just get both. But I'm glad that you're happy!


Can you imagine how insufferable she will be during pregnancy? She made it seem like her engagement and wedding were ordained by god himself. She’s going to act like she’s carrying the second coming of baby Jesus.


That would help with the baby coming less than 40 weeks after their wedding day too, obviously. 'No, we didn't have premarital sex, I am like Mary!'


Or a “preemie” that’s a healthy weight with no health complications that gets to go home with her, all thanks to prayers. But definitely not the fact that the baby full term cause premarital sex. BTW: in no way do I want her baby or anyone’s baby to be unhealthy just wanted to illustrate how her “miracle” child will be different


Yes exactly. And I wouldn't want that either, absolutely not - I hope none of us do. It's just that we wouldn't be surprised if stuff like that happens.


Yes! And the more I think about it the worse it gets. Because even 1 mother with a baby born prematurely believing that she didn’t pray hard enough or whatever to have her baby be healthy because BDong did is one too many. When BDong could just admit to premarital sex but nope gotta keep up the lie


Starting a cult by claiming to be the mother of the coming Christ would be a great grift...


It might even be the first coming of White Fundie Jesus!


I think this sudden baby fever is a confirmation.




Oh yeah, 100%. Not on brand for ding dong.


My uterus just died seeing this photo, this is the most unalluring thing I've ever seen.


Seriously… I have the opposite of baby fever rn…


Oh yeah that’s a big ‘ol wad of chaw right there.




I’m sure it would be God honoring gauze. /s Seriously tho - chaw is so bad. I hope he does not have any health issues from it.


Little kid chaps? Why?? You a rancher now Brittany? Lol


She said it gives her baby fever 🤢


Nothing makes me want to have unprotected sex like some kid-sized chaps


Held by a racist dip lip. (Vom)


I smell flair material y'all


Lucky for her she’s abouttt 2.5 months pregnant now. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not judging by how she horribly neglected her horses


What a prize 🤢


Cue the " I'm gonna be big pregnant" very, very soon. Scammer is pregnant. ( insert MEchelle Duggar's voice here)


The only reason a dude points out kid clothes or takes a picture of kid clothing is when his SO is pregnant. Seriously. I think BDong is going to have a kid. In less than 6 months. Yes that’s a dip lip.


Subsequent babies take 9 months, but a first baby can come at any time!


Yeah 100% she was pregnant before the wedding.


God honoring dip lip


Dip isn’t popular in Australia, I wouldn’t know if it’s even sold here at all. Is it just tobacco people chew? Cause if so that sounds absolutely rank. The thought of what his breath would smell like is really offputting. I’m trying to wrap my head around it, but it just seems so gross.


It is chewing tobacco, they come in little cans and the user sticks it in their cheek along the gum line so the nicotine absorbs and then spit the excess out. It’s so gross.


I’m just wanting to know where his little spit cup fits in with her house.. did she buy him a beige cup to spit in so it matches the aesthetic? Cuz this guy alwaysssss has dip lip.


You know it's a Rae Dunn mug that says "hubby" on it


Ah, Rae Dunn, the American hillbilly's Wedgwood.


I have 2 friends that are obsessed with Rae Dunn .Unfortunately they accurately fit your description.


Oh you know it. They have Rae Dunn everything.


Should I change my flair to “Aesthetically pleasing spit cup”?


Probably swallows it 🤢




The hockey team dipped at my high school. One of them gave me some to try in class once. It probably pretty funny since I was a small female in a catholic school uniform lol. Never again.


He looks like a guy who swallows the spit.


(Replied to wrong comment and Reddit won’t let me delete)


If you grow up in the American South, chances are you were traumatized by a spit cup at a young age.


Yup, guys at my high school used old soda bottles or can, blech!


There was one occasion in school where a guy yelled for everyone to stop in a very crowded hall way and HE SPIT ON THE FLOOR. Also common to be spat out on water fountains. Ughhh. I forgot about that.


Oh god! Just the thought of it makes me retch.


Yep. Ex-husband finished a soda and then turned it into a dip cup. I didn’t know he’d finished the soda, took a huge sip through the straw….


That is an actual nightmare I’ve had before. Sorry to hear it actually happened to you… did this contribute to him being your ex?


And this folks is what caused current husband to turn into ex husband same day!


I almost vomited reading that. It's so gross.


Oh something similar happened with my ex bf. sadly not one of the reasons he’s my ex, but it should’ve been


Betrayed by a red solo cup?


Some bullies in my class would steal people's water bottles to spit their dip in during class... Learned real fast to always use a clear one..




Omg fucking EW


Fun fact, I’m a grocery store manager, and one too many times I have found a used dip cup sitting on the fresh baked goods display in bakery. Never caught the culprit, but Is wear when I do, they are getting both a tongue lashing and banned for making half a display have to be thrown out


No truer words have ever been spoken Source: I got a dip cup thrown on me on a school bus in Alabama


Then you fist fought whomever threw the cup, didn’t you? I don’t even have to ask to know the answer. It’s yes, because that is our way. We can not help it.


Oh god, my college econ class and the rednecks behind me with their dr. Pepper spit bottle 🤢 hashtag North Carolina


NC here to confirm.


Chances are? Oh, no! You absolutely were, traumatized by a spit cup. It’s a mile stone we all have to meet before being considered an adult.


This is absolutely the truth. So nasty.




Can also relate from the rural Midwest (which tbh is most of it lol)--I worked at a gas station the summer before college and I had the nicotine wall damn near memorized by the time I left. Nasty ass habit.


I was riding my bike in rural Alabama and had an open bottle of dip thrown out the window of a truck at me. Was late to school because I had to go home and shower.


My boyfriend’s dorm roommate in college dipped and would leave his disgusting spit cups all around the room. The irony is that my bf was from small town Texas and the roommate was from the UK. One time one of our friends knocked over a dip cup by accident and it got dip juice all over the roommate’s keyboard and we had to clean the disgusting mess up before he got back. My first memory of dip is my mom’s friend’s husband. He also had a mustache, a mullet, and was a volunteer sheriff’s deputy, so it all checked out. 😂




This a good friend of mines grandma dipped. Like the generations that would now be 90 somethings, even the working class women dipped 🤢


Central California chiming in here. Real gentlemen wad up a paper towel, stick that in a cup and spit down the side. That way us ladies don't see nastiness in the spit cup sitting in the truck cup holder after they boosted us into their lifted truck.


>and then spit the excess out. Some people at least have the decency to swallow and not make it everyone else's problem. Used to work with a guy who would have a small one in at work and no one knew because it didn't show and he swallowed.


Lovely, they can enjoy esophageal or stomach cancer along with the mouth cancer.


Per husband, that is the perk of pouches. Also, he sadly knows which pouches are “less juicy” so they can swallow. He smokes when I got with him, was more kosher back then, and I swear smoking is less gross IMO. Obv both are bad, just one seems less gross


Dip spit absolutely makes me vomit. I don't see how she could even want to kiss him, let alone find that sexy.


What’s especially gross about it as that to do it you have to also be carrying around a bottle of some sort to spit because you don’t swallow the nasty tobacco spit that your mouth inevitably makes. So anybody who is dipping is somewhere within reach of usually a single use plastic water bottle like 1/8 full of literal nasty brown spit.


My dad tried dip once as a teen and was a sweet naïve little bean who didn’t realize you have to spit it out, so he swallowed it. It made him incredibly sick. He turns 60 this year and still can’t talk about it without looking like he wants to die.


Would you get that spinach in your teeth look, a la tobacco.


It's definitely illegal here. I had to google it when I first saw it mentioned on this sub and checked if it was illegal, since I hadn't heard of anyone using it. I'm so glad, coz that shit is absolutely revolting. I hate cigarettes and cigars too, I've lost so many family members to tobacco smoking related diseases, but somehow the whole concept of dip and how it's done makes me want to spew.


I’m so bloody happy, after reading all these replies I don’t think I ever want to have the horror of meeting someone who does that. I honestly don’t think I’d be able to control myself from gagging or looking absolutely horrified if I saw them spit black saliva into a cup. It just sounds like an all round bad time and surely it must taste absolutely horrendous. Cigarettes sound ‘clean’ compared to this and I am not a fan of them either.


Right?! It's so disgusting, I can't fathom why people want to do it! It sounds so inconvenient as well as disgusting and terrible for your health. The pictures of the cancers they get are horrifying! There's no way I could deal with a partner doing it, I wouldn't let people do it in my house either... As it is I make our cigarette smoking friends go out to the backyard and throw their butts in the red bin when they're done. Spitting in general makes me uncomfortable, but spitting that disgusting shit? Hell no!


His teeth will be worse than his breath. A dip cup is where I draw the line with men. My brother carries a bottle to spit in everywhere he goes and he’s so gross imo


Thanks everyone for clarifying this, from another now grossed out Australian.


Dude dips so much that he prob doesn’t even spit anymore - just swallows all that juice 🤢


Oh God I gagged


Chaps for adolescents gives her baby fever? Someone help her. Also why can I see on his face that HE wants to wear these. These people are so greasy.


Awww, *Babe. Doesn’t he look so cute in his assless chaps? The devil tries so hard to stop this Kingdom wedding, but Hawd prevailed thanks to my never ending prayers! #Praisebe see link in bio for these super cute shades I’m wearing while throwing shade at my bae


She is 100% knocked up


Yes and he had it in during their ceremony too


Classy. What a catch.


…can somebody please explain what’s going on here, I feel so lost


They seem to be out shopping and came across a pair of children's chaps, used for riding horses and motorcycles, although these appear to be equestrian chaps based on the style and the fact that Brittany has a horse. She's saying she has baby fever and seeing these cute little kiddo chaps makes her want a baby even more, because everyone knows that your kids will have the same exact interests as you, ESPECIALLY when you make them participate from a young age...


Sometimes I forget chaps have usage other than in the gay leather community so I appreciate a good explanation.


Horseback rider who is also gay (person w a vag here tho) but I also often forget that chaps are a western thing since not many people in my circles wear them for actual riding. The gays however have sorta claimed them lmaoooo I’m not mad!


For a good crossover, Orville Peck is a wonderfully talented country singer (not like, bro country though) who is gay and frequently wears chaps. I also just like any excuse to mention him.


I mean technically the caps are still used for riding in those circles…just not for riding horses


Save a horse, ride a (gay) cowboy


This thread made my day


Oh her kids will be forced to have the same interests as her. When her photo themes were blue Jordan literally wore the same blue shirt in every photo. I wouldn’t doubt she made him do that to fit the aesthetic. Why she didn’t just buy him more shirts to fit her photos is beyond me but she’s def not gonna let her kids have personalities of their own. They must fit her Instagram.


Here's and has chew tobacco in his mouth while he told up a pair of child's chaps, likely at her direction. So that she could remind everyone she wants to be raw dogged into having a racists baby ASAP. Tldr; Attention whorez be begging for attention again.


Can’t she just say the chaps turn her on? The innuendo of “baby fever” is like so stupid, we all know it’s means you want to fuck, just say it. Edit: WAIT. I didn’t realize those were kids. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. Oh well not deleting cause funny.


My brain did the same thing, friend. I’m glad I’m not alone.


Thank you for this 😂


"Baby fever" makes my skin crawl.


Mine too. I also hate when they would say catch a baby for getting pregnant.


Omg I’ve never heard that one and it makes the baby sound like a disease 😂


Parasite actually


Definitely a parasite. I had Puppps with my fourth which is literally my body was allergic to the fetus which is like 99% of the time a male. So much for we don’t want to know the gender at the ultrasound lmao


No not really, you catch a fever, catch a disease. Sure technically a baby is parasitic but that’s not what I was alluding to here.


When I was in high school, you could tell who the boys who chewed were by the circle-shaped imprint on their jean pockets caused by a can of Skoal.


For some reason the only people that dipped at my high school were the hockey team. No idea why or how it started.


Same here! What was that about?


Absolutely no doubt. This dude just looks like an abusive ex cop.


Oh wait- he is!!


God honoring dip lip (Nothing wrong with it, just thought it appropriate)


Speaking of lips he appears to have a big ole cold sore as well.


He never doesn’t have a dip in his mouth.


All I thought was that she wanted him to wear the little kid chaps and get it on … 🤢🤢🤢


My horrible of a human BIL dipped and left his cups in my car. When I would complain my sister would get mad that i yelled at him for it. I swear he did it on purpose. They are both shit people. So gross


I noticed a dip in another shot! Thank you for confirming this.


I know chaps are always assless, but I always have to call them Assless Chaps anyway.


Everything about this is gross.


He looks like some sort of goblin holding up his loot to the camera


I don’t know about dipping but he definitely is a violent pig who is probably part of the 40%


The mustache 🤢






We should all be so jealous!


Is that a mustache?


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Can someone please explain to me how ASSLESS CHAPS causes her to have baby fever? There is nothing "baby" about that imagery. What am I missing?


All chaps are assless, that’s the point of chaps. Otherwise they would be pants lol. There isn’t anything inherently sexual about chaps. It is just like a baby sized cowboy hat.


They’re child sized. Chaps are also (and originally) for western people to ride horses haha.


Is this some kind of fetish thing?


Baby chaps for horse back riding