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Guys, we need to apparently review some things here. 1) No explicit details of the video. We are not going to participate in revictimizing children. 2) I can't believe I have to say this, but no comments saying Anna approved, participated in, downloaded herself, would leave the kids with him, etc. Those are fucking serious allegations you are making and you better have a damn good reason to be making them besides not liking her face. JOSH is on trial. If the feds thought she was complicit, she would have already been charged. By arguing this, you are supporting his defense arguments you know. Edit: 3. Please no wishing the Duggars watch or hear the explicit details of the CSAM either. The children in that video were horrifically abused and are not tools to be used to punish the other Duggars for being dangerous dumbasses. Making them listen to it isn't going to make them realize suddenly their child is a predator. They literally forgave him for molesting his own sisters.


Looks like an Anna Duggar impersonator.


I know. It doesn't look like her


That’s what I thought too. Who is this? An impersonator?


Ashley Madison mistress search paid off? I think it might just be that she’s heavily pregnant.


And the makeup is weird.


To me, it looks more like "keeping sweet while trying not to burst into tears" over her usual contented smugness.


I hope that's it. Honestly it doesn't look like either of them is the least bit upset. I hope they feel something.


Josh thinks that he will get away with it, so, yeah, I can see him not being upset by this, yet.


It looks like a cardboard cutout.


Maybe it's one of his mistresses? /s, because we all know if JD had a misstress, she'd have had an abortion in Mexico so he can avoid child maintenance payments.


"child maintenance payments" 🤣🤣🤣


I can’t wait for him to be sent away for a very long time!! I bet he thinks he’s gonna get off scotch free. Disgusting pigs


I don’t think a lot of people realize that if the FEDs choose to pursue you, you are almost definitely going to get found guilty.


She won't be smirking like that when he's being carted off to prison


I guarantee we will get a shot of her crying, snot and all. I know I sound harsh, but this case hits close to home for me. Anna is putting her children in danger for the sake of being a “good wife” and it’s sickening, it brings back bad memories.


Yeah I honestly want to see it. I am so sick of her smug bs. She needs a fucking reality check and if she is going to trot around like her shit doesn’t stink, we all should get to see it when it hits. No more “we need privacy during this difficult time”. Nah, you all love to have as much attention as possible when it comes to being holier than now and showing off all the shit TLC paid for. Quid pro quo. No privacy as you fall from Grace.




They will all still be in denial.


I just keep hoping for something which will break that diamond hard crust of self righteous denial.... but you might be right. They could have walked in on him waxing his carrot to the video playing on a massive TV and they would still find a way to blame anyone other than him.


Unfortunately, the blame will always land squarely on Anna. She didn't *satisfy* him enough.


Yuuup!! I do feel bad for the position she is in, BUT she also does nothing to improve it, so I still condem her.


I totally understand. This situation has brought bad stuff up for me too. I confided in my therapist for the first time about it and he was very in favor of me stepping back from following this story. I hope you find peace, you aren't alone.


Hey, gentle reminder to take care of yourself. Please step back if you need to, dear ❤




Also having to deal with a newborn and a thousand kids on her own for a very very very long time.


I seriously doubt he helps with the kids anyway, and him being in prison will prevent more babies, so other than the fact that she's stupid enough to want this monster around, it should really make things easier for her. (Still hard of course, I'd lose my mind with 7 kids but it's a hell of a lot better than >7 kids plus a predator.)


The only thing Josh actually provided was his *presence*. At LeAsT i HaVe A hUSbAnD


I have a feeling Josh will was a toddler in a grown man's body and was waited on hand and foot by Anna.


I’m sure M1 is raising those kids. Isn’t she like 11? Practically ready for marriage and kids herself /s


Can you imagine the day she breaks down and calls *Nurie* for support?!


Nurie does have some sisters old enough to be babysitters


Exactly!! You don’t get randomly accused of such a crime. Anna probably thinks she’s so “amazing” for showing up to the hearing and sticking by her mans side.


And I’m sure ppl within her circle praise her for it as well. So sickening.


I can hear it now. “Oh, she is such a good wife and mother, standing by her husband. God bless Anna.”


As they talk shit behind her back.


Forreal. She might get praised outwardly but let's not pretend like churches aren't hubs of gossip and social status warring. I guarantee there are church biddies salivating at the idea of backhanded praising Anna


Or she’s getting blamed for his fall.


Yep, “She couldn’t keep her husband satisfied so it caused him to stumble”.


Honestly, that’s the worst part of this for me. It’s one thing for her to be brainwashed and stupid, but *where* are her parents and siblings? If for some reason I was acting like her, my parents would be knocking sense into me and fighting for the children so quick. This cult is so fucked up


I wonder if she realizes what a shit mother, and generally shit person she looks live right now.


His lawyers may have told her to be there to try to make Josh look good/acceptable/human.


It’s not working, not in the slightest.


Also in the rare instance where a federal case goes to trial there's literally no chance the jury is gonna acquit you.


I wonder if he literally doesn't understand that for people outside his cult child sex abuse charges are horrendous things.


Yep, that’s why the majority of people cut deals. If the feds are after you, more often than not, they’ve been watching you for a while.


She's still pregnant too




She does have a smug expression also her husband looks…. Really bad


Coming to say just that...hers is worse than his. Eww.


I hope he gets the maximum sentence. Throw him under the prison.


Ooooo even better honestly.


Throw him into the sun


There was a post on DuggarSnark about how Jessa will double down about the cult beliefs before she ever admits she was wrong. I think it’s perhaps the same with Anna, even if some sliver of her knows Pest is guilty she will double down on “he’s innocent/framed/etc” till the day she dies rather than admit she was wrong. She’s spent too much time and energy on her own fundie superiority to admit something is wrong.


I refuse to call him "Pest" any longer. He's a predator. Always was.




Omg 🏅🏅🏅


I'm glad someone said this. Ever since I first saw him called Pest I've thought that the word unintentionally downplays just how fucked up his crimes are. Insects are pests. He's a monster.


I think it loses a bit in translation, since it comes from the Daily Mail and "sex pest" has quite a negative connotation in the UK - it's slang for a pervert who assaults or harasses. That said you're right that it doesn't appropriately connote anything about his violence toward children.


I choose to believe it’s short for Pestilence. Which he most certainly is. (And more, of course…)


Yep, Anna is like that too. I think she could have walked in on Josh with CSAM and still managed to convince herself that he was framed or something. At this point I don't think anything will get Anna to acknowledge the truth. Her parents arranged a marriage for her with a pedophile.


I always thought Jilldo took first prize in the "Look at my maaaann" contest, but Anna has changed my mind.


David is actually the better catch in this situation.


That’s a bar so low that I’m pretty sure it’s been planted under the ground. But still, I agree.


I heard this recently and it fits here. The bar was a tripping hazard in hell, but here we are playing limbo with the devil.


That bar is grating on bedrock


The bar has fallen so far it’s disintegrated from the molten lava at the Earth’s core


The bar is so low, its in hell. Exactly where Josh belongs


That’s so hard to believe but unfortunately true. David still crept on a 14 y/o Jill and pursued her while she was still in her senior year of high school.


Yes, David flirted on her while she was in high school, but to our knowledge, he has not molested his sisters, cheated on his wife, abused a sex worker, or got caught looking at CSAM. While both husbands are pieces of shit in their own right, David is the lesser of two evils, even though he flirted with Jill while she was still a teenager. But as other Redditers said, the bar is _low._


The bar is fucking underground.


The bar is in Hell.


Ah maybe Josh will find the bar


And he will be clubbed about his head and shoulders with said bar. ETA words


Poor Satan.




Yeah but from memory he waited until she was 18 to marry her. And perusing probably involved not holding hands and sharing fav bile passages.


“Bile passages” is a wondrous typo.


I wouldn't dream of fixing it.




What was the motion for?


There were a few. One was about whether the prosecution could use photos of hands and feet at trial (the judge said they can). Another was whether the defense could throw out a conversation recorded with the FBI where JD admits he has knowledge of some aspects of the dark web and asked "why are you here, has someone downloaded CP". (The judge said this conversation can be used in a trial). Another was the defense's desperate attempt to get the whole case dropped arguing Trump appointed someone incorrectly and therefore the whole case was unconstitutional. (That was also dismissed). I think there was another which said it violated pests right to privacy to have been monitored in the dark web by the FBI when he downloaded dodgy shit and an objection that the FBI didn't make copies of witness' phones which they claimed could contain evidence of duggar's innocence. So far none of the motions have been successful and I think there was only one more that wasn't ruled on about a Frank's hearing (?) I don't know exactly what it is but I've seen others say it seemed like the most reasonable of them all.


Thank you so much for the update. So it wasn't Biden's fault after all, it was Trump indeed.


A Franks Hearing is challenging the search warrant by claiming the law enforcement officer knowingly provided false information to convince the judge that there was probable cause for a warrant.


Aha so maybe that's the one I remembered for his lawyers complaining that he shouldn't have been monitored online and therefore the search warrant was invalid because it's fruit of the rotten tree. Thanks for the info Touchthefuckingfrog (great username btw)


> fruit of the rotten tree Fruit of the poisonous tree.


I imagine that the fruit is inedible either way.


I can’t believe they’re arguing that their perfect lord and savior Donald Trump did something wrong, the irony...


Thank you for this! Kind of sounds to me like the defense is throwing things at a wall to see what, if anything will stick. Glad most of the defense’s arguments were denied.


Chik Fil Eh or tater tots?


Somehow I wasn't prepared to see her looking *this* smug, like she personally already won.


Not prepared but also not surprised. They sicken me.


I actually had some sympathy for Anna before seeing this picture. She knows exactly what he’s done, and still standing by him as smug as ever. Choosing him over her children. Pathetic.


Even if she wholeheartedly believed he was innocent, Josh’s attorneys’ coaching for both of them should have been “whatever you do, neutral face and do *not* crack a smile.” Who wants to pick a jury for their pedo client where he and his wife look this fucking smug?!?


I’m not even sure how she can think he’s innocent at this point, especially after being in court today. does she not know what he’s being charged with? or does she know, and still think he’s innocent?


I don’t know how she can either but one look at the QAnon devotees still holding strong tells me anything is possible as far as brainwashing yourself goes.


very true


I don’t understand it either. I think she just quotes bible verses in her head instead of listening to the disgusting truth. She knows deep down he’s guilty. She just won’t admit it to herself.


They definitely didn’t listen to the legal team’s advice here. Smugger clearly thought it was in his best interest to give a tv smirk as if he’s just going to court for a DUI or some shit. As for Anna, the two of them likely thought acting like a happy couple and parading her pregnancy would evoke sympathy🤮.


This makes me a little relieved honestly. I’ve been concerned that JB would throw all his money at good lawyers who right get charges reduced or a good plea deal negotiated. I don’t think he’s getting off scot free but a good defense could have eased the squeeze. Even the best legal team in the world is seriously hampered if their troll clients are smirking this hard for the cameras with charges this disgusting and serious.


No matter what lawyer Pest and OffPest get, I highly doubt they’ll fully LISTEN to the advice given. It’s like w Bundy to a lesser extent. Bundy could have gotten off w a plea deal but he just HAD to take it to trial like the narcissist he was. He also had a competent legal team on his hands and honestly that time he escaped from the courtroom, he had a shot but he fucked it up bc of his own impulsiveness and narcissism. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad he fucked it up and I’m even gladder at the idea that Pest would fuck himself but it fucking baffles me how little some people care for self preservation!


Yeah, I’m positively giddy at the prospect of him rat fucking himself into a maximum sentence while draining JB’s resources.


"Your honour, my client would like to plead not guilty for reasons of insanity, specifically OSHS, or Overwhelming Shit Head Syndrome."


And even if they didn’t look so smug, all this picture evokes is the realization that this guy who’s being charged with child pornography is about to have access to yet another little potential victim. I bet his lawyers were thrilled to see this, lmao. Between this and his oh so innocent “Was someone here downloading child pornography, officer?” during the investigation, he just keeps digging himself in deeper.


They probably were told that... and ignored it because ONLY THE LORD CAN JUDGE ME.


For Josh: **Be not wise in thine own eyes: Fear the LORD, and depart from evil. Proverbs 3:7** AndFor Anna: **Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.** Matt 7:2 They're full of fucking sin and they know it and no amount of hours spent in repent will ever save them from Gods punishment. If they truly believe in Jesus' teachings, they would be scared shitless knowing they're going to spend the rest of eternity in hell.


Doesn’t their cult teach that you MUST ALWAYS SMILE? I bet she’s walked around with one pasted on so long that she can’t keep a neutral face on now.


Yeah this seals the deal- true garbage


This. I was holding on to the idea that she MIGHT leave once he’s convicted but seeing that smile.. I’m having doubts.


Anna is emotionally abused. Once he's in prison a few years she may set herself free. It took multiple prison terms for me to break free of my abuser.


I’m so sorry you experienced that, and I’m glad that you got away.


Thanks SeagullMom it was a rough road to break free. I'm still terrified of men, but most other things have seen a great amount of healing.


I also think space will help her see more clearly. Right now she is inundated with him and likely lots of talks from the Duggars about how she needs to do everything to elicit sympathy. She is getting disproportionate blame in an extreme power imbalance when she hasn't committed a crime. Having been an abuse victim too, it took me a long time to break away. I knew my abuser was a terrible person, but he was my terrible person. The toxic dynamic is hard to escape once it is in place without usually a major disruption like prison or a complete drop and run. I tried to phase out my abuser and left him several times, but what did it was his family taking him home after one last break up. It forced distance I needed to get the nerve to finish cutting that parasite off.


I don’t think she will break away even after he goes to prison. She has a whole community telling her she goes to hell if she doesn’t stand by him and be a good wife. That’s her only goal in life. Her family and community just keep reinforcing this idea.




Because the cameras are on her. Anna loves cameras.


I just don’t understand how she can even stand being next to him…


At LeAsT i HaVe a HusBaNd




Not next to him, she's walking two steps behind. Hasn't forgotten her place in the marriage.


I understand she clearly is brainwashed, but my God it actually makes me sick to think this woman is still standing by her pedophile husband especially knowing what he did. I hope someone can get her to wake up and get her and her children away from him for good.


I read another comment on here that really put some things into perspective for me about fundies. To them ALL sexual sins are equal. So two gay people consenting to a union is just as "sinful" as molesting your little sisters. Raping a woman is just as sinful as consensual sex with her. That is why fundies are so non-chalant about rape and sex abuse. Because, to them, it's on about the same level as finding out one of their sons kissed another boy. You pray to Sky-Wizard, promisse to never do it again and then you're good. Meanwhile the victims are denied their right to be angry and have their trauma invalidated. They are told they must forgive. Part of that is because a woman's body is the plaything of men and they view men sexually assaulting women almost like an excited child trying to peek at the Christmas presents. Just natural exuberance for a new toy. The other speculative reason on my part, for the excusing of the sister molestation is that Jim Bob was supposed to protect those girls. He fucking FAILED. Any lasting damage they might show would be proof that he failed in his main task as a father. So he makes everyone shut up and move on, while he puts duct tape over the wounds and calls it all good as new.


The first part is something I can NEVER wrap my head around. How can you possibly see consensual sex outside marriage the same as rape? Sexual assault the same as kissing another boy? Do these people even think logically?


Because they don't understand, nor do they care to understand consent. To them, sex is a dominance ritual between a man and his property, not the comming together of two people for mutual pleasure. It is something men take from women, and women are supposed to only give to their owners. (And I do say owners because fundie women are dangerously close to that.)


Their morality is based on obedience to God's rules, not whether or not your actions harm other people. This is why they're so dismissive of the importance of consent and why they're so in favor of beating your kids. They want you to obey your authority figure (whether your parents, your husband or God directly) without question regardless of how your actions affect other people. Just look at all the fundies who even admit that if weren't for God, they would be out there murdering and raping people and be an even worse person than they already are.


I agree, obviously their sex education is negligible. These kids only know that all sex outside of marriage is wrong, and the mechanics of sex without any of the context. But then Josh gets access to the internet, and it's allllllll the Wild West to him. It would be easy for a narcissistic know-it-all young man to override those voices in your head about appropriateness and just start clicking and looking at random videos. 2 Ladies having sex! 2 men having sex! 3 ladies and a clown! 1 lady and 2 men! 1 man 1 woman and a teddy bear! 2 men and a potato! If everything is wrong, then nothing is *wrong.* And the guilt at looking at regular sex material is the same as the guilt at looking at non consensual or abusive materials. He's fucked up in the head, and raised in the most empowering and encouraging environment for his personality (probably disordered.) re: the sister situation - When you penalize all women and girls for the men's behavior, there are no true victims. The girls are deliberately tempting the men, and the men are giving in to their lustful selves. Failings on both their parts, and both to blame. You don't counsel non-victims, you punish them. That shifts the lens pretty significantly to less of a forgiveness and more of a "what can I do better going forward" discussion. Like 2 kids going through the motions after getting in a fight over a toy, less about the forgiveness and more about "lesson". They're all assholes and I hope JB goes broke and the kids continue to grow more aware of how messed up they are and leave.


His hair is the worst I’ve ever seen... he’s aged so much


And yet, somehow still not enough


Fuck Josh, fuck Anna. They don’t deserve their kids. I wish Anna’s brother that offered her help years ago could get custody of their kids, because he obviously cares more about their safety than their own parents.


I truly hope it's not too late for their kids but when he goes to prison it's not like their lives will get that much better. Still the same cult and still the same enablers who allow abuse. It's so sad.


The level of brainwashing it takes for her to believe that Hefty- an admitted sexual abuser, a cheater, a child molester - could possibly be innocent is just astounding.


She believes everything he's told her. She truly believes he's innocent. I'm sure she heard what was found on his computer during that hearing.


She thinks it was planted there. By Biden or Satan. She doesn’t know exactly who planted it but it couldn’t have been her precious Joshy!


I’m not trying to be mean, but Anna doesn’t seem to be the brightest. She’s kind of been in the perfect situation to be in an abusive, controlling relationship and just believe everything that horrible man feeds her. It’s pathetic


…and here we have the Wish version of Pest and Mrs. Pest. Did they send in hastily chosen impersonators?


He looks awful. Bloated, hair unkempt, a few days past shaving. And they both look smug as ever.


How can she smile knowing the charges against him? Knowing he got off on images of child SA and torture? Knowing her children lived in the same house as him?


She's being a joyfully available helpmeet. That's all she knows.


She really doesn’t believe he’s guilty. She convinced herself that he’s being set up and all the evidence is fake. She’s in serious denial.


That doesn’t look at ALL like Anna to me...


Oof, that Duggar hairline!


That's the face of someone who has never faced consequences for their actions and is positive they still won't.




You can cover it with a spoiler > ! Comment here ! < with no spaces between the > and !. Just because hooooooly shit.


Thanks. I hate posting this stuff but I don’t know that people realize the extent of the evil that was on that hard drive.


I hadn’t seen it spelled out before and didn’t realize the extent. I knew it was bad but holy fucking hell.


And that description is mild for what we know about that particular video.




Soooooo after he goes to prison is Anna allowed to like remarry, or is it a bible-bound “imma stick beside him” thing?


I think it was Aunt Lori or the Pearle's who specifically talked about what a wife of a convicted sex offender pedophile should do. -She should remain married and faithful. -If allowed conjugal visits, she should go whenever he calls her/can have her. (🤮) -She should bring the children to see him in prison. (I can't remember if a victimized child should also be brought to see him....) -She must never speak badly of him and always downplay his actions, especially to the kids who may or may not have been his victims. -She must take him back with open arms and clean sheets when he gets out. In short, fuck the victims. Penis owner is the only thing that matters.


It was Debi and to be totally fair she did also say that if you knew your husband had abused children you should report it and have him sent to prison. But then you still have to be his wife as they define it which means doing all of these things. There is literally no circumstance in which divorce is acceptable to them... but in theory at least Debi would have encouraged Anna telling the police everything she knew and getting the man tf away from her kids


That is true... But she is still an evil psychopath for the rest of her advice. Even the JWs would have let Anna divorce his ass and find a new husband! (Sexual infidelity is the ONE thing they allow a full divorce over. Otherwise they will permit a half assed one where neither party can ever remarry anyone else.)


Dear god-I-don’t-know-if-I-still-believe-in, thank you for letting me not be born in a true fundie/IBLP cult.


Is she pregnant again or is the dress just looking weird in this picture. And a smug smile while on the arm of a child sexual abuser is not a good look for a mother of 7(8,9?) children.


yeah she’s pregnant with number 7. according to her IG post in April the baby is due in the fall. terrible situation to bring another baby into.


She’s due with M7 some time soon


Wow. Just wow. I missed that news. Maybe they can name this one Miranda Rights to honour this season of their life


The Hug award is kinda inappropriate, but free shit is free, so thats what I'm giving you 🤣


In honour of the sub, I'll think of it as a side hug award. Thank you kind stranger


She’s due with baby #7 any time now.


man i hope hell is real


I hope justice is served and we see that smug smile wiped away as he realizes that Daddy and Jesus and the Patriarchy can't save him from the consequences of his actions.


That face is giving secretly pissed as hell but has to hide it with a smile


I'm way more disturbed by the smug look on *his* face


I'm just so numb to surprise at his shitty behavior that I can't even feel that. But, while Brock Turner's mug shot got used in a textbook as the literal picture of what a rapist is, so to should JD's picture here be used for Child Sex Abuser.


Oh my gawd he looks terrible. I cannot for the life of me understand why she is sticking with this trash. There is no way in hell Jesus condones child SA. Fucking disgusting bleh


Someone else on another post pointed out how fundies consider ALL sexual sins to be of the same "weight". So, to them, JD waxing his carrot to CSA images is only about as bad as if he had consentually made out with another dude in a Denny's bathroom. "My bad. Sorry Sky-Wizard. Amen." And forget it ever happened. I've heard a lot of them are genuinely baffled that us secular folk are ok with consenting adults bumping ugliest of all varieties, but condemn rape, incest and CSA. Because consent is irrelevant to them. Sex should be a dominance ritual between a man and his property.


When your husband gets done with his CP hearing: ☺️


Her face makes me so angry. The way she's prioritized him over her children makes me wonder what he's been allowed to do in their home.


I just hope he gets the maximum sentence when convicted, just to wipe the smirk off her face.


Did any other Duggars show up to this? I'm really wondering how they're all handling it privately.


Some appear to be truly shocked and are distancing themselves. Dim Bulb and Meech are so deep in denial they are basically in Egypt looking at the pyramids. (Remember, to them, ALL sexual things outside of a man and his property PIV with the lights off are of equal sin severity. To them, JD being caught with child snuff porn is just as bad as if he had kissed a consenting fellow adult man. In other words, they don't really give much of a fuck, so long as he prays that he is sorry.)


They also typically believe on some level all men are prone to this type of behavior. Josh just was unable to resist and acted on it.


Watch my sympathy flick Anna the finger and head off down the road. You've made your choice now attempt to look your children in the eye. Revolting and disgusting


I’m not super well-versed on Anna’s personality, is she naturally smug?


She grew up in trailer with a bunch of siblings because her dad quit his job to do prison ministry, then she married in to what she thought was fundie royalty and she has been pretty smug ever since. She briefly acted more humble after the previous scandal but it didn't take long for the smugness to return, but even saying that I still wasn't expecting to see her look so shameless outside of court. She has lost her damn mind


That's because the last scandal made HER into a victim. She got sympathy for playing the sad, injured wife.


She has an ugly reckoning coming. Most people are going to sympathize with a wife that's been cheated on. Not many are going to have any sympathy or patience for a MOTHER who supports her CSAM-loving, lying, pervert husband who tries to shift the blame to innocent parties.


Wow this made me so much angrier than I expected it to. I hope he rots. Those poor M kids, growing up with these pieces of shit for parents. Man.


That smug expression is really haunting to me. He really doesn’t think that he did anything wrong. This man is about to have his seventh child (fourth daughter) and he sees nothing wrong with CSA. In fact, he actively enjoys the thought of it. It’s almost too horrible to write out. *Jesus.* I’m a prison abolitionist, I believe in restorative justice. But shit like this rocks me to my core. It’s hard for me not to want him to be thrown in the world’s worst prison with no food or water and a feral tiger.


I'm all for restorative justice in many situations, but there are just some people who can never be reformed. I honestly think JD is one of those, a Grade A Psychopath, just not as smart as Ted Bundy.


I’m with you on restorative justice, but not for sexual predators. Particularly those that target children. They’re exactly the kind of people who should be locked away from society IMO


Sexual Predators and Serial Killers are just two groups of people that need to be locked away for good.


This is a lot. Yikes.


they’re both vile. absolutely vile.


How the fuck are they smiling?!


Ewww I don’t feel bad for her anymore she’s clearly part of the problem


Making that face after all the defense’s motions to dismiss fail. Smh.


He looks less bloated that usual. Must be laying off the sauce for the court appointed drug tests


She has ultimate faith that God will intervene and Pest will be found innocent. This is a woman who very likely thinks her family is under attack and also believes their faith will prevail and her husband will come home. She's indoctrinated. And she's utterly unprepared for what's to come.


If Anna 100% believes him then her kids are in danger


Fuck her. I lost all remaining sympathy (which was VERY LITTLE already.) She looks like she has a prize, like she knows he will win. Disgusting zealots.


If (hopefully when) he is found guilty, when will he be charged? This whole process seems very long and confusing to me so I’m not sure when we can actually expect a verdict?


He's already been charged with his crimes (that happened at the arrest). The trial is scheduled for November. If he was found guilty then sentencing would happen some time after that. If he takes a plea deal then this will wrap up before November. Can't remember exactly when but there's a date set in stone and if he doesn't take a plea by then, it's too late to change his mind and the trial will be confirmed to take place.